
Power is Everything || ASOIAF X HxH fic

Daemon Rivers lives a simple life with his uncle in their cabin outside of Riverrun, he doesn't involve himself with the outside world. However all that changes when he awakens his aura. While everyone has Aura it is rare to see someone outside the knights and nobility with sufficient training with it, though a peasant who can control his aura once it’s unlocked will have an easy road straight to a knighthood. In this world power means everything and if you have enough of it, even a bastard can rise high. Based a few years before Roberts Rebellion. This is mostly gonna be set in the song of ice and fire world. I don't think I'll be adding characters from HxH, the only thing I'm adding is Nen. But if you guys actually want to see characters from hxh (Idk why?) lemme know on my supporters page. Patreon.com/Captainalfie78Works I do not own a song of ice and fire or Hunter x Hunter

TheManUnderTheBed · Livros e literatura
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28 Chs

The Knight of the Laughing Tree

"What a sorry excuse for a keep!" Aerys shouted as he walked the grounds. Lord Whent walked behind him with his head low to the ground sweat pouring off his face.

"Indeed your Grace it cannot even compare to your own!" He said as politely and apologetically as he could, he had dreaded the moment he saw the King enter Harrenhal, if he was displeased for any reason he could end up losing his castle and maybe even his life.

"My ancestor was right to burn this place, though it seemed he left the job half finished," Aerys stated Lord Whent felt his heart start to beat out of his chest at the King's words, he was sweating through his doublet and felt very close to falling unconscious.

"Father it is a surprise to see you."

A voice said from behind them, they both turned and saw Rhaegar who was walking side by side with his Kingsguard Arthur Dayne. Lord Whent thought he might cry due to the relief he felt as Rhaegar diverted the King's attention, for a moment he thought he thought that the King might've ended his line on a mere whim.

"I suppose it is a surprise for you Rhaegar." The King said with a scowl as he approached his son.

"What do you mean father?" Rhaegar asked as he formed a mask of confusion on his face.

"Varys told me you were up to no good at this tournament but that man is a worm who believes he can manipulate me, so I decided to check myself," Aerys stated a scowl still present on his face.

"You aren't a traitor are you Rhaegar?" Aerys said as he walked closer to his son. The whole courtyard held its breath as they saw Father and Son stand barely an inch apart.

"I'd never betray you, father," Rhaegar said in a soft voice. However, his words did little to calm the King down and his aura started to leak out of his body.

"Would you please calm down Father," Rhaegar said firmly.

The aura stopped leaking out of the King's body and he stepped back from Rhaegar "Of course you wouldn't betray me you are my son." He said before turning around.

"Where is Lord Silver! He should be here for me, go and bring him to me now!" The King shouted using aura to enhance his voice, the Lords and servants currently in the courtyard all shook with fear.

"There is no need for that, your grace, I am here," Daemon said as he walked into the courtyard, once again people breathed a sigh of relief as they had seen how powerful Daemon was during the Grand Melee and so if they were safe with anyone it would be him.

A smile formed on the king's face as Daemon approached him and kneeled before him "My friend! If you had told me that you were coming to the tournament then I would've joined you." He said with an almost manic grin.

'That's precisely why I didn't tell you.' Daemon thought to himself as he rose from his knees.

"I did not think such an event would interest you, your Grace, had I known I would've informed you," Daemon said with a forced smile. Though it was enough to convince the king who happily clapped Daemon on the shoulders "No matter! I am here now." He said happily as he put his arm around Daemon's shoulder completely ignoring his son.

As they both walked away from the crowd Aerys pulled Daemon closer and whispered to him "I am beset by enemies on all sides Daemon!" He whispered loudly.

"What do you mean your Grace?" Daemon asked with a hint of nervousness in his voice.

Aerys looked around at all the Lords surrounding them in contempt "They are plotting against me, I can feel it..."

He then looked back towards Daemon and squeezed his shoulder "You are the only one I can trust Daemon, like in Duskendale you must help me again and find my enemies for me." He asked though knowing Aerys it was more of a command.

Daemon nodded "Of course your Grace you know you can always trust me." He replied.

"Yes, now come I let us enjoy the joust together," Aerys said.

"Of course your Grace, but before I do I wish to have a word with the Prince," Daemon said.

"What would you want with my useless son?" Aerys asked.

"It's nothing of import just informing him of his place in the joust." Daemon lied though Aerys nodded and waved him off.

