
Portgas D. Naruto

____________________________________ Naruto is born as Ace's older brother and the son of Portgas D. Rouge and the Pirate King, Gol D. Roger. Follow his life in the One Piece universe. ____________________________________ Disclaimer:this fanfic is not mine it's from Qwert135, if you want to take it down, message me, Every Chapter have 2k+ - 3k+ word's, so enjoy :D

xAcreosx · Anime e quadrinhos
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31 Chs

Chapter 6

"That's a bold plan but I think we can pull it off." Kiji spoke with some confidence in his voice

Lucy nodded, "Yea I think so too."

"Ok, I'll go over it one more time." Naruto said

"I'll walk into the castle alone asking for an audience with Doflamingo himself, chances are he'll let it happen. As this is going on Russ will make his way to the top of the building on the other side of the castle, a window is situated right behind the throne and we can use this to pick him off. Once the shot is taken Reeve, Lucy, and Kiji will move in to take out his crew which would most likely spill in after their captain's death. It is at this time Russ that you will set your eyes on the on coming foes arriving at the castle to aid their fallen leader, we need it so as many of them are taken care of as possible. If everything goes smoothly we'll walk out of that castle as heroes, and we would have successfully set Dressrosa free." Naruto spoke out to his crew

Each one of them nodded at their captains words, "What about you Naruto? What will you do?" Lucy asked

The Water-man kept his straight face and looked at Lucy, "I don't know yet Lucy. You see I'm counting on Doflamingo recognizing me and my abilities, therefore he'll have no choice to put some sort of Devil-Fruit inhibitor on me, whether it be seastone or some other means."

"But captain, I thought you were immune to the effects of seastone?" Reeve questioned

The captain of the Whirlpool Pirates looked at the youngest member of the crew and spoke, "Yes and no Reeve, I can withstand small amounts of it that are in contact with me at the cost of my ability to shift into water, but I cannot do anything if something like seastone cuffs are put on me. The amount of seastone present in the cuffs are too much for my body to handle and thus it nullifies my Devil-Fruit powers."

"Hmmmm, I got an idea! What about after I take that shot at mister Doflamingo I line up a second at ur cuffs!" Russ said to Naruto

Naruto smiled, "That's a fantastic idea Russ! Good thinking!"

"Ha! Hopefully this so called marksman can make such a shot!" Lucy exclaimed as she crossed her arms

Russ grinded his teeth at the insult, "Well since this here sniper can hold 8 shots why don't I put the last 6 through ur skull!"

"OH I WELCOME THE CHALLENGE YOU OLD MAN!" Lucy yelled at Russ getting into his face

Russ did the same and took a step closer to Lucy getting into her face, "WELL PREPARE TO BE AMAZED BIRD BRAIN!"

"Uh. . .guys?" Reeve attempted to speak up to break the tension

"SHUT IT!" The two yelled at the teen causing him to run behind Kiji

Kiji just sighed as Lucy and Russ continued their arguing, "They haven't even known each other for a solid day and they act like mortal enemies. I think it's best to give them their space when they fight Reeve." The fish-man said, directing the last part of his words at the young teen

The boy could only nod his head because he was too afraid to open his mouth, not wanting either of his new friends to freak out at him once again.

Naruto had enough of all the arguing and decided to step in and take care of this, "Alright listen you two! We can't be fighting with ourselves at a time like this! We need to beat Doflamingo, and to do that we need to put all ill thoughts and crap off to the side for another time!"

Both Russ and Lucy quieted down and decided to listen to what there leader/captain had to say, "Ok, now's the time we've all been waiting for. Russ go on and get to the top of that building, and the rest of you go find another way into the castle where you won't be seen. As for me I'm going to have a little chat with our friend."


At the castle. . .

Walking up to the drawbridge was one Portgas D. Naruto, he didn't where anything special or have any new weapon, aside from his staff. His goal was to get the guards attention so that they would bring him inside the fortress.

