
Power is Everything || ASOIAF X HxH fic

Daemon Rivers lives a simple life with his uncle in their cabin outside of Riverrun, he doesn't involve himself with the outside world. However all that changes when he awakens his aura. While everyone has Aura it is rare to see someone outside the knights and nobility with sufficient training with it, though a peasant who can control his aura once it’s unlocked will have an easy road straight to a knighthood. In this world power means everything and if you have enough of it, even a bastard can rise high. Based a few years before Roberts Rebellion. This is mostly gonna be set in the song of ice and fire world. I don't think I'll be adding characters from HxH, the only thing I'm adding is Nen. But if you guys actually want to see characters from hxh (Idk why?) lemme know on my supporters page. Patreon.com/Captainalfie78Works I do not own a song of ice and fire or Hunter x Hunter

TheManUnderTheBed · Book&Literature
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29 Chs

The Traitor

Standing at his window looking out towards the sea of tents below him Rhaegar stood with his hands behind his back, the only other person in the room was Arthur who stood ever-vigilant to protect his Prince against any who might harm him. Rhaegar and Elia did not sleep in the same room anymore, not since Rhaenys birth, though this did not concern Rhaegar as long as it was kept out of public knowledge.

Rhaegar stood there as he ran through recent events in his mind and where he should go from here, but unfortunately they were overshadowed, they were overshadowed by thoughts of one person that he could not get out of his mind since the previous night.

"It's her Arthur, it has to be her," Rhaegar said aloud to his friend who stood by the door stoically. Rhaegar turned around and walked towards his friend, he had a slightly manic expression on his face with red cheeks "She is the Ice to my Fire Arthur I am sure of it!" He said nearly shouting the words, Rhaegar was acting rather out of character for himself, the quite polite and well-mannered man was gone and the new one stood before Arthur.

"You agree don't you, you saw her last night, it can only be her, the perfect Stark girl to help me fulfil to prophecy!" Rhaegar said as he continued to spout while Arthur stood there silently.

"I want her... no I need her, this whole world could be doomed if I don't get her," he said to himself as he paced around the room.

"Arthur, what do you think?" He asked his Kingsguard who still stood there silently.

"I believe what you do My Prince," Arthur simply said before returning to silence.

Rhaegar sighed as he walked up to his friend, he gave him a sad look as he grasped both his shoulders with his hands "You broke such a long time ago I find myself forgetting," he said in a regretful tone, though Arthur just stood there with a blank stare on his face.

"I'm sorry I had to do it my friend, but after Rhaenys birth you seemed to lose faith in our cause and I can't afford to lose you, especially since Daemon won't be around much longer," Rhaegar said in a sad tone before he stretched his arms around Arthur and hugged the man.

"I promise you that the world I build will be worth the sacrifices we've made," Rhaegar whispered.

Rhaegar let go of his friend before walking back to the window and looking out, his mind now devising a scheme to get Lyanna Stark to be his and his alone, but first, he would have to get rid of an obstacle in his way.


Lysa knocked on the door to Daemon's quarters, it was early in the morning which was why she had come if Lyanna stayed here any longer then her family would start asking around for her. Not hearing any reply she knocked again only this time a bit louder, and yet she was still met with silence, she sighed before releasing her aura from her body and placing her hand at the crack of the door.

While Lysa was the weakest among the trio where she excelled was aura control, she could control her aura to such an extent that it may have been considered an ability all on its own. She slipped her Aura through the crack of the door before lifting the latch and letting the door open. As soon as she walked in she was hit with the stench of sex, something that she liked more than she would care to admit, she found herself growing wet between the legs at the pungent smell. The feeling only intensified when she saw both Daemon and Lyanna on the bed fully naked with Lyanna draped over him, she closed the door behind herself and locked the door again before making her way over to the bed.

Lysa unlaced the back of her dress and let it fall to the floor before climbing on the bed between Daemon's legs, she let her hands trace Lyanna's thighs and weirdly got a tingling sensation at touching her soft but muscular legs. Lysa leaned down between Daemon's legs before she started placing kisses on his thighs, she continued this until she reached his manhood which hung flaccid over his large balls. She placed a kiss on the top before taking it in her hands and sliding it into her mouth, she felt herself recoil a bit as her tongue touched the head of his penis, she could taste the remnants of Daemon and Lyanna's coupling and while she thought this was wrong she slipped his cock further into her mouth.

