
EPISODE 53: Battle Checkpoint

Kirlia now possesses the true power of a Psychic-type Pokemon. They were once referred to as the balancer or the mediator between the dark and the light. Even before humans strived in this planet, there were already Psychic Pokemons. They were referred to as the early Gods of the Pokemon world until they knew about Arceus.

With the power Kirlia possesses, she can move her legs not by bones but by mind. The body follows what the mind dictates, but Kirlia wasn't used to all these Psychic power, there were times that she would stumble but she never gave and remembered what Wormadam uttered and thought. [Wormadam! The bagworm Pokemon! A grass and bug type! When evolving, its body takes in surrounding materials. As a result, there are many body variations.] Zhery also showed me her cute Buneary.

Photia-heart city, the site of my third badge is close by! I could already see the city from route thirteen, the route me and my friends are currently on. I could also city the Photia volcano, a volcano which lies in the Photia bay. I also let Kirlia out of her Pokeball so she can train her legs to walk with her Psychic power. Then, I remembered something, stone! I haven't attached the stone to Kirlia yet, even if she isn't a Gardevoir, the stone would make her more pretty.

"Woah... woaah... ouch" Kirlia stumbled on my legs as she practiced her Psychic powers. I knelt down and stood her up.

"You can do it! Oh right, this reminds me... you can have this." I smiled as I showed her the Gardevoirite.

"Wh... What's this?" Kirlia became confused about the mega stone.

"It's a mega stone, you'll need it when you evolve into Gardevoir. See? Doesn't it look pretty on you?" I smiled as I tied the stone around her neck.

"Y... yeah, thanks Kalem! You're the best." Kirlia smiled and complemented as she hugged me real tight!

We continued our walk to Photia-heart city and that's where it got me thinking, who am I up against?

"Hey Irys, you know the drill, tell me information about Photia-heart city and its gym leader."

"Sure thing Kalem! Photia-heart city is one of the largest city in this region but smaller than Macropolis city of course. Photia-heart city is famous for its Photia volcano. It is the only volcano in this region. History says that the eruption of the Photia volcano is what shaped this region."

"And the gym leader?"

"The gym leaders of Photia-heart city are no other than Etna and Pyro! They're referred to as the fire couples! They specialize in fire type Pokemons."

"Obviously, but? Two gym leaders?" I queried in confusion.

"There are some gyms which implement tag battle but only the gym leader has a partner. The trainer has to control two Pokemons at a time. This tests the trainer's mind compatibility." Glade explained.

"I never knew that there were gyms like that."

"Even other regions have a gym like that such as Mossdeep city in the Hoenn region," Zhery added.

"So me and my Pokemons are up against a harder challenge," I concluded as sweat fell off my face.

"Just don't get confused with your Pokemons, try to understand the situation of both Pokemons. That's the way to win gym battles with two gym leaders." Camellia advised and comforted.

We were walking by the route when we heard a battle going on, I was so eager to watch the battle. Me and Riolu always love to battle.

"Haunter finish this with shadow claw!" The trainer commanded as the attack hits the foe!

The match was over, I was disappointed that I couldn't watch the battle from the start, but the trainer with the Haunter's voice sounds familiar.

"Heh! I knew you were weak. Get out and catch a stronger Pokemon. If I were you, I would dump that Charmander of yours!"

That voice, that voice belongs to no other than Krill! The hefty trainer who treats Pokemonslike slave. Charmander's trainer ran away and cried with disappointment while I was eager to have a rematch against Krill.

"Krill! Long time no see! Me and my Pokemons are ready for a rematch!" I beamed with determination as I rushed towards him.

"Seriously? You never give up don't yah!?" Krill badgered.

"Of course I don't! And guess what, I already have two gym badges." I boasted.

"Two gym badges? Well I have three. Ha! Slowpoke! The league is in five months and you still have two badges." Krill teased.

"Who cares! We'll make it in time for the Pokemon league. Now battle against me!"

"No way, I'm just going to waste my energy battling you and your measly Pokemons!" Krill teased.

"Don't want to battle huh? Why? Cause your weak?"

"Grr... Fine! I accept your challenge. This is going to be a quick one."

Glade volunteered to become the referee, while the rest observed our battle.

"This will be a four on four Pokemon battle! The match ends when one trainer has no more Pokemons to battle with."

"Trainers, please choose your first Pokemon!" Glade added.

"Haunter! Let's go..."

"You're up first Zorua!"

"Three! Two! One! BATTLE BEGIN!"

"Haunter use shadow claw!"

"Zorua! Dodge then use payback!"

*Zorua was able to dodge Haunter's shadow claw! Payback was super effective against Haunter*

"Zorua has the advantage since ghost type Pokemons are weak against dark type Pokemons," Camellia observed in her mind.