"OIIIIII ANYONE ALIVE UP THERE!" The young man yelled up to the section above the drawbridge

2 men clad in chain mail stumbled around for a second before peering over the edge of the wall, "Hey you! Why have you come to the castle gate!?"

Naruto put his hand up to the edge of his hat, further shading his eyes from the sun, and spoke, "I'm here to have a little talk with my good buddy Doflamingo! You know him?" He yelled back up

"W-WHAT!?" The two yelled down their mouths agape

Naruto could only pinch his temples, "I said I'm here to see Doflamingo! The guy in charge of this place! Ring any bells?"

Within a few moments a squad of guards ran out with their spears to confront the young teen, "You're coming with us Water-man Naruto!" They than strapped sea-stone cuffs on his wrists and started to escort him inside

"Well that's one way to get into a castle." Lucy spoke to Reeve and Kiji with a sweat drop

"Shhhhh be quiet Lucy they'll see us!" Reeve whispered rather loudly

Kiji just sighed, "Reeve we're 30 meters away from the castle they won't hear us, don't worry."

"Ok Kiji, if you say so. C'mon guys we gotta find our own way into the fortress." Reeve said to the others

The three then made there way around the castle looking for a safe passage within.


Inside the throne room. . .

Naruto was being escorted by two rather small guards into the Dressrosian throne room that had now been occupied by the tyrant Doflamingo. The room had various wealth's laying about, treasures that would catch the eye of many, but not Naruto. He had his eyes glued on the fungus that had grown over top of the king's chair, the man in question had a grin ear-to-ear plastered on his face as he relaxed in the chair.

"Well well well, what do I owe the pleasure of your visit Water-man?" The man taunted

Naruto smiled, "I was just in the neighbourhood thought I'd stop by and say hi."

"I must say you are a bold one Water-man! Coming onto my island when my subordinates are spread thin doing deals for me across the New World. It's almost like you have a trick up your sleeve." Doflamingo stated with a grin

Naruto waved his cuffed hands in front of him, "What that's nonsense Doflamingo! I just wanted to uh meet the greatest Pirate ever!"

The blond haired man frowned, not buying Naruto's words, "Do you take me for a fool? Answer me. Why are you here?"

Naruto looked up through the window behind Doflamingo and say the glare of what looked to be a sniper scope. Taking this as a queue that everyone was in position he got serious. "You wanna know why I'm actually here Doflamingo? I'm here to but an end to your reign. I'm here to free this country from your grasp."

The ex-noble laughed, "And how do you suspect to do that? Hmmm?"

"I got friends." Naruto then raised his cuffs as high as he could and a shot was fired through the window behind Doflamingo. The bullet travelled swiftly through the room and hit Naruto's cuffs, breaking them off of his hands. Before anyone could react a second shot was fired, this time heading for Doflamingo. The bullet struck the man in the chest as he was flown to the floor by the impact. Not thinking for a second that it was over, Naruto got himself into a fighting stance to face the fallen man.

Blood had splattered out of Doflamingo's wound but only for a brief second before the wound was sealed. Doflamingo then proceeded to get to his feet, with some struggle at first. The ex-noble then turned to face the Water-man and spoke, "You'll need to do much better then that to take down someone such as I."

"How can you stand so easily after a shot to the chest?!" The red-head questioned Doflamingo

Doflamingo grinned madly, "Such is the case when you have a powerful Devil-Fruit. My fruit allows me to control string, so it was not hard at all to stitch up all the damaged tissue from the bullet wound."

'Interesting.' Naruto thought

"And it is with my powers that you will meet your end!" Doflamingo yelled shooting tendrils of string towards Naruto making him jump back

"GUARDS!" Doflamingo yelled out


'Shit, I can't let my crew get hurt! I need to put an end to this right now!' Naruto thought in his head

Doflamingo smiled as he looked back at Naruto, "You're friends will be dealt with soon enough. However, unlike the rest of the scum you had dragged in here with you, I want to be able to kill you myself. So let's go!"