With a red-tinted face, she sucked on his cock harder, she peeled back his foreskin with her hand before twirling her tongue around the head of his cock. Lysa heard Daemon groan slightly though he hadn't opened his eyes yet, she continued bobbing her head up and down on his cock, it started to harden in her mouth and soon she felt it reaching towards the backend of her throat. The more she sucked on him, the wetter she got and the more she rubbed her legs together.


Daemon awoke to a warm and wet sensation around his groin, as he opened his eyes he was met with the pale slender body of Lysa as she rocked back and forth on his cock as it went in and out of her body. Daemon looked up at Lysa who had a beautiful blush on her face with a wet sheen that only made her look prettier, she had her hands placed on his chest as she moved slowly "I'm sorry my love... I could not wait any longer," she said before moaning again and having an intense orgasm around his cock.

Daemon groaned as his hands traced up the sides of her slender body, she felt incredibly tight, and as he looked down he could see the blood mixing with her nectar as it splashed out onto his groin "Lysa..." he whispered out as he started meeting her thrusts with his own. Lysa was extremely sensitive, even kissing Daemon brought her to the edge and she had orgasmed three times since she mounted Daemon as well as once when he shot his seed down her throat.

"Oooooooh!" Lysa moaned loudly as she burst again flooding Daemon's cock with her fluids. At this point her moans had managed to stir Lyanna awake, the northern girl opened her eyes to see Lysa riding Daemon's cock while moaning "Gods you're loud..." she said with a tired expression as she rubbed her eyes. As Lyanna's vision cleared she finally saw Lysa clearly and felt quite self-conscious, the pale skin and healthy blush on her face combined with the slight sweat she had truly made Lysa look beautiful, it made Lyanna wonder what Daemon even wanted with a girl like her who's more interested in fighting than making herself look pretty.

However she was drawn from her thoughts when Daemon pull her close to him and started sucking on her breasts, she yelped when he grabbed her as he did it a little too quickly but quickly started moaning as she cupped his face and started laying kisses on the top of his head. Lysa who had gotten used to Daemon's size started to go a bit faster, though she realised she couldn't, as soon as she tried to she found her toes clenching and her fingernails scratching Daemon's chest as she had another intense orgasm.

She collapsed forward onto Daemon's chest as she breathed heavily, Daemon who wasn't far behind grabbed her by the hips and started bouncing her up and down on his cock at a fast pace. Lysa started moaning even louder but she was quickly silenced by Lyanna who put her hand around her mouth allowing her to moan as loudly as she wanted. Daemon kept thrusting inside her until eventually the pleasure became too much and he spilt himself inside her, Lysa had another orgasm as Daemon's seed managed to touch all of her sensitive spots inside of her.

For a while, they just lay there until Lysa lifted her head giving Daemon a tired smile "I should've done this sooner." She said as she looked at Daemon with a loving expression.

"I hate to interrupt your moment but I want my turn," Lyanna said as she got up on her knees and pushed Lysa off much to the auburn-haired girl's amusement. She quickly mounted Daemon who was still hard sighing in pleasure and relief as she felt him slide inside her.

What followed till mid-morning was a passionate session of lovemaking that would've drained a normal man, but Daemon was anything but normal and had no issue pleasing his soon-to-be wives.


Daemon stretched as he got out of bed leaving both Lyanna and Lysa under the blanket, he went to his balcony looking out from the high tower where his room was situated 'Today is going to be a good day,' he thought to himself with a smile.



Daemon turned as he heard someone knocking on the door, lucky Lysa had locked it after she came in so they didn't just let themselves in. Throwing on some breeches he stepped over to the door before unlocking it and opening it, though he only opened it slightly as he didn't want whoever was at the door to see Lyanna and Lysa who were still recovering in his bed.

"My Lord I have come to bring you a summons from the King, he wishes for you to join him for breakfast," The servant said with a quick bow. Daemon nodded to the man before closing the door and finally letting out a large sigh, the King was exhausting to deal with. At times Daemon questioned whether this was all worth it and whether he should just run away with his lovers and make a life in Essos, he could finally find his sister as well.

