

This story is based in a world where zombie like creatures are taking over. Because of this,scientists have found a gene called the X gene which granted special abilities to it's bearers. The Main character is a boy who is forced by his parents to go to an academy to hone his skills and help fight in the war against these creatures.

Wickedworld · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

Class is in session

I stared at Amelia with tired eyes and was tempted to get myself expelled from school effective immediately. This is some serious bulls**t, first my brothers and now I have her as a teacher, I think not. I looked at the map again hoping that we made a wrong turn while praying to the gods that we did. No we don't have more than one god but if praying to one might work, why not pray to a whole bunch more. I signed and walked in, dragging Hope with me which wasn't really hard cause, you know, enhanced strength. I must say tho, this class was pretty cool looking, as in really cool looking. There were weird but awesome looking equipment neatly placed on the walls and weird, suspicious looking objects in jars, pretty sure one of them winked at me. Anyways back to Amelia or should I say Lilith.

"Something like that but I heard nothing of you of all people being my teacher"I said, choosing a random seat, making sure to place Hope beside me. The stares didn't stop and I starting to get uncomfortable. Amelia then walked towards me and points the ruler at me, rudely might I add. "Okay listen up dweeb, you might have had mom and dad to baby you back at home but you are in my home and you will show me respect" she said, making sure to drill it in my brain.

"Whatever you say sleeping beauty" I replied back smugly. Amelia's face turned red as she blushed in embarrassment. Let me give you all a recap, when she was 15 and I was around 10, Amelia discovered her ability of hypnosis. And no, not like those pain in the ass brothers of mine because their power is more of controlling people while Amelia's is more of putting them in a trance, confusing them, putting them to sleep etc. Whenever she used her ability, her eyes would glow this awesome blue and she wanted to see it for herself so she used her power while looking in the mirror. Poor, sweet Amelia commanded herself to sleep and if my semi-human brothers haven't interfered then she would have slept for a very long time. She was so embarrassed that she locked herself in her room for a week and from then on, me and my brothers called her sleeping beauty, much to our parents amusement. Anyways back to reality.

"What did I say about calling me then you little-" she cut herself off, remembering that she was in a class room full of her students. She cleared her throat and held her head high, "All new students in my class needs to introduce themselves so if you would kindly do so....NOW" she left no room for argument and I reluctantly got up and waited for Hope who took her sweet time. Both of us stood up at the front of the class and waited to the other to go first while Amelia tapped her foot impatiently. "Could the one going first kindly step up or do I have to randomly pick one?" Amelia asked and Hope softly nudged me to go first. I shook my head no and Hope nudged me again. This time I held her shoulder and pushed her forward which she couldn't resist cause, you know, enhanced strength. She almost stumbled and that got a few snickers in the class but one glare from her and they shut right up. "Um hi, My name is Hope Pierre and I'm currently 16 years old. I like manga and Bl comics and my best friend is Azrael here" she said with a slight wink at the end which made some guys blush and me giving them an 'I dare you' look so they get the message. Sorry guys but she is single until I take my last breath. After receiving a nod from Amelia, Hope sat down and smirked at me which made me roll my eyes. "Hi, name's Azrael and I'm 16, I'm super friendly just don't talk to me, I like food and weapons and my best friend is the smurf that just came before me". It was my time to smirk as Hope puffed up her cheeks at me referring to her as short. When Amelia nodded towards me, I sat down only to be met with a kick in the shin. It didn't hurt that much bit it still hurt. Hope smirked as Amelia went towards her desk. "Okay students, I want you all to take out your text books and turn to page 28 for the project". I looked around and saw people taking books from under their desks and I shrugged and did the same. To my surprise, there was a new book that looked new and crisp. "Okay people pair up and choose your partner wisely as they will be your partner for all of next week then I will personally apply you new partners" She said which got a lot of grunts and complains from the students. A boy raised his hand and Amelia nodded. "Why do we need to change partners Ms. Casero?" he asked. "Well Jeremy, when you are out there in war and fighting for survival, you can't depend on one person and one person alone, as there is a possibility that they will die. So think of this as a way to get you building relationships that you can count on and not just stick to one person, okay?" Amelia replied and damn, she made a really good point. As much as I don't want to think about it,she's right. In war, I can't always depend on Hope and she can't always depend on me, war will most likely change us to the point of no return and that scares me. Jeremy nodded and went back to his partner. I paired with Hope and we turned to page 28 where we saw a weird looking gas like thing. "Okay students, do you see this weird substance, it is called Schylthathesis or Hard Gas for short. This is constantly used in the war as this gas has a special property of being able to turn harder than steel. Okay so I want you to carefully follow the instruction and please don't get rebellious, the only student in the school with the ability to heal is out sick, yea I know" she said as she exited the room. Students immediately got to work and I must say, I'm proud of Amelia. She has a classroom of people that respected her and she's doing a pretty good job of teaching them. Hope and I put on our safety goggles and she picked up a container with a blue liquid inside, Purified creature blood I believe. I double checked in the book and yup, I was right. The book said to drop 1 drop in the main beaker and we did. Then we added killer bee DNA purely extracted along with a bunch of other stuff. We were on to the last ingredient which was the root of a Mad blood tree. The tree got it's name because some crazy dude with the power of animating inanimate objects, cut himself and sprayed is blood all across the trees in a forest. This basically animated the trees to the point where they could somewhat move on their own. People often report seeing a tree once and seeing it again in a different location, some scary stuff. We were supposed to only add a pinch off the root but of course Hope had a different idea. "How about we add more of the root and a little of my blood" I knew she was crazy but not to this extent. After much begging and a lot more threatening, we finally agreed to do it under the conditions that she completely forgets about me burning her manga and she agreed. We added the root and she bit her finger and let her blood drop inside it. We waited and read the instruction and it said that a yellow smoke was supposed to emerge. What emerged was a purple and angry looking smoke and of course it came to me at rushing speed.

"Ah, f**k my life".