
Primordial Ascendance

A battle was so fierce it rippled through galaxies, The creator versus his creation- The first man. Although the first man attained great power beyond comprehension, he was defeated and sealed by the creator, but it came with a price. The creator was weakened beyond comprehension making him fall into a deep slumber, only his will remained to guard the world. Over five thousand years have passed and the world has evolved, animals have gained intelligence, new races have emerged and some have fallen. Races have found a way to tap into an already existing energy- ether, making them physically stronger, faster, and performing unimaginable feats.

TobbyBrahm · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
118 Chs


Before the bandits closed into Licht and Midas, from afar they saw the two of them and were slightly underwhelmed as they expected maybe a fight from the both of them to make it a bit interesting but now looking at a boy that had streamlined muscles but his face looked like he had barely gone through puberty and a man that looked more too pretty to be a fighter, maybe he had odd habits and dressed like a drag queen.

As they got within earshot, the sissy man floated into a tree and then he sat down but before they could attack him with spells, arrows, and spears, the boy spoke "Don't bother my master. Your opponent is me."

The bandits paused for a moment and then they all burst into laughter.

"You want to face all fifty of us?"

"Boy, better crawl back into your mother's belly"

"I am sure his balls haven't even dropped yet"

The bandits kept on making vulgar comments, but you could see they kept a hint of vigilance toward Licht as they were sure he was a wind ether caster.

Licht just continued to stare at them with a cold smile on his face.

Midas just stood there while they laughed. He was still a bit nervous at the thought of killing other humans, he took a deep breath and then a dark green aura gathered around him. The bandits all stopped laughing as they stared at the aura turning to armor around Midas. Since Midas fused all his beast souls together, their weapon form became a full set of armor and weapons. The entire armor looked like the carapace of a scorpion, it even had two long stingers at the waist area while he had large wings on his back, the helmet looked like the maw of a Jaguar, the gauntlets, the shoulder, elbow, and knee joints had spikes on them. Midas held a claymore in his hands looking like a demon conqueror ready to cleave his enemies in half.

The bandits saw Midas and they all felt a shiver move up their spines. The next sight they all saw was a blur and then they heard a yell from the right. They all turned their eyes in that direction, they saw one of their bandits brothers, his torso had been stabbed through by the claymore with Midas holding the other end.

If they could see the look in Midas eyes, they might have had the confidence to fight back, because the look in his eyes was one of guilt and disgust but then in about a second, he cleared the look in his eyes and the only thing left there was conviction.

He pulled out the claymore from the screaming bandit, the bandit fell down, and then as the blood from his body drained out so did the life in his eyes.

Midas was walking slowly towards the others when the captain yelled "He is just one little boy. We are still over fifty men. Attack!!!"

All of the bandits woke up from their fearful daze and wielded their weapons for those who used weapons while the casters prepared their spells.



"Water blast"

"Flame bolt"

"Grass whip"

"Lightning slash"

"Earth stomp"


"Psych wave"

All the attacks landed on Midas. The bandits thought he was dead, they all released a sigh of relief and then looked toward Licht.

"Looks like your little boytoy was all talk"

"You are next, sissy man"

"How about I play with him before we kill him?"

"Ughh, Cuire, we are not letting you do that again."

"The last guy could not even last two rounds, it was not my fault"

"You kept on slashing him after every stroke, if he had survived that he would have been the freak"

The bandits were talking and then they started an argument between themselves while Licht was staring with that smile on his face.

"Why do you all assume you killed me?" They all heard a voice behind them and they turned around.

They saw a headless body and saw it was another bandit and standing above that body was Midas without a scratch on his armor.

At this point, all the bandits were scared shitless, even their captain who roused them up was currently shivering and looking for a way to escape.

"You sullied my master's name, for that you must DIE." Midas looked at Cuire then dashed forward.

Cuire saw a blur and then felt a sharp pain at his groin area, he yelled as he felt something cold from the top of his head to his groin. He had been cut in half by Midas. All this took less than three seconds.

Midas then started hacking and slashing all the bandits as they tried to run away, arms were sent flying from bodies, intestines could be seen hanging from the bodies of some bandits as they tried to push them in while running for their lives, and some of the bandits even trampled their fellow bandits brothers but they did not seem to care. There was screaming and crying but Midas did not seem to care. After a couple of minutes, Midas stood alone in a river of blood within the clearing, he was covered in blood accentuating that demon conqueror look. Entrails were sprawled around, on the faces of the dead bandits, you could see their final moments were not pleasant. Above their bodies were dark green wisps which were their souls that could not leave as Midas had controlled them to stay but not absorbed them yet.

After a couple of moments, he looked toward Licht as Licht floated down toward him. He patted Midas on the back saying "This is the path you chose, the path of a demon king. In order to have million loyal subordinates, you have to kill tens of millions of enemies"

Midas looked at the ground then at his fist which he clenched then back at Licht. The look in his eyes was one of unwavering will and conviction, it was like he had an inextinguishable fire in his eyes.

Licht nodded and then waved his hands. From the forest, plants and vines brought forth one of the bandits, Gabe, the bandit that called reinforcements that all ended up dead under Midas's sword.

As Gabe was brought forward by the vines, he wanted to pass put as he had seen the destruction and carnage that Midas brought upon his bandit mates.