
Prime: Mystic Arts in DC

"Step aside and witness the true meaning of Young Justice," Aiden Cross. --- In a world where the boundary between good and evil blurs, sixteen-year-old Aiden finds himself thrust into the heart of it all. Rescued from impending danger by the sorcerer Giovanni Zatara, Aiden's ordinary existence takes a dramatic turn as he uncovers latent powers within himself. "Master of the Mystic Arts?" Aiden ponders, feeling the knowledge, wisdom, and experience stir within him. He recognizes the Cloak, the Eye, and the Sling Ring, contemplating whether to join the ongoing conflict between the Justice League and Wotan. However, his journey is far from smooth, and his transformation is one of Cosmic evolution as he teaches DC what it truly means to be a Sorcerer Supreme and the Undisputed Master of the Mystic Arts. ~Prime

SorcererPrime · Filmes
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14 Chs

Chapter 13. A Mission At Last

(Aiden's POV)

It was the second time aboard the Bio-Ship, with my companions and I securely strapped into our seats, each of us wearing a serious expression. Megan, with her skilled piloting, maneuvered the alien craft towards our destination: the first drop zone on Santa Prisca.

We were in a mission, at last. Anticipation coursed through me, eager to test my enhanced abilities against the sinister adversaries that awaited us on the island.

Batman had briefed us on the mission's objective: a covert reconnaissance operation to investigate the dormant distribution of the drug known as Venom. However, I was well aware that the mission would escalated into intense combat scenarios, with danger lurking at every turn.

The mission called for two separate drop zones, and as we approached "Drop Zone A," Megan signaled our arrival and activated the ship's camouflage mode, rendering it virtually invisible. I marveled at the Martian technology, fascinated by its versatility and efficiency.

Utilizing her telepathic link with the ship's systems, Megan seamlessly piloted the Bio-Ship, morphing its structure to suit our needs as effortlessly as breathing.

Kaldur descended in the first drop zone, plunging into the water with remarkable agility. His expertise in underwater operations was evident as he navigated the depths with ease and quickly surfaced. Quickly, he moved to deploy heat and motion sensors to gather essential reconnaissance data, and informed the rest of us.

As we approached "Drop Zone B," the remaining members of our team prepared to disembark onto the island, ready to gather further intelligence.

The prospect of participating in a mission orchestrated by Batman filled me with a sense of exhilaration, akin to being part of an elite ninja squad. However, despite his intervention to spare me from the ungodly-hour training, especially after a sleepless night, I couldn't shake the unease that settled in when I recalled the way he had stared at me during the brief.

His expression had remained characteristically composed and unimpressed, but the intensity of his gaze hinted at an underlying concern. In Batman's world, prolonged stares were never without significance, often indicating something concerning was up.

I had made a mental note to address that later.

Following Megan's telepathic instructions, the Bio-ship outfitted us with hooks for the drop, preparing us for a smooth descent onto the designated zone.

However, Superboy opted to forgo the hooks, asserting his desire to assert his individuality.

"Your unassisted descent could potentially trigger a seismic activity, compromising our covert operation," I interjected, though I knew persuading him mid-mission was futile.

In the confines of the cave, he exuded a sense of calm and composure, but in the heat of conflict, his demeanor often shifted to that of an egomaniac resistant to authority. This behavior had become evident during our encounter with Mister Twister, a battle that had been disappointingly straightforward (behind the scenes).

"Pass," Superboy retorted firmly.

As expected, our descent was anything but stealthy, courtesy of Superboy's forceful impact. Fortunately, no immediate confrontation ensued, affording us the opportunity to establish communication with Kaldur and initiate our advance toward the factory.

Swiftly navigating through the plantations with practiced precision, we made our way to a rugged terrain near a cascading waterfall, led by Boy Wonder. Witnessing Megan effortlessly levitate in the air sparked a yearning within me to soar with the Cloak once more, yet I couldn't help but curse the absurd restrictions that bound me.

"Break the freaking system," my inner voice urged, a reminder of a notion that had been lingering in my mind. However, with our mission hinging on maintaining covert operations, I refrained from further experimentation, wary of jeopardizing our cover and eroding my teammates' trust.

Amidst the group's distraction over Superboy's alert triggered by a distant twig snapping, I shadowed Boy Wonder as he deftly disappeared into the jungle, his movements unnoticed by the rest of the team.

Throughout, my gaze had remained fixed on him, particularly drawn to the sleek gadget adorning his wrist, enabling him to project and manipulate holographic imagery. As I marveled at its ingenuity, thoughts of acquiring such cutting-edge technology crept into my mind, aligning with my burgeoning ambition to establish a gaming company.

"Do you think the others will be pissed by our sudden disappearance?" I whispered the question behind Robin as he observed the data on his holographic interface.

"Wait. Aren't they with us?" He asked in confusion.

"I don't think they are mind readers, and they probably didn't see us slip away," I answered.

"Damn it," he cursed.

"I hear gunshots," I said, noting the sudden disruption.