Serra had been a large source of guilt for Daemon over the years, he wished he could've gone and looked for her but he didn't know where she was, she could've been constantly moving or even dead. To dedicate so much time to finding her when he had much he needed to achieve here was not possible and so he had to wait, this decision haunted him on more nights than less.

Putting on some appropriate clothes Daemon got ready, though before he left he woke both of the girls up so they could get dressed too, he then quickly unlocked the door and left for the King's chambers. He smiled and nodded at the servants that he came across earning a few blushes from the younger women and even a few of the older ones, eventually he rounded a corner and approached the King's chambers that were guarded by both Ser Gerold Hightower and Ser Barristan Selmy.

He smiled at both men as he approached "He's expecting you lad." Barristan said with a grim expression before opening the door and allowing Daemon to walk in.

As Daemon walked in he saw the King pacing around his room muttering to himself "Is this a bad time your grace?" Daemon asked.

The King whipped his head around and a manic smile made its way onto his face "Ah Daemon! My Lord Silver has finally come to me!" He said with apparent excitement as he approached the table that was filled with food gesturing for Daemon to take a seat. Daemon obliged and took a seat next to the King before he began to eat the food that was in front of him "Daemon I had a dream last night, the Knight from yesterday is an enemy I'm sure of it, in my dream he stood above me with his sword held high as he laughed at me, he laughed at me as he carved me up and tore me limb from limb!" He said manically as he gripped the edge of the table.

"Your Grace perhaps it was just a dream, the Knight wouldn't get passed your Kingsguard and even if such an event occurred there is no one in Westeros stronger than you," Daemon lied.

The King considered his words as he started muttering to himself once more "Yes... yes, I am the strongest, but who knows what dark magic this Knight might have access to, he will have to die." The King stated.

Forcing down his nervousness Daemon continued eating "Perhaps that may not be so wise your grace, the mystery knight is quite popular among the people, if you execute him for no reason then they may sour." Daemon said trying to reason.

The King started to bite his thumb as he considered the situation, he didn't much care about the opinions of the small folk but he didn't underestimate their power, after all, it was the small folk who let the Kingswood Brotherhood into the Red Keep after all "Then I shall kill him after he is unhorsed, but it shall be done silently, can you do this for me My Lord Silver" he asks as he places a hand on Daemons forearm.

"Of course your grace I am but a humble servant," Daemon said with a small bow of his head.

"You are much more than that, you are the only man I can trust these days, in a sea of snakes and scorpions," The King said as he clenched his fists.

"You raised me from nothing your grace, I owe you all that I am now," Daemon assured him.

"All these lords with their false smiles and honeyed words, sometimes I consider turning them all to ash." The King growled out as he held up his fork between his fingers melting it with his aura. The molten metallic substance dripped onto the table where it immediately hardened.

"The Lords are of no consequence your grace, they know you could wipe them out in a moment so they won't plot against you," Daemon reasoned, he felt less nervous as he saw the anger and rage in Aerys eyes lessen before he finally started eating his food.

"You are right, even if they did choose war they would not be able to stand against me, especially with Lord Silver at my back," King Aerys said as he clapped Daemon on the shoulder.

"Yes, your Grace...."


Daemon accompanied the King down to the joust where they sat down in the royal dais that was shared with the Whent family. The first thing Daemon realised when he got there was the absence of both Rhaegar and Elia, Rhaegar's absence could be understood as he would be jousting today but not Elia's. 'Surely she'd want to see her husband jousting...' he thought to himself as he leaned back in his seat. King Aerys was leaning forward in his seat as he watched for the Knight of the Laughing Tree.

The joust started with two nameless Knights, Daemon had no interest in them, if he was honest he had no interest in the joust at all and just attended as it was seen as proper for a Lord to attend. Though he did want to see how Lyanna would fair in the joust, and maybe a few others such as Rhaegar and Barristan.

However Daemon couldn't relax nor let himself enjoy the heist as Elia's absence started to gnaw at him more and more "Your grace I wish to go and see what is taking Princess Elia so long to come down to the joust," Daemon said to the King.

Aerys waved him off "Let the Dornish whore do what she wishes, we don't need here here," he said bluntly.

Daemon grits his teeth but maintains a calm facade "Nearly every Lord in the Westeros has attended this tournament, your Grace, it would do well to project an image of unity amongst the royal family." Daemon explained.