Doflamingo then pulled his hand back which caused Naruto's whole body to jet forward in a flash towards the ex-noble. Naruto struggled against the string that had taken ahold of him but had no avail getting loose. The oldest Portgas had noticed that the strings attached to his body had been giving off the same energy as Haki. Knowing what this meant, Naruto put up both of his legs which were aimed at Doflamingo's chest and froze his feet over in a block of ice.

When Naruto was close enough to the blond-haired man he kicked forward with his ice-coated feet. Doflamingo, not having the time to dodge, was helpless to move and got hit directly in the chest with the ice. The man only staggered backwards a bit before launching 5 tendrils of string at Naruto in a blink of an eye. Naruto had managed to freeze 3 of the 5 and avoid one but the other haki-infused tendril hit him in the shoulder piercing his skin and spilling blood.

'W-what! I can't change into water!?' Naruto thought in a bit of a panic

Doflamingo, without warning, sprinted at Naruto and delivered a ferocious punch to his face, sending the younger man flying back into a wall. The Warlord then proceeded to momentarily stand up straight and laugh at his opponent.

"Ha ha! What's wrong Water-man? Having trouble changing into water?!" Doflamingo continued to laugh before continuing, "As long as my strings are touching you you can't escape my wraith!"

'Dammit! I can't rely on my fruit for help. I need to use my haki against him! It's the only chance I got of winning this fight!' Portgas thought to himself

Naruto stood up and pushed away from the wall, charging for Doflamingo with Haki-infused fists. The Warlord then shot bullets made of string at Naruto at high velocity in an attempt to hold him back. Naruto however used his observation haki to side step some of the bullets and jump around the others. Closing in on Doflamingo, Naruto cocked back his fist and shot it forward as fast as he could. However, Doflamingo made a web of string to block Naruto's attack from hitting him.

"He he he! So see fool, my string is not only a perfect offence it is the perfect defence as well!" Doflamingo boasted

Naruto grinned, "So you believe."

Caught in a gridlock of strength, the blond-haired man reached out with his other hand to pull rocks off of the crumbling wall behind Naruto in hopes of hitting the Water-man with some debris. The red-head saw what Doflamingo was trying to do and jumped backwards away from him and started to parkour up, around, and over various boulders. He landed away from the boulders and watched as each of them flew at Doflamingo. The Warlord only made one more motion with his hand and each boulder was thrown off to the side.


Meanwhile with the rest of the crew. . .

Kiji, Lucy and Reeve could all be seen fighting off Doflamingo's goons in the courtyard. Kiji was using his extreme strength to lift up guards and goons and throw them into the surrounding walls while Lucy was flying above and picking off guards one by one. Reeve could also be seen helping, he was flying atop Lucy using his pistol the best he could and shooting any guards that Kiji couldn't reach.

"Holy lord! There's so many of them!" Reeve exclaimed, baffled by the amount of people present in the courtyard to stop them

Kiji grinned as he knocked 2 guards together, "The more the better! I don't know about you guys but I'm having a blast!"

"Well you're not the one who has someone on your back Kiji!" Lucy yelled within her bird form

Kiji laughed, "Calm down you'll be fi-"

He was cut off by the guard in front of him he was a bout to punch was being shot dead. Kiji looked up at Reeve and spoke, "Great shot Reeve! But I had that one!"

"It wasn't me Kiji!" Reeve yelled back down

"It was meh! You'd think that I'd miss a party like this here one!" Russ spoke out making his presence known

Both Kiji and Reeve looked happy to see Russ since when he split off from them to go help Naruto to get free there had been nothing but explosions from that side of the castle, leading them to fear that something may have happened.

Lucy grew a tick mark on her head, "Shouldn't you be with our captain you crappy marksman!"

