

In the previous chapters we see how our heroes arrive in Alto Mare City with the intention of investigating a Latios and a Latias that Professor Cerise investigated, however, instead of this, they encounter a catastrophe that almost ends with the lives of thousands of people, luckily, our heroes together with Latios and Latias solve this problem, and now Ash, with his new girlfriend, Bianca and his new Pokémon, Latias are heading to Kanto, unfortunately Bianca has to stay to finish her studies for a few more months, the good thing is that when she finishes, she will join.

With Ash.

We had arrived in Kanto without much trouble, although I can say that now I caught a problem, Latias was so nervous that she kept going from one place to another admiring places she never saw, the worst of all is that she dressed up as Bianca all the time, so she could blend perfectly with humans without being noticed, also did not like to stay in his Pokéball, not as much as Pikachu hated, but she doesn't like, luckily I was able to convince her to enter for a while or else we would have had to pay another ticket, the ticket didn't cost a lot of monew, but we are not going to pay more dor that reason.

However, Latios was the opposite, since Verity captured him he only left his Pokéball once, apparently he liked the tranquility inside and as he was not as curious as Latias so it was much easier with him.

When we arrived in Saffron City it was already late, I don't mean late at night, but it was lunch time, so we went to a restaurant... Or that's what we wanted, but we actually felt like eating with everyone in nature, so we went for a picnic and ate all there.

The day was beautiful, we could hear the sounds of the Pokémon liker hoothoot and it was unpaved and not even a hint of cold, a perfect day to eat all together, as a family.

The Pokémon were all happy while eating his food, like us, the Pokémon Center's food was very delicious, i wonder who cooks it.

It was an area reserved solely and exclusively for people to picnic there, luckily it was during the week and people had to work so there was no one and we could enjoy a nice meal and the fantastic day.

After eating, Latias refused to enter his Pokéball, so he transformed into Bianca and followed us to the gym, that's right, it was time for our sixth medal... or so I thought.

"How is it not?" - asked Nancy.

"I'm so sorry, he went to Lavender Town 3 days ago for a personal matter" – said the referee.

"Do you know when he'll be back at least?" - asked Nancy.

"Well... no" – the referee denied.

"Can you repeat it to me? I think I heard wrong" - Nancy said.

"I'm sorry, but Sabrina is very unpredictable, II don't know how long it will take because she only comes back when she gets bored, so, if you want to challenge her, I can only give you two solutions, or you wait here until she comes, which I don't know when it will happen or you go to Lavender Town to look for her, honestly if I were in your place, I would do the last one" – explained the referee.

Another gym leader who is not in his respective position, what about gym leaders? From Brock we did not find one who is in his job.

"Well, thank you very much, we will weigh what to do" – Nancy sighed.

"You're welcome and sorry, I tried to stop her, lately many applicants have come and I told her to stay, but she left at night when i was at home sleeping and when I came here, she was already gone" - said the referee.

After this, we decided to go to the Pokémon Center by taxi, luckily Latias behaved well and did not leave alone, so we were able to arrive without any incident.

We went straight to the room to talk about what we should do.

"Well, what do you think we should do, wait here or go to Lavender Town?" – I asked.

"I think it's better to go, I mean you've heard the referee, we don't even know when she'll come back" - Nancy said.

"I agree, i don't want to go there but there's no choice, plus now we can't challenge Blaine in the meanwhile" - Verity agreed.

"For my part, the truth is that I want to see everything, so I would like to go" - Koharu said.

Latias also seemed to agree with the idea because she nodded so quickly that I thought that at any moment she would break her neck.

"Well decided then, let's move on to another point, do you want to leave today or...?" – I tried to say.

But before they could say anything else, the girls jumped up immediately.

"Tomorrow!" – said the three at the same time.

"Wow, if you're tired, that's fine because we'll rest the rest of the day and tomorrow we'll go out to Lavender Town" - I nodded.

I would like to say that the rest of the day was quiet and that it was one of those afternoons when you sit on a sofa to rest and watch a movie, but at least for me it was not, Latias was very restless and It didn't help how curious she was and that she had never left Alto Mare, so I went out with her for a while to see the City.

"Have fun!" – that's what they all said when they asked if they wanted to come.

Apparently today they wanted to do the lazy no matter what.

"Okay, let's go Latias" – I nodded.

Then we both left the Pokémon Center and started walking.

At first we did not have a fixed direction, but then I decided to look at the Rotom Dex to see if there was anything interesting near here since I did not want to go too far and the truth is that there was a Shopping Center not far from where we were, 20 minutes walking.

Since I was nearby and Latias was looking at me with that pitiful face, we decided to take a walk around the Shopping Mall.

Although the Mall wasn't as big as the one in Celadon, you couldn't say it was small either, so we went to visit different stores, including clothing stores.

I thought that being a Pokémon, clothes would not interest her at all, but I am wrong, no matter if it is Pokémon or not, women will always love clothes.

I will not bore you with unnecessary details, I will only tell you that we spent a while looking at shops, ate in a restaurant, then went to the movies and finally had dinner right there.

It would have been a good date but to become because Latias is a Pokémon and believe me when I tell you that I am not Pokephilic, that will never happen because it disgusts me.

