
Jhoto - Mt Silver

Ash was enjoying the quiet party thrown to celebrate Casey's new position, 'She has definitely come far. Even further than her anime counterpart.'

Brock, "What are you thinking about?"

Ash smiled, "About how we met Casey just last year as a mid - level trainer. Now, just look at her. She is an Elite."

Brock looked at where Casey was, "You are correct. By the way, I have been meaning to ask you something."

Ash looked at Brock, "Hm?"

Brock, "The reason why you invited Casey to join us. It was not just because of safety was it? Did you plan on making her an Elite from the start? Do not think I did not notice the training 'advice', you gave her over the months."

Ash laughed, "Elite? No, I was not expecting her to be interested in that position. But did I expect to see her become powerful? Yes."

Brock's lips twitched amused, "So, Casey becoming an Elite was a lucky break."

Ash, "An unexpected bonus yes, but I am not complaining about it."

Gold found them, "I suppose you are leaving for the Mt Silver now?"

Ash, "That is the plan."

Casey, "Hey guys. Can I talk to you for a moment?"

Brock, "Sure, what's up?"

Gold, "Go ahead. I will talk to you later."

Casey nodded and went to grab Gou and Max at the buffet table, "Guys, we need to talk."

Max looked at her, "About your new position right?"

Casey, "Yeah, they are starting my training tonight with night patrol."

Brock, "Ah! You will not be coming with us, will you?"

Casey, "Yeah, they want me to work with the other participants who made it to semi finals."

Ash, "I think I understand. Having a team to fall back on is always better than going at the danger alone. As an Elite you will be one of the first line of defense during danger if the Champion is unavailable."

Casey nodded eyes serious, "Exactly and I want to be as prepared as I can be in time for the Silver Conference. It's in one month after all."

Brock was worried though, "Casey, one month is not enough. Please do not push yourself too far."

Casey grinned, "I have been training for months now. I am treating this month as test month to prove myself. Of course I will have to make sure my team work with others is good too. But we have been working with complete strangers while tackling problems so I have hope for progress."

Ash smiled, "Try not to burn yourself out though."

Casey gave a dry laugh, "With Meganium breathing down my neck, do you really think that is possible? Your Venasaur really turned her into a mother Ursaring, you know?"

Brock laughed, "Good, that also means I will actually get full reports on your health."

Casey, "Oh! I am gonna miss your brand of mothering now that we are going separate ways."

Gou, "Enjoy the freedom while you still can."

Max nodded, "Brock will find a way to mother you. He still mother's Misty and the others even if they are across the continent."

Casey laughed loudly at that, "Oh yeah! She was telling me about it."

Lance, "They are enjoying themselves. I was a little worried about them."

Gold grinned at the older man, "Well Papa Dragon, what do you think of your baby Dragon? She did well, right?"

Lance, "Mn... Better than I had expected but then again considering what they have been through she knows what us at risk."

Gold, "We will be starting her training with the other three participants so they are able to work together."

Lance nodded, "Understandable. Do you plan to train them yourself?"

Gold, "Yes, I am. What can I say? They got my genuine interest. Pretty sure Silver will be interested too once he reviews all the footage."

The next day, Ash and the rest wished Casey best of luck and headed towards My Silver where the Conference would take place. They traveled North West of where they were and passed by towns that were blooming with different flowers that the bug Pokemon were flying around. Some of the more friendly bug Pokemon approached them, cooing at the group that had Lokoko, Meowth and Lucario snickering. Ash and the group were curious but were also wary of the reason having a deep suspicion of the reason they were being approached. They stopped by the famous Silver Lake for lunch before heading to the nearest town.

Ash drawled, "So, should I ask why they are staring at us?"

Gou looked around noticing the Pokemon, "I am scared to ask."

Max, "I see nothing."

Brock chuckled, "Well, as long as there is no trouble."

Lucario grinned, -They found out about our activities at the temple.-

Meowth, "They think you all are Priest of the Legendary Pokemon. Which technically speaking you are now."

Lokoko, -Indeed, you did perform the ritual without any problems so now you are in their list of trustworthy humans.-

Ash, "Hmm... Maybe we can use this to make sure they remain safe."

Gou, "What are you planning?"

Brock was stern, "It better not be a danger to your life, Ash."

Max, "Yeah."

Ash, "Nothing dangerous. I assure you. But do you remember how Team Rocket's been going around capturing Pokemon using tools?"

Gou, "Yes, we were there."

Ash, "Do you still have the photos? Printed ones, that is."

Gou, "Yes, why?"

Ash, "Lucario, Meowth, Lokoko, could you take those pictures and explain why they are dangerous."

Lucario, -I get it. You want to make a network among the wild Pokemon.-

Lokoko, -I can see how it can be useful.-

Meowth nodded, "We will do it."

Brock, "Not a bad idea in theory."

Gou, "Question is for how long will it work?"

Ash, "As long as they can avoid being caught in the crossfire. I say it is worth it."

Max, "Do you think Team Rocket will try something during the Conference?"

