
Pokemon: Reincarnated As An Extra Who Never Existed

Chiks_Marak · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
53 Chs

Chapter 46

The next day, at the Pokémon center Ash was distress because he met another friend as soon as he just defeated his good friend and a rival, Morrison.

And Evan was paired with a guy named Arthur from Lucario kingdom,Sinnoh region.

Just by hearing that he was from a Lucario kingdom, Evan guessed that his Trump card might be Lucario.

And the match for the promotion from top 8 to semi finals has already began.

Evan didn't go to the auditorium to go see the match, because his match was right after the first match. While Evan was waiting for his match, he felt something familiar approaching him, it was a feeling of meeting the same kind.

Suddenly a boy with dark blue hair came to Evan's lounge "hello! May I help you?"

"I came here for you on purpose! I am Arthur you opponent for the match" Arthur said with a serious face.

"Yes? What can I do for you!" Evan asked straight to the point.

"Here, can you please hold for a second" Arthur took out a crystal ball like thing and put on a table.

Evan did not doubt him and decided to follow what he asked, he stretched out his hand and as he hold the crystal ball it began to emit a dazzling bluish light and Arthur became surprised.

"You actually have a pure Aura!"

Evan guessed it right it was an object to inspect Aura. "Thank you for accepting my request without any question" Taking back the crystal Arthur looked at Evan with a complicated expression "Today's game I will be using my 2 strongest Pokémon if I lose, I will forfeit this match"

Evan obvious wouldn't decline such an offer "alright!"

Arthur stopped talking, stood up and left Evan's lounge.

After a while the first match ended and it was Evan's turn now.

Event went through the contestant passage to the battle ring.

"It's Evan's match now!" The siblings May and Max cheered vigorously.

"Evan's opponent is from Sinnoh region named Arthur and he had used only two Pokémon since the beginning of the competition. He is a tough opponent!" Brock said as he stated at the battle field.

"Oh which two Pokémon did he use?" Max asked curiously.

"It's Lucario and Togekiss, both are very rare Pokémon" Brock said in surprise looking at the information.

"On the Green side is Evan and the red is Arthur, Please send out your Pokémon!"

Evan hold his Pokéball and looked towards Arthur.

"Come out Lucario!" Arthur's first Pokémon was his Trump card, a young Lucario.

"Then I choose you Blaziken!" Evan sent his Blaziken again.


Level:Late Elite]

"The battle begins!" The referee gave his order, and the match officially started.

Suddenly Arthur stretch out his hand at the same time his eyes glowed with bluish light, Evan could feel the power of Aura resonating with Arthur and Lucario, It's just that his Aura is very weak. Evan decided to check opponent's Lucario again.


Level:Early King]

'Good grief, his level is now same as Blaziken!' Evan thought to himself although its level is temporary raised to a Early King level it could go wrong if Evan underestimate it's opponent.

"Blaziken, use overheat!" Evan did not hesitate to lead the battle.

"Blaziken~~" Blaziken sent out a mouthful of flames towards Lucario.

"Lucario dodge!" Arthur narrowed his eyes slightly, which did not effect his judgement in the slightest.

"Blaziken quick use Flame charge!!" Overheat missed and Evan decided to choose another attack.

"Luca~~" This time Blaziken was hit and knocked back on the spot.

"Lucario close combat!" Arthur was also waiting for a melee attack.

"Blaziken cope up with Blaze kick!"

Boom! Blaziken's surging Blaze kick collided with Lucario's palm, causing an explosion.

After the blow, the two distanced themselves from each other.

"Vacuum wave!" Arthur finally made a move again.

"Blaziken another Overheat!" Blaziken bursts into a mouthful of crimson flames.

When Lucario launches Vacuum wave, there will be an obvious forward swing charge, and Evan is waiting for this opportunity.

Boom! The powerful overheat engulfed Lucario. Lucario was also a ruthless Pokémon and threw the vacuum wave out in the raging flames.

"Blaziken agility and use Flame charge!" As the afterimages flickered, the speed of Blaziken increased.

"Lucario use Bone rush!" Arthur gave his order, Lucario put his hand together and pulled out a blue energy bone stick and then waved it twice, completely dispelling Blaziken's attack. Lucario and Arthur began to pant easily as they are sharing the same feeling with the power of Aura to strengthen Lucario.