But other than that, it was a good dinner, until I heard something interesting, it turns out that the guy we had at the next table eating, was listening to e-Nigma.

"And remember, in 5 minutes we will announce the results of the draw, stay tuned if you want to miss the opportunity to win a luxury trip in the Paldea region!" – said e-Nigma.

Shit, I almost forgot the draw, it was today, so I quickly took out my Rotom-Dex and started watching his live, as for Latias he looked at me curiously and continued to drink his cola with happiness.

"Alright it's already been 5 minutes, now I will proceed to conduct the draw!"

Then she showed behind her a huge screen, in it there was a kind of blank box and next to it a lot of names that were surely subscribers.

"On one side are the subscribers of my channel while on the other a blank box, basically it is a program that will draw all your names and choose one of them, ready? Then let the draw begin!" – said E-Nigma.

Then she click a little button that said "draw" and all the names started coming out until finally only one remained.

"Congratulations to PokémonLover_79, he or she is the winner of the contest and will be able to enjoy a luxury trip with expenses paid to Paldea to meet me in person among other things, I would like to stay, but I must contact him or her privately and specify dates, bye bye, thank you all for participating!" – exclaimed e-Nigma.

Oh my God, I can't believe it, I won your contest out of hundreds of thousands of subscribers, that's right, I'm PokémonLover_79, I know it's not a very original name but I just chose it at random!

Before I could say or think anything else, I got a message through a private chat on the platform.

The message read as follows.

"Congratulations PokémonLover_79, I'm e-Nigma and as you know, you won the contest I did, please contact me as soon as possible, we have to talk about dates!" – that was e-Nigma.

I quickly replied and read my message quietly.

"Ok, let's specify the date" - I wrote.

"I'm glad you answered soon, that makes things easier for me, although you don't seem too excited about winning!" – e-Nigma.

"Ah, sorry, I still don't believe I've won and I'm still a little shocked" - I wrote.

"I see, then normal, let's see, let's talk about dates" – e-Nigma.

"Ok" - I wrote.

"It will be in a week, but do not worry, as I said it is an all inclusive, so I will send you a photo of the tickets for the trip to Paldea tomorrow, in addition, at the airport you will find someone who will take you and three more friends to the hotel, from there we will talk about what you will do next, I don't want to reveal all the surprises yet" – e-Nigma.

"I'm glad, then three friends, can I take one more?" – I asked.

Surely Latias refuses to enter her Pokéball and it would be cruel to leave her there all the trip.

"Of course, you can take one more person if you want, just remember to leave at 7:00 in the morning, otherwise we will not be able to seize the day!" – e-Nigma.

"True, I didn't ask how many days it is" - I wrote.

"Oh, right, right, I mentioned it several times, but you may not have heard it, the trip will last three days but if we do not have time to do everything I had in mind, it will be extendable" – e-Nigma.

"What do you mean by extendable?" – I asked.

"It's what it sounds, I have prepared some activities, if by chance we do not manage to fulfill them for whatever reason, I will extend your nights at the hotel, simple as that" – e-Nigma.

"Perfect, see you in a week" - I wrote.

"Of course" – e-Nigma.

After that we finish our conversation, to sum things up like this, we will leave in a week, the stay will be for three days with all expenses paid, I can take 4 people with me and there will be a lot of activities, basically that's it.

"Latias, how about we take a trip to Paldea?" – I asked.

Latias didn't seem to understand what I said very much, but she surely understood the part of going somewhere else and since she liked to see everything she hadn't seen before, she nodded excitedly.

After Latias had her drink, we went back to the Pokémon Center and I told the girls what happened.

"I can't believe you actually won the contest, it's amazing!" – Nancy exclaimed.

"An all-expenses-paid trip to Paldea, I'll have to watch videos of that e-Nigma so I don't look bad if she ask me!" – Verity said excitedly.

"Right, I will do the same!" – Koharu added.

The girls seemed super excited about it, so much so that they already began to plan on what they would do and speculate about the activities they would do there, the only thing that at the moment all this would have to wait because we had to go to Lavender Town, what if we would have time?

Theoretically yes, going to Lavender Town by the path established by the Rotom Dex, takes us two days, three if we entertain ourselves in Rock Town, a town that is halfway to our destination, although we will try not to stay anything more than to spend the night and that's it.

As for Latias, the truth is that I put some videos of e-Nigma which he saw together with Pikachu and it seemed that they liked it because they did not look away from the screen in a long time.

After a while and a nice dinner, we went to sleep, yes, there is a problem, we are many, with the recent captures, we practically did not fit in the room, so, if we want to eat all together, I am afraid that we will not do it anymore in the Pokémon Center, the room was small, so we decided that from now on we would go out to eat.

The good thing is that if you ordered your food at the Pokémon Center you could take it wherever you wanted, many trainers also liked to eat out with their Pokémon, so there was no problem in doing this.

And after saying this, we went to sleep, by the way, it should be said that, since Latias decided to sleep in his Pokéball, there was a bit of action between me and the girls after Pikachu fell asleep, you know what I mean.

A quiet chapter :)

Bloodnightcreators' thoughts