

I am Kalem, I had a common dream, a dream to become a Pokemon master, a dream to travel and adventure out through different regions. But that dream was crushed and destroyed... After hearing the news about the death of my parents, I started to lose interest on becoming a Pokemon Master. I was adopted by an orphanage, there I met two persons who would soon become my best friend. Them, together with the headmaster helped restored my dream to become a Pokemon Master, and that was when I knew that my Parents were alive. So me, together with my two friends travelled across the land finding clues and mysteries about my parents. As I travelled to seek for my parents, me and my friends saw something we would never forget... A prophecy, a prophecy that was about to be full filled, that prophecy had something to do with my parents.

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EPISODE 54: Under fire and tribulation!

Photia-heart city! A city of fiery passion! Home of the great Photia Volcano, the only volcano in this region. A large city which also lies in the eastern part of the region. Today, I've arrived with full determination and optimism, it is time to battle Etna and Pyro the gym leaders of the city.

After a near win against Krill, me and my Pokemons have unlocked multiple potentials! Especially for Kirlia, a Pokemon who can move her own legs with the use of Psychic powers. Though she may not be used to it, she may stumble at times, she may fail, but her passion in her heart will push her up, higher than her own limits.

I looked at myself through the mirror, with glazing sharp eyes, a fiery passion and a determined heart. "Alright Kalem! You can do this! I hope you're watching mom and dad, cause I'm coming for you once my third gym badge is attained!" I uttered with confidence as I swiftly rotated my hat.

Riolu smiled at me, together we're unstoppable! It was time to go to the gym with my friends, they'll be cheering for me! As we walked through the city, we saw countless Pokemons! May it is in the sky, the land, the bay, or the volcano, Pokemons are everywhere, lurking alongside with their human friends. Dozens of department stores meet Zhery and Camellia's eyes.

Dozens of Pokemon battlegrounds and Pokemon parks meets me and Glade's eyes, but I'm here for only one reason, and that is to defeat the Photia-heart city gym leaders Etna and Pyro!

We looked everywhere across the city, but we couldn't find the gym, so it was time I figured to ask the people around the city about the location of the gym. They told me and my friends that the gym can be found on a man-made island laying in the east of the Photia volcano. The island was also referred to as the Battle Island, on the center of the man-made island lies a stadium where the gym challenge would be held. It was a thirty-minute boat ride towards the Battle Island, we saw dozens of water type Pokemons while we were riding the boat.

As we arrived on the Battle island, we saw dozens or maybe even hundreds of trainers. There were a lot of Pokemon shopping centers and markets around the stadium. There were also a lot of coconut trees around the island.

My friends wandered around the island while I proceeded to the registration booth to register my name. It was a long line but at least its worth the wait.

"Goodmorning trainer, welcome to Battle island, may I please know your name?" The lady in the counter asked.

"My name is Kalem, from Aulburg town."

"Is this your first time to challenge any gym?"

"Nope, I've won the gym battles in Norva and Macropolis city."

"Alright then, this gym requires the use of four Pokemons, you're up against Etna and Pyro which is a tag team but you'll be fighting alone. Meaning you have to control both of your Pokemon at the same time. May I know which Pokemons you will use for the gym battle?"

"To be honest, I exactly have four Pokemons. First is Riolu, second is Zorua, third is Scyther, and the last one is no other than Kirlia."

"Alright! Thank you for participating at the Photia-heart city gym challenge, you are trainer number forty-six, please wear this id and proceed to the battle stadium immediately."

"But aren't there forty-five trainers before me?"

"Yes there are, but this gym requires the trainers to watch the other trainers battle the gym leaders."

"Oh, alright then... thanks!" I uttered with exuberance as I left the booth to look for my friends.

"So, do you already have an Id?" Zhery queried.

"Yup, and its time to go to the battle stadium," I answered.

"But aren't their other trainers before you?" Camellia queried.

"Yeah, but the lady said that I have to watch them battle," I explained.

"Then, what are we waiting for? Let's go to the battle stadium before other trainers fill up the chairs!" Glade beamed with excitement.