"Haunter! Stand strong and use shadow ball!"

"Zorua dodge it! Then use pursuit."

*Zorua was able to dodge shadow ball and used pursuit on Haunter which is a super effective move!*

"Haunter! Stand up or you won't eat!" Krill forced his Haunter to stand but...

"Haunter is unable to battle! Trainer Krill, please choose your next Pokemon!"

"That's it Haunter! You won't eat lunch later. Better apologize in your Pokeball." Krill shouted as he returned Haunter to his Pokeball.

"Combusken! Teach that Zorua what true battling is all about!" Krill chose his second Pokemon.

"Alright! Battle continues." Glade proclaimed.

Zhery scanned Combusken with her Pokedex. [Combusken! The young fowl Pokemon! A fire and a fighting type! COMBUSKEN toughens up its legs and thighs by running through fields and mountains. This POKéMON's legs possess both speed and power, enabling it to dole out ten kicks in one second.]

"Zorua, watch out for Combusken alright!" I warned.

"Sure thing Kalem!" Zorua smiled back, the battle between Haunter was quick since Payback deals extra damage per turn plus Haunter is a ghost type making it weak against Zorua which is a dark type.

"Combusken! Use flame charge!"

"Intercept with tackle Zorua!"

*Zorua tried to intercept but failed, as a result, Zorua was hit with flame charge! A move which increases the Pokemon's speed every time the move is used.*

"Oh no Zorua!" Zorua stood up, and stared at Combusken! She was determined and fired up just like the Photia volcano.

"Zorua use payback!"

"Not on my watch! Blaziken use fire punch!"

*Zorua missed and was attacked with fire punch, one of the strongest fire type attack.*

"Zorua is unable to battle! Kalem, please choose your next Pokemon!"

"You did great Zorua! Now take a good rest." I complimented even if Zorua lost.

"Seriously? Do you complement your Pokemon for losing? What a waste haha!" Krill teased and laughed.

"Of course, Zorua did her best! It was only right to praise her for her expounding effort!"

"Alright Riolu, its time to avenge Zorua!" I chose Riolu as my second Pokemon.

"Battle continue!"

"Combusken! Use flame charge!"

"Riolu intercept with quick attack!"

*Flame charge and quick attack collided causing both of the Pokemons to blast off!*

"Combusken get up!" Krill badgered.

"Riolu, I know you can do this!" I praised.

"You could really see the difference between Krill and Kalem," Camellia observed.

"Yeah, just by the way they speak to their Pokemon, you could really know if the trainer really loves his or her Pokemons," Zhery added.

"Alright Riolu! Use Force Palm!"

"Combusken use fire punch to intercept!"

*It was a battle of speed as Riolu and Combusken dodged and intercepted every punch!*

"Riolu grab Combusken's claw then use Seismic toss!"

:Combusken!!! The Pokemon shouted as it flew threw mid-air.

"What!? Riolu knows Seismic toss?" Krill badgered on his mind.

"Alright! Riolu use metal claw this time!"

"Combusken get up and use fire punch!"

*Combusken stood up quickly and intercepted Riolu's metal claw.*

"Use Flame thrower on Riolu!"

*Riolu wasn't able to respond quickly due to Combusken's speed!*

"Riolu I know you can stand up!" Riolu's heart started to beat faster as sweat fell off his eyes. Riolu forced himself up as his heart raged with fire.

"Riolu use force palm!"

"Combusken intercept with Fire Punch!"

*Another battle of speed and determination as both attacks collided once more and blasted both of them!*

"Riolu and Combusken is unable to battle! Both trainers, please choose your third Pokemon."

"COMBUSKEN!? What was that! I shouldn't have chosen you as my starter Pokemon, you should be ashamed of your performance." Krill badgered as he sent back Combusken to his Pokeball.

"Hey! Is it necessary to scold Combusken? It was a draw anyways."

"You don't tell me how to treat my Pokemons! Go Rockruff!" Krill sent out Rockruff as his third Pokemon.

"Riolu you take a nice rest." I complimented. Riolu looked sad because he lost as he walked back out of the battleground.

"Scyther its time to battle your former trainer!" Scyther was shocked when he saw Krill, but his anger raged upon Krill.

"I'm Kalem's Pokemon know, I don't need to remember my past." Scyther uttered to his mind.

"So? You caught that weak Scyther? Haha! That won't do a thing." Krill teased.

"Well yeah? Let's see about that!"

"Battle continue!"

"Scyther use sword dance!"

"Rockruff use rock tomb!"

*Scyther was hit with rock tomb, but was still standing strong!*

"Rockruff then use rock smash!"

"Scyther sword dance!"

