
Pokemon Saga: Journey of a Lifetime

Pokemon world, An land of fantasy, Adventure, Fun right? Wrong! Pokemon world is a ruthless vengeful world which is a trap in which many fall into. Come lets explore what exactly this world is with Ryan. Inspired by Pokemon: Master of tactics

Studious_Author · Anime e quadrinhos
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85 Chs

Pokemon Saga: Journey of a Lifetime Ch72

"Let's start our second round shall we!" William shouted psychotically.

"Ryan what should we do?" Steven asked to see the Mega Houndoom.

"We fight. Have your Aggron and other pokemon above Lvl 35 deal with the Mega Houndoom. Me and Pikachu will be dealing with this Psycho." Ryan said

Ryan needs Steven's help since he would be dealing with William. If he has to deal with both Mega Houndoom and William he would definitely lose. Ryan called out Kirlia since she was a Fairy type and also knows healing moves.

"Kirlia assists Steven here in defeating the Mega Houndoom by healing his Pokemon" Ryan said.

Before Ryan could move William came and punched him in the gut making him spit blood.

"Ryan!" Steven cried out.

"Take on the Mega Houndoom. You can't afford to be distracted!" Ryan said as barely dodged a punch to his face. Pikachu assisted Ryan by firing off a thunder , making William dodge and make a gap between them.

Ryan created swords and made them denser and used telekinesis to attack William. William took the attack directly by punching them, encasing his fist with Aura. Ryan took this chance and attacked William's mind using psychics.

William clutched his head but shook it off and charged straight at Ryan. While running he shouted "Houndoom Team tactics!"

Soon Mega Houndoom in a burst of speed appeared beside William, flame ready in its mouth. Steven immediately reacted to this by ordering his pokemon to use Flash Cannon because of which Mega Houndoom had to redirect its attack.

Unfortunately Ryan still got damaged by Mega Houndoom's horn which he narrowly dodged but it still left a long gash in his leg. Ryan knew if fights in this state his wound will only grow worse. Ryan decided to form countless Aura spheres which were not stable and fire them off towards William and his Mega Houndoom.

The unstabilized aura sphere exploded before William or his Mega Houndoom could attack or defend it. Taking this chance Steven came towards Ryan and acted as a tank. He ordered every one of his pokemon to use Hyper Beam.

Six destructive beams hit Houndoom and William, shaking the whole floor. When the dust settled they saw Mega Houndoom barely standing and William who was surrounded by a Dark barrier.

'left his pokemon to fend off for its own while he saved himself!' Ryan thought.

His temper had exceeded long ago and thanked his leg for stopping him from doing something rash.

"Kirlia Dazzling Gleam!" Ryan shouted.

Soon Kirlia surrounded herself with a shining light before ejecting it all at once. Dazzling Gleam being a Fairy type move damaged Mega Houndoom a lot. As things looked okay, William started to inject a large amount of Shadow Aura into Mega Houndoom forcefully.

He also used a syringe and injected a drug into Mega Houndoom which made it go berserk. The Mega Houndoom started to rush towards Steven's pokemon who had just used Hyper Beam and had to rest to attack again.

"How on earth will we defeat that monster?" Steven asked.

"By tiring it out. Mega Evolution does not last long and takes a high amount of energy. Also don't call it a monster. It has just been corrupted" Ryan said, looking Steven in the eye. Steven nodded, understanding Ryan has some special connection with pokemon.

Soon after, Ryan turned towards the rampaging beast after telling Steven how to defeat the Mega Houndoom.

Ryan immediately used his Aura which got converted into thin Strings. 'Gleipnir' a move that Ryan had not used in a very long time. Gleipnir is very effective when the pokemon uses more physical strength.

Since Mega Houndoom was in a Berserk state it was damaging itself since it was stuck in Gleipnir. While restricting Mega Houndoom Ryan was left open.

William took this chance and attacked Ryan but unfortunately for him Ryan had already laid out a trap. as he neared Ryan the ground below him gave away and he fell down. Though the pit was not very deep it gave Steven's pokemon enough time to recover and Ryan to prepare his next move.

"Do you really think that will stop me?" William shouted.

"No but this might" Ryan said as he flung a spear made of Aura into William. William barely dodged the spear which was flung his way. Unfortunately it did hit him slightly, giving him a gash in his abdomen.

Mega Houndoom finally was able to overpower Gleipnir and broke through it, continuing to attack Steven's pokemon. Fortunately Ryan gave the pokemon enough time to recover. Steven's Pokemon used Zap cannon immediately.

The six Zap cannons were shot from different angles which made it hard to defend against. Though Houndoom defended against six of them one of them hit it causing it to become paralyzed. The pokemon though continued to struggle. It did not miss one chance to use a flamethrower or any other move when it could.

William who saw this immediately used his Aura and went towards Mega Houndoom to inject Shadow Aura to remove the paralysed condition. Ryan, who couldn't move, could only prepare a move and attack William.

Ryan started to accumulate a large amount of Aura in front of him. He then molded it into a lance. He then threw it towards William. The Lance which had an White and Golden colour shot towards William which hit dead centre.

Unfortunately William succeeded in healing Mega Houndoom but the pokemon couldn't take on the Shadow Aura anymore.

The Houndoom glowed and got reverted to its original form. It made them tired to move. Ryan then moved his eyes towards William. The hunch he had about William proved to be correct.

'William' started to get encased in Shadow Aura. When the Shadow Aura dispersed it showed a whole new person. The person now had white hair and had a monocle. He seemed to be in his late fifties. He had a butler outfit.

"So . . . It was you after all Sebastian" Ryan said looking at Steven's butler.