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Well, it's not that i don't want, it's more like that I can't, my native language isn't englis so I'll doing a lot of effort to translate this, but you can ask me to do the impossible, so if you want this well written, translate yourself, is the only thing i can tell you, or if you can't read because of this, you can always drop this fic and go to another one, it's your choice :)
It's complicated but I'll try to explain to you. In the film "Emma" is "Olive" in the books. In the books, Emma is the one who have the fire peculiarity and in the film, her name is "Olive". Did you understand? I know is confused but I didn't change anything at all.
Yeah, it can be but remember that this fic is trying to recreate the original story from the first three books so I can't do it that. But that doesn't mean that you are saying won't happen. It's only that you'll have to wait a lot until this happen. And if you're thinking that I'll only recreate the three first books... you're are wrong. After I finish the first three books, I'm preparing a new story completely new that you'll be crazy about that. Believe me. It'll will be better than the original story and with a better end. New characters, new misteries and new enemies. I won't say anymore because that is enough spoiler.
Thanks :)
Both have a 15 years in appearance and more than 60 in reality...
Child body? For starters, in this fic this girl have 15 in appearance and more than 60 years in reality, so I don't understand your question.