The King grumbled "Fine bring her down, if she gives you any issues tell her it's a command from her king," The King said as he allowed Daemon to go.

Daemon stood up before quickly bowing and leaving, he quickly walked back to the castle to find what was taking Elia such a while.


Daemon quickly arrived at her chambers which were being guarded by Ser Oswell Whent "The King has requested you to go and provide extra security to him at the joust, he sent me to convince the princess to join him as well," Daemon said lying a bit as he didn't want Oswell overhearing any conversation he has with Elia.

Oswell looked slightly conflicted but eventually, he nodded at Daemon before leaving his station and heading out of the castle. Meanwhile, Daemon walked towards Elia's door and knocked on it, for a while there was no answer though Daemon could hear someone shuffling inside "Ashara if it is you please come back later, I wish to be alone right now," Elia's voice rang out from the other side of the door.

Daemon knocked again.

"Oswell if it is you then I already told you I'm not going to the joust today!" She said a lot more sternly.

Daemon knocked again with a smirk on his face as he heard angry footsteps stomping towards the door, Elia then swung the door open "What in seven hells-" though she paused when she saw who was at the door. After a moment's pause she immediately tried to shut the door in Daemon's face though he was quick enough to stop her "That's quite hurtful princess," he said with a small amount of amusement in his voice.

Elia just huffed and left the door open walking back into her room, Daemon followed inside before locking the door behind them to give them a little privacy "What do you want Lord Silver, you know it is inappropriate to visit a married woman in her chambers unaccompanied," she said as she crossed her arms.

"If you thought I may harm you then you wouldn't have let me inside," Daemon replied with a grin.

Elia scowled at Daemon though coming from the small woman it didn't look quite as intimidating as she imagined it did "Why have you come Daemon?" She asked.

The smile from Daemon's face disappeared as he stepped closer to her, but as he did she stepped back "I have come because I miss my friend and would like to know what happened to her," Daemon said sincerely.

Elia sighed before turning around and slumping down on her bed grabbing her cup from the side and drinking from it "Where is Rhaenys?" Daemon asked as he approached her, he sat down next to her on the bed where Elia quickly shuffled away.

"Ashara is looking after her today, she thought I needed a break," Elia replied without looking at him.

For a while they both just sat there as Elia was intent on ignoring him while Daemon tried to think of something to say "Why have things soured between us Elia? Please tell me so I may make it better," he asked as he moved closer towards her. Elia felt herself fidgeting as she felt Daemon closer to her, she traced her hand around the rim of her cup that was held on her thighs.

Elia didn't want to look at Daemon lest her resolve crumble "You are going to cause many problems with your plans for the Stark girl, I can't stand by and watch you make an enemy out of three kingdoms!" Elia said sternly though her voice broke at the end.

"You might've been able to succeed at having two wives before but Lyanna Stark is now betrothed to the Lord of the Stormlands, you can't do anything now but your duty to your betrothed." She continued.

"All I am now is because of them, I only got as strong as I am for them so that we could be together, Lord Silver means less to me than the ground I walk on. No matter who I make enemies of I will take what I want, no one will be able to stop me," he said bluntly as he ran his hands through his hair.

"Lyanna, Lysa, Rhaella, Ashara, they are mine and I will fight the entire seven kingdoms if they try to separate us."

Elia found herself getting even more annoyed at the man who had the audacity to claim such things, she whipped her head up with an angry expression on her face "You would take the King's wife?! You truly are mad!" Elia said as she found herself laughing in disbelief.

Daemon however remained stoic and brought his hand up to cup her face "I want you as well..." he whispered to her.

Elia found herself stunned at his words and could not seem to formulate a reply of her own "Out of everyone I've met you are the most important to me, even if my love for you isn't as strong." Daemon stated.

"I struggled for so long in Kings Landing, day after day, torture after torture with the King that I thought I may lose myself and become someone like him," He continued.

"But it was you who stopped that, you who managed to stay the same kind and gentle woman despite the situation you found yourself in, I would've not been able to stay who I wanted to be if not for you..." he finished.

Elia sat there once again lost for words, never in her life would she imagine that Daemon had such deep-rooted feelings for her. The truth was she loved him just as much, how could she not love the man who had been her companion of such a long time, who had cared for her the moment she stepped foot in Kings Landing, the man who saved her and Rhaenys at risk of his own life. While Elia was still trying to process his words Daemon decided to take a risk and leaned forward pressing his lips against Elia's.

