
All Things Take Time to Heal

As soon as they saw me, Auntie Rona hurriedly wiped her tears away using the floral handkerchief she is holding. They are seated hand by hand on the chairs located at the hallway.

"Chlea, where are you going?" She managed to give me a warm smile despite the redness of her eyes while Uncle Ryan looked extremely knackered but smiled, still. Reflecting the Filipino people's resiliency amidst hardships.

I held on to the straps of my backpack. "I will buy dinner for us Auntie because the food ration is only for the admitted patient." 

"Do you have money? Here, take this." Uncle Ryan managed to get a 100 peso bill out of his soiled pocket 

"No, it's on me, Uncle. Don't worry about anything, alright?" I assured them. Auntie Rona nodded as tears escaped her tired eyes. Uncle Ryan hanged his head low.

"Thank you, Chlea." Uncle Ryan uttered while comforting Auntie Rona.