"Very well but do not take too long." He said before walking off with his Kingsguard following right behind him. Daemon waited for him to leave before walking back to the courtyard and approaching Rhaegar who had a sour look on his face "Is everything okay Rhaegar?" Daemon asked.

The sour look on his face vanished and he was replaced with a smile "Yes I am Daemon, thank you for asking." He said sincerely.

"Did you know that the King was coming?" Daemon asked.

Rhaegar's smile faltered and he shook his head "I did not, it seems people have been whispering into his ear again about plots of betrayal and murder." He replied.

"You have always done well to keep him calm, please try to do so now more than ever, this tournament will be for nothing if he loses his temper and kills anyone," Rhaegar said with a serious look on his face.

"Rhaegar about what I asked?" Daemon said.

Rhaegar breathed out "I told you Daemon that I would think about it, but with the situation becoming what it has this will take a little longer." He said a little impatiently.

Daemon nodded in understanding, when the King came all matters had to be put on hold in case he went on one of his infamous rampages "I see Rhaegar, if you'll excuse me then I must get to the joust." He said, Rhaegar nodded and turned around before leaving.

Daemon turned and walked towards the tourney grounds, he wasn't that worried about missing anything interesting as the first jousts were relatively minor knights or second and third sons. However, when he looked earlier at the listings he did find one interesting thing, a mystery knight was going by the moniker of 'Knight of the Laughing Tree.' whoever he was was would be facing some of the knights in the first listings so he was interested to see who it was.

As he approached the grounds he could see the crowd of peasants surrounding the jousting ring, small folk from all over the kingdoms had travelled to his event though it wasn't difficult to see why. In nearly all of Prince Rhaegar's previous joustings he's never kept the cold and always distributed it to the small folk in the audience 'They must be hoping to get lucky again.' He thought to himself as he moved through the crowd. It only took one person to see and recognise him to scream in awe and excitement.

"Lord Silver!"

"My Lord!"

"He's so handsome!"

"He is so powerful!"

All the small folk screamed as he walked through them, most lords might find this annoying or distasteful but Daemon just smiled, shook some of their hands and even winked at a few young maidens which made them blush. After walking through the crowd he crossed into the section reserved for nobility and the guards stepped aside immediately.

He walked up the stairs to the dais and went to take his place next to the king though before he did that he approached the place where the Tully family was sat "Lord Tully, it's good to see you I haven't seen much of you since I arrived." Daemon said politely as he reached his hand out.

Lord Tully kept an expressionless face as he reached and clasped arms with Daemon "Indeed, we are in need of a discussion about certain matters..." he said as his gaze drifted to Lysa.

Daemon nodded "And we will before this tournament is over." He replied.

"Catelyn you are still as beautiful as ever." He said smiling at the eldest of the Tully girls. Though his charm seemingly had no effect on Catelyn as she just returned his smile with no blush or embarrassment 'It's clear she only has eyes for Brandon.' Daemon thought to himself.

"It is good to see you Daemon, your display during the Grand Melee was truly a sight to behold," Catelyn said politely.

"It was! I hope when you marry my sister you'll be able to teach something." Edmure chimed in.

Daemon turned to look at him "I'm sure I can teach you something." He said with a smile.

He then turned to the final member of the family since their mother had not attended "Lysa..." he said with a small smile.

"Daemon..." she said as she stood up and gave her hand which he took and kissed though it was longer than what was considered proper and he made eye contact with her the entire time giving her a healthy red blush on her cheeks.

He then embraced her which was allowed as they were betrothed "Where is Lyanna?" He whispered into her ear as he had not seen her in her seat in the Stark section.

"Where do you think." She whispered back and as they detached she gave him a tired expression.

Daemon couldn't help but chuckle 'Knight of the laughing tree.' He thought to himself, of course, it would be Lyanna he didn't know why he expected any less from her.

"If you'll excuse me the King is expecting me to join him." He said apologetically with a quick bow.

"Of course, Lord Silver, enjoy the jousting." Lord Tully replied with a nod of his head.

Daemon kissed Lysa's hand one last time before letting go and heading further up the dais where the royal family was seated, though because Rhaegar was in the Joust only three members of the Royal Family were up there with their Kingsguard accompanying them. Daemon smiled as he saw Elia sitting with Rhaenys on her knee, Aerys was a few seats away from her looking board and waiting for the joust to begin.

