The dust clears in just mere moments, revealing the identity of the assailant. It's a Mankey, fists still clenched and eyes ablaze with fury. Emmet can't help but take a step back from the angry Fighting Pokemon. Not out of fear, but caution. Who would want to stay at close range from a violent and angry Pokemon? And a Fighting type to boot.
Emmet glares back at the Mankey, eyes locked in a standoff. He activates his Aura senses and immediately discerns the Pokemon's berserk state. The signs are all there: a small, still-bleeding cut near its right eye, bloodied fists, and a sort of chaotic energy enveloping it. This Mankey has clearly just come out of a vicious battle—likely one it didn't just win but also ended fatally for the opponent. It has turned up here as if guided by some sort of feral echolocation, honing in on the noises from Sylveon and Pidgey's recent bout.
Emmet glares back at the Mankey, eyes locked in a standoff. He activates his Aura senses and immediately discerns; the Mankey was in a berserk stage. This wasn't some calculated ambush; no, this Pokemon was running on pure, undiluted rage. The blood and the frenzy? That was left over from another fight. Emmet was just the convenient next target, like an unwary Butterfree buzzing too close to a Victreebel.
Ah, but there's a silver lining here. Emmet noted the Mankey's fury didn't contain a shred of malice. It wasn't like those Sneasels and Weaviles back in Mt. Moon who viewed him as an easy target, a weak link. No, this Mankey had locked onto him simply because he was the first thing it saw while in the throes of its uncontrollable rage.
An idea crystallized in Emmet's mind. Mankey, a Fighting-type Pokemon, in a team guided by the principles of Efficiency Mastery? That could spell bad news for anyone on the receiving end of those fists. Think about it—a Mankey trained to focus its natural berserker rage into efficient, targeted destruction? The possibilities were deliciously enticing.
A wide grin stretched across Emmet's face. In that moment, a mental picture formed—an evolved Mankey, not the currently only known evolution into a Primeape, the still unknown one. Annihilape, a term not yet coined but fitting. A Pokemon that, under his tutelage, could become a whirlwind of calculated fury, a cornerstone of his future team. Oh, this was going to be good.
Emmet turns to Sylveon, noticing the tension in her fur. "Hey, calm down. Mankey's not really after us; he's just lost in his rage. We're going to catch him and make him part of our team, okay?"
Sylveon narrows her eyes, clearly not thrilled about adding a berserking Mankey to their team. But she trusts Emmet and responds with a warm "Sylve!" to indicate her understanding.
As Mankey struggles to climb out of the crater that was created from the fallout of his attack and Sylveon's Disarming Voice, Emmet has another instruction for Sylveon. "This is a perfect opportunity to practice a new move. Let's focus on mastering Draining Kiss during this battle."
Sylveon looks at Emmet, attentive. "Okay, here's the plan. You need to concentrate your Fairy Energy to form a suction force. The aim is to pull the energy out of Mankey. Despite the name 'Draining Kiss,' you don't have to physically touch him—just get close. And remember, we're not looking for a shockwave like Disarming Voice."
Mankey recovers and leaps towards Sylveon, Cross Chop at the ready. Sylveon sidesteps smoothly. Emmet senses that she's trying to form a Fairy Energy attack from her mouth, but something goes wrong, and she clicks her tongue in frustration.
Mankey's not letting up. He lunges at Sylveon with Fury Swipes, forcing her to leap backward repeatedly to dodge his relentless assault. She's still attempting—and failing—to use Draining Kiss as per Emmet's instructions.
Emmet senses that Sylveon is about to resort to using Swift. "Sylveon, stick to the plan! Draining Kiss, remember?" he shouts.
Sylveon's frustration shows, but she nods and refocuses. Mankey takes a step back, and his eyes flash white. For a moment, Emmet thinks it's Focus Energy, but when he sees Sylveon grimace, he realizes it's Leer.
Next, Mankey does initiate Focus Energy. His body glows a shade closer to gray, enlightening Emmet on the nuanced world of Normal-type moves. It's a momentary epiphany—Normal-type moves seem to draw attributes from all other types. As Mankey's energy begins to mirror the dark vibes of Dark-type moves for a moment, Emmet finds himself revisiting Professor Oak's words: that Normal-type moves are the baseline for understanding all other energy types.
Sylveon's frustration mounts with each passing second, her eyes narrowing into slits as she dodges Mankey's relentless attacks. Each failure to execute Draining Kiss only fuels her determination. Emmet notices a pinkish glow beginning to form around her mouth, growing more pronounced after each attempt. She's close, so close.
A flashback strikes Emmet, reminding him of his school days learning about Pokemon abilities. Pokemon generally learned new moves in one of three ways. The first involved an epiphany tied to the Pokemon's strength—what the video games would represent as leveling up, though in real life, Pokemon didn't have 'levels.'
The second way was through TMs—Technical Machines. These disks could imprint the rudimentary knowledge of a move onto a Pokemon contained in a Pokeball. However, the move, once learned this way, would generally be weaker until the Pokemon spent time mastering it.
