
Prime: Mystic Arts in DC

"Step aside and witness the true meaning of Young Justice," Aiden Cross. --- In a world where the boundary between good and evil blurs, sixteen-year-old Aiden finds himself thrust into the heart of it all. Rescued from impending danger by the sorcerer Giovanni Zatara, Aiden's ordinary existence takes a dramatic turn as he uncovers latent powers within himself. "Master of the Mystic Arts?" Aiden ponders, feeling the knowledge, wisdom, and experience stir within him. He recognizes the Cloak, the Eye, and the Sling Ring, contemplating whether to join the ongoing conflict between the Justice League and Wotan. However, his journey is far from smooth, and his transformation is one of Cosmic evolution as he teaches DC what it truly means to be a Sorcerer Supreme and the Undisputed Master of the Mystic Arts. ~Prime

SorcererPrime · Filmes
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14 Chs

Chapter 14. Santa Prisca Part 1.

(General POV)

"Eerhh..." Superboy groaned as he pushed the giant boulder blocking the secret entrance aside. Contrary to Aiden's expectations, none of the Team members had opposed the decision to press forward rather than retreating and calling in the Justice League.

To foster greater unity and cohesion within the Team, Aiden encouraged them to determine who would take on the role of Team Leader and guide their actions moving forward.

While Robin appeared to be the natural choice due to his training and experience with Batman, his impulsive tendencies disqualified him from consideration.

Both Megan and Superboy declined the leadership role, and Kid expressed a disdain for the seriousness often associated with leadership.

In a surprising move, Aiden nominated Kaldur for the position, recognizing his calm and composed demeanor as valuable assets, especially considering how Santa Prisca would end turning up.

Additionally, Aiden was curious to witness Kaldur's journey toward becoming a leader that would finally lead the Justice League.

"I almost thought that the situation with Bane would end up backfiring on me," Aiden sighed as the Team entered the factory via the secret entrance Megan had extracted from Bane's memory.

Without awaiting Kaldur's command, Robin vanished into the shadows with characteristic swiftness.

"I thought you were the team leader?" Kid complained to Kaldur. "It's your responsibility to ensure he doesn't act impulsively, or he'll end up getting himself killed."

Without hesitation, Kid activated his superspeed, darting after Robin to provide cover.

Meanwhile, Aiden's mind swirled with plans for his next move as he remained with the rest of the team. He knew exactly what he wanted, and he was determined to secure it before leaving Santa Prisca.

"Helicopter incoming," Superboy remarked, his super-hearing detecting the approach of an aircraft. They were observing as the Cult of Kobra moved shipments of new products, different from the usual Venom, using industrial carts.

"They could have at least waited for Miss Martian to set up a psychic link," Aiden commented on Robin's and Kid's abrupt departure.

"We've got comms," Superboy gestured to the device in Kaldur's ear.

"Helicopter incoming? I think the bad guys are clever enough to jam signals when something is about to go down," Aiden added.

"Aqualad to Robin. Come in," Kaldur spoke via his comm, only to be met with the annoying sound of static.

"You'd better use your abilities to spy on the incoming aircraft, Miss Martian. I have a feeling it belongs to the 'buyer'," Aiden said, seizing the opportunity to slip away and carry out his secret mission.

"I'll go check on our two rogues," Aiden said, disappearing before Miss Martian could set up a psychic link with him, and leaving Kaldur with a discontented look on his face.

(Aiden's POV)

Stealthily and cautiously, I navigated my way to the storage area containing the coveted Kobra-Venom, my heart pounding with anticipation for the daring plan forming in my mind.

"It's a risky move," I acknowledged to myself, weighing the potential consequences of my actions. "But the rewards could be substantial."

As I surveyed the crates housing the precious serum, I couldn't help but consider the transformative power it held within. The thought of gaining enhanced abilities was tantalizing, despite the potential risks.

"Kobra-Venom offers unparalleled power," I reasoned, recalling its effects on Mammoth and its superiority over other serums like Venom or Blockbuster. "If I'm going to push my limits and break the system, this is the key."

With desire fueling my resolve, I secretly moved to a nearby crate, concealing myself in the shadows. But as I reached for a vial of Kobra-Venom, a nagging doubt crept into my mind.

"Am I too fixated on power?" I questioned myself, grappling with the underlying motivations driving my actions. "Or is this the necessary path to unlocking my true potential?"

