
Portgas D. Naruto

____________________________________ Naruto is born as Ace's older brother and the son of Portgas D. Rouge and the Pirate King, Gol D. Roger. Follow his life in the One Piece universe. ____________________________________ Disclaimer:this fanfic is not mine it's from Qwert135, if you want to take it down, message me, Every Chapter have 2k+ - 3k+ word's, so enjoy :D

xAcreosx · Anime e quadrinhos
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31 Chs

Chapter 13

[If you want to make this scene a little better put on the song Luffy's Pace, trust me it makes it a lot better!]


"No way! My bounty jumped up!" Lucy cheered as she held up her wanted poster for all to see

The crew had found the new wanted posters that had been sent out by the World Government a few weeks following their skirmish in Tottoland and each of them were extremely surprised to say the least. Everyone was joyous of their bounty expansions except for one person, Russ, he wouldn't let anyone take a single peek at his poster no matter how much they asked.

"C'mon Russ let's see your bounty, don't be such a stick in the mud." Reeve asked the man as he sat atop a barrel on the deck of the ship

Russ however just sat under the small raincloud that had formed above his head and replied not even turning back to him, "No. . .I don't want none of ya's seeing this here wanted poster. It should just be thrown away like the trash it is." He spoke in a depressed tone

Kiji scoffed at the sight before him as he voiced up, keeping his tough guy exterior, "Oh please! Man up marksman! You're tough enough to sail the New World, and fight against some of the strongest foes the sea can throw at you, and yet you're too scared to show a stupid bounty! Pathetic!"

"Well I'm sure it's just fine Russ! If mine looks this cool I bet yours is ten times as great!" Rose comforted him as she showed her wanted poster to the crew




189,000,000 beli

The picture showed Rose smiling at the camera with her welders goggles on her forehead and her green hair stringing down either side of her face in a liitle bit of a messy fashion due to the fight she was in at the time.

Reeve looked at the wanted poster and gave a questionable look and looked back at Rose, "Your surname is Scotts?"

Rose smiled as she nodded her head and responded, "Indeed it is! By the way Reeve, would you mind if I could see your wanted poster?"

"Yeah sure!" The boy got excited as he laid out the piece of paper




68,000,000 beli

"Wow kid that's great! You've come a long way since we met!" Lucy said giving him the thumbs up

Reeve scratched the back of his head as he smiled back at her and responded, "Thanks a lot Lucy! It really means a lot coming from you-"

The youngest on the crew was cut short as Lucy's hand launched out and slammed down on the deck of the ship while she exclaimed, "But it has nothing on mine squirt!" Once she moved her hand away from the paper it revealed her bounty.




486,000,000 beli

"That's a great bounty Lucy, but did you really need to be so dramatic?" Rose said to her fellow female with a sweat drop

Lucy just turned her nose up and replied, "Yes in matter of fact I did! It made the presentation so much better!" Reeve and Rose laughed at her antics before she herself joined in with Yuri and Pedro.

Once she was done laughing Lucy then asked, "Speaking of being a little too dramatic, where's your bounty Mr. Firstmate?"

The fishman cracked a smile as he laid it out with the other wanted posters on the deck, "Feast your eyes on this one boys and girls!"




897,000,000 beli

"Woah that's insane! Look how much it has jumped since the last one!" Reeve spoke out in shock of Kiji's bounty

Pedro nodded, "It truly is a bounty to be proud of." He declared

"What's yours looking like Pedro? Oh and yours too Yuri?" Rose asked the two as each presented their respected wanted posters

Pedro's had shown the jaguar mink glaring directly into the camera, and like Lucy's his hair was a little bit messy from the fighting that had took place. Yuri's was a bit different, it had shown the giant man grinning while some blood had flown down the left side of his face.




179,000,000 beli





423,000,000 beli

Gem got up from his spot in the shade to see what all of the fuss was about and saw all of the bounties laid out on the ground and spoke, "Wow guys each one of these look pretty good. I suppose I should show you mine as well."

The man gently laid out his bounty for all to see.




397,000,000 beli

"Wow Gem that's such a high bounty!" Rose complimented Gem as Yuri gave him a thumbs up

Pedro too finished looking at the bounty and gave his words of praise, "Congratulations. With a bounty like this it must mean the government considers you to be a very good fighter."

Gem just grinned as he walked back over to his spot in the shade and resumed his little nap.

"Well that seems to be everyone Russ! Now pull out that bounty poster of yours and show us!" Lucy demanded of him

Russ pulled his wanted poster closer to his chest as he sharply turned his back towards the rest of the crew before responding, "No! No one needs to look at this piece of paper!"