"Yeah. Our cover's been blown," Robin confirmed.

"The others are skilled; they'll be alright," I affirmed with confidence. "Let's just continue with the mis-"

"Or we can do whatever the hell you're planning to do," Robin trailed off without notifying me, catching me off guard.

"...we are not mind readers you know," I caught up as Kid Flash complained to Robin for deserting them without a word. He was already in the middle of a fight with goons possessing firearms.

Using my Energy Unlimit, I conjured Ruyi Bang and guided it with flips to a goon with a gun, effectively incapacitating him.

"I second that," I chimed in, noticing how Robin had left me too.

"You don't get to complain either," Kid discounted my complaint. "You did the same exact thing."

"Well-" I didn't see how I could argue back.


(General POV)

With all the goons tied up to a tree, the Team resorted to regroup and reassess their next move. Robin recognized the uniforms of the goons as those belonging to the Cult of the Kobra, and Kaldur, having reunited with the Team, acknowledged Batman's lack of knowledge that such a dangerous extremist was running Santa Prisca

Among his teammates, Aiden stood silently, his attention drawn to one particular captive. His gaze fixated on the imposing figure of a goon, triggering a tumultuous conflict within him.

Bane. The mere thought of the name stirred memories of chaos and destruction, casting a shadow over Aiden's thoughts. Aiden's fists clenched involuntarily as he contemplated the possibility of ending Bane's reign of terror once and for all.

The temptation to rid the world of such a formidable threat was undeniable, yet a voice of reason whispered in the depths of his conscience. The voice that had been lecturing him on the principles of True Justice for the last several weeks.

"Your resolve should never waver," the words of his mentor echoed at the back of his mind. "In the battle between bias and perspective, ensure your mental fortitude."

Perspective dictated that Bane was a victim in this charade, his factory and operations having been taken over by the Cult of the Kobra. Bias from Aiden's memories dictated otherwise, however. Bane was a cruel and brutal villain when he needed to be.

As Aiden grappled with his conflicting emotions, a sense of unease crept over him. Why did he feel such a primal urge to eliminate Bane, and why did the prospect of taking a life fail to stir remorse within him? Where did he get these killer instincts?

"Hey, hey." Aiden heard a distant voice calling to him. "Are you okay, Young Justice?"

"I'm fine," Aiden replied to Megan's question, his voice carrying a grumpy undertone, as he released his clenched fists.

Aiden had been wrapped up in his thoughts for quite sometime that he hadn't notice that Kid and Robin were arguing over who should become Team Leader.

Chuckling, Bane attracted attention from the Team that seemed to be divided at the moment (Kid and Robin arguing). Bane saw this as a chance to reclaim his factory and take over his Venom operations once again, by utilizing the young heroes.

However, his plan was shot lived as Aiden made a move before he could tempt them with an offer for a shortcut, rendering him unconscious with a Mystic Punch (construct), reinforced by his unmeasured desire to kill the man.

"Don't listen to what he has to say," Aiden asserted firmly, his tone resolute. "I don't believe in negotiating with villains."

"When did it become just about you too?" Kid asked, looking at Aiden quizzically.

"The mission is no longer covert," Aiden declared authoritatively. "It's up to all of us to decide whether to resolve this ourselves or call in the Justice League, alerting them to the presence of the Cult of the Kobra operating on this island."

"I say we go in," Aiden asserted, casting his vote and fixing his gaze on the distant factory. "And take down the operation before it spreads to the world."

"We are not exactly aware of the intentions of the Cult of Kobra on this island." Kaldur voiced. "What you are suggesting is reckless. Going in unprepared could backfire, and cost us dearly."

"Think about it this way: why else would someone want to take over a drug-manufacturing factory, unless they had their own drug to produce or enhance?" Aiden explained, demonstrating his analytical prowess to the team. "Besides, who said we are going in unprepared. I'm sure Megan can read his mind now that he is unconscious and find a secret entrance into the factory."

"Seriously, you too?" Kid addressed Aiden. "How did we end up with two Boy Wonders in the Team. First you slip away together, and now you want to barge in against clear orders?"

"Well-" Aiden couldn't find the words to argue back, so he chose to ignore Kid's complaint.

"If the Cult is in the business of drugs, they are bound to establish a drug far greater than Venom. And from your expressions, I can establish that Venom is already as tough as they come." Aiden continued.

"What do you think will happen if we delay and allow it to spread to the world?" Aiden posed a critical question. "We will end up facing against stronger adversaries adicted to Kobra's new drug. This is a golden chance to break the supply, by eliminating the source."

"That's nothing but a bold theory." Kaldur stated.

"Then let's find out if his theory is any good, by infiltrating the factory." Robin stated, casting his vote to Aiden's side.

"What do you say, Megan?" Aiden asked Megan, knowing that she was critical to finding out the secret entrance. It was a gamble, but he knew that a telepath could read even the mind of someone unconscious.

Question was, could Bane resist mind-reading while unconscious?



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