
Pokemon: The Darkest Timeline

Volume 3 unleashes a relentless Jordan, fueled by unwavering determination, on a mission to crush Giovanni and supercharge his team. Will this surge of power be enough to thwart Giovanni, the indomitable Team Rocket leader? As the ominous Quartz Conference looms, can Jordan conquer both adversaries? Brace yourself for the high-stakes battles in Pokemon: The Darkest Timeline, Volume 3 – where every page pulses with electrifying action!

Kris_Tylers_1273 · Anime e quadrinhos
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114 Chs

The Jordan Tournament (Final Part)

Scyther knew that this battle would be the hardest of its life but it didn't matter.

'As long as I keep my distance from him and continue using this attack, I should have an edge here,' Scyther thought. Graveler got confused after using Thrash.

Scyther got more confindent and continued using Bug Buzz but Graveler snapped out of it and used Rock Slide. Scyther was unable to dodge it and took 60% HP damage, A critical hit and a super effective attack as well.

"Things aren't looking too good for Scyther," I muttered. Scyther ignored the damage and shot forward with its right scythe engulfed in a deadly green aura, I instantly recognized the move, Fury Cutter. Scyther slammed its scythe on Graveler and it took 5 HP. Graveler smirked but continued to get hit by Scyther whose attack was becoming stronger.

Graveler slammed its foot on the ground and began rolling with speed. It was using Rollout, Graveler instantly spun around and aimed at Scyther but Scyther jumped out of the way causing Graveler's attack to miss.

"You got lucky," Graveler said as he increased his speed before slamming into Scyther, It connected this time and Scyther lost 20% of its HP but Scyther kept on smiling as it got hit. Its Scythe gleamed with dangerous aura as it continued to barrage Graveler with a repeated Fury Cutter. Graveler had lost almost 60% of his HP because of the repeated barrage.

Graveler used Rock tomb and trapped Scyther in the middle of several rocks but Scyther only smirked after its HP was reduced to 5.

"This battle is already over," Graveler said. Scyther's body released a deadly red aura as its Scythe got reviewed with a blinding green energy. The rocks instantly crumbled apart and Scyther appeared in front of Graveler while bringing his Scythe down. This was followed by an explosion. The smoke cleared revealing Graveler who had fainted and Scyther who stood tall and strong.

"That was a totally amazing battle, Scyther who was limited by type disadvantages has won and will face against Raichu in the finals," I said while clapping my hands, I returned Graveler and healed Scyther to full health.

[A / N: HAHA! Got you guys, You didn't see that coming, Did you?]

"This is the finals that we've all been waiting for," I said while Raichu and Scyther made their way into the arena. Scyther literally had a 0.000% chance of winning this battle, It wil not be able to win this battle because Raichu is a dual type, Fire and Electric which are both super effective on Scyther.

"Fight!" I shouted and the two Pokémon began charging their attacks. Scyther used Bullet punch on Raichu but Raichu zipped through the arena with Volt tackle and aimed at Scyther. Scyther created 10 Illusionary copies just as Raichu came to it, The real Scyther flew into the air.

Raichu tackled all of the illusionary copies at extreme speed and used Volt tackle on the real Scyther, Scyther hit the ceiling of the cave and fell down. It fainted.

I took a moment to congratulate Raichu and announce it as the winner of the Jordan Tournament.

"Thanks for watching," I said as I ordered Haunter to capture the ghosts, Haunter did as he was told and I got 30 ghosts, 20 with low potential and 10 with advanced potential. With that done, My Pokémon began training while I organized my things.

I went deep into the mines with Charmander who reluctantly followed me, I was looking for Dusk stones which could evolve some certain Pokémon. While walking through the mines, I encountered several Gastly which were travelling in groups ranging from LV. 10-15, Charmander handled them while gaining some decent amounts of EXP.

I finally reached a separate cavern which contained a lot of Pick axes, Damn, I wish I brought Graveler with me so I could probably excavate the items that were here. I picked a Pick axe and gave it to Charmander.

"We're going to be mining so better take this so you can join me," I said.

"As if i'm going to join you," Charmander muttered with a frown. I shoved it into its hands and picked another one, Together we began mining. It took several hours but I found some pieces of gold, same with Charmander. They were ten in number and I put it into my bag before high-fiving Charmander.

"I think I like this trainer," Charmander said as we dropped the Pick axes and returned to where the other Pokémon were, I returned all of them to their Pokéballs except Haunter.

"There's an Elite Gengar in this place, He's the one that controlling all of the ghosts here," Haunter said and I nodded, I didn't understand why Haunter could speak human language but I didn't care.

"Elite Gengar, What do you mean by that?" I asked.

"As you humans measure it, This Gengar is in LV. 45," Haunter replied.

"WHAT THE HELL? LV. 45!!!" I shouted but regained my composure, "Before I go ahead to challenge that Gengar, I need to get some Water stones and Dusk stones,"

"I know exactly where those items are but its guarded by a very powerful Mismagius," Haunter said.

"Huh? Then what are we waiting for, Let's go!" I shouted and I began running with Haunter floating beside me.




o Pokémon Name: Charmander

o Pokémon Nickname: None

o H.P: A

o Attack: C

o Defense: C

o Sp. Atk: A

o Sp. Def: B

o Speed: C

o Move List: Scratch, Ember, Flamethrower, Flame burst, Metal Claw.

o Level: LV. 15


o Pokémon name: Scyther

o Pokémon nickname: None

o H.P: D

o Attack: B+

o Defense: C-

o Sp Atk: A

o Sp Def: D

o Speed: A

o Move List: Slash, X-Scissor, Bug Buzz, Swords Dance, Warrior Pose (Created move- Boost Attack and Def Stats), Facade, Agility, Wing Attack, Gust, Steel Wing, Bullet Punch, Bulk Up, Double Team, Substitute, Fury Cutter, Revenge.

o Pending move list: none.

o Ultimate Moves: Slice n' dice- Scyther focuses all its energy into its Scythes and ensures that it slashes its opponents into the otherworld, It has a 100% kill rate and its charging time is 2 seconds.

o Level: LV. 32

Thanks for trying to guess the winner!

We're slowly nearing the ending of the Stone Town Mines Saga!

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