
Chapter 352 May’S Fifth Ribbon Medal

Musashi lost the qualification for the competition, and the outcome was just as Xiaozhi expected. The people standing in front of Xiaoyao were Toshiki and Jiang Lizi!

"Heiluga, use the high-speed star!"

Xiaoyao's battle began. The two sides were very interesting. A cute little kitten was going to fight a big black dog!

However, Xiaoyao was not timid at all and decisively launched the command,"Xiangwei Meow, use serial slaps!"

This little kitten is very agile. The long tail like a cat's stick smashed the high-speed stars into pieces. The figure jumped in front of Heiluga and knocked the big black dog away with its head!

"Very good, Xiangwei Miao, use the series of slaps again!"

However, Heiluga dragged one meter on the ground and stabilized his body, and then heard Toshiki giving the order,"After dodging, use the shadow ball!"

Heiluga did better than Bishu ordered. He lowered his head to avoid the slap, and the long tail behind him whipped the kitten away.

Then a dark energy ball hit Xiangwei. Meow! Here's the problem, the shadow ball of the ghost-type skill has no effect on the general-type tail meow!

"The second battle turned into a thrilling and exciting battle. Players Xiaoyao and Toshiki continued to stage an offensive and defensive battle that refused to give in. It is no exaggeration to describe this battle as intense!"Vivian is also excited. This battle was really well fought!

Xiaoyao is now very clear about the attribute restraint table. She calmly issued the order,"Xiangwei Meow, blizzard!"

In this way, Li Shu's points were deducted a lot. The two of them kept fighting for the score, refusing to give in to each other. Xiaoyao's performance in this gorgeous battle was remarkable!

"Heiluga, spray flames!"Toshiki also reflected on his mistake. Faced with Xiangwei Miao's strongest skill now, he used Heiluga's flame skill! The collision between the fire pillar and the blizzard caused the entire stage to stage a dance of ice and fire. , they were in a stalemate!

However, in terms of physical strength, Hei Lujia was superior. The power of the flames suddenly increased, suppressing Blizzard!

Xiangwei Miao was knocked away by the pillar of fire, and Xiaoyao's score was also deducted. A piece fell off, and now the scores are even again!

"Xiangwei Meow, cheer up!"Xiaoyao shouted. She and Xiangwei Miao are very compatible. Now their bonding value has reached a certain level. She is willing to trust Xiangwei Miao, and Xiangwei Miao will definitely respond to her!

"Player Xiaoyao used the blizzard trick to decide the winner, but unexpectedly, he was hit by a jet of flames!"Miss Vivian's explanation is very good.

Xiaozhi looked at Xiaoyao. She has not given up yet and will never give up!

In fact, she just made a small mistake, that is, she did not seriously think about Xiangwei Miao's characteristics!

Analyze both sides. Their strengths and weaknesses, how to use their own strengths and attack the opponent's weaknesses in battle, this is what every trainer must think about!

"Heiluga, use high-speed stars!"Li Shu decided to take advantage of the victory and pursue it, but amidst Xiaoyao's shouts, Xiangwei Miao also bounced on the ground and stood up.

"Very good, Xiangwei Miao, use the help!"

Using skills is indeed Xiaoyao's trump card. Xiangwei Miao once again used the Flying Leaf Blade to smash the high-speed stars.

Then Xiaoyao launched a quick attack, rushed towards Xiangwei Miao and knocked back Heiluga. Get out and hit the ground!

"Heiluga!"Li Shu's current score is already a step behind Xiaoyao!

"Meow Meow, use a series of slaps!"Xiaoyao used this skill and Xiaozhi nodded repeatedly. This is the skill that can bring out Xiangwei Miao's dexterous skills!

"Heiluga, use the shadow ball!"

Li Shu made a mistake in a hurry and used a shadow ball. Xiaoyao already knew that this skill was ineffective against Xiangwei Miao!

"Xiangwei Miao, hit the shadow ball with a series of slaps!"That's a ball, and what little kittens are best at is playing with balls!

Xiaoyao's sudden command made many spectators present couldn't help but stand up. In their surprised eyes, the little kitten's little With a flick of his tail, he actually hit the shadow ball back, and it exploded hard on Heiluga's head!

"Awesome! Toshiki's Kuruga was hit by his own shadow ball! Player Xiaoyao's meowing is really incredible! Vivian also exclaimed, and used her opponent's skills to fight back. This is a super bonus point in the gorgeous competition!