And behind them were three members of the Kingsguard. Barristan Selmy, Gerold Hightower and Oswell Whent, all stood guard watchful for any threats though the former two took it more seriously than the latter.

"Princess," Daemon said as he bowed his head respectfully.

"Lord Silver," Elia replied cooly as she barely regarded him, though Daemon easily saw through her mask of indifference and could see how conflicted she was looking at him.

Daemon's voice seemed to animate King Aerys however as his bored expression disappeared "Daemon! Come and sit, I've been waiting for you now we can start this damn thing." He said as he patted the seat next to him which Daemon reluctantly took.

"Your grace you needn't have waited, it must've been quite boring." He said which made the king laugh.

However, the laugh abruptly stopped and he grabbed Daemon's arm roughly "That is not the proper respect one shows after someone does you a favour." He said, his mood was in complete contrast to how it was before and he looked at Daemon as if he were an enemy.

"Of course not your grace, I apologise." He said respectfully.

"Now say thank you..." he commanded.

"Thank you, your grace." He replied.

Aerys looked at him for a while longer his purple eyes now crimson, though, after a few seconds, he let go of Daemon and smiled as if none of it had happened "Begin the jousting!!!" He commanded and the servants all stood to attention and started running off to get things started.

While they got things started Daemon turned to Barristan "I hope you've recovered okay Ser Barristan?" He asked.

Barristan nodded "I'm quite well Lord Silver, though I hear you took much more of a beating than I did." He replied.

Daemon chuckled "That is true, Arthur was a lot stronger than I thought." He stated.

King Aerys turned as he listened to the conversation "You bested Barristan?" He asked, Daemon turned and nodded his head.

"Well I expect nothing less from my old squire, though it is disappointing you did not beat Arthur Dayne, mayhaps I should resume training you." He said with a laugh.

Daemon joined him in laughter "I find it hard to believe I'll ever beat him, Arthur was simply on a different level to me." He stated though his words were not entirely true.

King Aerys waved him off "Nonsense, anyone trained by me shall only be second to me and you are the only one who received the honour of my tutelage." He stated

However, before he could reply the horn sounded and the first joust began. Daemon relaxed in his seat, he hoped the joust would occupy Aerys as talking to him was exhausting, his constant changes in mood and his tendency to lose his temper quite often.

Daemon's gaze drifted to the joist where two people took the field on their horses with squires leading them out.

"Ser Davon of Gulltown!!!" The announcer shouted much to the cheers of the crowd, Ser Davon lifted his lance in response to his cheers from the crowd. Daemon wasn't too surprised with long black hair reaching over his shoulders and a nicely chiselled jawline he was a young maiden's dream and he knew it. On the other side, Daemon saw a familiar figure leading the horse 'Howland? So that must mean that the Knight is....'

"The Knight of the Laughing Tree!!!" The announcer shouted, though she didn't get as many cheers as Ser Davon she did get a few as people loved a Mystery Knight. Daemon chuckled as he looked down at Lyanna, while he knew this could be dangerous he trusted Lyanna. She was a powerful aura user and he'd truly never met someone as good as riding as her.

"I don't like this mystery knight..." King Aerys said in a low voice, Daemon could see a glint of madness in his eyes as he looked at the Mystery Knight.

"Why your Grace?" Daemon asked with slight concern in his voice.

"You can never trust those who hide themselves Daemon, whoever this man is must be plotting something." King Aerys said with certainty in his voice.

Daemon who wasn't worried before now felt it reignite as if King Aerys decided to make a move against Lyanna he'd have no choice but to fight him here and now. He wouldn't be able to fight Aerys and the entire Kingsguard at the same time and everyone else would most likely die by simply being too close.

"Was Barristan not a Mystery Knight?" Daemon asked as he tried to shift the King's attention off of Lyanna.

"Indeed I was, I joined a tourney when I was ten namedays old though I will always remember how Prince Duncan jousted me when the others laughed, though I did end up losing," Barristan replied as he seemed to be reliving the event.

"See Ser Barristan was a Mystery Knight and he turned out to be one of the most Loyal Kingsguard in the seven, it was him who ended the Blackfyre rebellion was it not," Daemon stated.

His words seemed to have an effect on Aerys as he leaned back in his seat and continued to watch "I suppose you are right, but I shall keep a close eye on him, once he loses I wish to see him unmasked." He replied.