"Blaziken use double kick and end it with your blaze kick!" Blaziken directly started sprinting straight forward to Lucario.

"Hit it back with Bone Rush!" Arthur also ordered Lucario to charge forward Blaziken to attack.

Whoosh!! Afterimages flickered and Blaziken was out of their sight.

"Behind you!" Arthur almost reacted instantly but it was already too late.

Blaziken twisted it's body and with the help of it's spinning force,kicked out with the first kick.

Lucario was hit head on and he half knelt on the ground, Blaziken then turned around and kicked Lucario with it's second kick.

Boom!! Lucario landed heavily but Blaziken turned around it the air again and the last kick ignited flames and hit Lucario, Lucario flew out of the ring and smashed into the wall.

"Lucario is unable to battle, Blaziken wins!"

As Lucario lost, Arthur also became pale almost instantly because they were connected through Aura power.

After taking back his Lucario, Arthur send out his second Pokémon "come out,Togekiss!"


Level:Mid Elite]

"Togekiss agility!"

Evan understood what he was planning, Arthur wanted to stack and rely on it's speed to win.

"Then Blaziken use bulk up!" Arthur frowned looking at Evan's move.

"Togekiss air slash!"

"Blaziken Rock slide!"

Arthur didn't expect Blaziken to learn rock slide, several rocks fell on Togekiss who was on the air with the addition of Bulk up it was very effective.And just as Togekiss was trying to get up Evan didn't miss the opportunity

"Blaziken now use Blaze kick!"

Boom! Blaze kick hit Togekiss who was on the ground directly loosing it's ability to battle.

"Togekiss is unable to battle, Blaziken wins!"

"Togekiss return" Arthur took back Togekiss but there was no movement from Arthur. Thereafter, Arthur panted and passed by the use of excessive Aura, he was still not proficient in using Aura.

This is why Evan wasn't using his Aura power because he haven't learn much about Aura yet, he was planning to visit Kingdom of Rota to train his Aura, it's just that if he went there He might be forced to become an Aura Guardian,he might also need to swear an allegiance to the Queen of Rota.

The referee looked at the Arthur who passed out and gave his judgement as a professional.

"Because Arthur has lose its will to fight, Evan wins the match!"

Evan's mouth twitched, he didn't expect the match would be over in seconds.

Reluctantly accepting the congratulations from the referee and the commentator, Evan walked back as he watched the doctor taking away Arthur.

After Evan's match it was the turn of Ash and Tyson to face off. In this match Evan also wanted to see how much Ash have grown.

Evan was hungry so he decided to eat before going to the auditorium, going to auditorium Evan found Steven, Brock and his other friends and Evan sat comfortably beside them.

"You're just in time for the most exciting part!"

Brock said to Evan staring at the match intensely.

"The match haven't started yet?" Evan asked looking at the battle ring where there was no Pokémon.

"It's started already, Ash used Glalie and Tyson used his Sceptile and both lose the ability to fight together!" Max explained to Evan.

"Oh.. That's not a bad start, trading Glalie for his Sceptile can be considered to be a profit"

Evan nodded after all Tyson was also from Hoenn and Sceptile is his starter Pokémon.

Immediate afterwards both side took out their second Pokémon,Tyson chose Shiftry and Ash chose Torkoal. This choice is good, Torkoal as the fire type Pokémon among Ash's team it has grown a lot. Although the speed cannot keep up with Shiftry as long as it's flame hit Shiftry it will be effective.

After a fierce battle, Torkoal seized the opportunity to attack with overheat as Shiftry jumped up and hit it directly.

And as Evan expectedexpected, Shiftry was defeated with it's raging overheat.

"Great Ash took the lead!" May and Max happily cheered for Ash.

"However, Tyson should not be taken lightly!" Brock said with a serious expression.

"That's right, Tyson has a tactical ability which is higher than Ash, it all depends on Ash if he can handle the pressure or not" Evan nodded agreeing to Brock.

Tyson's third Pokémon was Hariyama and Ash ordered Torkoal to continue fighting.

"It's over!" Evan sighed helplessly.

"Why did you say that Evan?" May asked curiously.

"Hariyama has a characteristics of thick fat, attack of Fire and Ice type wouldn't be able to damage Hariyama. And apart from fire type move Ash is letting Torkoal to fight head on!" Steven responded for his brother as he nodded after seeing his little brother's knowledge, although he knew Evan was a researcher,but for him Evan was still a little boy.

