
Primal online

Since childhood Wyatt has always followed the advice of the adults around him. Study hard! get a good job! honestly not bad advice the problem is that's all he has ever done. In the year 2200 the first immersive full-body VR system is being released and with it comes the insanely hyped MMORPG Primal Online. With everything, someone could ever want from a fantasy game, it's no surprise when it takes the world by storm. Never taking any time for hobbies or interests Wyatt's life has quickly fallen into a constant loop of mundane boredom waiting to be broken. This all changes one day when his cousin invites him to try this new game during a family get-together. It doesn't take long for a spark of interest to emerge. Disclaimer: This is my first novel as well as where I plan to simply practice writing to get more comfortable so I don't know how detailed or active it will be.

Quasy · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
50 Chs

Wolf King Battle

Suddenly waking feeling the presence of 3 intruders wolf king Arken lifted his head and glanced at the intruders.


Letting off a low growl Arken stared at the group with clear disdain and disgust in his eyes as if the group wasn't even worth his acknowledgment. Seeing the giant wolfs disgusted look Melody felt even more fired up to kill it.

Rushing ahead Mel appeared next to the wolf swinging her hammer


Before she could even make contact with the wolf the beasts massive tail appeared swatting Melody into the wall

seeing his sister get launched away Bellamy ran over to her "Mel I already told you to stop rushing forward" he scolded her while healing her with one of his skills.

"haha sorry I just got a little excited I promise not to do it again" Mel smiled

Rolling his eyes Bellamy clearly didn't believe his sister.

"ok so how are we going to fight this guy?" Bellamy asked his teammates

Seeing the three conversing the wolf king didn't even bother moving and just continued staring at them clearly he felt that these weak ants couldn't harm him no matter what strategy they came up with.

After a minute of discussion, the team took action.

Hiding out of sight from the boss Wyatt started producing droplets of his hysteria poison and lacing one of his chakrams.

During this time Melody repeatedly clashed against the massive tail with her hammer this time she was prepared with a defensive buff from her brother so she wasn't sent flying.

"Ready yet Twite?" she shouted starting to be pushed back by the wolfs power

"Ready!" he replied dashing toward her

Hearing her teammates reply Melody slammed her hammer into the ground creating a giant cloud of dirt and dust to appear between the team and the boss. Sensing the presence of the girl the boss attempted to swing his tail at her again but this time she ducked down. Appearing behind his teammate Wyatt Stepped onto the girls back before launching himself

[wind hop]

flying forward toward the neck of the beast Wyatt pulled out his weapon covered in poison. Eyeing Wyatts blade Arkens body shivered finally feeling a slight threat appear he swung his claw at Wyatt.

Luckily Wyatt was a step ahead throwing his blade forward at the wolfs neck.


Wyatt was sent crashing into the ground rolling all over

"TWITE!" Bel shouted rushing over to heal him

"Did you manage to land the hit?" Melody followed up

gasping for air Wyatt checked his health [145/260]

"Holy crap one hit and I lost nearly half my hp" Wyatt murmured before letting Bel use a healing spell on him. "yea don't worry Mel I got him!" he declared

During this time Arken started freaking out feeling a burning feeling in his throat he started howling. Turning his face Arken made eye contact with Wyatt and charged over to attack him. Of course, Wyatt had no plan on fighting this monster head on so he immediately used wind hop and started dashing away.

This cat and mouse chase continued for a couple of minutes before Wyatt noticed the black ring finally forming around the monsters pupils signaling that his poison had settled in.


The teams plan revolved around Wyatts poison causing the beast to become so enraged targeting Wyatt that he doesn't pay attention to Melody attacking him from behind.

Appearing behind Arken Melodys body started glowing red as she used one of her skills

[Fury] [Rank C]

Fury is a self buffing skill that allows the user to cut their defense by 70% in exchange for increasing damage by 50% for 3 minutes.

Noticing the girls appearance Arken sent his tail toward her but because he was so focused on attacking Wyatt the tail attack ended up being sloppy. Melody easily avoided the tail with a side step, following up the dodge she slammed her hammer into the ground causing earth spikes to launch out stabbing the boss in both his hind legs and making the beast wobble.

