
Primordial Monarch System

Guys Check out my new WSA novel, Divine Necromancer: I Can Design My Own Summons ....................... The world and heavens rely on him to keep them safe. Yet!!! They are the ones who are holding him from becoming stronger. This Him is Henry, our protagonist. Henry will be born with no talent however one misfortune night he will gain unthinkable talent at the cost of his loved ones. That night he will get a system that will remove all of his talent limiters. It will allow him to pursue his dream and establish order in the apocalypse that has occurred due to the receding of spiritual energy. Then he will also establish order in other worlds and then when the time will come. He will kill the one responsible for the receding of spiritual energy.

Eternal_Soveregin · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
133 Chs

Chapter 72: Destroying the spiritual energy core (2)

"Yes, I am almost within reach of the core. I am just a few steps away from destroying the core."He exclaimed in excitement.

He retracted some spiritual energy from the ripping sword and channeled that spiritual energy into his left arm.

The arm glowed brightly and emitted a blue glow. He felt strong energy overflowing in his arm.

"Time to strike, ''Henry roared.

He punched the door with all his might, the banging of the door could be heard throughout the entire place.

The sound of banging is so loud that it was almost like a meteorite had crashed on the earth.

A second later, more cracks appeared on the door.

"This is probably going to be the last punch needed to break the door," Henry muttered.

He took a deep breath and channeled some more spiritual energy into his sword. Then he punched the area that had a cracked spot on it.

A loud sound resounded through the entire place, it was like a boulder had been broken.

An enormous amount of spiritual energy rushed outside, it was like the water that flows out from a broken dam

Pieces of metal flew toward the inside of that room at an incredible speed.

"Finally Finally, I have succeeded in destroying the door" He roared in happiness and excitement

A huge hole had formed in the door. The hole was large enough for a person to fit in.

He entered the room through the hole in the door. Right at the moment he entered, his pores started to absorb the spiritual energy at an incredible speed.

He felt a calming sensation through his body when he entered the room.

He took a look around and saw hundreds of guards staring at him like he was some sort of monster.

In the middle of the room, there was a huge blue rock and it was attracting spiritual energy into it and absorbing it.

He scanned the bodies of the group of cultivators from head to toe.

He smiled broadly seeing this, then he let out a chuckle.

"So they are the ones who are guarding this place. Their cultivation is really low. I can get rid of them within a few breaths.

So they won't lose a problem to me" He muttered under his breath.

He started to channel as much spiritual energy as he could into his sword.

His sword soon let out a radiant blue glow that illuminated the surrounding area.

A terrifying amount of pressure came out from the sword, this caused some of the soldiers to fall to the ground.

"Pull yourself together, we will have to protect the spiritual energy absorber at any cost!!"The leading cultivator roared as he tried to overcome the pressure being exerted on his body.

Even before the troops would have the time to follow his orders, Henry appeared in front of the leader of the troop.

He pointed his sword toward the neck of the leader.

The leader was completely caught off guard, even before he would have the chance to lower his head.

His sword passed through his neck like a knife passing through butter.

In less than a second, the head was separated from his body, hence following to the ground.

A fountain of blood was coming where his head previously was.

"Done, now it's time to take care of the small fries" He exclaimed loudly.

When the remaining guard heard this, they felt a chill run through their spines. They subconsciously wanted to run away.

Even before they would have the time to react, a blue flash of light rushed towards them.

The blue flash of light passed through them. This blue flash of light was Henry.

"Done, now I will destroy the spiritual energy absorber and scream from here.

Without the Ocean Of Death, I won't be able to finish them so quickly."He muttered under his breath calmly

A second after he said that, countless wounds appeared all over the body of the guards, they started to bleed heavily and fell to the ground.

Later met their demise.

He walked towards the spiritual energy absorber and appeared in front of less than a second.

He scanned the entire spiritual energy absorber, he can see a blue aura rushing toward it. The blue aura is being stored in a crystal that's in the ground.

"Hmm, the blue aura was the spiritual energy that's being absorbed" He muttered under his breath.

He focused on the crystal calmly for the next few minutes, a second later, red spots appeared on it.

"I will have to be at my peak to destroy it so let me just wait for my spiritual energy to be completely replenished" He muttered under his breath.

He kept his sword on the ground and sat there for the next few minutes using his cultivation technique to replenish his spiritual energy.

The pores greedily absorbed the dense spiritual energy from the surrounding area. A few seconds later, his dantain was full so he stood up and stretched his arms lazily.

"Done, now I should try to destroy the spiritual energy absorber."He muttered under his breath.

He picked up the sword that he had kept on the ground and channeled as much spiritual energy as he could into the sword.

He calmed down his nerves, muscles and focused on destroying the spiritual energy absorber.

In less than a second, red spots appeared all over the spiritual energy absorber.

"I should be able to destroy the spiritual energy absorber if I use all of my strength," He thought to himself

The sword started to glow brightly and illuminated the surrounding with its luminous light.

A terrifying amount of power could also be felt from within the sword. The pressure is so great that it would be enough for any mortal to fall unconscious if they made contact with it.

The red spots on the spiritual energy were getting fader and fader, and slowly but surely a golden glow started to form on the spiritual energy absorber.

There were dozens of golden spots on the spiritual energy absorber.

"If I can slash all the golden spots with sufficient strength then I should be able to destroy the entire absorber.

However, it's a waste that I won't be able to absorb the spiritual energy stored in the crystal for cultivation since reinforcement is going to appear soon" Henry exclaimed, letting out a long sigh.

The spots on the spiritual energy started to emit a golden glow as he channeled spiritual energy into his sword.

He charged towards the golden spots on the spiritual energy absorber at an incredible speed in the blink of an eye, he had hit dozens of golden spots on the spiritual energy absorber.

The spiritual energy started to leak from the crystal at incredible speed. It was like water coming out of a broken dam.

A second later, he landed on the ground

"I just need to hit a few more spots after that the absorber should explode"He muttered under his breath.

The golden spots had started to lose their golden glow and slowly turned red. There are still around 30 spots left on the absorber.

"Oh no shit, I must hurry or else I won't be able to destroy it.

I will have to destroy them at the same time. If I were to slash the golden spots by one then I won't be able to slash all of them.

Hence, failing to destroy the spiritual energy absorber.

I must enhance my senses or else it won't be possible for me to hit all of them at once." He muttered under his breath.

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, he focused on destroying the absorber, and the world around him slowed down even more.

Even though his eyes are closed, he can feel the world slowly slowing down. His senses were evolving to a whole new limit.

His mind became clearer than a crystal, his hearing also got better.

He can even hear the slightest sounds in the surrounding area. He abruptly opened his eyes, his vision also got better.

"My senses have reached the peak of a mortal" Henry muttered under his breath as he tightened the grip on his sword.

A second later, a notification flashed in his retina.