
Pokemon: Master of tactics

If Alex ever got the chance to get transmigrated into a world, he would choose Pokemon World. Since it is relatively safe. It is easy to earn money. Not to mention, such an adventurous and intriguing world. But when his wish somehow came true, he regretted it. If you want to see the next chapters earlier or just want to support me, you can do that at https://www.patreon.com/alex02373 (the story has a similar start as Legendary Pokemon Trainer so some people are probably confused. I wanted to say that only the beginning of the story is similar and this story is not a copy.) editor: JoJo_Soni

alex02373 · Anime e quadrinhos
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398 Chs

Pokemon master of tactics: Chapter 56

After 1 hour, in Alex's room.

Alex opened the box he just got from Lisa's subordinate.

This box contained 3 liters of Lugia blood and a large Lugia scale filled with Lugia's psychic power. In addition to that, 5 Team Rocket Captain uniforms.

Alex was very pleased with the purchase of these valuable items. He looked forward to Golbat and Ralts's evolution so that he can improve their potential.

Scyther needs Steel from a Half-Blood Legendary Pokémon to improve his potential.

Alex's first choice would be Steel from Registeel. Although there are many legendary Pokémon that have a Steel type, it is better to get Steel from a pure Steel-type Pokémon than Steel from other Half-Blood Legendary Pokémon.

Of course, he's not really picky about from which Half-Blood Legendary Steel-type Pokémon he can get Steel. Alex would be happy to get Steel from any strong (at least has LV 40 and good potential) Steel-type Half-Blood Legendary Pokémon.

Alex took out all of his Pokémon and looked at their info for the first time after the system upgrade.


Pokémon: Golbat

LV: 31

Type: Poison / Flying

Abilities: Inner Focus

Gender: Male

Potential: Deep Silver

Moves: Absorb, Ultrasonic, Astonish, Bite, Wing Attack, Confuse Ray, Swift, Haze, Leech Life, (Innate Talent) Shadow Ball [E], (TM) Protect, (TM) Toxic, (TM) Sludge Bomb, (TM) Facade, (TM) Taunt


Pokémon: Scyther

LV: 30

Type: Bug / Flying

Abilities: Technician

Gender: Male

Potential: Deep Silver

Moves: Leer, Quick Attack, Focus Energy, Double Team, Feint, Fury Cutter, Wing Attack, Agility, Slash, Razor Wind, (Innate Talent) Roost [E], (TM) Protect


Pokémon: Ralts

LV: 20

Type: Psychic / Fairy

Abilities: Telepathy

Gender: Female

Potential: Deep Silver

Move: Growl, Confusion, Double Team, Teleport, Disarming Voice, Lucky Chant, Magical Leaf, Heal Pulse, (Innate Talent) Disable


Alex saw that all of his Pokémon have Deep Silver potential and suppressed his wish to scream out of joy. He was worried that some of his Pokémon only had Shallow Silver potential, and it would be difficult for him to get them to gold potential.

He was particularly impressed with Ralts's potential. One has to consider that Ralts has one more evolution form than Golbat and Scyther and can improve her potential 1 time more.

Alex suddenly heard how he got a message on his TRH device and took his TRH device out of the pocket.

Maria: Are you here at the base? You said you would come back today.

Alex: Yes, I just got back. We can start training now if you want.

Maria: Ok, I just rented a private training room for us. The room number is TR16, come asap.

Alex: I'll get there in a minute.

Maria: Ok.

Alex was looking forward to showing Maria that her last victory was only due to luck and had nothing to do with skill.

Although he has feelings for Maria, he also has his pride as a trainer. He felt that his first defeat was quite unfortunate and would not happen again.

Alex left his room and went to the public training grounds (private rooms are there at the public training ground).

After 5 minutes, Alex stood in front of the private training room no. 16 and rang the doorbell.

Alex saw the camera in front of the door activate and thought,

"Is the camera there to protect the trainers while they are training their Pokémon? hmm, Team Rocket is quite a well established criminal organization."

After half a minute, Maria opened the door whom Alex hadn't seen for 2 weeks. As soon as he saw her, he realized how much he had missed her.

Maria looked at Alex, who was wearing a Team Rocket Captain uniform, and was shocked. She did not expect that a trainer, whom she had defeated just two weeks ago, would stand in front of her in a Team Rocket Captain uniform.

Alex saw her shock and said with a smile, "Long time no see, Maria."

Maria recovered from her surprise and said, "Unbelievable. After only two weeks, you are already a Captain. How did you manage that?

Alex smiled and said, "I impressed a Team Rocket Executive and got promoted straight away. Before that, can I come in?"

Maria noticed that she was blocking the entrance and moved away for Alex to enter.

Inside there, Alex saw the large Arbok and a small Sandshrew with an intense look.


Pokémon: Arbok

LV: 28

Type: Poison

Abilities: Intimidate

Gender: Female

Potential: Shallow Gold

Move: Poison Sting, Wrap, Leer, Acid, Bite, Haze, Glare, Poison Jab, (innate talent) Headbutt, (Innate Talent) Iron Tail, (Innate Talent) Rock Slide [E], (TM) Protect, (TM ) Sludge Bomb, (TM) Toxic, (TM) Mega Drain, (TM) Facade,


Pokémon: Sandshrew

LV: 20

Type: Ground

Abilities: Sand Veil

Gender: Female

Potential: Silver

Moves: Defense Curl, Scratch, Poison Sting, Sand Attack, Swift,

Fury Swipes, Dig, (Innate Talent) Facade, (TM) Protect, (TM) Headbutt


Alex had to say that Maria's Arbok exceeded his expectations slightly. Arbok, who has not been trained in the wild, is only 3 levels lower than Golbat. It shows what an abnormal talent Arbok has. Alex noticed that the difference between Deep Silver and Shallow Gold is higher than he expected.

For example, the difference in talent is smaller between a Shallow Gold Pokémon and a Gold Pokémon than the difference between a Shallow Gold Pokémon and a Deep Silver Pokémon.

Alex pulled out all of his Pokémon and said with a smile, "How about Arbok v/s Golbat rematch?"

Golbat, who came out of his Pokéball, saw Arbok and immediately recognized who it was. He remembered his first and the only defeat in his life (He is deliberately ignoring his loss against Scyther) and looked at Arbok furiously.

He wanted to wash away his only shame in life.

Author's Thought------------------------------------------------------------------

Pokémon's Potential :

Shallow Normal, Normal, Deep Normal

Shallow Bronze, Bronze, Deep Bronze

Shallow Silver, Silver, Deep Silver

Shallow Gold, Gold, Deep Gold

Shallow Diamond , Diamond , Deep Diamond