
Special Chapter #12, Slice of Ralts' Life #5

Location - Pokemon Contest Hall, Lilycove City, Hoenn.

Sitting down at each side of a table were Bella the Bellossom and Ralts D Leona, waiting for Erika to return. Due to their height, sitting wasn't so easy, Bella accomplish this by stacking Magical Leaf as do Leona, she's not sitting at all, but levitating. An odd sight to behold for the trainers and their Pokemons here. As for why they didn't sit on the table, Erika had previously told them not to.

"Ugh," recalling all the things she had done in that event, made Leona want to roll into a bed forever. The only bright side to this was when that judge finally stopped being a jack*ss and gave her the score she deserves.

<Caught in 4K> Bella murmurs, rewatching Leona's performance on the camera.

"Bella, give me that!" Leona shouted her face red. Taking advantage of the fact that she's levitating, she sent herself flying toward Bella. Their bodies collide pushing back the chair causing it to fall backward.


But as Pokemons, how could this affect them? Bella quickly formed Vine Whip to stretch away from the camera away from Leona, while hugging her tightly from teleporting.

"Gah, let go of me," Leona cried out.


"Yoooou," Leona's anger had reached its peak. "Son of a..."


<Young mistress Leona, please stop acting tomboyishly. Even if it's cute on you, you would be much cuter acting like the young lady you are> Bella said warningly.


Leona bit Bella's arm.


<Young mistress, this is bad conduct>

"Don't care, give me the camera," Leona said before once biting back Bella's arm.


"Bella, did you just now take a pic?" Leona asked.

<No, it's just the person who's eavesdropping on us> Bellossom explains, pointing at the man standing behind with a camera in hand.


"Great, another pervert," Leona said, breaking both cameras with Psychic.

<Noooo> Bella cried out, no longer holding onto Leona as she kneeled dramatically mourning for her destroyed camera. As for the judge, his face showed that he didn't give a damn about the camera while internally he felt like joining Bella.

"So what do you want?" Leona asked annoyed, using Psychic to 'stand' at the same level as him. Clenching his fist, the judge, Daniel once more entered an internal war.

If his mind wins the first thing he'll do is get the hell away from Leona, when other charm and you can't deal with it it's always best to just stay as far as possible from the inflictor. However, if he lost this war here and the Charm won, all his plans would collapse and everything he had strived for would be wasted.

Although Leona's unable to read his thoughts and emotions for obvious reasons, his conflicted expression says more than words could ever have and for the person who was being a jack*ss to her earlier how could she make it easy for him.

Cuteness Overload, activated.

"Hey, bastard judge," Leona called him.


'Damn it!' his mind soldiers were being extinguished by a war machine that popped out from nowhere.

"Yes, what is it?" Daniel said with a smile on his face.

"Are you here reject my cuteness again?" Leona asked sadly, meanwhile dying internally.


"O-of course not," he answered instinctively. Artilleries directly blew up his castle defenses and now the Charm soldiers were rushing forward.

"Don't think too much of yourself though. Even if your performance was good, you're still not the best," He said, royal mind soldiers came out of the castle slaughtering mind soldiers.

"My performance good huh, then why didn't you give me a good score like the other judges,"

"Oof," The Charm soldiers left, and now there were hordes of tanks, a hopeless battle, which he refused to lose.

"To make you do your best of course," he explained. All his forces are dead and that left is the king himself, the Prideful Devil Lucifer, revealing his 3 pairs of grey wings.

"Oh, that makes sense... so then, why are you here again?" The Charm army was destroyed by Lucifer himself and all that's left is Charm Royal Guards and the Charm Queen herself, Leviathan the Lustful Devil. The sea serpent that lust over power.

Spears that could shatter mountains were thrown at Lucifer, none of which was able to pierce his armor causing him to laugh at them in mockery. A ball of fire was thrown from his hand quickly enlarging to the point it could swallow a mountain, the attack wiping out the Charm Royal Guards.

"To..." The giant serpent, Leviathan hissed, her body transformed into a magical girl? Normally Lucifer would have mocked her for dressing up like this, but then Cuteness Overload hit him. Lucifer's body landed on the ground, he gritted his teeth and kneeled.

(A/N: That entire mental war is not canon)

"Surrender," Daniel dropped to his knees and said.


[Host has been rewarded with the ability, Lustful Devil]

[Lustful Devil: Passively charms those near you, its effects are much stronger than any known charm ability, excluding Cuteness Overload. Can be used on an individual with a high chance of making them become your slave. Warning, Host's lust would increase, those charmed from this are more on the lust side of charm than the cute side]

'Nooooo!' Leona cried out mentally.

'Don't you think my life isn't bad enough!?'