Daemon breathed a sigh of relief as Lyanna was safe for now, once she unmasked and revealed she was a woman Aerys would likely laugh and disregard her as he usually did with women. Daemon refocused back on the joust as the first tilt was about to start, while he trusted Lyanna to win he was still nervous as the banner was waved down and both knights rode towards the centre with their lances aimed forward. A small amount of their auras were focused into the tip of the lance as was proper but neither one wanted to give away where they would be using their aura for defence until the final moment, as if they did it too soon an enemy could change the direction of their lance and hit somewhere unprotected.


Ser Devon was unsaddled and sent crashing to the ground, Daemon winced as he saw how hard he was hit by Lyanna's lance. That was another issue with jousting, even though a small amount of aura was placed into the tip of the lance, as to avoid death, if a person was a lot stronger in aura than their opponent then a person could still die after being hit.

Daemon applauded as did those around him however when Daemon looked over to the King he could see his face shift from annoyance to anger "He's laughing at me... look at him! He's laughing at me!" The king shouted as he crushed the wood beneath his hands, his crimson eyes flaring to life.

Daemon put his arm on Aerys "Your grace if it makes you feel better I shall investigate this mystery knight and will ascertain his intentions." He said dutifully.

Aerys whipped his head around the manic expression on his face was still present but it faded slightly "Yes! Yes of course I knew I could trust you my Silver Knight!" He said with a grin before sitting back in his seat.

"Had I not already filled the space I would make you a Kingsguard on the spot." He said as he chuckled to himself.

This managed to inflame Daemon's curiosity and he turned to the King "Who have you chosen to fill the position?" He asked

The King laughed "You shall see my friend." He said

Daemon couldn't help but wonder who this person would be if he managed to become someone that Aerys trusted. Daemon could probably count on one hand how many people the King trusted him being one and Tywin being the other. This thought prompted Daemon to have an idea of who this person might be 'He wouldn't...' Daemon thought as he looked to King Aerys.

Daemon leaned back in his chair and tried not to think about it, he watched Lyanna ride back to her tent and the next competitors took to the field "Are you not jousting today Ser Barristan?" Daemon asked.

"No I'll be taking part in tomorrow's listings, I believe my opponent is a Knight from the Crownlands." He replied.

"Too many Knights these days and not one of them worth the silver they plate themselves in," Aerys mumbled, he then stood up which caught the Kingsguard attention.

"I've grown weary of this, I'm going to go and get ready for the feast, let us go." He said to the Kingsguard.

"Shouldn't one of us stay behind for the Princess your Grace?" Barristan asked.

Aerys laughed "You believe her to be more important than your King!" He said ending the sentence in a shout of rage. "I am the king! Me! You will follow and protect me!" He said as he stared down the legendary knight.

"Of course sire..." Barristan said in a defeated tone as he and the rest of the Kingsguard followed after the king.

Daemon was left alone with Elia who had yet to say a single word to him, he turned to face her and sat appreciating her beauty, she wore a yellow dress with brown patterns embedded inside "You keep looking at me, do I have something on my face." She said in a blunt voice.

Daemon smirked, "You've never minded me staring at you before, has something changed?" He asked.

Elia looked at him with a stern expression on her face "You know what has changed so do not pretend you don't!" She whispered loudly to him.

"Elia you are a good friend I do not wish to cause you any pain." He said as he reached over and placed his hand on her arm. While he did have feelings for the woman he didn't want to complicate her life or have her betray her husband.

Elia sighed and rubbed her eyes "That is the problem Daemon, you are only a good friend..." she simply said before standing up with Rhaenys and leaving.


"COME AND SEE I'LL DRINK THIS WHELP RIGHT UNDER THE TABLE!!!" Robert boomed as he held his mug of ale to his lips before drinking it deeply. The Prince's new squire, someone that Daemon had fought long ago Richard Lonmouth, sat opposite Robert as he tried to match him drink for a drink while Brandon and Ned watched from the sides.

This was the sight Daemon was greeted to in the Great Hall when he finally attended the feast that was being thrown in honour of the King's arrival. Daemon had spent a while trying to find Lyanna but he had no such luck yet so he cleaned himself up and came to the feast hoping to find her there.

As he scanned the hall he managed to see Lysa who was sitting with her sister and further up the hall he saw Rhaegar and Elia with Ashara sitting next to her. The Kingsguard diligently guarded the table the royal family sat at keeping an eye on everyone who passed the table.