Noticing the beast wobble Wyatt took the chance to throw his chakrams forward getting a little bit of extra damage.

This strategy continued for another 5 minutes while the duo slowly chopped away the monsters health points.

[Arken The King Of Wolves] [Boss Monster] [level 6]

[Health 98/2000]


Suddenly when Arken dropped below 5% health his eyes turned back to normal as he entered his own rage mode canceling out Wyatts poison. Immediately after gaining its full senses back the beast spun around hitting Melody with his claw and sending her flying into her brother.

Wyatt who noticed the change in the monsters eyes instantly yelled out "be careful he somehow resisted my poison!"

Luckily Melodys fury already ended so she managed to barely survive the beasts enraged claw attack with her defense.

Wyatt noticed his teammates health drop and widened his eyes in surprise. His defense stat is still much lower than Melodys so he might not be able to survive a direct claw attack from Arken.

As he was distracted by his teammates health Wyatt failed to notice the giant tail fling around at him while the beast turned.


hitting the ground Wyatt managed to survive luckily a tail attack doesn't do as much damage as the beasts claws so he was able to stand back up quickly. Noticing the beast was about to focus on his teammates Wyatt needed a way to keep its attention while Bellamy healed his Mel

"BELLAMY BUFF ME!" he shouted out while dashing toward the group

Hearing his call Bel buffed up his defense before turning back to focus on his sister

[wind wall]

Using a wind wall to block the wolfs vision of the siblings Wyatt started releasing his drowsy gas from his body.

now all he had to do was buy enough time for Melody to be healed.


losing sight of its targets Arken started swinging its head around looking for anyone to take its anger out on before finally setting its eyes on Wyatt. Arken remembered that the whole reason it went crazy earlier was because of the boy in front of him, This caused him to become even more enraged as he jumped toward Wyatt.

swinging its massive claw down on him Wyatt managed to roll out of the way avoiding most of the attack

-15 health

even with his high agility and buffed defense he still lost 15 health from a small scratch. Using wind hop he created distance between himself and the wolf king again.

Unluckily for him the beast had no plans of giving up its chase and continued following him around everywhere he went slowly chipping away at his health with every scratch.

-9 health -16 health -12 health....

Damaged numbers kept appearing as Wyatt finally dropped below 100 health

"Mel you ready yet?" he yelled out struggling to keep up with the beasts chase

"Just a couple more seconds" she yelled back

"I don't know if I have a couple more seconds Mel" he stated, at this point Wyatt was wobbling back and forth struggling to stay up.

Arken showed up in front of him again ready to attack.

Luckily Arken was already starting to be affected by the drowsy mist so Wyatt barely managed to dodge by diving onto the ground but as he attempted to get back up he finally realized he no longer had the strength in his legs to stand. Watching as the beast approached him Wyatt could already see its mouth opening and its sharp teeth appearing clearly this monster planned to have him for dinner.

looking up and making eye contact with the boss monster Wyatt didn't want to give up so using every last bit of mana he cover his blades with a weak [jolt blade] and plunged his two chakrams into the beast above him.

This of course angered the monster even more but seeing that his last attack caused some damage Wyatt was content with dying and losing some exp here. In all honesty, he thought he did pretty well for his first ever boss fight plus not to mention when he entered this dungeon he was 2 levels below the recommended.

breathing out Wyatt watched as the wolfs giant mouth approached him but right before his expected death

"FURY!" appearing above the beast a glowing red Melody arrived swinging her hammer down onto the monsters head. As Arkens body was sent downward from the power of the hammer this caused Wyatts Chakrams to dig even deeper into its body the combined damage finally killing him

Wyatt eyes widened in surprise he actually managed to survive.

"haaa.....haaaaa.... you're a little late Mel" he stated closing his eyes and still gasping for air

"Don't you know the main character is always supposed to save the day at the last second?" she replied giggling

This got a chuckle out of both boys before Wyatt closed his eyes and rested while Bellamy healed him.