
Pokemon Saga: Journey of a Lifetime

Pokemon world, An land of fantasy, Adventure, Fun right? Wrong! Pokemon world is a ruthless vengeful world which is a trap in which many fall into. Come lets explore what exactly this world is with Ryan. Inspired by Pokemon: Master of tactics

Studious_Author · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
85 Chs

Pokemon Saga: Journey of a Lifetime Ch79

"Hello Ryan," Steven said to Ryan.

"It has been a few days since we saw each other Steven" Ryan replied.

"Indeed," he asked.

"It is a surprise seeing you here. Did your father allow you to participate in the wave?" Ryan asked. He was quite curious. After all, you don't see an heir to one of the most famous company participates often.

"He was not allowing me at first but I managed to convince him. You know it was quite funny to see the receptionist talking to you fanatically" said Steven biting back a laugh.

"Whatever. It's a real pain to give your ID. I had to clamp her mouth and her hand shut so that she doesn't shout my name" Ryan said. Steven is one of the people he can talk freely to. They both have one thing in common their love for Pokemon.

"Of course, you are the Ryan Mortimer after all," he said smirking at Ryan.

Ryan just rolled his eyes.

"Don't smirk at me. After all, you are also in the same state as me." Ryan said ignoring what Steven told about him.

"Indeed that is true" Said Steven.

"Me too," said Ryan.

Steven was not a person who would flaunt his authority or use his money for selfish intentions. It is the opposite. He is quiet and humble. He is a trustworthy person. Ryan didn't know that he was slowly gathering people and forming an inner circle.

"So, why are you participating in the wave?" asked Ryan.

"Well. . . partly because I want to go to Pewter City but you know the wave has locked me in the Cerulean city," he replied.

"You could always take a ship and sail towards Cinnabar island where you could go towards pallet town and resume your journey towards Pewter City," Ryan said.

"Well I also didn't want the people living here to suffer," said Steven.

"Being a noble knight as always I see" Ryan said

Steven just laughed. He didn't have a true friend like Ryan for a long time. After all the people see him as a tool to get more money. He couldn't help but remember the painful memories of his childhood.

=========Flash Back Start========

When Steven was 6 years old:

"Father I will be going out." Said a young Steven.

"Take a bodyguard with you. . ." before his father could finish Steven had run away.

'Thank Arceus I ran from there or else he would have pestered me to take a bodyguard with me' Steven thought.

As Steven was going towards the park in the Rustbro City he heard the voices of his 'friends'. He curiously heard their conversation.

"When will he come here? Just because he is rich he shouldn't take us for granted" said Extra #1

"Shut up! if someone hears us what will you do? All the money we have been aiming for will go down the drain!" Extra #2 exclaimed.

"Bah! he is just a lonely brat. He will not leave us. He will be clinging onto us." Extra #3 said.

As Steven heard his so-called friends talking about him his world shattered before his eyes. He never thought that something like this will happen. He went towards a forest and sat there crying. As he was crying, An Aron came towards him. Steven who saw it was at first scared but he eventually went towards it due to his curiosity.

From then on Steven played with Aron and fell in love with Steel-type Pokemon for they are much more trustworthy than humans. He also picked up the habit of collecting different types of stones when exploring with Aron.

Right now Aron is a powerful and Mighty Aggron who acts as his bodyguard and friend.

========Flash Back End========

Steven was suddenly pulled from his train of thoughts by Ryan.

"I see that explains why you are in Cerulean City," Ryan said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Steven asked.

"Well. . .I don't expect you to be in Cerulen, known as the City of Lakes. It is exactly the opposite of what you came here for" Ryan said.

"Anyway I promised you to show the stones I got from Hoenn, do you want to see it now?" Steven asked.

"Oh! Please do. That sounds interesting" said Ryan interested.

Steven soon brought out the rocks which were shaped like plates with engravings. Ryan saw the rocks and was shocked. These were not normal rocks but Historic fossils. They belong to Cradilly and Armaldo. The Hoenn region fossils.

"Steven where did you acquire these?" Ryan said gasping. What Ryan didn't know is that he was slowly starting to open up his emotions when it comes to Pokemon.

"I got it as a present from my father," said Steven confused.

"These are not normal rocks but Fossils. This is the Claw Fossil which used to be an Anorith and this is a Root Fossil which used to be a Lilleep" Ryan said seriously.

Steven's eyes widened. He had never noticed anything when he obtained it! Yet the person in front of him found that it was a fossil in an instant. Not only that he said what Pokemon it belongs to! He now understood why Professor Birch praised him highly.

"Ryan are you serious!?" he exclaimed.

"With no doubt. You can bring them back to life if you go to the Cinnabar island research center," said Ryan.

Steven and Ryan started to discuss the fossils and other possible things Steven may have. Ryan inspected all the things Steven had bought. Most of them are valuable stones, fossils, or metals. They exchanged their numbers (which they forgot because of the Cipher Madness) to keep in contact.

Ryan after examining and telling Steven everything he had found said. "Steven seeing you have these rocks makes me think you want to be a Steel type or Rock type specialist."

"Well about that I-" Steven started but got interrupted by a booming voice.

"Silence" the voice boomed.