
Pokemon: Master of Poison

Follow a trainer who is reincarnated in the world of pokemon. A time where there are no PCs(Pokemon Storage System) invented, no other varieties of pokeballs are created except the normal pokeball, and a time where all the regions are at war. Follow this trainer as he master the art of poison type pokemon, and maybe even master every type of pokemon. P.S. The cover isn't mine, and I just took it from the internet. Did some editing, and here I have a cover. Of course, if the original owner of the cover wants me to remove this cover then I'll gladly do it. If you want a novel that is perfect, and has no mistake then this isn't for you. I'm not perfect, and I might get wrong here and there. The update rate might not always be stable. Also, this is an AU. I don't want to be blamed for a mistake in the timeline, and others telling me that this thing didn't happen in the real pokemon world, and so on. If you accept all of this then come on, and start reading the first chapter! :)

Remoon · Videojogos
Classificações insuficientes
78 Chs


Hello guys! I have exams this week and next week. I really wanted to update while still taking up my exams but I tried it this week and it's stressing me out. Next week, I'll have many exams coming up and I do want to update but it's hard to do so since my focus is on the exams.

I really need to manage my studies first for next week. I know I already wrote some stock chapters but those chapters still needs editing and it takes me 30 minutes or an hour just to do so. It takes time, and I can use those time to study instead of editing a chapter.

I hope all of you understands. Stay safe everyone, and Good luck in whatever you are doing! See you on September 26! I'll make it up to you guys once I finished all of my exams! ;)