The Dornish woman dropped her cup at the surprise of having Daemon kiss her. She weakly tried to push him away but she gave up when she realised she didn't have a chance, she also found that she didn't much want him to stop as the feeling of his tongue brushing against her lips felt incredible. She closed her eyes as she felt him send shivers throughout her body, Daemon wrapped his arms around her body and she leaned into his grasp furthering the kiss.

Daemon felt blood rush to his groin as he listened to the small moans that came from Elia, he ran his hands across her back before going lower and tracing her thighs. Even for such a small and frail woman she was not lacking in the assets she had, in fact, her small size only made them look bigger "We can't..." Elia whispered as Daemon moved his lips from hers to her neck.

Elia didn't seem to believe her own words as she wrapped her arms around Daemon's neck as he kissed and sucked on it "I am married..." she said trying to protest once again, however, she still allowed Daemon to push her down on the bed and get on top of her. Elia was a young woman in her prime and so she had the same urges that many women do, though for her it was even worse as Rhaegar had neglected her in that respect, the only time he had ever touched her was after their wedding.

Daemon stopped kissing Elia's neck and looked down at her, they were both breathing heavily as they looked into each other's eyes "If you tell me you are happy in your marriage then I will stop and we can forget this happened," Daemon asked as he traced his finger across her lips.

Elia went to speak but found she had no voice, she knew the best thing for everybody would be to lie and say she was happy in her marriage to Rhaegar, but she couldn't, all she could do was stare into Daemon's purple eyes as her face got hotter and hotter. Daemon took her silence as the answer and he pressed his lips back against her own enjoying her moans as he did, not wishing to waste any more time he ripped her dress off her body while he continued kissing her passionately.

Detaching his lips from her own Daemon looked down at her body and was greeted with beautiful sun-kissed skin, moderately sized breasts and large dark nipples that had grown from her pregnancy. Daemon removed his shirt before he continued kissing her with increased passion, he ran his hands down her now naked body lightly touching her skin before reaching her groin. His hands ran through her soft pubic hair before reaching her womanhood, his fingers touched her warm and wet sex eliciting a moan from Elia "Gods..." she whispered as she closed her eyes. Even during the one time she had sex with Rhaegar, she hadn't been touched like this, Daemon rubbed her nub gently but with increasing speed.

Elia curled her toes as she lost herself in the intense pleasure she was feeling right now, it was so intense she couldn't stop shaking and moaning. Eventually, it all became too much "Daemon!" She cried as a wave of pleasure overcame her washing through her entire body. Daemon felt harder than he had ever been in his life watching this Dornish beauty orgasming underneath him, the sounds she made, and the facial expressions all served to make his blood rush to one area.

Daemon quickly pulled his trousers down and let his cock hit Elia's belly. Elia who had been marvelling in the explosive orgasm she had just experienced snapped back to reality as she felt the large warm appendage rubbing against her stomach, her breathing started to increase and so did her heartbeat, it felt as if it would beat right out of her chest. After looking at Elia and seeing no protest Daemon gripped his cock and placed it at the entrance to her sex, with a slow thrust the head of his cock was pushed inside of her, Daemon and Elia both made sounds of pleasure as he pushed himself inside her. She was a lot tighter than Daemon had expected her to be considering she was a mother 'Though she didn't give birth to Rhaenys, she was taken straight from the womb,' Daemon thought as he looked down at the scar that was on his stomach.

Daemon was entranced by Elia as her sex was both warm and snug around his cock, her face was on that was enraptured by the sensations that travelled throughout her body "Daemon... more..." she said through laboured breaths. Daemon obliged and fully engulfed his cock in her sex, he then gripped her thick black lock and pulled her head back before thrusting in even further. That one thrust sent Elia over the edge again as her sex clenched around Daemon trying to suck the seed straight out of his cock.

Daemon groaned at the massage his cock was receiving and started thrusting inside her at an increased pace. Elia's legs lifted from the bed and wrapped around Daemon's waist as she tried to hold on and endure wave after wave of intense pleasure. Daemon quickly found his end and shot a stream of his seed inside Elia, despite the morning he had with Lysa and Lyanna he still found himself harder than ever after shooting into Elia.