"Daemon!" Brandon shouted as he saw the silver-haired man come in, he left the table where the drinking competition was taking place and approached Daemon grabbing him round the shoulder and holding him close "I didn't see much of you today, you haven't been hiding eh?" He asked with a grin on his face.

"I'm sure the mighty Lord Silver wouldn't do something so craven." A voice said from behind him.

They both turned and were met with a man of a similar age to Brandon, he had a thin moustache and tanned skin and was quite handsome "Who might you be my Lord." Daemon asked politely.

The man smiled and gave an exaggerated bow "I am Prince Oberyn Martell, it is a pleasure to finally meet the one my sister talks about so often in her letters." He replied.

Brandon barked out a laugh at this "Getting close to princesses while you're betrothed, I'm sure you and Robert would get along just fine." He said with amusement in his voice.

Daemon felt like punching Brandon right there as he no doubt offended her brother who was standing right before them, however when Daemon looked at him he didn't seem to be offended in the slightest and instead had the same smile he had before.

Daemon smiled back "Would you like to join our table." He said politely as he led the way to the Stark table just further up from where the drinking competition was taking place, the room was positively packed full of people and they were all feasting and drinking and some were even dancing as a group of bards were hired to sing until the feast was over. Daemon sat down with Brandon sitting next to him and Oberyn sitting opposite them both "While I like to imagine I'm famous enough for people to seek me out there must be a reason you wanted to speak with me Prince Oberyn." Daemon said cutting to the chase.

Brandon laughed at this as he grabbed Daemon by the shoulder "A true northerner here! He doesn't mince words like the flower boys of the south!" He said before slamming his drink down his throat.

Daemon just smiled and rolled his eyes though Oberyn found it amusing "Please call me Oberyn and you are correct I do wish to speak to you." He stated.

Oberyn then moved forward his carefree expression morphing into a serious one "Family means everything to me Lord Silver and I am not ashamed to admit that I love my sister more than anything, not only did you save my sister's life but you saved the life of my niece, the amount of gratitude I feel for you could not be conveyed over a letter so I wished to see you in person."

Daemon smiled "You do not need to feel as if you owe me anything, Elia has been a good and kind friend to me ever since she arrived in Kings Landing, there is little I would not do to protect her so please be assured there is no debt." He insisted.

Oberyn looked conflicted but he eventually nodded "It makes me feel better to know she has a loyal and powerful friend protecting her when I can not." He said.

"Anyway I believe I've disturbed you enough, I believe I shall go and play with my niece and allow my sister to enjoy the feast." He said before standing up from his seat and leaving.

"I like..*burp* him" Brandon said as he started to feel a bit dizzy making Daemon laugh. However as he faced Brandon he was also in line with the door to the hall and managed to see Lyanna finally step into the hall, his feet seemed to not wish to listen to him as he stood up and immediately walked towards her.

When she saw him the same excitement he felt was shown in her eyes. She truly looked beautiful tonight as she wore a blue gown the same colour as winter roses, something that surprised even Daemon as he had never seen her ear wearing such a womanly dress. However, their reunion was soon interrupted by someone they both wished hadn't attended the feast.

"SEVEN HELLS!!!" Robert boomed as his eyes landed on Lyanna, he unconsciously licked his lips making Lyanna shudder slightly. However unbeknownst to them there was more than one person seeing Lyanna in a new light and this person was none other than Rhaegar Targaryen who started to eye Lyanna intensely.

"My betrothed has outshined all the women in this hall today!!!!" Robert boomed out as he started to laugh.

Daemon knew he wouldn't get a single moment with Lyanna now that she had been noticed, he then had an idea and he turned to Lysa who had been watching them as well, one look was all it took for her to get the message of what he wanted her to do.

Lysa's aura spread across the hall as she used 'Scout' something that would've been detectable by everyone in the room if it had been anyone else but her. But Lysa's aura was special as it was in a constant state of 'Hide' and over the years she'd only improved allowing her aura to be imperceptible even when using 'Focus'.

'Fool's World'

The room remained largely the same only Daemon and Lyanna had disappeared from view and in their place copies that were controlled by Lysa were left behind. Daemon took Lyanna by the hand and they both left the room quickly where Daemon practically dragged her to his chambers.