"Ur captain is freed and fighting Doflamingo right now you oversized chicken! There wasn't much else I could do there so I came to help ya's out since Doflamingo sent more reinforcements!" Russ responded

Russ then got to ground level with Kiji and pulled out twin revolvers and begin shooting about. Not complaining with him, Lucy once again began swooping downwards and scooping up more and more guards.


Back with Naruto and Doflamingo. . .

Doflamingo launched bullet after bullet at Naruto, some of them grazed him but others missed their mark completely. The 2 had been fighting for a bit and were both getting exhausted trying to beat the other into a pulp. The captain of the Whirlpool pirates had managed to evade enough of Doflamingo's attack to get close enough to him to try his luck with another punch. He charged up his haki in his fist once again and charged at Doflamingo, in a few short strides Naruto extended his fist and made contact with Doflamingo's jaw. But at the same time the Warlord had sent tendrils out of the tips of his fingers which went straight though Naruto. Doflamingo was thrown back into a pile of rubble while Naruto just fell over due to the exhaustion along with the loss of blood he was taking on from Doflamingo's last attack.

'Cmon Naruto it's not over yet! Get up!' Naruto motivated himself

Getting to his feet the Water-man looked into the direction where Doflamingo had landed and watched as he had gotten up as well. Naruto watched as he saw the broken jaw of Doflamingo snap itself back together and how the cuts and gashes on his arms and legs began to disappear. However, the one thing on Doflamingo's face that wasn't being repaired was his glasses. One of the lenses of his glasses had been completely shattered from Naruto's punch, which left the Water-man a clear view at the evil man's eye.

"I must say Water-man, you are quite the fighter." Doflamingo spoke as he was out of breath

Naruto remained silent, studying on what to do next to finally end this.

Doflamingo frowned, "Oh so you have nothing to say?"

Naruto got into a fighting stance and launched multiple drops of water at Doflamingo and saw him activate his web once more. It took the blond-haired man a longer time to activate it due to strain but it still did its job of defending Doflamingo's body from all the water droplets that Naruto had fired.

'I need to be able to be able to get behind him, then it won't be as hard for me to land a blow on him that could end this fight.' The Water-man thought

Before Naruto could finish his thinking, a clone of Doflamingo appeared behind him and started to throw punches wildly at him at close range. The Water-man easily blocked the first punch the clone threw and threw one straight back into its stomach and before anything else could be done by the clone, Naruto threw a second at its head, which when the contact was made, exploded into bits of string. The clone hunched over and began to fall apart as the real Doflamingo launched razor sharp bits of string at Naruto in hopes of catching him off guard. Naruto raised a piece of ice from the ground a bit taller than him and slid it across the floor, making the strings that were targeted at him get caught in the ice.

Naruto then started to shoot water out in various directions, flooding the room a bit, creating a layer of water on the ground which was high enough to cover the feet of Naruto and Doflamingo.

"What are you planning Water-man? Trying to have a pool party of some sort?" The Warlord said as he began to laugh at his own joke

Before Doflamingo could finish his laughing, Naruto charged at him with all the energy he had left. Covering his feet in ice allowed Naruto to run across his water with greater speed. Once he was within 5 metres of Doflamingo, Naruto coated his hands in haki to prepare for the final strike. Doflamingo, seeing what was going to happen, started to create his web so that he wouldn't get harmed by his enemy's attack. However, before Doflamingo could complete the web Naruto slide underneath it and through the bigger mans legs to get behind him. Doflamingo tried to turn around to meet the Water-man but noticed that the water on the floor had all but been turned to ice by Naruto. Before Doflamingo could hack his way out, Naruto swung a haki infused fist covered in ice straight at the man's head and hit his mark dead on. Doflamingo was hit with so much force, when he hit the ice he managed to shattered the whole thing, along with the stone floor underneath him.


With the others. . .

Kiji, Lucy, Reeve, and Russ had been fighting non-stop and yet guards and Doflamingo's hired help had still been rushing in by the dozen to try and defeat them though the Whirlpool Pirates held up quite well against their foes.

