
Professor Encina

Upon entering they could see many gadgets and books everywhere, in addition to a woman in her 30s, brown hair and green eyes.

Indeed she is the Professor Encina a pokémon researcher.

"Nice to see you young, let me introduce myself my name is-!" said the professor before being cut off.

"We already know what your name is, Professor Encina" Cheren said with a bored tone.

"Hooo?, Today is a very important day, so you better be quiet" said the professor a little threatening.

"Ohhh no, they scolded the great and responsible Cheren" Touya said with a mocking tone.

"I didn't see it coming" Bel said with a slight laugh.

At that Cheren turned red with shame and anger.

"Well, as I was saying, I am a researcher and I'm in charge of discovering the origin and birth of the pokémon" said the professor and then take the pokémon out of the pokeballs for a moment.

"Ohh, from what I can see they already had their first match" said the professor a little surprised when she looked at the pokémon.

"Well, what you young people came to" said the Professor and then gave each one a Pokedex.

"What is this?" Bel said confused.

"It's a Pokedex" Cheren said calmly.

"That's right, I see that you have studied young Cheren!, Now let me explain" said the professor and then took a breath.

"The Pokedex automatically collects data from the pokémon it finds, so the more you explore the better, will you help me in my research?" the professor said expectantly.

"It will be a pleasure" Cheren said seriously.

"O-ok, I mean yes!" Bel said with a bit of reluctance.

"It will be very interesting" Touya said with a smile.

"That's what I wanted to hear!, Now I will teach you how to capture pokémon" said the professor with emotion.

"I'll wait for you on Route 1!" said the professor and then left the room.

Everyone took their pokémon and left the room as well.

Upon leaving, Touya's mom was waiting for them outside.

"Done, you're trainers now!, Let me give you a little gift" Touya's mother said and then gave each one a map.

"Thank you very much" Cheren and Bel said gratefully.

"Who would say? My mom still loves me" Touya said dramatically.

"Why are you always so exaggerated?" Touya's mom said in a tired tone.

Bel and Cheren could only see the interaction with a nervous smile.

"Well, go with the professor, she must be waiting for you" Touya's mother said with a smile.

"Okay" all they said in unison.

Then they went to the beginning of Route 1 and Bel said.

"Hey guys, we should take the first step together" Bel said very excited.

"Sounds good" Cheren said calmly.

They all stood side by side and took the first step together.

"What a thrill!" Bel said expectantly.

"Well, it's better not to keep the professor waiting" Cheren said seriously.

After walking for a few seconds they found her with a Patrat.

"Ohh, finally you come, this little friend will help us with the demonstration!" said the professor excitedly.

She took the Minccino out of his pokeball to then have a small battle that left the pokémon weak and later capture him.

"See?, you just have to press the button and throw it, but not so hard or you will hurt the pokémon" said the professor with an explanatory tone.

"If the pokémon is weak or with some type of change of state it will be easier to capture it" -Professor

"In addition, by capturing them you can obtain more information than just scanning them with the Pokedex" -Teacher.

"I see" Cheren said thoughtfully.

Touya didn't seem very convinced of this capture method, but he just kept quiet.

"I'll catch them all!" Bel said excitedly.

"That's the spirit! Here, I'll wait for you in Accumula town" said the professor giving each one 5 pokeballs and then going to the city.

"Well I'll go to say goodbye to my mom, we'll see in the town" Touya said as he walked towards his home.

"Cheren, let's have a competition to see who catches more pokémon!" Bel said excitedly.

"It's a good idea" Cheren said and then they both walked along Route 1.

Touya returned to his home and found his mother waiting for him.

"Well mom it's time to go" Touya said with a smile.

"Don't forget your sports shoes" Touya's mom said with a smile.

"It's not like I need them to run" Touya said in a bored tone.

"No, but you would ruin your new shoes" -Touya's mom.

After changing his shoes, Touya was about to walk out the door when his mother stopped him.

"Hey, your goodbye hug is still missing" Touya's mom said a little annoyed.

After a few minutes hugging Touya's mother patted his back and said.

"Be careful son, eat well and don't come back unless you bring a girl or the title of champion" Touya's mother said affectionately.

"The second one sounds easier to get" Touya said with a smile.

"I love you mom" Touya said as he walked out the door.

"And I love you too son" Touya's mother said with a bit of sadness.

And so Touya's journey began.