
Popping pills in Young Justice

an Average person dies and get transmigrated into the Young Justice universe with the pills from Project Power. Not having to worry about dying to the pill's effect, the protagonist will try to do the most he can with his limited abilities and his limited knowledge about the universe. --- Don't take this novel seriously as I'm writing this after watching Project Power and I thought such abilities, with some benefits, could do well in young justice. Plus I don't have the most knowledge of DC since I'm personally a Marvel fan. there will be mistakes in the book, but just write it off as an A.U of sorts. Much love, Me

WADSD · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs


"I'm a verified pill popper boy!"

Raising his guard, Robin looks on as the boy in front of him goes through a sort of transformation, his eyes changing and weird looking gills forming on his neck.

"Ahh..." The boy sighs in pleasure as his wounds start healing at a rapid pace. The boy's eyes snap open and he looks at Robin before chuckling awkwardly. "This is embarrassing..." He says, scratching his cheek.

"What just happened?" Robin asks, putting his birdarangs away. 

"What happened is both of us got lucky." The boy says, lifting his shirt to look at his almost done healing wounds. "Anyway..." He trails off. "You should prolly call this in." He says, gesturing towards the now awake muggers. 

"Yeah..." Robin knocks them both out before notifying the police. "Well it was nice meeting you..." 

"Oh I'm-" The boy speaks before stopping as he spots his reflection in a broken piece of glass on the floor. "Machine gun Kelly?!" He yells grabbing the glass and brings it closer to his face. Blonde hair. Blue eyes. Good looking face. 

'I look like a slightly younger version of MGK! Maybe around 16..?' 

"Nice meeting you Machine Gun Kelly." Robin says, snapping the boy out of his musings. 

"Oh no! My name's uhh... Fuck what was it?" The boy mutters. "Newt! Name's Newt." He exclaims as if finding out a great secret. 

"Nice meeting you Newt..." Robin repeats. "I've got to go now. Gotta do Robin things, you know." He says taking out his grappling gun and aims it higher. 'I have to inform Batman about him.'

"Wait!" Newt jumps in front of Robin. "Mind if I come with you? You know, to see the big man?" Newt asks, letting his eyes moisten as he stares at Robin. "Pleeeease?" 

'Is he really trying to use puppy eyes?' Robin thinks, stunned by Newt's shamelessness. "No can do buddy." He shakes his head and prepares to launch off again. 

"Wait! You saw what I did! C'mon let Batman take a look at it himself! Please. I somehow ended up here from my home. I'm alone and have nowhere to go and I heard Batman has a thing for lost puppies. No offense. Please. You know full well someone my age won't stand a chance surviving in this shithole. It'll only be once. Whatever he decides. I'll do." Newt says in one breath, still holding his puppy eyes. 

"...Fine!" Robin sighs and agrees reluctantly.



"Who's this?" Batman's gruff voice sounds out as he, Robin and a normal looking Newt stood on top of one of the many buildings in Gotham. 

"This is uhh..."

"Newt." Newt whispers to Robin. 

"Newt." Robin says. "I found him being mugged-"

"And beaten."

"-And beaten in an alleyway before he asked me to meet you." Robin states, receiving a silent glare from the big Bat, causing his expression to falter before he pushed Newt forward. 

"Hey..." Newt reaches out his hand for a shake but retrieves it as Batman stood in silence. "I uhh... wanted to ask if I can maybe become your student..?"

"..." Batman says nothing and turns around to leave. 

'Think think! You have to clutch this mans thighs till the end of time!' Newt think as he bites his lips. He knows that the power he has isn't nearly enough to survive in this god forsaken universe. So he has to somehow get under Batman's wing. Someone who could hold his own against some of the most powerful people in this universe. "Wait! I come from a different universe!" 

His words caused Batman to stop and Robin raises an eyebrow. They're not new to the whole multiverse thing, but it's worth hearing him out. 

"Something... some greater being chucked me here. I have no-one to go to. Please." Newt goes down on his knees. "I know this is abrupt but I can give you information. I know some things about the future and I know the identities of most of the superheroes..." Newt suddenly goes quiet as he looks up in shock. 'I've said too much.' He thinks, spotting Batman's glare. 

"What do you know?! Speak!" Batman says, inching closer towards Newt. 

"Uhh I know the whole Batfamily's and a few Justice league member's identities!" Newt says, moving away from Batman in fear. 

"Batfamily?" Robin speaks up from behind Newt. 

"Y-yeah. Batman, Batgirl, Orphan, Robin, Red Hood..." He trails off, not remembering who's in the Young Justice universe. 

"What are you talking about? It's just me and Batman." Robin says, before remembering what Newt said. 'I know some things about the future.' 