Elia who had orgasmed once more felt that Daemon had not yet softened "From behind..." she said with red-tinted cheeks.

Daemon understood her meaning and got off her and turned her around on her hands and knees. Elia had always wished to try this position, she had often heard her friends talk about it and even her brother mentioned how good it was, though Rhaegar's disinterest in her made it so she could never try it until now. Daemon aligned himself with her sex and pushed in again drawing an even louder moan from Elia, thrust after thrust he plunged inside her as her cheeks rippled and her breasts swayed back and forth.

Daemon liked this position very much, and so did Elia. She started moaning even louder when Daemon gripped her hair and pulled her head up while he gave her another powerful thrust "Daemon!!!" She moaned his name. She probably should've been a bit quieter but at this moment she didn't care, she just wanted to feel him inside her and feel his warm seed once again soaking her womb.

Daemon once again found himself reaching his peak and started thrusting inside her with increased speed, her sex squeezed around him as it flooded with her juices spraying onto his groin. Daemon pushed Elia's head onto the bed and he started thrusting as fast as he could, her moans could still be heard despite them being muffled. With a loud groan, seed started spurting out the end of his cock flooding the insides of Elia who was also moaning as she finished once more.

Daemon collapsed next to her on the bed as she tried to catch her breath, even hot and sweaty she still looked so beautiful and exotic.

"I love you."

"I know."


Daemon and Elia both approached the upper dais where those of the Targaryen and Whent family were seated, it seemed that they had not missed much of the joust and had made it in time before the start of the next one. Daemon also saw a person he wasn't expecting to see there "Good Afternoon Lord Tywin, I didn't expect you to be here," Daemon said masking his surprise and displeasure. His time spent in Kings Landing in Tywin's presence could be counted on a single hand and even during those times, it was because he did not have a choice.

Lord Tywin regarded him with a stoic attitude expression "Lord Silver, it was not my plan to come here, I am only here at the King's invitation." Tywin said tonelessly.

"Yes, it wouldn't do to not have my Hand here." King Aerys said with a smile.

None seemed to take notice of Elia's presence or asked why she did not attend in the first place. Both Daemon and Elia sat down in their seats with Daemon being next to the King and Elia being next to him. As they sat down the joust started, on the field, Daemon saw a knight with golden armour and a well-decorated helmet on the left, while on the right was a monstrous man nearly eight feet in height "I don't know what you feed those Westerland boys Tywin that man is huge." The King commented humorously eliciting chuckles from the sycophants surrounding them.

"The Cleganes have always been a family of tall men, Gregor just happens to be a true monster with the talent in aura to match," Tywin commented.

Both men met at the centre of the field clashing as they thrust their lances forward, most thought that the smaller golden armoured man stood no chance against a monster such as that but going against everyone's expectations the smaller man unsaddled Clegane launched him right from his horse and onto the ground. The crowd cheered as the golden armoured man rode around with his lance high in the air.

It was at this point that the King stood up, Daemon looked up at the man's face and saw the dark smile it held 'This won't be good...' Daemon couldn't help but think as he watched the King hold his hand up to silence the crowd.

"You do well honourable knight, come closer and unmask yourself so I may gaze upon your face," he commanded. The golden knight did just that as he trotted his horse over the front of the dais where the King was sat, he reached up and took his helmet off revealing shoulder-length golden hair and an extremely handsome face.

Even among the small folk Jaime Lannister the Lion of the West was famous, his handsome face, golden hair and emerald green eyes, he made all the maidens blush both small folk and high born alike. Daemon smiled he was happy to see Jaime again it had been a while and he had enjoyed the times that they had both spent together and with his brother Tyrion, though his sister left a lot to be desired.

Daemon looked towards the King who still had the dark smile on his face, but as he did look at the King his gaze drifted towards Tywin who despite maintaining his stoic expression looked just as surprised as everyone else was to see his son here 'What's going on...' Daemon wondered to himself.

"You have done well Ser Jaime Lannister, to conquer a form such as that is no small feat, it seems as of late you are building yourself quite the reputation, first you fight the rebel Simon Toyne in single combat and now this. I wonder what you'll be capable of next!" He shouted out for everyone to hear eliciting more cheers from the crowd.

Jaime bows his head "You honour me with your words more than I can express your grace." He replied, and he truly meant those words as well as a young boy who was barely a man yet having such words of praise from the strongest man in Westeros struck deeply.