*Scyther's attack rose by two as it was hit with rock smash!*

"What a surprise that Scyther is still standing strong! But no matter, Rockruff is still strong! Rockruff use bite!"

"Scyther use sword dance!"

*Scyther allowed itself to be bitten, it even glared at Rockruff once he was bitten! He trusted me that I had a plan."

"Scyther throw Rockruff then use Sword dance!"

*Rockruff was thrown to the sky but landed with his four paws. Scyther's attack rose sharply.*

"Rockruff! Use rock smash!"

"Scyther use double team!"

*Scyther unleashed multiple copies of himself which confused Rockruff. Which is the real Scyther out of all the copies?*

"Use rock tomb on all of them!"

"Scyther use sword dance!"

*Rockruff was able to determine the real Scyther by bombarding all the copies with rock tomb. Scyther was getting weak but he still stood strong!"

"Finish this with X-Scissor!"

"So Scyther finally learned X-Scissor? Rockruff intercept with quick attack!"

*The attacks collided! Both Pokemons were damaged. Scyther was able to knock out Rockruff due to sword dance and in the meantime, Rockruff was also able to knock down Scyther as well!*

"Trainers please choose your last Pokemon!"

"Thanks for nothing Rockruff! You don't deserve to eat as well."

"You did a good job Scyther! Take a long break!"

"Could Kalem finally defeat Krill?" Zhery wondered in her mind.

"Come on out Umbreon!"

Zhery scanned Umbreon using her Pokedex. [Umbreon! The moonlight Pokemon a dark type! Umbreon evolved as a result of exposure to the moon's waves. It hides silently in darkness and waits for its foes to make a move. The rings on its body glow when it leaps to attack.]

"Isn't that one of Eevee's evolution?" Zhery queried.

"Yeah... It evolves with max happiness during the night." Camellia explained.

"Alright, Kirlia you're up next. Let's avenge the whole team!" Kirlia stumbled into the battleground.

"What the? A Pokemon that doesn't know how to walk is going to defeat me!? I don't think so!" Krill mocked.

"Its ok Kirlia, you can do this! Focus your power on your legs." I comforted. Kirlia tried to do what I said, she also remembered Wormadam's teachings.

She closed her eyes, focused on the darkness and floated up to the sky!

Once she opened her eyes, she was able to land with her feet.

"Great work Kirlia! Now, let's win this battle!"

"What kind of floating gobbledygook is this? Kirlia has to float in order for her to stand? Don't tell me she's paraplegic." Krill teased.

"Who cares if she's paraplegic, the important thing is that she could walk!"

"Let the final match of this battle begin!"

"Umbreon! Use Payback!"

"Krilia float up to the sky then use shadow ball!"

*Umbreon's attack missed as Kirlia floated to the sky releasing a powerful attack called Shadow ball! Shadow ball was able to hit Umbreon!*

"Umbreon! You have to win or else you won't eat as well! Now use Dark pulse!"

*A veil of darkness surrounded Kirlia and blasted her off back to the ground.*

"Oh no, that was super effective since Psychic types are weak against dark types!" Camellia observed.

Kirlia stood up with the help of her Psychic powers.

"Kirlia! Now use Psybeam!"

"Umbreon dodge it then use payback!"

*Kirlia was hit with payback! Another super effective move! Kirlia blasted to the nearby tree.*

"Oh no Kirlia! Stand up Kirlia, you can do this! Do what Wormadam told you to do!" I instructed.

Kirlia stood up, she tried to balance her powers, 50% for her legs and 50% for her attack.

"Umbreon use payback once more!"

"Dodge Kirlia then use magical leaf!"

*Kirlia was able to dodge and was able to use Magical leaf on Umbreon!*

"Umbreon use dark pulse!"

*Another veil of darkness surrounded Kirlia and blasted her again! Another super effective move.*

"Kirlia is unable to battle, which means the match goes to Krill and Umbreon!"

"Heh! I told you, you are weak! Better give up on your journey! You're wasting your time." Krill teased as he left the scene.

"Kirlia are you alright?" I ran up close to Kirlia holding her tired body.

"At... At least I tried." Kirlia uttered softly.

"You deserve a good rest." I smiled back to her and comforted her. Then I returned her to her Pokeball.

"Kalem, you almost defeated Krill!" Glade uttered.

"Yeah I know right! This means me and my Pokemons are getting stronger!" I beamed with determination.

I wasn't able to defeat Krill again, but who cares? I'm sure one day I'll defeat him. For now? Its time to head to Photia-heart city for my third gym badge. Me and my Pokemons are getting stronger, I see a huge potential with Kirlia's Psychic power. She'll surely master her Psychic powers and she'll be able to walk normally as the journey continues.