
Popping pills in Young Justice

an Average person dies and get transmigrated into the Young Justice universe with the pills from Project Power. Not having to worry about dying to the pill's effect, the protagonist will try to do the most he can with his limited abilities and his limited knowledge about the universe. --- Don't take this novel seriously as I'm writing this after watching Project Power and I thought such abilities, with some benefits, could do well in young justice. Plus I don't have the most knowledge of DC since I'm personally a Marvel fan. there will be mistakes in the book, but just write it off as an A.U of sorts. Much love, Me

WADSD · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs


I feel like kicking myself. Why go and die in the bathroom after taking a bath?! Now a bunch of people will flood their eyesight with my untainted, extremely hot, above average height, muscular... Where was I? Oh! People are gonna see me naked!

But I'm not bothered about it... much. What bothers me is the fact that it was winter...


So my little brother seems much smaller than it actually is. Now people would look at it with pity. I don't need pity! It's just the temperature. Wait! What if they move my body to a warmer  environment... No the morgue's temperatures are always low.

"Excuse me."

"What?" I say to the... entity made out of pure light? in front of me. 

Clearing it's throat, the entity points at me. "I have chosen to reincarnate you into a random world with a random power." It spoke. 

"Wow! Cool!" I pump my fist in celebration, forgetting about my naked body at home. 

"What..?" The entity's arm lowers as it speaks with confusion. "No questions?" 

I pat my chest with pride. "My dad taught me about that saying of horse mouths and stuff." I say with a nod. 

"Don't look a gift horse in the mouth?" 

"That one! Yes." 

"Alright..." The entity sighs sadly. "Let us begin." With a wave of it's hand a wheel pops into existence. Different TV shows and comics and anime could be read on the wheel. 

"How original." I mutter. 

"What?" It snaps it's head in my direction, causing me to shoot my hands up in surrender. 

"Nothing! I just thought that this wheel looks extremely cool." I say, wiping the sweat off of my forehead when he turns back to the wheel. 

"Whatever just spin this and the other wheel-" Waving it's arm on the other side for dramatics, another wheel appears with different powers from the different universes. "And get going. I am utterly disappointed right now."

"Okay." I stand up and spin the world wheel. "Heh." I chuckle at the catchy name.

--->DC: Young Justice<---< em>

"Ah shit..." I look up at the entity. "No respins?" I strain a smile on my face at the entity shaking it's head in the negative. Shrugging, I go to the power wheel. I have a chance of survival if I get some of the powers on the wheel. Taking a deep breath I spin the wheel.

--->Project Power pills<---< strong>

"..." I look up at the entity. "Forgive my rudeness but I'm gonna look into your mouth now..." I say. "What the fuck is that?! You wanna give me something that gives me 1 random power from a random animal that lasts only 5 minutes?! Not to mention the fact that I can overdose from that shit! Oh and did I forget to mention the part where there's a chance where I just explode?!" 

"I get what you mean..." The entity rubs it's chin in contemplation, ignoring me completely! Fuck I am going to fuc- "Alright I can make it so that you can't overdose, you have 100% of getting a power and the power you get from each pill differs each time." -king kiss this thing!

What? Although it's like a super shitty version of Beast Boy, it's better than it was before. 

"Just think of getting a pill and it'll appear in your hand. You have an unlimited amount of it... Bye." The entity waves it's hand and I suddenly appear in some alleyway. That bastard! I'm dead! omgiwontsurviveinthisplace. 

I couldn't say or think of anything overly shit about the guy cause I didn't know if it'll just straight up erase my existence. 

"Whatever. You've been dealt a bad hand. Get over it." I mutter to myself and take a look at my surroundings. "Gotham..." a Tear escapes my eye. There isn't any other place as dark and creepy as Gotham at night. I quickly start moving towards the exit of the alleyway.

"Look what we have here~." 

I fucking knew it! 

I turn around and face the bastard who's clearly about to mug me. a Smirk graces my lips. "Heh." I sneer. "Buddy-" 

"Empty your pockets!" Another person says from behind me and presses a knife against my back from what I can feel. 

"Buddy..." I continue speaking with my smirk. " You really think I'd walk into this alley alone?" I say, glancing at the mugger behind me. "Get 'em Batman!" 

"Batman?!" Both muggers look up, ass clenched. 


Both of the muggers turn around and spots me holding my hip after crashing against the dumpster next to me. What a pitiful sight.

"This bastard!" Those words are what started my hell as they both sprung into action and started beating the shit out of me and emptying my already empty pockets. Ah... I could've just shown them that I had nothing. 


I glance up and spot some bastard kid wearing a costume laughing at me while I'm clearly in pain.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry." He squeezes out in between laughs. "That was just hilarious!" Fucking basta- 

Wait. Where's the muggers? 

Glancing down I spot them both unconscious next to me. "Did you see the whole thing... Uh... Boy wonder?" I ask, looking back up to who I now know is THE Robin a.k.a Boy Wonder. 

  "Yeah..." Robin says, rubbing his head awkwardly. 


"Hahahaha!" Robing laughs as he rolled on the rooftop. 


"Tsk." I click my tongue and stand up, holding my ribs. They really fucked me up.

"You need help?" Robin asks, moving closer to support me. 

I raise my hand to stop him. "Nah. If you didn't show up I woulda prolly fucked them up good." I chuckle before cringing because of the pain. 

"Sure." Robin rolls his eyes. "You wouldn't even be able to take on their infant children." He gestures to the muggers. 

This fucker. "Oh yeah?" I get up in his face, ignoring my aching body. 

"Yeah..." Robin slowly says, raising an eyebrow. 

"I'm a verified pill popper boy!" I raise my hand, a neat looking pill in my grasp before shoving it into my mouth and swallowing.