

This story is based in a world where zombie like creatures are taking over. Because of this,scientists have found a gene called the X gene which granted special abilities to it's bearers. The Main character is a boy who is forced by his parents to go to an academy to hone his skills and help fight in the war against these creatures.

Wickedworld · Fantasy
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15 Chs

First day.....technically

I panted as I nodded, "Yea, I guess" I said. What? don't judge me, just because I have enhanced strength and stamina doesn't mean that I don't get tired. I mean, it's embarrassing that I actually got tired but I can't remember the last time I ran that much. Now that I think about it, when I was planning to run back home, I would just die if I ran that far. I mean, I don't get as tired as other people but I do still get tired and considering how fast I ran, getting tired is inevitable. "Leave" he said nonchalantly. I took a couple seconds to process what he just said so casually, "Eh?" that was all I could say as he practically glared at me. "Not repeating myself" he said as he threw down his bag. He walked past me and I swore my eye twitched as he plopped down on his bed. I turned around and cracked my fingers which surprisingly felt really good but I'm not telling him that. Looking cool if I do say so myself, "OK, I don't know who you are or who you think I am but no one except my mom, my dad, my bestie and my grandpa and grandma tell me what to do" I said realizing that a lot of people tend to tell me what to do. He wasn't responding and thought that he was ignoring me until I heard snoring. Now, I can be rude sometimes and tend to make people around me despise me but I would never ever wake someone from their sleep, I mean whoever does that is just a monster. I sighed and saw his name tag on his shirt and I took it off him. "Jay Storm, Storm, Storm" Why does that name sound familiar to me. Whatever I smiled as I held his name tag and squeezed it in my hand, effectively crushing it. What? just because I'm kind enough not to wake him from his sleep doesn't mean that I can't be petty. I threw down the metal tag and looked at my now ready 'uniform'. I opened a door which I presumed to be the bathroom and hang my head as it was a closet. I closed it and opened the other door which was a room that had stands inside it, looked to be a weapon stand. "Seriously, won't allow outside weapons but has weapon stands" I shrugged, we were technically in an apocalypse so of course the school that trains people to fight against the creatures would have weapons. I then opened the last door and breathed out happily when it was the bathroom. I took my 'uniform' and held it in my hands as I entered the bathroom. I locked the door behind and bolted it. I was a bit impressed by the bathroom, as far as I heard, the higher your grade, the higher the room so the fact that the room was this nice surprised me.

I then stripped out of my clothes and threw them in the empty basket, I stepped in the shower and turned on the water. I winced as the cold water hit my skin, looking at my hands I sighed. My family was consisted of tall and powerful people, all with muscles and high level abilities. I stared at my pale hands and grabbed the soap. I began washing my skin and just allowed the water to take me into a land of bliss. After 5 minutes I got out and dried off, then I brushed my teeth for about 2 minutes. I looked in the mirror above the sink and purple eyes stared back at me. I always wondered who I got my eyes from, pale purple that looked almost blue in the sun and looked like crimson in the night. I heard of people with different color eyes but that didn't seem to match mine. I then took up my uniform and got dressed. I placed my father's chain around my neck and clasped it in my hands. I just held it as I breathed in and out. This was a good calming technique that he showed me, because if it works for him of course it will work for me. My father can be dense sometimes but we love him for it. Anyways I opened the bathroom door and saw Jack or whatever still sleeping. You know that one person in your life that never ceases to piss you off, that would be how I describe Jill over there. I then heard a knock on my door and my heart dropped. Oh god, what if it was them, how did they even find me this fast, shit shit shit! "Aze-chan!!! hurry up!!!" I held dad's chain as I breathed out. smiled as I opened the door and what I saw made my jaw drop. Standing in front of me was my otaku best friend in all black apart from her pink jacket. "Suits you" we both said at the same time which resulted in us laughing. I heard groaning behind me and looked to see James or whatever stirring in his sleep. Hope looked at him and I could have sworn her eyes sparkled, "Azrael we've only been here for a few hours and you're telling me that you've already snatched up a hot guy, you need to start teaching me your ways" she said while raising and eyebrow and looking at me accusingly. I too raised my eyebrow and held my chest as if I was offended. "First of all, no and second of all, you know how I feel about relationships" I said as tapped her forehead to let my point sink in. She rolled her eyes and took out her laptop and puffed out her cheeks. I shaked my head as I looked at her small form. Hope was taller than me for years until I hit my growth spurt which was honestly not that much. I now proudly stand at five foot four which is not that different from five foot flat. Hope is now at five foot two but she is still growing or so she says. I grabbed my own bag which was practically empty apart from my computer. You can't blame me okay, we're new so the teacher haven't given us our books yet. I closed the door behind me and Hope took out the map. "Ready for our first day of Route Academy?" Hope asked as we navigated to our first class, Biology. I then raised my eyebrow as I asked, "First day, we've been for hours, first day has long passed, don't you mean first class?".

She then looked at me and replied,"No stupid, we haven't been to any classes yet so it's our first day of school....technically". I shrugged and she lead us to a door which I was presuming to be our Bio class. "Oh we should visit your sister while we're here, what subject does she teach again?" Hope asked. I was about to respond when we opened the door and there sat Amelia teaching her class, "Biology" I replied to Hope as Amelia spotted us or more so, me.

"Oh shithead, mom and dad finally kicked you out huh?" Amelia said as all eyes turned to me.

"Ah, f**k my life"