"Stop." Batman says, the rooftop growing silent for a few minutes as he stares at Newt. "Bring him to the cave." He commands Robin before somehow vanishing out of Newt's sight. 

"That was super cool." Newt mutters and stands up before turning to Robin. "Did I convince him?" He asks, scratching his cheek. 

"Shut up." Robin sighs before grabbing Newt's collar and shooting his grappling gun, ignoring Newt's scream.


"Cool place." Newt says to Robin as they walk through the Batcave. 

"Yup..." Robin responds absentmindedly. "Say... Do you mind telling me about the whole Batfamily you spoke about?" He asks, facing Newt, who kept turning his head to take in the sights. 

"Uh-huh. So what I remember is it was first you then came Batgirl." Newt says, still looking around the Batcave. "Then come the second Robin after you passed the title down and took on another. It's a shame about what happened to the second Robin... Or going to happen. But it won't because I'm going to try my best to stop it." 

"What?" Robin says stopping Newt while trying to comprehend the information that came from those few words. "I'm gonna stop being Robin? And what's going to happen to the second Robin?" He asks, putting his hand on Newt's shoulder to grab his attention. 

"I'm not sure I can't go into much detail about it..." Newt reveals with an awkward expression. "You know how messed up timelines can be." He says before sidestepping Robin and walking towards Batman who was sitting at the Batcomputer. 

On the screen, rapid images of young males with blonde hair could be seen flashing by. 

"Are you trying to find me?" Newt asks as he stands behind Batman. But of course our friendly Bat wouldn't respond. "I'm pretty sure I won't be there..."

"Who are you?" Batman finally speaks up and turns to face Newt. 


"..." Batman just stares at the young teen in front of him. "You said you knew people's identities. Who do you know?" 

Newt looks at Robin coming closer to them. "Pretty much the big boys. I know you're Bruce, he's Dick, Supes is Clark..." Newt rubs his chin in thought. "I know more but it slipped my mind at the moment." 

Batman's eyes squint at the facts. "What about your powers?" 

"Powers?" Newt raises an eyebrow. "Oh! Ye I have drugs." He says summoning a power pill. "It basically gives me powers for a limited time." He reveals, knowing that this information could be found out easily. "But I wouldn't use it if I were you. There is a chance that you could explode when taking it." 

Batman takes the pill out of Newt's hand and examines it. "How many of these do you have?" He asks, placing the pill in an opening that popped up from the Batcomputer and turn the chair back to face the monitor.

Glancing at the movements on the screen, Newt states, "I have an unlimited supply. I just have to think of it and it'll appear..." Another pill manifests in his hand. 

"Let me see." Robin's hand comes into Newt's sight as Robin whispers from his side

"No." Newt quickly pulls the pill back towards his body, speaking in a strained hushed tone. "Didn't you just hear me talk about how dangerous this is?!" 

"Dude. I'm a hero." Robin swiftly moves closer to take the pill, but his attempts fail as Newt hugs the pill to his stomach and crouches on the floor. 


Robin and Newt fuss about on the floor as their voices grow ever louder. 

"Give it." 


"Ow! Did you just bite me?!"


"You dog!" 

"Enough." Batman's calm but commanding voice instantly halts both boys' movements before they stand up slowly. 

Newt takes his hand up and covers his bleeding nose, sending a glare in Robin's direction. Of course Robin wouldn't be outdone as he clutched his bleeding hand, bite marks visible, reciprocating Newt glare with one of his own. 

"What do you know about these pills?" Batman asks.

"Uhh... It's something to do with activating a dormant gene in the human body for 5 minutes and granting the user abilities of some animal. I guess it has something to do with evolution of the different species on earth." Newt shrugs, "I think if you take the pill, you'd most likely receive abilities that are connected to bats, since the animal is connected to your life." He states before Robin peaks up. 

"What animal did you get? When you regenerated in the alley and grew those wield gills?" Eyebrows raised, his and Batman's attention focuses on Newt's next words. 

"That was an Axolotl. They have extreme regeneration..." Newt rubs the side of his neck. "Plus they have gills so they can breathe underwater. Felt weird growing something extra on my body." He shudders. 

Batman hums. "So you will heal at superhuman speeds when you take these pills?" 

"No." Newt shakes his head with a grin. "I'm different. I get different abilities each time I take a pill." He raises his head in pride. 

"How?" Batman inquires, but receives a shrug in response. 

"I don't know myself." 

Silence descends upon the three as Batman sat in thought before sighing. "You can stay-"

"Yes!" Newt pumps his fist in victory. 

"Until I knew what to do with you." Batman declares before walking to the cave's exit. 

Newt stares at Batman's receding back before glancing towards Robin. "So..." He draws out. "Sleepover?" 

"Piss off."