
Pokemon: Trainer's Story

Tye Septem is a new up-and-coming Pokemon Trainer that starts his Kanto Journey by going to the prestigious Pokemon Technical Institute. --------- Updates: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. English first language, but I can barely speak it, First Fanfiction as well. Never played any Pokemon games before.

Alcem · Anime e quadrinhos
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16 Chs

Chapter 9

As the sword-shaped flame neared the sleeping Riolus it was stopped in its tracks by large teeth that manifested in the air and bit down on the attacker before being thrown a wide distance away by a swift circle throw, but it did no damage but the damage wasn't the reason it was used.

Taking the time of the distracted Lucario the rest of the attackers went in before one of Lucario gained his bearings and screamed out, alerting every being in the area and more importantly waking the Riolu that was sleeping.

As the groups attacked each other death and everyone skillfully fighting, the group of Riolu from behind started to run away into the forest nearby no one noticed except the one who was thrown away earlier.

"Why did this have to happen!" the frustrated shout of one Riolu said as they looked absolutely out of it.

"Shut up, just run!" another shouted as they dodged and weaved in between trees.

"What were those guys anyways, they didn't look like anything we've seen before.

"Most be a Pokemon native to this region, we just traveled here after all," it answered as they all came to stop at a steep cliff.

"To the right!" "No, to the left!" "What gives you the right to talk over me?" "So what if you are the oldest, the left actually has cover for us to hide."

As the two almost began arguing, the Pokemon from earlier appeared to them and stabbed the eldest one before dragging it into the shadows, shocking the other 4 Riolu as they instantly began running away.

As they spilt into pairs one ran left the other ran right, and as the left pair ran deeper into the forest the sun began rising.

"What should we do?" One asked the other that was silent this entire time, but he didn't answer as he tackled the other into a roll dodging a swift overhead strike before continuing to run.

But not long after they happened upon another cliff that overlooked a lake below, the sun could be seen shining on the water's surface.

As they stopped the Pokemon appeared behind them again, but this time one of the Riolu's fists shined silver as it collided with the ghostly blade made of flames, pushing back the RIolu.

The Riolu looked towards the other who was paralyzed in fear as he had a thoughtful look on his face, looking back at the opponent who was gearing up for an attack, the Riolu quickly made a decision, instead of dodging, blocking or counter-attacking, he instead turned and shoved the paralyzed Riolu down the cliff.

Snapping out of the paralyzing fear, the Riolu looked up to see a ghostly blade that burned bright sticking out of the Riolu as he began screaming into the air.

Time seemed to slow as the site drew farther and farther until he impacted and submerged underwater.

------------(Present Time)

On the ground, Lancelot was struggling to stand on his own two feet, as he remembered more and more of his past his Aura came alive.

Flowing uncontrollably, wildly, and raging all about, his fear, anger, and resentment surfaced before exploding outwards.

His ren blasted outwards, and dust kicked up and rolled in clouds every step of his was heavy and left a crack on the ground every breath heavy as his muscles hardened with an overflowing outpouring of Nen.

Tye taking notice of this turned his attention from the panting Bedivere who continued fighting even alone for the last half an hour to just waking Lancelot who was knocked out this entire time.

Although Tye could be considered a genius amount geniuses when it comes to learning and using Nen, learning Nen from a time most humans wouldn't even be conscious, sensing other's Nen was his least proficient skill, he was hardwired to focus more on his own Aura than others, but there was something he was sensing from Lancelot, even with the downfall in of his personal skill, he still sense something changed within Lancelot.

He didn't quite notice it before, but Lancelot's Aura felt hollow as if something was missing, but all of a sudden he felt the full weight of Lancelot's Aura all at once.

"Bedivere, you can have a rest." Although he phrased it as though Bedivere had a choice, his presence told a different story.

Bedivere simply raised his hand as he collapsed on the spot, he wasn't going to reject something he desperately wanted.

Lancelot launched forwards with explosive might, his paws set in a palm formation launching forward and striking with a ferocity he never had before.

As he attacked Tye easily blocked and deflected each attack, with each block another palm would shout forward even faster until Lancelot overcommitted on an attack leaving his arms open, Tye took this opportunity to use his right forearm on top and left elbow on the bottom and he flipped Lancelot over as he crashed into the ground and skidded away from Tye.

Balancing himself Lancelot once again launched himself towards Tye and struck again but once again simply deflected to the side, and created a small shockwave in the air.

"That was your hardest hit yet, I sort of felt something," Tye said as he rolled his wrist, the air bubbles popping inside them could be heard throughout the field.

Lanecot started glowing slightly as he disappeared in a burst of speed, appearing behind Tye as he sent a straight kick which was side-stepped but another flurry of kicks followed as each was dodged.

While constantly being pushed back Lancelot rebounded as he went faster and faster, a flying kick that was deflected caused him to spin out and he used the momentum to gain more speed as he landed and go for another bottom-to-top kick that was deflected, he landed used the momentum Tye to go even faster for a different style of kick and so the process was repeated almost a dozen times.