
Chapter 353 May Conquers Munchlax!

Finally, Xiaoyao also got the qualification to participate in the gorgeous large-scale celebration.

Although it is said that without Xiaozhi, the big devil, she would have been much more efficient in getting the Ribbon Medal, but it was precisely because of Xiaozhi's teaching that her strength was able to improve so quickly!

She will shine at the upcoming gorgeous large-scale celebration in Kaina City, and now, a group of people took a boat out to sea again and came to a small island with pleasant scenery, ready to relax and celebrate Xiaoyao's five-year anniversary. With a ribbon medal, the group's journey is coming to an end!

"Wow, there are so many fruits on the trees here!"The biggest feature of this island is the cultivation of various trees and fruits. Xiao Sheng can't even see it.

"Brother, look, there are cherry fruits, sweet peach fruits, and blue orange fruits."

The Larurus on Xiaozhi's shoulder used telekinesis to pick out a few sweet peaches and blue tangerines, and shared them with Pikachu and Pokejigu. Finally, he handed one to Xiaozhi's mouth.

"So good!"

As usual, I came to the Pokémon Center and handed the Pokémon to Miss Joy. Xiaoyao was surprised to find that there was an energy cube machine for borrowing!

As a coordination trainer of Pokémon, Xiaoyao has always been very interested in making energy cubes. Enthusiastic, of course I have to give it a try this time.

In this case, Xiaozhi ignored the three people who were configuring the energy cube, and turned around to give the little elephant special training. This little guy is getting stronger and stronger now. After such a long time, it's almost time to evolve, and it seems to be very excited recently.

This little elephant was hatched from the egg by Xiaozhi. The bond value has been very high from the beginning. Once the evolution is completed, I believe in the bond Evolution is certain!

Xiaozhi likes hatching eggs very much, but for the Pokémon hatched from eggs, Xiaozhi hopes that they can slow down the pace of evolution. Even if they have laid a solid foundation since childhood, they have already reached the level of evolution. , we have to wait until the body grows to a certain age.

After the little elephant evolves, the Dunjia will grow a pair of long tusks, which are sharp and hard, and will continue to grow. In the Dunjia group , the larger the tusks, the higher the status.

Xiaozhi must cultivate it into a powerful Dunjia!

"The decision is yours, Little Elephant, Kodora!"Xiao Zhi summoned the little elephant and Cordora. Recently, Laoban went on a business trip to accompany Groudon, and Xiao Zhi will take care of them as they are about to evolve!

"Little elephant, roll!"

While Xiaozhi was undergoing special training here, Xiaoyao used his own unique creativity to make pieces of purple energy cubes. Just by looking at the color, they looked like dark food.

Xiaogang and Xiaosheng who tried them both doubted their lives.

Unexpectedly, a little Kirbymon appeared out of nowhere, which is Kirbymon's posture before evolution.

This is also a big eater, and its size is obviously much smaller than Kirbymon, only 0.6 meters tall, but You have to eat the same amount of food as your own body weight in one sitting every day to be satisfied, which is 105 kilograms!

A total of 210 kilograms!

But this little Kirby is particularly supportive and enjoys Xiaoyao's dark cuisine. I finished eating all the energy cubes I made!

This is fate. If Xiaozhi were here, he would definitely find that the compatibility between this little Kirby beast and Xiaoyao is astonishing. They are a match made in heaven! Otherwise, it is really There is no way to explain why the dark dishes made by Xiaoyao are so popular with this little guy!

Xiaoyao, who had seen Kirby in Lazy Man Paradise before, immediately decided to tame this little Kirby. This was also approved by Xiaogang and Xiaosheng. After all, Xiaoyao is a child from an ordinary gym, so it is reasonable to tame a little Kirby, and as long as he can be trained well, he will definitely become one of Xiaoyao 's aces!

Such a special Pokémon is a good learning process for Xiaoyao!

But even the little Kirby is not that easy to conquer!

"Little Kirby, I'm going to conquer you!"But before Xiaoyao could finish his words, this little guy actually disappeared!

"Where did you go?"

After looking around, I found that this little guy jumped out of the window and ran away, and he happened to run in the direction of Xiaozhi, where there were a large number of fruit trees.

"Is it Kirby?"Xiao Zhi was also happy when he saw this little guy. Because of Kirby, he liked the little Kirby very much.

"Xiaozhi, help me stop it!"It was Xiaoyao who was chasing after him!

Hearing this, Xiaozhi immediately took action,"Xiaoxiang, get it done!"

The little elephant rolled decisively in front of the little Kirby, rolled its long trunk over, and held the little Kirby in place with huge force!

"Little Kirby, don't run away, I want to conquer you!"Xiaoyao chased after him, stood beside Xiaozhi, and took out his own dark food.

"Little Kirby, look, this is such delicious Xiaoyao food!"This girl actually named her dark cuisine Xiaoyao Food. She is so confident!

Xiaozhi looked at the purple energy cube and knew from experience that this thing must not be delicious. But the little Kirby saw this thing He leaned over with his eyes shining, and swallowed several energy cubes in one gulp!

"Alright, little Kirby, it's time to conquer!"Xiaoyao quickly got into a stance,"Strengthen the chicken, soar to the sky!"

The momentum of Strong Chicken is getting stronger and stronger now. Although it is still far behind Xiaozhi's little elephant and Cordora, as for Xiaoyao, Strong Chicken can already become her strongest. The trump card!

A punch came over, but the little Kirbymon disappeared again!

Facing the little Kirbymon who didn't want to fight at all, Xiaoyao had no idea at all. She once conquered the pearl oyster without a conquering battle. That was because Pearl accepted the communication and quickly accepted Xiaoyao.

But this little Kirby refused to communicate at all and only wanted to eat.

"Where did the little Kirby go?"Xiaoyao was about to go crazy, but he noticed the direction of Xiaozhi's finger next to him. It turned out that this little guy had jumped into the tree by himself, and was holding a few blue oranges and eating them deliciously!

"Xiaoyao, since it wants to eat and also likes to eat the energy cubes you made, try to use your 'Xiaoyao Food' to conquer it!"Xiao Zhi gave timely suggestions, but Xiaoyao never thought of such a way to conquer!

"Is this okay?"

"Of course, the conquering battle is just a process of establishing recognition between the trainer and Pokémon. In fact, as long as the little Kirby is willing to recognize you, the specific method can be very flexible!" Xiaozhi said slowly.

Now Xiaoyao has reached a sufficient level, and her progress makes Xiaozhi very satisfied!

Hearing this, Xiaoyao nodded, came to squat in front of the little Kirby,"Come on, Xiaozhi Kirbymon, there are so many delicious Xiaoyao delicacies here!"

The little Kirby buried its head and ate, humming as it ate. Looking at the way it was eating, Xiaoyao gently touched its head. It felt really good.

Then she raised the elf ball and said,"Now , little Kirby, do you want to be my Pokémon?"

Hearing her figure, the little Kirby really raised his head, bit down, and took the pokeball and Xiaoyao's hand into his mouth!


Xiaoyao screamed suddenly, but did not feel any pain. Instead, the Poké Ball was pressed in his mouth, and the little Kirby was taken in! The red light only flashed twice and then went out! After a while, Yao Yao finally realized,"I have conquered the little Kirby!"
