

In the previous chapter we see how our heroes travel to Johto, all of them except Koharu who decided to stay to help her father in a research, once there our heroes went to the Pokémon Center and surprisingly met Lira and Lisa, the latter is the trainer that they met on Cinnabar Island before the events with Molly, the next day our heroes participate in the contest and now Ash has found something strange in the forest.


With Ash.

It was strange, several Scyther were surrounding what appeared to be a ball of moss, which It looks me strange.

"Pika pi!" - said Pikachu.

Somehow I understood what he said is that it was not a moss ball but a Pokémon, but since I could not distinguish it from a distance I took out my Pokédex to identify it.

Unlike anime, the Pokédex worked like video games, it could identify what Pokémon was, the area where they are but not their data unless you catch it, the good thing is that if you catch an evolution, the data of their pre-evolutions would be added.

But back on topic, I pointed my Rotom Dex at the moss rock and watched what it put on the screen.

"Silcoon, evolved form of Wurmple, for more information catch the Pokémon!" – that's what the Rotom Dex said.

Apparently it was a Silcoon, but normally the Silcoon had a whitish color however this was like moss color, no, rather it seemed to be covered with moss because I could see an almost golden color through the moss.

"Brother, isn't that a Pokémon?" - asked Molly.

"According to the Pokédex it is a Silcoon" – I nodded.

"But I don't get it, why do those Scyther seem to be attacking him?" – asked Molly.

"I don't know but it's strange, the Silcoon can't move until they evolve and are usually in a tree, this one must have fallen from it but no idea because the Scyther seem to be attacking him" - I said.

"One of the foods of Scyther is moss!" - said the Rotom Dex.

"Then somehow that Pokémon was wrapped in moss but how is this possible?" – I asked confused.

"Suggestion, the Silcoon must have fallen from a tree, falling directly into their food making the Scyther angry, they are very possessive when it comes to their food!" – said the Rotom Dex.

"I see, anyway, i have to help him, Molly stay here, Latias watch her" – I said.

"Brother be careful please!" – Molly said worriedly.

Latias also nodded.

"I'll have it!" – I nodded.

And then I ran out to where the Scythers were.

"Hey!" – I said.

The Scythers seemed to have heard me and all turned to see me.

"Don't you see that this Silcoon can't move? He didn't try to steal his food, he just fell off the tree and landed there, leave him alone" – I said seriously.

"Pika pi!" – Pikachu nodded.

The Scythers looked at each other as if he was weighing in my words, it seemed that everyone agreed with what I said and wanted to retreat, however, one of them stood in front of everyone, as if he was telling us to leave.

"We're not going anywhere, leave him alone!" – I said again.

Scyther waved his blades as if he was telling us that if we didn't leave he was going to attack us.

"We will not leave!" – I denied.

"Pika pi!" – Pikachu nodded.

But my words did not seem to please the Scyther who quickly headed towards us.

"Since you attack us first I won't feel bad, Pikachu use Iron Tail!" – I ordered.

Pikachu quickly lit up its tail a metallic color and collided with Scyther's blade pushing it backwards.

"Scyther!" – shouted the Scyther of anger.

"Do you think we can't against you? Charizard intimate them!" – I said throwing Charizard's Pokéball.

Charizard stepped out of his Pokéball and looked at the Scythers with an intimidating look.

"Char!" - roared Charizard.

The Scyther saw Charizard, they recoiled in fear, Pikachu threw sparks from his cheeks and Charizard seemed prepared for the fight, so quickly the Scyther fled terrified by fear.

"Hmph, I didn't want to scare you like this but they they left me no choice" - I said as he returned Charizard to his Pokéball.

Then I went over to the moss and took from poor Silcoon everything on me and took him in my arms while Molly and Latias arrived.

"Are you okay brother?" - asked Molly worried.

"Perfectly, thank you Molly" - I said, stroking her head.

Then I had to do it with Latias as well.

"What shall we do now, brother? We can't leave this little one here, he can't even move" - Molly said sadly, looking at the Silcoon in my arms.

"Coon..." – said Silcoon sadly.

"Don't worry, the tree where you were must be nearby, we'll help you" - I said.

Everyone nodded what seemed to make Silcoon happy.

After this, the Silcoon guided us as it could to the tree where it had fallen, it was indeed not far from the place where we were, most likely what the Rotom Dex said was true, the Silcoon fell from the tree and rolled until it crashed into the food of the Scyther.

The only strange thing about all this is that there was no other Silcoon or even Cascoon on the tree, it was completely empty.

"Wait a minute, I understood that where there is a Silcoon there must be at least dozens" – I said confused.

"What's wrong brother?" - asked Molly confused.

"The Beautifly and the Dustox always lay several offspring at once, two dozen hatchlings have been spotted in a tree, they are never alone!" – said the Rotom Dex.

"But brother, if what you say is true, why isn't anyone here?" – Molly asked confused.

"No idea" – I denied.

