
Pokemon Saga: Journey of a Lifetime

Pokemon world, An land of fantasy, Adventure, Fun right? Wrong! Pokemon world is a ruthless vengeful world which is a trap in which many fall into. Come lets explore what exactly this world is with Ryan. Inspired by Pokemon: Master of tactics

Studious_Author · Anime e quadrinhos
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85 Chs

Pokemon Saga: Journey of a Lifetime Ch24

Ryan is standing in the outskirts of Viridian Forest with Zubat. He was thinking to be near the exits of Viridian Forest. The Viridian Forest has many exits and entrances, so being near the exits will help Ryan greatly as he can run out of the forest quickly if things go south. Why? its because he doesn't have Pikachu or Dreepy with him. They are in his home resting.

He dared not to go deep in the forest this time. If something like Mega Beedrill shows up he will be dead within seconds. Zubat was flying next to him. Ryan asked him "Zubat we have entered hostile territory, use ultrasonic to check for enemies time to time" Zubat nodded. They walked trying to find pokemon. Since Zubat was weak looking it was not long before they were attacked. It was a Pidgey. He used Analysis.


Pokémon: Pidgey

Species: Tiny Bird Pokemon

Type: Normal/Flying

LV: 13

Gender: Female

Ability: Keen Eye

Talent: Common (5th layer)


Tackle, Quick Attack, Sand Attack, Wing Attack.


'It is a low leveled pokemon but it can provide sufficient Exp for Zubat' thought Ryan. "Zubat you know what to do" said Ryan. Soon Zubat started to zoom in and out of trees successfully confusing Pidgey. He hit Pidgey on top of her head with bite. Pidgey cried out in pain before fleeing knowing it can't defeat its pokemon.

Ryan said Zubat not to chase it. If a wild pokemon runs, it means it is your victory. Ryan went toward Zubat and asked "How was it?". "I have been in the wild for long time but no battles were this easy. I think I have gotten stronger." Zubat replied. Previous week Zubat had trained using weights thus making him stronger and faster.

"Good, if you had difficulty with fighting that cpokemon which was 5 levels under you, it will not be long before you get killed" Ryan said. Zubat understood what Ryan was telling. It is kill or be killed in the wild so in order to survive, one must be at the top of the food chain. Soon Ryan and Zubat moved on.

After a few hours Zubat was started to show signs of evolutions. Meaning after few battles he will level up and evolve into a Golbat. Soon they ran into 5 Beedrills. Ryan made sure there was no Alpha or they are strong using Analysis.


Pokémon: Beedrill

Species: Poison Bee Pokemon

Type: Bug/Poison

LV: 15

Gender: Female

Ability: Swarm

Talent: Epic (4th layer)


Poison Sting, String Shot, Twin needle, Harden, Rage, Tackle, Quick Attack.


'Zubat can defeat them easily. There is only one Epic talent/ C rank pokemon, the others are Rare talent/ D rank pokemon.' Ryan thought. Zubat has an obvious Level advantage, Its speed is also high. "Zubat run and hit tactics" said Ryan. Ryan had told him that pokemon with low health always use this tactics. They start to chip away damage from the opponent slowly until they faint. Ryan also told him that he must always take out the weak ones first.

Zubat sneaked up on the unsuspecting Beedrills and used wing attack and hit a Beedrill and sped away to the trees. The Beedrills were confused of what hit them. Zubat attacked the like this untill the Beedrill found him. Unfortunately for the Beedrill, 3 of them have already fainted due to the super effective moves.

Soon Zubat fought with the remaining two. It took 1 and a half minutes to finish them off. Ryan soon threw the ball before they could call for help. He can get 30,000 TRC for these Beedrills. Ryan also analyzed Zubat's battle with the Beedrills.

Zubat even though having level advantage it didn't do enough damage even though it used Super effective moves. 'He should be able to knock out the pokemon in one hit. Not to mention he was trained while the Beerills were untrained.' thought Ryan.

Ryan kept his thoughts away and gave his Zubat a energy powder and permission to drink the blood of the Beedrill. He had caught the C rank pokemon and ran the hell away from there. Beedrills are pokemon which do not forgive people who attacked. He learned this lesson from his previous Beedrill encounters.

Ryan used Analysis on Zubat to see his improvement.


Pokémon: Zubat

Species: Bat Pokemon

Type: Poison/Flying

LV: 20

Gender: Male

Ability: Inner Focus

Talent: Unique (6th layer)


Bite[I], Tackle, Quick Attack[I], Gust, Sand Attack, Leech Life, Wing Attack, Super Sonic, Absorb, Poison Fang, Air cutter[I], Shadow Ball[E].

Hypnosis(Egg move), Venom Drench(Egg move), Curse(Egg Move), Brave Bird(Egg Move)

Protect(TM), Taunt(TM), Fire Fang(TM)


'Good he has leveled up two times fighting 6 enemies of Lv.12 to Lv.15' thought Ryan. Ryan also saw the TM moves he taught Zubat. 'Fire Fang, Taunt, Protect. Fire fang for attacking Steel types which are not affected by poison type moves. Protect so that he can guard himself from any move. Taunt for preventing the enemy from using Status type moves.'

Ryan was thinking how effective combat training is if a pokemon is not gifted that much. Alas, the death rate while training in pokemon infested areas are high. Trainers don't come here fearing for their lives.

Ryan along with Zubat carefully navigated the forest. Using Zubat's Ultrasonic they avoided unnecessary pokemon battles. Ryan knew most of the pokemons here, after the Alpha Beedrill the strongest pokemon here is Scyther. Other pokemons are not that strong since thre are mainly Butterfree line, Beedrill line, Wurmple line. All of them are weak enough for Scyther to defeat.

Ryan has no interest in catching Scyther, even though it can evolve into Scizor. He already has an pokemon egg which will soon hatch into a steel type. Soon Ryan ran into few more pokemon. Zubat which was at its peak easily ploughed through the pokemons.

Soon as Zubat defeated the last pokemon that attacked which was Beedrill again, and started to glow. Ryan was staring at Zubat contently. Zubat is stating to evolve. Ryan immediately took a item from his bag and gave it to Zubat. This item is Blood of A rank Tauros.

As the light settled down, Ryan saw a figure which was like Zubat but with many changes. It had become bigger, it had eyes and had a huge mouth.

Zubat has evolved into a Golbat.

That's a wrap

Finally Zubat has evolved into a Golbat.

Studious_Authorcreators' thoughts