In addition, Kuruga was attacked, and Toshiki's points were suddenly deducted significantly. , now the gap between the two is getting bigger and bigger!

Unless Li Shu has some miraculous strategy, Xiaoyao can be said to have locked the battle situation. After all, there is only half a minute left!

"The end of time!"

The miracle didn't happen in the end. Xiaoyao defeated Toshu. Now she only needs to defeat Jiang Lizi again to get the last ribbon medal!

"The critical moment of the Pokémon Gorgeous Contest Twilight Water Conference has arrived, and it is these two contestants who will duel on the final stage!"

Xiaoyao and Jiang Lizi stood together, with serious expressions on their faces, accepting the cheers and cheers from the audience!

Sister Mi Chuan and Xiang Wei Miao came on the stage, and Jiang Lizi took the lead in launching the attack,"Sister Mi Chuan, use your mental strength!"

The powerful telekinesis lifted Xiangwei Miao into the air, so that Xiangwei Miao's dexterous skills were useless.

Jiang Lizi was very good at suppressing her opponent from the beginning, and then she launched a combo," Now, use Devil's Kiss!"

This skill made Xiaozhi's eyes light up. If nothing else, it is Sister Mizui's exclusive skill. She can forcefully kiss the opponent with a terrifying face, which will make the opponent fall into sleep!

Xiangwei Miao's action is blocked, where can he hide? After such a forced kiss, a huge blowing kiss fell on Xiangwei Miao, and the energetic kitten immediately fell asleep!

But Jiang Lizi's attack was not over yet,"Well done, Sister Mi Lun, use Blizzard Decide the outcome!"

Blizzard is an ice-type skill, and it has attribute bonuses in the hands of Sister Mizui. The power of this move is much greater than that used by Xiangwei Miao!

Xiangwei Miao, who was controlled in mid-air, was immediately beaten. Fly out!

"The moves are so beautiful and precise, the triple attacks of Mental Power, Devil's Kiss and Blizzard!"Miss Vivian couldn't help but cheer for Jiang Lizi. This combo is really beautiful!

Xiaoyao's score was deducted a lot, but when frozen by the frost, Xiangwei Miao's sleep state was also lifted, and he fell to the ground and shook. He shook his head, but it seemed like nothing serious.

"Xiangwei Miao, are you okay?"Xiaoyao's call was answered by the kitten's"meow", and Xiaoyao immediately regained his composure,"Winning and defeat are about to begin now, Xiangwei Miao, please help me!"

This time, I used the silk produced by hunting swallowtail butterflies to tie Sister Mi Chuan tightly!"

"Xiangwei Meow, do it again, use help!"I didn't expect Xiaoyao to let Xiangwei Miao use the help skills of who knows what will happen in succession!

This time, I was not lucky. I used Bulbasaur's Flying Leaf Knife, but instead tied the worm thread that tied Sister Mi Lun away. Cut it off!

The risk of this move is indeed very high

"Sister Mizui, use your mental strength again!"Jiang Lizi took the opportunity to launch an attack, restrained Xiangwei Miao again, and lifted it into the air!

However, Xiaoyao ignored it,"Xiangwei Miao, use help!"

This is the third time I've used help. What on earth is Xiaoyao thinking?

Xiaozhi looked at Xiaoyao with his eyes shining,"Great! How dare you have such courage!"

He was so proud. He seemed to see a rising star as a coordination trainer!

Xiaoyao's fighting style was so similar to Xiaozhi!

She was waiting, waiting for that skill to be used, the only one. The skill that can restrain Sister Mizui!

She is betting, betting big, that the skill will be used before the end of time. This is the only way for her to defeat Sister Mizui now!

And this third time, Xiaoyao gets the reward Wishes!

The flame vortex, the strong chicken's fire-based skills, restrained the ice-based Sister Mizui, and caught Jiang Lizi off guard! It was just one move, and this move with outstanding effect knocked Sister Mizui out of the battle. Ability!

There is only one minute left, but the timer freezes at this second!

The Pokémon Gorgeous Contest Twilight Water Conference, the last conference before the gorgeous large-scale celebration, ended perfectly!

Xiaoyao won fifth place With a ribbon medal, I got the qualification to participate in the gorgeous large-scale celebration as I wished!