"Suggestion, the Silcoon and Cascoon don't take long to evolve, chances are that during the time it was out of the tree they all evolved and left, the natural park doesn't stop Pokémon from staying in the natural park forever!" – said the Rotom Dex.

That means...

"It can't be... his family left without him, how sad..." – Molly said sadly.

After what happened to her, everything that is related to the family is something that we never try to pronounce, she is happy to have a new family, the only thing that apparently this reminded her of what happened, damn it.

"Coon..." – said Silcoon sadly.

He or she also seemed about to cry, damn, I can't leave him here because he has no one and I don't know if he would be in danger or not, maybe the Scyther will come back for revenge when we left, so I can only think of a solution.

"Listen... the only thing I can think of is that you come with me, I can't return you to your family because I don't know where it is but you can be part of ours" – I said while petting the poor Pokémon.

"Pika pi!" – Pikachu nodded.

"It's a wonderful idea!" – Molly nodded.

Latias also nodded.

Cascoon looked at us, then looked at his tree and looked at my face.

"Coon" – nodded.

Without any other choice I took out the Bug Ball and captured Silcoon, in the end the Pokémon Bug I captured is a Shiny Silcoon, not bad i guess but I could not leave the poor suffering, it is not my style.

"You are amazing brother, I love you so much!" – Molly said giving me a hug.

"I love Molly too, I love you so much" – I said giving him another hug.

After this, what we did was not to return to the starting point, but we continued walking, I know I can not capture anything else, but at least I will see the different Pokémon Bug, I will take advantage of the time I have left for it.

That said, we continued taking a walk through the forest while admiring the wonders that this enclosure offered us, the numerous Pokémon that lived there, enjoying this beautiful day that encouraged to go out and be out all day, I even wanted to bathe on the beach or in a pool.


Almost 3 hours later.

It had already been 3 hours since we left so it was time to return to the beginning, it was time to see that Pokémon was the one that would win the contest, I hope they give me points for being Shiny although I know that the victory will not be mine, at least I saved a Pokémon in need, I already feel comfortable with it.

When Nancy and the others returned, they were already there.

"How did it go, did you find a strong Pokémon?" – Nancy asked as soon as she arrived.

"Well... It's not that She's strong, you'll see I'll explain it to you better..." – I said beginning to explain.

Just after I finished explaining both girls pounced on me hugging me tightly.

"You're such a good person!" – Nancy said with joy.

"Finding someone like you makes me the happiest woman in the world!"- said Verity.

"The truth is that you did a very good deed, you preferred to sacrifice the contest but saving the Pokémon, it is very noble on your part" – Lisa nodded.

"The truth is that yes, it seems to me that you did what we all would have done, I am proud of you and that we are friends..." – said Lira.

Although the latter was said somewhat sadly, something we all grasp, it seems that I will have to talk to her soon.

After talking for a while, Lem and three other people along with the two reporters appeared on the spot.

"The Bug-Catching Contest is over, now we will proceed to judge the Pokémon you have captured, please if you would be so kind as to remove them from your Pokéball!" – said Lem.

We all nodded and took out the Pokémon we caught from their Pokéball, me my Silcoon, Nancy captured a Scyther, Verity a Heracross, Lira a Pinsir and Lisa a Lokix, as for the other two, one of them catched a Venomoth and the other a Butterfree.

The judges started by evaluating the last two I just mentioned, then Lisa, Lira, Verity, Nancy and finally me.

"Oh, a Shiny Silcoon, I must say that, although it is not a very strong Pokémon, it is rare, congratulations boy" – said one of the judges.

But before saying anything else, a light enveloped Silcoon, began to evolve attracting everyone's eyes, until...

"Beautifly's data has been recorded in the Pokédex and therefore Wurmple data has also been recorded!" – the Rotom Dex.

Right after she had evolved, Beautifly flew and placed herself above my head.

"Surprising, it evolved, this is what I call a good element of surprise!" – said another judge.

"While Beautifly is not a very strong Pokémon, it is not weak either, not bad" – said the third judge.

After that they began to assess who could be the winner.

In the end the winner was Lisa's Lokix, although my Pokémon was rare, in the contest the strongest Pokémon were judged not the rarest, so that was the winner, the second prize was Nancy and I was given the third for the surprise element.

For the first place Lisa got two Pokémon eggs, apparently they gave her to choose between different eggs from which an initial from all regions would come out, she chose an egg from Totodile and another from Cyndaquil, as she loved them but she couldn't find any in the wild until now.

The second prize was a voucher with which she could buy all the food for Pokémon she wanted for 1 whole year, no matter the amount, she could buy what she wanted without spending a single Poké, Nancy was radiant with happiness.

While the third prize was about 20 Bug Ball, the only thing that was forbidden to sell them all, I can sell only 1, although I am curious of how much money can be sold, compared to the other two prizes, my prize was a little... bad i think but at least I'll make some money by selling 1, not bad.

"And so, the 40th Bug-Catching Contest ends, I hope you enjoyed it and see you tomorrow with a contest that you will find interesting...!" – said the journalist.