As the door shut he looked at her with an amused grin "Congratulations on your win 'Knight of the laughing tree'." He said mockingly making her snicker.

"Did I fool you at all?" She asked.

"Not even for a moment." He replied.

Lyanna sighed and rolled her eyes "I had hoped I'd be able to surprise you but it seems you know me too well." She said as she leaned forward and rested her head on his chest.

Daemon wrapped his arms around her "You need to be careful, King Aerys doesn't take kindly to mystery knights, make sure you don't do anything to antagonise him." He warned.

Lyanna lifted her head from his chest and looked up at him giving him a sultry smile "When have I ever antagonised anyone." She said as her hands started to run down his body and slowly made their way to his ground. Daemon let out a groan as he felt her hand run across his lengthen and gently squeeze it "Careful Lyanna, or I might end up taking you right here and now..." he growled out.

Lyanna kept eye contact with him as she squeezed his length again "Good." She said before going on her toes and pushing her lips against Daemons. Daemon wrapped his arms around her tightly as his tongue invaded her mouth, his hands explored every inch of her body as he squeezed her behind roughly making her moan into his mouth.

He pulled her up by her arse and she wrapped her legs around him as he walked them over to the bed, Daemon moved from her mouth to her neck as he bit and sucked making her breath heavy as she felt her core start to tighten. Lyanna laughed as Daemon threw her onto the bed and climbed on top of her but not content to be a spectator she rolled him over and tried to pin him down only for him to reverse the hold. She ended up on her belly with her hands held behind her back as Daemon lay on top of her. With his free hand, he reached to the back of her dress and ripped it off making Lyanna's breath hitch.

Daemon felt his cock harden even more as he saw Lyanna's back and shapely behind that had been formed from her years of exercise, he quickly undid his trousers and let his cock sandwich in between her cheeks. He leaned down and kissed up her spine until he reached her ear where he nibbled on it making her moan "One last chance." He whispered into her ear.

"Do it..." she replied as her arms relaxed and Daemon let go before grabbing his cock and placing it at the entrance of her womanhood. As his tip pressed against it he could feel instantly how warm and wet it was so he pushed further. Due to her life of fighting and training Lyanna had long since lost her maidenhood however it didn't stop her from feeling a slight amount of pain when Daemon entered her, she felt his cock stretch her wide though after a few moments when she was allowed to adjust the pain went away and all she felt was the pleasure of having Daemon thrust into her deeply.

Lyanna grabbed the bed sheets as Daemon ploughed into her from behind, her cheeks rippled after every thrust and it soon became too much as she couldn't contain her voice any longer and she started to moan loudly in pure delight. For the very first time, Lyanna found herself tipping over the edge and after one particularly hard thrust, she found herself having an orgasm. Her body started to shake and her womanhood contracted around Daemon's shaft making it so tight that he struggled to keep moving, after ten seconds of pure pleasure Lyanna finally started to come down from the pleasure she felt.

However, she wasn't given much reprieve as Daemon kept thrusting inside her making her peak once again, this time Daemon was joining her and he thrust inside nearly breaking the bed as he shot rope after rope of his seed inside of her. As they both came down from their sexual bliss Daemon rolled off Lyanna and dragged her into his arms where they held each other and enjoyed the time they had.


Lysa couldn't help but feel a little jealous as it wasn't hard to imagine what Lyanna and Daemon might be getting up to 'He better give me a turn next.' She thought to herself as her gaze drifted to the copies of them she'd made with her ability. As long as she kept them a reasonable distance away from people things should be okay.

However, she was snapped out of her thoughts when she heard that the music had stopped and the Prince had stood up and sat down with the bards with a harp in hand. With deft hands and a melodic voice, Rhaegar sang a song as he looked across the room, Lysa followed his gaze and noticed he was looking at Lyanna, she quickly made the copy start to cry as the other women in the hall were doing.

As Lysa looked around she couldn't help but think that nearly everyone seemed mesmerised by his music with the exception of herself and the Kingsguard. The weirdest part of the situation though was the prince's eyes were not the same colour she remembered them being, in fact, they were a lot similar to someone else she knew which only added more mystery to this whole situation.

'What is going on...'

(AN: This is dragging on longer than I'd thought which I'm sorry about, but I need to set things up correctly for the war as it'll be a little bit different than what you know. Lyanna has finally been impregnated, two down, three to go. Hope you enjoyed the chapter)

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