"That's it!" Lucy exclaimed as she threw herself at Russ and tackled him to try and get the paper from him

The two started to roll around in a little dust cloud that formed when they started wrestling fo the page. "Give me the page you shitty marksman!" Lucy yelled at him as she pushed his torso to the ground

Russ then yelled back at her with shark-teeth, "Fat chance feathers!" He then held the poster away from him with one arm as he used the other to hold back his fellow crew member. However, this gave the captain of the Whirlpool Pirates the opportunity to snatch the poster from his hand.

Once Naruto took it from Russ, Lucy had fallen on top of Russ and their fighting had ceased as everyone stood still, awaiting their captain's reaction. Naruto then brought the page down from his gaze as he looked at his crew with a straight face.


Rose then ran over to him and took the paper and inspected it closely. "HAHAHAHA! IT IS! IT'S HILARIOUS!"

The Shipwright of the Whirlpool Pirates then showed the poster to everyone else and everyone began to laugh, even the very serious Kiji chuckled a bit at the sight of Russ's new wanted poster. The poster read,




674,000,000 beli

But it wasn't the writing on the poster that had the whole crew in tears but the picture that had replaced Russ's old one. The picture he originally had was no more and had been replaced with a new picture of the marksman mid sneeze.

"Why was I the only one to have my picture replaced from Dressrosa!" Russ yelled out in anguish

Eventually the laughter began to die down and everyone caught their breaths. Reeve then remembered something and brought it up immediately, "Hey Naruto! You didn't show us your bounty."

Naruto laughed, "Oh yea I forgot, thanks for reminding me though!"

He then presented his bounty which left everyone with a jaw-dropped expression.





3,950,000,000 beli


A few hours later. . .

After seeing Naruto's new bounty the whole crew had flipped out at the fact that it was so high, though that's to be expected of a Yonko. Eventually everyone decided that enough was enough and went back inside of the ship and once again descended into the water and kept sailing towards their new destination. . . Wano.

"Remind me again why we're invading another Yonko's territory right after we just faced off against one?" Gem asked as he laid back in a chair where all of the crew had gathered to discuss their plan of attack

Kiji crossed his arms, "I don't care what the reason is. If our captain deems it so we need to go there then I won't hesitate to go."

Yuri nodded his head to Kiji's words, showing that he agreed with him completely.

Pedro then spoke up, "I'm with Gem on this one. Why would we go and provoke another Yonko so soon after Big Mom?"

"Well I don't plan to fight or confront Kaido in person to be honest. What I plan to do is sneak into his castle and steal an etching of the Road Ponoglyph that he has stored somewhere in there." Naruto explained

"So no fighting?" Rose asked as she cleaned her googles

Naruto nodded, "If it can be avoided then yes, no fighting."

"Then what's ya plan captain?" Russ asked as he leaned against a wall

Naruto presented a map in front of the crew, "This is a rough map of the entire land of Wano, and Kaido's castle is here." Naruto said as he pointed to the section of the map that contained the fortress of the Yonko. "So what I was thinking was for us to dock here." He explained pointing to the closest shore. "And make our way to the capital." He continued as he traced his finger to the flower capital. "And from there we can move onwards to Kaido's castle. Though not all of us can go, so I was thinking that Pedro, Rose, myself, and Reeve should go." He finished as he stood up from the map

Everyone nodded along with him as Kiji asked a question, "Then what will you have the rest of us do in the time being?"

"You'll all be going ahead onto the next island." Naruto answered

"W-what! But we never split up! Why now!" Lucy yelled out in distress

Naruto lowered his hat a little bit before responding to Lucy's question, "Kaido has the biggest crew in the world and is arguably the strongest Yonko behind Whitebeard. If we went in smaller numbers it would allow us a better chance of getting in undetected."

"Th-that makes sense." Lucy said as she began to calm herself down

Naruto nodded his head, "Yeah. You guys will go on to Elbaf, the land of the giants, and see if you can find anything about the last Road Ponoglyph while we finish up here and we'll all see each other there on Elbaf."


After sailing for a few more minutes and getting past the great waterfall. . .

"We're finally here! It's Wano!" Lucy exclaimed as she opened the hatch to the sub and everyone made their way back onto the deck

"It's beautiful!" Rose exclaimed taking in the sight

"It truly is a sight to see." Spoke Russ as he took off his hat to examine the island further

Gem's eyes traced the beautiful scenery but then his eyes made its way over to see a few factories spewing smog in the distance. "Hey guys. Look over there." He told everyone as he pointed to the factories

"Oh yeah look at that." Reeve spoke as he leaned against the railing to get a better look

Kiji sighed, "It appears that this land has been scarred by Kaido."