We went inside the battle stadium and saw a lot of trainers, some trainers look intimidating and fired up, while other trainers like myself were worried and anxious while thinking of different strategies. We were able to find some seats, and minutes later the gym challenge began.

"Welcome trainers to the Photia-heart city gym challenge! I am Scott and I'll be your commentator for today!" He introduced as the crowd turned wild.

"A total of 50 trainers will be participating today at the Photia-heart city gym challenge! Those who succeed will be awarded with the Solar badge as proof of triumph over the gym challenge!"

"And... now, the moment you've all been waiting for! Let me present to you, Etna! The queen of Photia-heart city!" The commentator introduced as the crowd cheered for Etna. She had orange hair, with a red dress and a velvet scarf as she walked down the isle to the battle stage.

"And, of course, Etna's utmost husband, and the king of Photia-heart city, we welcome... Pyro!" The crowd began to cheer for Pyro as he walked down the isle, he also had an orange hair with a red tuxedo with white gloves.

"Now, we want everyone to look at the big screen. Please check if your name and picture can be seen on the screen." The commentator instructed.

"There's your name Kalem! Your trainer number forty-six!" Camellia pointed.

I looked at the gym leaders and they seem to be strong, I wasn't listening to the crowd, I was trying to think of strategies that I could use against them.

"Now calling, the first trainer named Alice to the battle stage! The gym leaders are waiting for you!"

I watched the girl walk down the isle with confidence, she glared to the eyes of the gym leader and the referee stood up.

"The battle between challenger Alice and the fire couples Pyro and Etna is about to begin!" the referee announced.

I watched the battle closely, I tried to look for patterns that the gym leaders would use against me. Sad to say that Alice lost the gym challenge, including the other trainers I've watched. Time passed by and it was my turn to compete against the fire couples.

"Trainer Kalem! Please proceed to the battle stage!" The commentator instructed.

"Goodluck Kalem! Focus on the battle and not on the crowd." Glade suggested.

"Thanks, I'll do my best! Come on Riolu... Its time for our fiery spirit to erupt!"

I tried to walk down the isle with full confidence, I removed every sweat on my face and walked with full passion.

"The battle against Kalem and the fire couples Etna and Pyro is about to begin! The trainer shall use four Pokemons only, if the trainer succeeds, he shall be given the Solar badge." The referee explained.

"I hope you're ready young child, this battle is going to be tough," Etna warned.

"We wish you the very best, and hopefully you'll succeed against us!" Pyro uttered humbly.

"Please choose your first two Pokemons!" The referee instructed.

"Go Riolu and Zorua!" This was going to be a tag challenge, although I have some experiences in a tag battle, it'll still be hard since I don't have a tag partner.

"Alright Ninetales time to erupt!" Etna's first Pokemon is a Ninetales.

"Blast Burn them Arcanine!" Pyro's first Pokemon is an Arcanine.

"Arcanine and Ninetales seems tough," Camellia uttered worriedly.

"Kalem should have used Scyther first since Scyther is weak against fire," Glade suggested.

"You're right, Kalem should've saved his strongest Pokemons for last.

"Alright, three... two... one... battle begin!" the referee announced.

"Riolu use force palm on Arcanine!"

"Zorua use payback on Ninetales!"

"Ninetales, dodge the attack then use fire fang!"

"Arcanine, use Flame Wheel!"



"Riolu's attack missed and was hit with Arcanine's flame wheel! While Zorua's attack missed as well and was bitten by Fire fang!" the commentator announced as the crowd cheered for the fire couples.

"The battle has just begun, Riolu use quick attack on Ninetales, while Zorua use tackle on Arcanine!"

"Arcanine use Flare Blitz!"

"Ninetales, use Flame Charge please!"



"Both Riolu and Zorua blasts off because of those hefty fire moves! Is this the end of Zorua and Riolu!?" The commentator announced.

"Riolu, Zorua is guys alright?"

"I can still handle the heat!"

"Zorua is right Kalem, we can still battle!" Riolu uttered as it tried to stand from those powerful attacks! Everything is jumbled now, my ideas and strategies aren't working.

"Arcanine use Flare Blitz once more!"