"I should've given you better scores, as an apology I will forever serve you,"

"F*ck!" Instantly after cursing, vines shot out from Bella grabbing Leona by her wrists and legs, raising her into the air.

<Young mistress...>

"Bella, this is nostalgic in a very disturbing way, please let go," Leona said, not liking how these vines act like tentacles.

<Would you behave like the young maiden you are?>

"I... won't," Leona said confidently.

<Then you will stay like this until master returns>

'Why isn't my cuteness working now?' Leona cried out internally.

[Answer: Cute things shouldn't curse and besides, Bella will be gentle]

'System you said this like that intentionally didn't you?'

[System is inflating balloons, please wait]

"..." Ignoring the System, Leona returned to back to telling Bella to let her go, and as for the kneeling Daniel. He's working on his new goal internally, ending the...


A while later, Leona was finally released, Daniel took his leave and now they were sitting in their previous positions. Leona on Poketube and Bella reading a magazine. Erika soon returned and they finally left the Pokemon Contest Hall and they're now at the doors of someone's home.

"There's a great disturbance in the air," Leona said sensing a large amount of Psychic energy behind those doors.

"It's time to meet your parents," Erika explains opening the door, revealing the large living room split into 2 themes, humans and Pokemons, one on the left and the other on the right.

"Holy mama-lonely," Leona exclaimed. On the Pokemon side, there were only Psychic-type Pokemons there, but that alone wouldn't make her surprised. It was the fact that there were 5 Gallades and 3 Gardevoirs in there, all of which being Champions and Senior Champion Pokemons. There were a lot of other Psychic types in there like 2 Metagross, but that's not important.

Looking over at the trainer's side and seeing the people who were talking, Leona was shocked. There was Johto's Elite Four member Will, Hoenn's Gym Leaders, Tate and Lisa, Hoenn's Elite four member Wally, Sinnoh's Elite Four member Lucian, Unova's Elite Four Caitlin, Kalos' Gym Leader Olympia, and a Kalos' Champion Diantha.

It's unsurprising for the gym leaders here to not have at least 2, Junior Champion Pokemons. Psychic-type Experts tend to always be experts when it comes to training. What was surprising was...

"How on earth did you manage to get them to come?" Leona asked, it's certainly not easy for these people to gather here today, especially Diantha who's multitasking life.

"Persuasion," Erika said.

"Don't like the sound of that," Leona grumbled. 'Bet she bride them with my pictures,' which was certainly the case.

"Alright Leona, go on and find your mammy or pappy, we grown-ups are going to talk," Erika said.

"Grown-ups? You're a teen, Tate and Lisa look like kids, and Wally... well I guess he's a young adult,"

"Leona, go," hearing Sabrina speak, Leona instantly answers.

"Yes," teleporting onto a table in which a group of Gallades and Gardevoirs sat, Leona quickly thought of her introduction. "Mongrels, look at the presence of your ki-queen," unknowingly Leona caused a telepathic battlefield for the position of father and mother, yet in reality, it look like they were chatting about the weather.


Meanwhile, for this group of mostly Psychic-type experts. They decided it is a good time as any to share information amongst each other.

"So all Guardian and Master Pokemons and trainers are missing," Lucian said sipping on some tea.

"It would've been nice if only the wild Pokemons were taking," Tate sighed.

"It doesn't matter too much if they're gone. There aren't any evil teams left," Will explains. On the table names of some noteworthy trainers who have disappeared were written on it.

Kanto: Prof. Oak, Agatha, Blue

Johto: Lance

Hoenn: Steven

Sinnoh: Cynthia

Unova: Black, N

As for why Red isn't mentioned it's because he went missing way before this occurred.

"Should we say we are lucky we lack strong trainers?" Erika mutters.

"It not like we lacked strong trainers, but lack those who were willing to continue forward," Diantha sighed. They can say that they have plenty of Junior Champions, Senior Champions are rare, and let's not mention Guardian.

Each region had one or 2 rising stars, those that managed to challenge the top legendaries. Sadly, none of them did it with their strength but the temporary aid of a Legendary. They either stop at Junior Champion or Senior Champion before ending their story.

"I heard Iris is training hard to get her Haxorus to Guardian..." Lisa said.

"We can watch her and see what happens," Tate continued.

"Easier said than done, we don't have time to watch her, and let's not forget how difficult it is to reach the Guardian stage," Caitlin said. "Rather, we should find out how a Guardian grade Psychic is still here," Caitlin said observing Sabrina suspiciously.

"Eh, did Sabrina..." Lisa said.

"Already become a Guardian!" Tate continued.

"It's not that surprising, however, I'm guessing you got a lot of information on you, Sabrina," Lucian said.