In the end, the allure of newfound strength proved too enticing to resist. With a calculated decision, I swiftly pocketed the vial of Kobra-Venom, my mind already racing with plans for its use. I also strategized on how I would conceal its whereabouts further.

But before I could make my escape, a sudden impulse seized me. "Why stop at one serum?" I reasoned, my ambition driving me to push the boundaries further.

With a sparkling glint in my eye, I set my sights on the Venom, knowing its potential for enhancing physical prowess without the consequence of grotesque transformation. And with a quick mental note of its location, I turned my attention to causing a distraction in the factory.

"Time to stir up some chaos," I muttered to myself, a thrill of excitement coursing through my veins as I leaped into action.

Summoning my Ruyi Bang, I prepared to face the alerted cultists head-on, eager to demonstrate the fruits of my training, regardless of how the rest of the Team might perceive my unorthodox tactics.

"Why is it always the bad guys with the guns?" I remarked wryly as a tsunami of bullets rained down on me from all sides. Fortunately, I quickly erected multiple constructs to shield myself from the onslaught, deflecting the bullets as I charged toward the two nearest adversaries.

"But since they are made from Energy limits, I doubt they can with-hold from bullets like a shield conjured from my Energy Unlimit." I theorized, noting my limitation and knowing I had to rely on them creatively, not solely.

With swift and precise strikes from my Ruyi Bang, I incapacitated the two cultists closest to me, sending them sprawling to the ground.

"Whatever happened to covert?" I heard the unmistakeable voice of Kaldur admonishing me as he and Superboy joined in the fray. "And following orders?" Kaldur added.

"You nominated me as Team Leader, Young Justice," Kaldur reminded me firmly. "That means no one acts without my orders."

"Erm... can we debate this later?" I called out as I swiftly dispatched a group of incoming cultists with a flurry of multiple dagger constructs (sharing the same energy limit). Though a few managed to land hits, I observed with interest as one was redirected by a cultist, striking the wall instead.

"What do you know. The disposables in this world can actually fight back." I observed the cultist's action.

"It's not up for debate," Kaldur asserted, drawing closer. "I am the Team Leader, and you must follow my orders."

"Agreed," I nodded, my attention drawn to a nearby window as a monstrous figure burst into the fray with a thunderous crash. "And what are your orders on that?"

"It's likely the result of the new product," I remarked, swiftly evading Mammoth's path to allow him space for his grand entrance as he smashed through the bridge we stood upon.

"Subdue it, of course," Kaldur declared resolutely as Mammoth roared, charging forward and prompting Superboy to attempt to tackle him.

However, Mammoth's strength proved to be vastly superior to Superboy's, effortlessly lifting him off the ground and fueling my growing desire for the powers of the serum.

"Indeed, having superhuman strength in addition to my mystic abilities would be super advantageous," I concurred, my heart racing with excitement at the prospect.

"No need for much diversity in this battle." I noted that the full attention was on Mammoth as I morphed my Energy Unlimit into a pair of dual-bladed swords, recalling Wonder Woman's traing on the weapons.

In a seamless display of combat proficiency, I deftly wielded the energy blades, skillfully parrying the onslaught of attacks from the cultists while steadily advancing towards Mammoth.

Meanwhile, Kaldur also remained engaged in combat, holding his own against the cultists while Superboy grappled with the monstrous Kobra-Venom creature, exchanging fierce punches in a struggle of strength.

Drawing upon my training and the lessons gleaned from Wonder Woman's techniques, I morphed my energy blades into a flexible rope-like form reminiscent of the Lasso of Truth. With precision and finesse, I hurled it towards Sportsmaster's discarded javelin, which had been aimed at Miss Martian's invincible form.

With a swift motion, I manipulated the rope, diverting its trajectory towards Mammoth. As it neared its target, it detonated according to Sportsmaster's preset, grabbing Mammoth's attention.

"Step aside." I instructed Superboy, my voice brimming with courage as I prepared to confront the monstrous threat. "And witness my handle on this."

"I can't help but be reminded of someone just by looking at you," I mused, observing Mammoth's simmering anger as he scratched his face.

Mammoth bellowed furiously as he barreled towards me, prompting me to conjure yet another construct, drawing inspiration from his imposing form.

"Incredible Fist..." I bellowed, channeling my focus into visualizing the construct taking shape before me.

"... Smash!" I roared, unleashing a colossal fist of energy from my outstretched hand, hurtling towards Mammoth with the imagined might of the strongest punch ever.