"You have both talent and honour, you are young and eager, there is only one place that I find suitable for one such as yourself Lannister." The King said and much to the cheers and awe of the crowd he stepped off the dais seemingly floating down to the ground, the small folk loved these displays of supernatural abilities as they often made lords and nobles seem like otherworldly beings.

Jaime dismounted his horse and gave it to a squire "Kneel," The King instructed and Jaime obeyed getting on his knees before the King.

"Jaime Lannister, will you have no wife."

"Will you hold no lands."

"Will you father no children."

"Will you guard my secrets."

"Will you obey my commands."

"Will you ride at my side."

"And defend my name and honour."

"So long as you shall live."

Jaime feeling his heart beat with excitement couldn't stop the smile from making its way onto his face.

"I will take no wife."

"I will hold no lands."

"I will father no children."

"I will guard your secrets."

"I will obey your commands."

"I will ride at your side."

"I will defend your name and honour."

"So long as I live."

Aerys smile widened and he gestured for Jaime to rise "The rise Ser Jaime Lannister as brother of the Kingsguard!" He shouted and the crowd went wild once more. The Lord Commander Gerold Hightower approached and gifted Jaime a white cloak which he donned right there in the field showing it off for all the lords and small folk alike.

Daemon sat there in disbelief, he wondered how Aerys could do such a stupid thing. He looked over towards Tywin whose facade cracked and shining through was a look of pure venom and hatred directed towards the King, and Daemon could not blame him, he had just lost his heir for no other reason than Aerys trying to insult him. Tywin stood up from his seat before taking off the pin that signified his position as the hand and placed it on the arm of his chair before marching off the dais "This can't be good." Daemon commented as he watched it.

His gaze then drifted back down to the field where Jaime was ushered up to the royal dais with the rest of the Kingsguard and royal family. When Aerys came back to his seat he saw that Tywin was no longer there and frowned "Where did Tywin go!" He asked with annoyance.

"I believe he left after you swore Jaime into the Kingsguard," Daemon informed him.

"But he did see it didn't he?" The King asked.

"Yes, he most certainly did," Daemon replied.

The King then saw the pin of the hand left on his seat and started laughing as he picked it up "Good riddance to bad rubbish I say." He said as he put the pin in his pocket before sitting back down.

"You know Daemon, you are the man I wish to be my next Hand." The King said as he caught Daemon's attention with his hand.

"I am not worthy of such an honour," Daemon replied.

"You are the only man I find worthy, but unfortunately not everyone seems to share my view." He stated.

"Some believe your loyalty has yet to be tested, I've even been told rumours that you are in league with insidious characters." The King continued.

"Nothing but a fabrication your Grace I can assure you," Daemon said.

"I believe you, but a little test isn't harmful either way." The King said with a smirk as he gestured to the Kingsguard who left with the exception of Jaime.

Daemon couldn't help the nervous sweat that was starting to build up on the back of his neck, he didn't know what the king had in store for him but going from experience it wouldn't be good. A few minutes later a knight in armour was dragged onto the field by the three Kingsguard with dragon glass binding their hands, however when Daemon took a closer look he noticed that this wasn't just any Knight but the Knight of the Laughing Tree 'Lyanna!!!' Daemon thought in a panic but managed to maintain a calm facade despite the situation.

He immediately looked across to Lysa where the Tullys were seated, words were not necessary to communicate what he wanted, she nodded before both their gazes went back to Lyanna "This Knight is a traitor to the Kingdom! They were seen plotting against the King!" The King shouted to the crowd who started to boo the Knight.

"But in front of you all, he shall be unmasked, and my new hand Lord Daemon Silver will execute him in front of you all!!!" He shouted as the crowd roared in excitement for the oncoming blood and death.

Daemon clenched his fists nearly hard enough to draw blood, he stood up and went to take the field when Aerys grabbed his arm "Don't disappoint me." He warned before letting go.

He jumped down and approached the Knight, he gestured for the Kingsguard to let them go and to step back. Meanwhile, in the royal dais, Rhaegar joined his father taking Daemon's seat much to his father's annoyance.

"This test seems hardly necessary Rhaegar, Daemon has always proved himself to be true." The King stated.

"Perhaps but one cannot be too careful these days," Rhaegar replied.