Ash pat Eevee who looked older now, "I don't know, Max. I only hope I can lessen the number of Pokemon and humans who get hurt in the process."

Brock placed their lunch in front of them, "I suppose that is the best we can do. But do remember it is none of your fault. Team Rocket is filled with grown ups who know exactly what they are doing."

Gou, "And we cannot take responsibility for the decision of adults."

Max, "It will be like we are giving them the go ahead to commit more crimes."

Ash, "Being an enabler is not allowed."

Brock smiled, "Glad we all agree. Now, eat up. At the speed we are going we should enter the premises of Silver City by nightfall."

Ash, "I find it amazing how much My Silver has changed. It used to be a red zone at the bottom and a black zone starting from middle."

Gou, "Right? I think it's because the City started to form things have gotten better. It is still dangerous because it's an avalanche and earthquake zone, but you know what I mean."

Max, "Ranger Red works strictly in Mt Silver right?"

Ash smiled proudly, "Yes, it's where he trained to challenge the Elite Four and then the Champion. So, it is his designated area now."

Max, "I really need to remember to get his autograph this time."

Gou chuckled, "I am sure he will be really happy to give you one."

Max pouted at Ash, "You still have not given me a signed autograph."

Ash snickered, "But I did take a lot of photos and videos with you though."

Brock snorted, "He got you there."

Max flushed, "Fine! But I will get that autograph one day."

Gou, "Actually now that I think about it. Ash, have you had any autograph session before?"

Ash, "Nope, not as Ash. But as the mysterious writer of Hogwarts Chronicles, I have. That is enough for me."

Brock, "It is a movie now. How is the sixth book coming? I know you already started on it."

Ash, "I got the storyline and major events I want down. Now, it's the characters I have to worry about."

Max, "I still have not told my family you are the writer."

Ash, "Thank you. I would like to do it myself after I get to know them more."

Max perked up, "Really?"

Ash ruffled his hair, "I have only known them for a few days and I can confidently say they are cool."

Max beamed then, "Yeah, mom and dad are really cool. I can't wait for you to go to Hoenn. I will show you the best places in town and introduce you to all my friends."

Ash, "I look... Correction, we all look forward to it, Max."

Gou smiled, "Agreed."

Brock nodded and they continued eating and clearing up the dishes while cleaning up the area around the lake. The wild Pokemon could be playful while playing but they didn't mind, as they enjoyed the lively lunch time and no one fought. Lucario, Lokoko and Meowth told them they had warned the Pokemon and they would warn the others about the creepy people with weapons. The description almost made Ash laugh but he nodded smiling instead and after a few hours they could see Silver City. It was a large City that almost encircled the bottom of My Silver with green and wild areas for important flora and Pokemon.

They entered the town known as Rupa and went in search of the Pokemon Center where they could get a room for the next few weeks and register. Nurse Joy welcomed them and registered Ash for the Conference while Brock registered himself for volunteer nurse help. They settled in for the night after showers and clean up deciding to plan the next two weeks in the morning. Ash looked outside the window frowning, for a moment he thought someone was watching them but he could be mistaken. The state did not feel malicious so it could be one of their friends who reached the town but were feeling exhausted no doubt.

The next morning Brock woke up first getting ready for the morning shift followed by Ash who brushed his teeth then left to train in one of the empty fields. Brock waved him off telling him to stay in contact with them no matter what to which Ash agreed. On the way to the training grounds he felt the stare again and Lucario stuck close to him sensing they were being followed. Lokoko hummed under her breath as she followed behind the three young Pokemon as Eevee and Abra played around and Absol looked around quietly. Considering Absol was relaxed and not tensed like the last few days, Ash concluded, it was not a danger to them and focused on training.

Ash sat down during break, "Hey, aren't you going to come out? I know you have been watching me."

Mew appeared giggling, -Hello there ~ My Legendary Children's chosen one.-

Ash stared then sighed, "They should not have felt the need to require my help to begin with though. They are already doing a lot for these two regions."

Mew hummed, -Indeed they are. I am glad you see that and do not try to capture them and use them.-

Ash, "That is a responsibility I do not want."

Mew eyed him shrewdly, -Even if it makes you the strongest? You do not want it?-

Ash deadpanned, "Especially for that reason, I will not capture them. I prefer to teach and raise Pokemon to become strong and independent. I would not know what to do with a Legendary that is already that. So I will pass."

Mew tilted their head then started to laugh and twirl around, -Oh, I like you. I like you a lot. Here you go ~ A gift from me.-

Ash stumbled, "Huh? Oh! A poke egg?"

Mew grinned, -Take good care of it.-

Ash, "Wait... And they pulled the vanishing act. Why do I feel annoyed?"

Lucario bit out, -Probably because they dumped you with their kid?-

Lokoko snorted, -They actually pulled the disappearing act.-

Meowth, "Kit, I do not know if you have the best or worst luck at this point."

Ash, "I am no longer sure myself. But I suppose it's alright. It's just a poke egg, what could happen?"

It has been more than a year and I miss watching Ash in Pokemon anime.

Ellora25creators' thoughts