
Pokemon Saga: Journey of a Lifetime

Pokemon world, An land of fantasy, Adventure, Fun right? Wrong! Pokemon world is a ruthless vengeful world which is a trap in which many fall into. Come lets explore what exactly this world is with Ryan. Inspired by Pokemon: Master of tactics

Studious_Author · Anime e quadrinhos
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85 Chs

Pokemon Saga: Journey of a Lifetime Ch39

Ryan soon reached the outskirts of the orange region. "Guys are you ready?" Ryan asked. Even though all of his pokemon are above the level of 30 he is still doubtful as elite level pokemon are quite strong.

When Ryan saw the determination in their eyes he started to venture into the orange region. The orange region he is going towards is a seashore. This seashore has a cave which is filled with resources.

As Ryan made his way toward the shore he sensed a danger heading towards him and went few steps back. Soon he saw an Pokemon encased in water hit the tree. It was a pokemon move Aqua Jet.

He saw the pokemon. The pokemon was like a shark having dark blue colour and grey under belly. It was a Sharpedo. He used Analysis on it.


Pokémon: Sharpedo

Species: Brutal Pokemon

Type: Water/Dark

LV: 43

Gender: Male

Ability: Rough Skin

Talent: Legend (2nd layer)


Tackle, Water Gun, Bubble Beam, Dark Pulse, Pursuit, Aqua Jet, Ice Fang, Crunch, Bite, Poison Fang, Night Slash, Slash, Leer, Swagger, Screech, Focus Energy.

Swift(Egg move), Hydro Pump(Egg move), Ancient Power(Egg move)[I], Destiny Bond(Egg Move).

Surf(TM), Rain Dance(TM)


'It has got TM moves, meaning he has been trained by a pokemon trainer' thought Ryan. Sharpedo seeing that Ryan was not paying attention to him got pissed of and attacked him with Hydro Pump. Pikachu came and used Protect to help Ryan.

As Hydro pump was deflected, Pikachu used Electro Ball on Sharpedo. Sharpedo started to maneuver using Aqua Jet but was intercepted by dazzling Glam by Gardevoir. Even though Gardevoir cannot battle too much she can defend herself and her family.

Soon Sharpedo got hit by Dazzling Gleam. He also got temporarily blinded. Pikachu used this chance and used electro web to catch him. Sharpedo who opened his eye saw electro web on feet from him.

Not able to dodge he got stuck in Electro Web and got paralyzed. It tried to resist but the fact he was paralyzed didn't help him.

Ryan thought of capturing it and keeping it for himself because he doesn't have a water type but he decided against it. Seeing this pokemons eyes it will only be disobedient and will try to hurt him. He doesn't want such pokemon.

He thought that the correct decision will be exchanging for money. He was snapped out of his thought when he saw a Kingler with a group of Crabby came his way. He was ready to battle but sensed that they didn't mean any harm.

He looked at Gardevoir. She nodded her head saying they come in peace. The Kingler who seemed to be the head of the group came towards Ryan.

It told "Thank you young aura user for defeating the Sharpedo." "Why are you happy that I have captured it?" Ryan questioned it. "That Sharpedo is an nasty fellow who came 3 months ago. He started to kill us and other water pokemon as he pleased.

We lost many newborns and young ones to him. You have vanquished him so we want to thank you by giving you something" the Kingler said.

Ryan followed the Kingler and saw them going towards the reef. They brought a lot of things ranging from pokemon scales to Top grade Water stones. "Please accept this" It said. Ryan accepted it and thanked them.

'Man I got a lot of treasures today' Ryan thought.


The Items he got:

Small size Pearls

Medium sized Pearls

Large sized Pearls

Very Large Sized Pearls

Low grade Water stones

Medium grade Water stones

High grade Water stones

Top grade Water stone

Prism Scale

Scales of Kingdra

Gold nuggets of various sizes

Mystic Water


A lot of these were very expensive. Especially the sacles of Kingdra, Mystic Water, Prism Scale, Top grade Water stone.

The scales of Kingdra are very useful for dragon type pokemon. It useful for its own Horsea line. A Horsea evolves into a Seadra. This Seadra can evolve into a Kingdra, but there is an condition for it.

The Seadra only evolves if the pokemon holds an dragon scale. Since Kingdra is an part Dragon type its scales are also considered as Dragon Scale. So people who have a Seadra will definitely want this item. He can sell it for high prices.

Prism scale is also like dragon scale but it is used to evolve Feebas into a Beautiful Milotic. Milotic is one of the beautiful and powerful pokemon out there.

Milotic is used by pokemon coordinators for its beauty. For now only Wallace has had the patience to feed Dry Poffins to Feebas and evolve it. This method is an very old method which takes excruciatingly long time. Thus, Prism scales are favored more.

Ryan seeing that he has accomplished his goal of collecting resources started to go back to the teleportation point. He needs to train his pokemon after all they only have 10- No 9 days left as it is already sundown.

The next day he saw Beldum showing signs of evolution. He immediately rushed inside and bought his top grade Mineral for Beldum to hold and assimilate its power.

The mineral was taken from a Steelix corpse. He has the Steelix corpse too. He decided that he will give it to Beldum. Beldum ate it like he had been starved for months.

Evolution is a tiring process for pokemon. They need energy for it. Since Beldum is holding out his evolution for his body to mature it is taking a lot of energy his energy.

Evolutions consume energy but the process of stopping the evolution takes even more energy. Keeping the evolution at bay takes energy from pokemon daily. Now Beldum is showing the symptoms of evolution.

Evolving a pokemon before the symptoms of evolution shows up will cause severe backlash for the pokemon which will affect the trainer too. Since Beldum is showing the symptoms, it means he is ready to evolve.

Soon at night 9:34 PM Beldum evolved. The pokemon had two hands, which was attached to a metal head. It also had spike like nose which was yellow in colour. Beldum has finally evolved into a proud Metang.

'In these eight days my pokemon will improve a lot' Ryan told himself.