The situation reversed quickly as Hariyama entered the battle field, Hariyama was attacked by Flame thrower, however, Hariyama rushed up to Torkoal and ended the fight with one arm thrust.

"Swellow I choose you!" Ash's third Pokémon was Swellow which is good against a fighting type Pokémon like Hariyama.

After Swellow entered the battllefield the situation reversed again as Swellow defeated Hariyama after a fierce battle.

Soon the second half continued on a rock field, Tyson sent his Donphan as his fourth Pokémon and Ash still chose to use Swellow.

As soon as Donphan appeared on the stage, it started using roll out continuously.Swellow who was getting hit constantly by roll out suddenly grabbed Donphan's ears and slammed it down losing the ability to fight.

Tyson didn't care less and send out his fifth Pokémon Metagross.

"Brother I feel like your Trump card is not really rare nowadays!" Evan teased Steven playfully.

"Well it's because it's very popular so everyone wants to train a Metagross as their Pokémon!" Evan was countered directly.

As soon as Metagross entered the field as a pseudo legendary Pokémon of Hoenn region, Metagross hit Swellow with meteor smash who was already injured making it directly lose the battle.

Ash then send out Sceptile which is his fourth Pokémon, but although Sceptile has excellent speed it's damage was not being affective on Metagross.

After continuously trying to attack Metagross, Sceptile fell to the ground and Tyson didn't miss the opportunity and asked Metagross to use confusion and with a hyper beam defeated Sceptile.

"So what will you do now Ash?" Evan said looking at the venue seriously, Evan knew that whether he could go forward or his journey of Hoenn league will end now depends on this Pokémon.

But Evan didn't expect Ash to bring one of his strongest Pokémon from Kanto.

"Charizard I choose you!" As soon as Ash's charizard came out Evan knew the match was over, as a Pokémon who fought with many Legendary Pokémon in the anime he was confident that the match is over.

"I didn't know Ash had Charizard!" May and Max said in confusion.

"That's the Charizard that fought a fierce battle with Blaziken in Johto league right brother!" Evan said to Steven.

"You knew Ash's Charizard?" Brock said as he looked at Evan and Steven, it was because Ash has never revealed his Charizard.

"Yes we watched the Silver Conference of Ash, you see!" Steven nodded as he responded to Brock.

"Yeah that Charizard was very strong, Ash was so close to win against Blaziken" Evan said.

Charizard did not disappoint their expectations, it directly stopped meteor smash with a dragon claw and sprayed flames on Metagross causing it to lose the battle.

"The exciting moment has come!" Seeing Tyson sending out Meowth, Brock and the others became nervous whereas Steven didn't understand what they meant and just stared at them cluelessly.

"Actually that Meowth is just strong as Ash's Pikachu brother!" Seeing his clueless brother, Evan explained briefly to Steven.

"I see!" Steven replied shortly.

"Charizard return, Pikachu I choose you!" Unexpectedly Ash took back Charizard and sent his Pikachu.

Duel between aces, Ash was giving his respect to Tyson by sending his ace Pikachu.

Tyson was a tactical genius, he took advantage of Meowth's ability to use thunderbolts to defend against Pikachu's electric type moves. The entire venue was filled with electricity.

"Strange why isn't Pikachu's electric moves not working against Meowth!" Max was perplexed.

"Meowth's thunderbolt is not for attacking!" Brock hit the nail on the head.

"That's right, although Meowth is a normal type but in the process of using thunderbolts it's body itself is in the state of regenetating electricity in order to use thunderbolts which also makes Meowth invincible from the external electric moves" Evan patted Max on the head and explained it to him.

The electric type moves didn't work so Ash could only choose to fight with iron tail.

Pikachu and Meowth attacked with iron tail in close combat with each other, in the end the Pokémon fell down at the same time.

"Pikachu and Meowth is unable to battle, Ash is the winner!" The referee raised his flag and gave his judgement.

"Let's congratulate Ash Ketchum for advancing to semi finals!" The voice of commentator concluded the match.

There were only two matches left before the summit of Ever Grande Championship, Hoenn league.

Somehow Ash's fate determining battle end up with Ash advancing to Semi finals.

~To be Continued...