The third route is the slow, natural path of manual training, a route that offers the greatest rewards in power and technique. Given time, the Pokemon not only learns a strong version of the move but also gains a deeper understanding that helps with learning other similar moves later on.
Just when Emmet starts to wonder if they might be here all day, Sylveon lets out a triumphant cry. "Sylveeeon!" At the same time, Mankey's form glows a fleeting pink. A wisp of pink energy detaches from Mankey and flies toward Sylveon, vanishing into her body. The pink aura around her intensifies momentarily, and Emmet can see that some of her stamina has been restored. Score one for the slow, natural path of learning!
Mankey's face contorts in a grimace as the pink energy leaves him. The disadvantage of being a Fighting-type against a Fairy-type move was all too apparent. But since this is Sylveon's debut performance of Draining Kiss, there's still a learning curve. Basically, she's still a rookie at this, but a promising one.
In a more traditional training setup, this would be the moment of glory. You'd call it a day, maybe throw a little victory party, and then work on improving the new move in a more controlled setting. No immediate rematch with the 'enemy' required.
However, that's not the EM way. Emmet's Efficiency Mastery approach tosses out the usual playbook. Why wait for tomorrow what you can optimize today, right?
"Sylveon, you're doing great. Let's keep working on Draining Kiss. Focus on efficiency, not just power. Make every hit count," Emmet encourages, shifting his posture to further channel his battle strategy.
And so, the wild dance between Mankey and Sylveon resumes. But now, Sylveon's got a leg up. Every time she launches Draining Kiss, it's more powerful, more precise. Mankey, on the other hand, is running out of steam, and his jumps are getting less springy.
The tipping point comes soon enough. A final, beautifully executed Draining Kiss lands on Mankey, sapping what little energy he had left. He stumbles, his eyes glaze over, and down he goes. Emmet, drawing upon psychic abilities he admittedly hasn't practiced enough, telekinetically pulls Mankey closer. With a focus of his willpower, he channels a human version of Heal Pulse to stabilize the fallen Pokemon.
Sylveon immediately rushes to Emmet's side, ears perked and eyes sharp, ready to jump in if Mankey springs up in a fury. Emmet uses his Aura sense for a quick pulse check on Mankey's emotional state. He feels assured—Mankey is calm now, and even if he wakes, the berserk rage is gone. "No need to worry, Sylveon. I think our new friend here is done raging for the day."
Mankey stirs back to consciousness, his eyes fluttering open. Sensing the shift, Emmet stops channeling the Heal Pulse and takes a precautionary step back. Sylveon, always the bodyguard, swiftly moves to stand between Emmet and the waking Mankey.
For a few seconds, Mankey looks disoriented, his eyes darting all over the place. Finally, they lock onto Emmet and then shift to Sylveon.
"Man-key?" Mankey hesitates, speaking in the language of Pokemon, his eyes still sizing up the situation.
"Sylveon, Sylveon Sylve! Sylve-on Syl," Sylveon responds animatedly, assuring Mankey that he lost fair and square but was healed and is now in a potential recruitment conversation.
Mankey's nod comes in the form of an entire body wobble, reminiscent of how a Cleffa would nod—a strange yet oddly charming gesture given he doesn't have a distinct head and torso.
"My name is Emmet Grant. I'm a Pokemon trainer, and I've got big plans, buddy," Emmet begins, locking eyes with Mankey. "I'm aiming for the top spot at the Indigo Conference. My team? We're not just any ragtag bunch. We're going to be the epitome of strength. We're going to face off against the best of the best until there's no one left to challenge us. I'm not looking for followers; I'm looking for team members, family. We will support each other, grow together, and share in the triumphs and failures alike. You won't just be another Pokemon; you'll be a vital part of a unit where ego has no place. We're in this for the long haul, friend. So, what do you say?"
Reading Mankey's fluctuating aura, Emmet perceives the Pokemon's skepticism. Despite Mankey's wild upbringing, he's aware that being captured is a significant commitment. A bad trainer could ruin his potential and stunt his growth.
"If you're in, Mankey, I promise you, you'll be like no Mankey before you. I'll train you to be the most powerful Fighting-type to ever set foot in the Indigo Conference," Emmet continues, feeling the anticipation build. "You won't be a slave to your own rage. Instead, you'll master it. You'll channel that energy to push beyond your limits, breaking barriers you didn't even know existed. Together, we'll shape you into a legend."
How could he not turn this Mankey into a legend if he was going to make him evolve to a never seem before Pokemon.
Seeing Mankey's interest peak, Emmet decides it's time for the clincher. "I've got a secret to share, too. Primeape isn't your final form. There's another evolution, and I know exactly how to get you there."
Mankey's eyes practically light up like a holiday display at the Pewter City Museum. "Mankey! Mankey!" he yells, pointing energetically at one of the Pokeballs hanging from Emmet's belt.
Emmet breaks into a hearty laugh, thrilled by Mankey's enthusiasm. "Alright, Mankey, welcome to the team! Once you're captured, we'll head back to camp. You'll meet Pidgey, another new member, and the rest of the crew. Get ready for some intense training tomorrow morning. Hope you're up for the challenge because, let me tell you, it's going to be a wild ride."