Elia couldn't help but be shocked that it was Rhaegar to suggest this ridiculous test, she wished to speak out but knew her voice would not have any weight to it.

Rhaegar watched with an uncharacteristic smile as he watched Daemon unsheathe his sword, if he knew Daemon's character he wouldn't kill an innocent man in cold blood even when commanded to and this was what he was counting on. Rhaegar released his aura, his eyes turned from purple to red and he leaned next to his father.

'The Kings Voice'

"Daemon Silver is a traitor." He whispered into his father's ear. Rhaegar then nearly collapsed into his seat as he felt his aura drain dangerously low to the point he nearly passed out, issuing commands like this drained him a lot which was why he preferred much subtle uses of his abilities.

The king's face went from passive to absolute rage as he looked down at Daemon waiting for him to execute the Knight. However Daemon had no intention of doing that, he walked up to the knight who he knew was Lyanna and smiled "I promise I'll come back for you..." he said quietly much to Lyanna's displeasure as tears made their way down her face "Make sure to run and get rid of the armour, and don't come looking for me," he instructed her which she just nodded her head. Her actions had got them into this mess so she would make sure to listen to Daemon now.

Daemon lifted his sword in the air as the crowd cheered, with a yell he brought it down completely shattering the obsidian cuffs with his sword. The King stood up with absolute outrage as his aura exploded out of his body "KILL THOSE TRAITORS NOW!!!" The King commanded.

'Fools World'

Lysa activated her ability turning both Daemon and Lyanna invisible and making copies of them run in separate directions, though she couldn't maintain this for long as she had stretched her ability to 300m.

Daemon released his aura before he burst towards Ser Oswell attacking him from behind and slamming the pommel of his sword to the back of his head, even though the man had his aura active Daemon overcame that by pouring a higher amount into his pommel and so he knocked the man out. Daemon then started to run, he couldn't start a fight here too many would die and he knew he wouldn't be able to win against so many aura users.

Lyanna ran in another direction to Daemon with tears in her eyes as she had to watch Daemon being branded a traitor because of her need to prove herself. Lyanna quickly took advantage of her invisibility and took off the armour before making her way to Lysa, she wasn't sure what else she could do.

Daemon meanwhile ran, with his aura he was running faster than a horse, and yet all he could think about was how had things turned out this way.


Daemon didn't know how long he ran for but it was pitch black and the moon was high in the sky before he sat down to rest and start a fire. Daemon still wasn't sure how things could go so wrong so quickly, what he wanted to know most of all was who had suggested that he was a traitor, he wasn't aware of any enemies that he had that had the king's ear.

Daemon rubbed his eyes before sighing however his ears twitched as he heard the sounds of dry branches snapping in the night air. He stood up and drew his sword before he released his aura and used 'Scout' to investigate his surroundings 'Only one person...' Daemon discovered as he drew his aura back in using 'Fortify' to ready himself for a fight.

Coming through the brush was a man with an unnaturally wide grin on his face, on his back was a quiver full of swords, he wore light armour and he looked at Daemon with amusement "What is the Smiling Knight doing here, I thought Arthur killed you." Daemon asked as he narrowed his eyes at the ex-member of the Kingswood Brotherhood.

"If only I was allowed the sweet relief of death, no instead I was made into another toy like you." The Smiling Knight said with a chuckle.

Daemon ignored his comment before pointing his sword at the man "What are you doing here?" He asked sternly.

"I'm here because I was told to, nothing more nothing less," He replied.

Daemon was starting to get annoyed and frustrated at the lack of clear answers "Tell me why you are here now!" He shouted as he got ready to attack the man. However the Smiling Knight just laughed at him, he didn't even bother drawing his sword to defend himself.

"You won't attack me with that sword." The Knight said.

Daemon smirked "Oh? And what makes you say that?" He asked as aura flowed from his body across the sword.

"Would you please drop that sword."


Daemon released Blackfyre from his hands and let it drop to the floor, all he could do was look at his sword as he was too shocked to speak.

'What's happening...'

(AN: Hard part is over, I did rush some stuff but I wanna get to the end of this arc as fast as I can, and good news the next chapter is the last one. The rebellion finally starts though we still have one last girl to impregnate, anyway I hope you enjoyed the chapter sorry it was late but I was travelling.)

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