
Pokemon Saga: Journey of a Lifetime

Pokemon world, An land of fantasy, Adventure, Fun right? Wrong! Pokemon world is a ruthless vengeful world which is a trap in which many fall into. Come lets explore what exactly this world is with Ryan. Inspired by Pokemon: Master of tactics

Studious_Author · Anime e quadrinhos
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85 Chs

Pokemon Saga: Journey of a Lifetime Ch82

Ryan ran towards one of the towers after hearing the roar. What he saw shocked him. There it was a 9-meter Gyarados. Its scale was dark in contrast to other Gyarados. The thing that shocked him was that there were dozens of Gyarados following it.

'They were saving their forces while scouting us!' Ryan cursed himself inwardly for not seeing through this.

"Ryan!" Steven's voice rang out.

"I know Steven. I am seeing it" Ryan answered.

"What should we do? That enormous Gyarados doesn't seem normal. It is neither shiny. If it breaches our defense the whole of Cerulean City will be burnt to cinders!" Steven said.

"I know, this battle has just become a war. That Gyarados is very intelligent. It has been saving forces and scouting us at the same time. We need more Pokemon which are electric type and Grass type." Ryan said narrowing his eyes at the Gyarados.

"I have a Ferrothorn in my home. I'll get it transferred" Steven said.

"Please do. Every single Pokemon is a valuable asset right now." Ryan said

"You can command my Pokemon until I come. Since them lazing around can cost us quite a bit" said Steven as he informed us this to his pokemon.

That's when Lt. Ronald came towards Ryan. "Well boy, it seems like your gut feeling was right. If you hadn't told me I wouldn't have called for reinforcements. We just have to hold on until they come. You trainers try to hold them at bay we will use our weapons to kill them" Lt. Ronald said.

It pained Ryan greatly that he had to take part in the killing of Pokemon but if he didn't not only he will be killed his Pokemon too.

"Everyone assembles" Lt. Ronald shouted to the military soldiers who rushed in with various weapons such as Rocket launchers, Grenade Launchers, Machine guns, and others. While Lt Ronald barked out orders to the soldiers Ryan took up the reigns for commanding the trainers.

Many were not pleased listening to Ryan but knew the situation was not good for them and they need to follow Ryan who is currently the strongest out of them.

"Those who have Electric types come out to the battlefield quickly. Right now Electric types Ice types and Grass types are of high priority" Ryan said and a few of the trainers started to move out on his commands.

"Why should we even listen to you," The guy named Keith asked.

"Pardon?" Ryan said. not believing what he heard

"I'm asking why are you the leader. Just because you are the winner of YKRT and the assistant professor doesn't mean we should follow you" he said.

'Is this idiot serious? We may die here anytime yet he is spouting nonsense' Ryan thought in disbelief.

"Are you serious? There are numerous Gyarados out there coming towards us ready to blast our base to smithereens yet you are choosing to bullshit now?. We may die any time now yet you are acting like a kid." Ryan shouted at him making Keith angry.

"Why you little-" he started before getting interrupted by Lt. Ronald

"What's going on here? why are you sitting and chit-chatting?" he asked

"It's Ryan's fault sir he was the one who was spouting nonsense telling him he will be taking charge," Keith told as he tried blaming Ryan. Keyword being tried.

"Stop your bullshit I was standing outside hearing your nonsense. Just shut up and follow Mortimer's instruction" Lt. Ronald shouted making Keith embarrassed. Lt. Ronald then proceeded to go towards to get prepared.

"Everyone who has electric types please form a group. You would be the main damage dealers of the group. Those who have Pokemon which can use set-up moves for their allies would be behind buffing the damage dealers" Ryan said.

Soon under Ryan's instruction, a formation was made. The supporters were trainers who have Chansey, Blissey, Audino, and other Pokemon which are helpful in buffing.

Trainers who had Steel type, Grass type, and Electric type were on the front acting as tanks. There were Fire types too which were acting mid-ranged attackers. The Pokemon which were neutral on attacking and defending was set as the last line of defense and long-ranged attackers.

Soon Steven came back and was flabbergasted to see Ryan give instructions to everyone. Steven came and asked Ryan about the situation.

"Currently the Gyarados are not moving. I think the roar was an act of war or something like that. It would be good for us if they do not move for some more time, it will give us some more time to prepare but it's a matter of time before they attack." Ryan said.

Just like Ryan said 7 Gyarados of high elite levels along with many other Pokemon started to attack. What was bugging Ryan was that the Pokemon were moving in such a formation that you would think that there is a strategist among them.

Even though there may be Water / Psychic pokemon they would clash with the Gyarados. Another thing he was confused about was the Gyarados. It was 9 Meters in length but is not shiny. Yet it has darker shades of scale.

'Is it some sort of mutation?' Ryan thought as he went out of the building to intercept the Pokemon and stop them in their tracks.

"Pikachu you know what to do," Ryan said.

Immediately Pikachu charged up powerful thunderbolts and let them loose. Soon after all hell broke up on the battlefield.

The tanks started to hold on while the mid-ranged Pokemon started to use status moves to keep the Pokemon weak. Thunder Wave worked very well on the Pokemon since they were Water types. Unfortunately, the Gyarados couldn't be stopped even though they are 4x effective.

They broke out of the paralysis through sheer willpower. The Pokemon were held at bay using the Rocket launchers and electrical nets that Military soldiers were using. Things are seemingly going well for now that is.

'Now onto the main problem the seven Gyarados. We have to find a way to restrain and faint them. If worst comes we have to kill them' thought Ryan.

The battle that will soon be known as the '7 Days War' will go down in history.