"Eh kid! You got any rounds left?" Russ asked Reeve fighting off oncoming attacks

Reeve checked his pockets, "No sir I don't!"

'Damn!' Russ thought to himself, "Well, looks like we'll just have to handle this here problem the old fashion way." He flipped over his guns and started to use the weapons handles as weapons

3 guards had managed to get the jump on Kiji and get on top of him only to be launched off all at the same time. Kiji then spoke, "Guys we might have to make our way into the castle! We can't hold up much longer out here-"

Before he could finish a huge dust cloud emerged from where Naruto and Doflamingo were fighting. Everyone stopped their fighting, knowing that both leaders had been duking it out over in that direction.

Eventually from out of the dust came both Naruto and Doflamingo, however the only conscious one of the 2 was Naruto and Doflamingo had been tied up head to toe in Seastone chains.

The Whirlpool pirates and Russ were happy to see Naruto, however, the guards and hired help were now beginning to sweat bullets. They knew what the man in-front of them did to their boss and were scared to find out what he might do to them so they all dropped their weapons and ceased their fighting.

"So you finally beat him, eh captain?" Kiji said walking up to Naruto

Naruto just sat back against a boulder, "Yeah I guess I did." He spoke still sounding exhausted

Before any of the guards or hired help could get away, Rebecca had arrived in her battle armour along with some royal Loyalists. "Quick all of you! Capture all of Doflamingo's men so that none get away!" She ordered

Upon seeing Rebecca in her rather revealing armour both Russ and Naruto struck a nose bleed, but Naruto was quick to run up to her and wrap her cloak around her as a makeshift curtain so that no one would see the woman he loved in such a revealing piece of clothing.

"R-Rebecca what are you doing here! I told you that no one should get in our way!" Naruto spoke out to her with an obvious blush on his face

Rebecca smiled, "I know you wanted no one to come up here but from the noise coming from the castle along with all of Doflamingo's man running to the castle, we thought that you guys could use some help."

"Thank you but it's unnecessary. My crew and I have already taken care of everything." Naruto said

Rebecca then made wide eyes, "Wait! You killed Doflamingo!"

"Nope. But I did kick the crap out of him!" He grinned

"W-where is he!?" Rebecca scrambled as she looked in various directions for the tyrant

Naruto smiled as he pointed to Doflamingo, unconscious on the ground, "He's right over there!"

"So you're telling me he's really not dead?" She spoke in a timid voice

Naruto laughed, "No he's not! But I don't see him waking up anytime soon though!"

Rebecca smiled as she started crying and hugged the Water-man. Naruto was a little surprised at the sudden action but went along with the hug none the less.

He then looked down at her, "What's wrong Rebecca?"

She looked up to face him once more with watery eyes and a smile, "Nothing! This is one of the happiest days of my life. No longer will the people of Dressrosa and my family have to live in fear of the tyrant Doflamingo. Now we can all be free and happy, just like you Naruto!"

He kissed her on the forehead, "Yes you can."


A couple days later. . .

Doflamingo had been kept under lock and key at the Dressroian castle, locked away in the dungeon along with being bound by Seastone chains so that he will no longer be any harm to the Dressrosian people. Naruto and his crew had also asked if they could get a new ship and to their pleasure a brand new ship had been supplied to them by the nice shipwrights of Dressrosa, said to be not much worse then the shipwrights over at Water-7.

The ship gifted to them was not a very common class of ship. The boat itself wasn't actually a boat, it was a submarine. It came equipped with numerous torpedo's along with many other new, state of the arc gadgets.

Naruto himself had had also made a deal with the rightful king of Dressrosa, Riku Doldo lll, that Dressrosa become his territory. The king had not been taken back at the young Portgas's offer at all, in-fact he was quite pleased with it. The king saw this as a way to keep away unwanted pirates from his country. Of course Rebecca also had given Naruto his own "reward".

Eventually the crew set off once again into the New World, their next destination, Zou then Whole Cake Island.

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