"That's awful." Pedro continued

Naruto clenched his fist as he looked away from the smog and kept his eyes straight forward looking for a comfortable spot to dock the ship to let off himself and his small team to go forth into the country.

Lucy looked at Naruto before speaking, "Where should we dock Naruto?"

"Just along that shoreline over there is fine." He responded

They made its way over to the shoreline and Naruto, Reeve, Rose, and Pedro had all gotten off of the ship. Each one of them carrying a bag of supplies with them as they walked a bit up the shore to the grass line and looked back at the ship with the crew gathering at the railing to see them off.

"Watch out for Kaido's men you guys!" Lucy yelled as she waved at them

Russ started to wave as well, "Don't go beatin' another Yonko without us!"

Yuri started to wave goodbye as well as he smiled.

"Make sure to come back alive!" Kiji said to them as he waved as well

Gem, however, didn't say a word because he was passed out on the deck and was sleeping soundly until Lucy kicked him awake. "You guys have a safe journey." He spoke out with a goose-egg on the top of his head and in a very tired manner

"We'll see you guys at soon! Bye!" Reeve yelled as he waved his hands above his head

Naruto smiled as he waved and yelled back at them as they began to sail away, "Don't let any giants intimidate you guys! We're the best crew on the whole damn Grandline and you can take down any challenges that get in your way!"

Eventually they had begun to descend back into the water and sail out of sight. Once the ship was gone Naruto turned around and unloaded the bigger bag he had with him. Once opening it he tossed each person some clothes to wear for their time in Wano.

"Uh Naruto? Do we need to wear these weird clothes?" Reeve questioned as he looked awkwardly at the blue kimono in his hands

"Yes we do Reeve. To the people of Wano these are regular clothes and we should have no problem blending in, and on top of that, Wano isn't connected to the outside world so if we were to walk around wearing our regular clothes then we would surely be spotted by one of Kaido's officers and captured." Pedro was quick to tell the younger boy

Naruto nodded along, "He's exactly right Reeve. If we don't wear these then we'll stick out like a sore t-t-thu-u-u-ummmb"

He choked on his words as he and the other two men looked over to see Rose getting changed right in front of them into her light green kimono without an once of shame from exposing her body.

"What is it?" She asked, clueless

"NOTHING!" Naruto and Reeve yelled out as they lifted up their arms in shock, a deep blush on their faces

Pedro just smashed his face into his palm and sighed at their antics.

In the flower capital. . .

The crew had gotten changed into their new clothes with Reeve now adorning the blue kimono he had previously asked about and he had also made a traditional Japanese hair-knot at the top of his head with his now grown out brown hair. Pedro had on a green kimono, though much darker compared to Rose's, and had a bandana on the top of his head to replace the hat he had grown fondly of. Rose had on a traditional kimono that matched her hair, and though it had taken a lot of convincing, she now had her goggles, along with the rest of her shipwright equipment in her bag. The captain of the Whirlpool Pirates had a black kimono on along with a red sash that went around his waist. Naruto had also gone with Reeve and given himself a top-knot, and had let his hat hang freely on his back.

They were all trying to navigate through the crowded streets and find their way to Kaido's base but found it very hard to navigate due to the amount of people out and about at the particular time of day.

"Jheez this is insane!" Reeve spoke as he squeezed through the gap between two men

Pedro was dodging oncoming people left and right trying to get through them, "I know what you mean! I can barely get through here!"

"Hey guys! I see a little side street up ahead! Let's go down that way!" Rose spoke to them as she struggled to point to the side street due to the amount of people

Naruto clenched his teeth as he tried t get past even more people, "Alright guys let's follow Rose that way!"

The crew had managed to make it all the way to the split off between the streets and had managed to get away from most of the people. "Well done Rose for finding this! I don't think I could've stood another minute in that pile of people."

"You said it!" Reeve chimed

Naruto then turned the corner and slammed head on into a woman. The woman in question was no older than himself, was average height, and wore what looked to be a very expensive dress. But the most prominent feature the woman had was her hair colour, the colour of her hair was turquoise.

"Hey watch where you're going!" The woman yelled at Naruto

"What do you mean 'where I'm going'. You're the one who ran me over!" He responded with a tic mark

She scoffed, "I've never heard such an untruthful claim! You should apologize this moment!"

"WHAT! You're the one who bumped into to me! And look at that you ripped my kimono too!" Naruto yelled back and showed her the tear in his new clothes

She then yelled back with shark-teeth, "DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM!"

"NO! AND I COULD REALLY CARE LESS!" Naruto yelld back with shark-teeth

Their heads got closer together as a bolt of lightning connected between them.

"I'm Komurasaki! An oiran of the dayu!"

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