"Ninetales, use Flame Charge again!"

"Quick! Riolu, Zorua, Dodge the attack!"



"Amazing speed performed by Arcanine and Ninetales, they were able to hit Riolu and Zorua just before they dodge!" The commentator announced as the cheer of the crowd got louder.

"Both Zorua, and Riolu are unable to battle! Kalem, please send out your other two Pokemons!" The referee instructed.

"Oh no, Kalem has two Pokemons left and what's worse is, Scyther is weak against fire type," Zhery observed.

"I know you can do this Kalem!" Camellia cheered.

I was starting to lose confidence in myself, could I still be able to win this challenge?

"Riolu, Zorua, have a long rest," I uttered with a soft tone. I was stopping myself from crying, I can't lose, and I won't lose!

"Scyther and Kirlia come on out!" My last two Pokemons got intimidated by Arcanine and Ninetales, I haven't landed a single attack yet. This is going to be challenging for me.

"Battle continue!"

"Arcanine use flare blitz on Scyther!"

"Ninetales use flame thrower on Kirlia."

"Scyther dodge the Flare Blitz, Kirlia dodge Flame thrower!"



"Scyther and Kirlia were unable to dodge! Arcanine's flare blitz was super effective against Scyther." the crowd began to shout even louder and I wasn't feeling great anymore, I had a sudden urge to give up.

"Kirlia use Shadow ball! While Scyther use X-Scissors!" I dictated random moves without even thinking. I knew I wasn't going to win this match.

"Kalem looks like he's about to give up," Camellia uttered in her mind looking worried about me.

"Arcanine, dodge the attack then use Flare Blitz again!"

"Ninetales, use flame charge on Kirlia after dodging that Shadow ball!"



"Arcanine and Ninetale's speed was able to make them dodge and attack Kirlia and Scyther. Flare Blitz was super effective once more against Scyther!"



"Scyther and Kirlia are unable to battle! The winner of this match is Pyro and Etna." the referee proclaimed as everybody cheered for Etna and Pyro.

"Kirlia, and Scyther return..." I sent them back to their Pokeball. I tried to hold my tears in front of the crowd and gym leaders. This was the first time I lost to a gym challenge, what's worse? I haven't landed a single hit.

Just before I left the battle stadium, Etna and Pyro advised something to me.

"Kalem, I suggest that you practice your Z-move," Etna advised.

"Yeah, and when you mastered it, we'll be waiting for you to rematch us," Pyro added.

I nodded unto the two gym leaders and left the battle stage, I sat down on a bench in the holding room, crying in disappointment.

"Kalem, don't cry, we'll just rematch them again!" Riolu tried to cheer me up as he wiped my tears away.

"I'm no good, I couldn't even tell you to land a hit on their Pokemons. I am a foolish trainer." I uttered as a tear fell off my eyes.

"Where is Kalem, he hasn't returned yet," Glade uttered worryingly as his eyes looked across the stadium.

"Kalem wasn't battling the way he used to battle. I know how Kalem battles. It's obvious to me that Kalem lost confidence." Zhery hunched.

"You guys watch and stay, I'll look for Kalem," Camellia instructed as she stood up to look for me.

"I noticed that too, Kalem was intimidated by Pyro and Etna," Glade added.

While Camellia looked for me, I was crying in the holding room.

"We can train Kalem! Don't tell me you're giving up?" Riolu queried.

"This journey is pointless... Let's go back to the orphan."

"But? About your parents? Don't tell me you're giving up! Kalem this isn't you! We can win if we try again!" Riolu uttered with determination.

"I'm sorry Riolu, but I'm not like you, stay on the island if you want, I'm going back to the orphan," I uttered as I stood up and walked towards the exit.

"No Kalem! The reason why you went on a journey was to find your parents! We never even planned to compete in Pokemon gyms. But your determination pushed you to challenge the gyms and to participate in the gym challenge." Riolu comforted as he followed me.

I didn't listen to Riolu, and I walked outside the stadium. I was planning to head back to the orphanage. That was the day, I gave up... I know that I'm a persistent trainer but, my confidence has been burned. Burned under fire and tribulation.