
Pokemon: A New Adventure Of Ash

Our protagonist reincarnates as Ash before he leaves in his travell around the regions, but in this world the trainer need to have 16 years to have an adventure not 10, follow a new Ash and Pikachu in their adventures with the objetive to be the best pokemon trainer ever. A new World full of pokemon from all regions, new and old girls to conquer, new adventures and new pokemon. Warning: Except Pikachu, the original team of Ash in Kanto won't be here, except Charmander, i won't follow the anime, Ash will have new adventures, in this fic, there will be sex but i have no plan to do explicit content for the moment. All the chapter are fixed so don't worry. Here my discord's server: https://discord.gg/wwmSVJSw

Bloodnight · Anime & Comics
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151 Chs


In the previous chapter we see how our hero Ash is in a strange situation, several Scyther were attacking a small and defenseless Silcoon who had inadvertently fallen into their food, after helping her, Ash catches her because her family left, thus acquiring a Shiny Silcoon which evolves just when the judges were assessing who would win the contest, in the end the winner was Lisa, followed by Nancy and finally him, the bad thing is that now that it is over it is time to return to Kanto.


With Ash.

That same day at night.

"It's a pity that you have to go" - Lira said.

"We will come another time but all together, you have to understand that I don't want to leave Koharu alone there while we have fun here together" - I said.

"Yes, we are sorry, plus the Indigo League is very close and we have to train" – Nancy said.

"But we will come back to visit you, no doubt, besides..." – said Verity while whispering something in her ear.

"Is it serious?" – asked Lira excitedly.

"Totally serious, Nancy and I talked about it before and we agree" - she nodded.

"And Koharu?" - asked Lyra.

"She, like the other would also agree" – Verity nodded.

"Wait a minute, what are you talking about?" – I asked confused.

"Secret of girls!" – said the three at the same time.

Anyway, I'd better not get into their secrets, I don't want to die so young.

"Okay, it's a promise then!" – nodded Lira.

"Since we're all here I'd like to give you my phone number so we can stay in touch" - Lisa said pulling out her Rotom Dex.

Shee then gave us the phone number that our Rotom Dex automatically registered.

"Now we'll be able to make calls from time to time, isn't that great?" - said Lisa.

I nodded as was obvious.

I'll be honest with you, in the movie Lisa I didn't like very much but in real life she is more beautiful than I thought, maybe I could try something with her, my problem is that I already have many somewhat ambiguous relationships with some girls that I think I should clarify first of all, I think I'll start with Roxy, i already talked to the girls and they agreed so I will have to clarify our relationship very soon.

After this, everything went very normally, we had dinner, talked and then went to sleep.


3 weeks later.

It had been 3 weeks since the Bug-Catching Contest happened, during this time nothing exciting happened, only training, although I must talk about two things.

The first, Verity got Articuno to follow her orders and became much stronger, apparently the Articuno grew quite fast, although we do not know how long it will take to reach adulthood.

And secondly Beautifly's training was much more fruitful than I thought, effectively in video games everything depends on EVs and IVs but in this world it is totally different and the training I did was proof of it, Beautifly is strong, more than you think and we were also studying which movements would be the best for her, the result was a pretty remarkable strengthening and in just two weeks, I can't imagine how strong it will be when the Pokémon League starts but I assure you it will be very strong.

But apart from those two things, nothing unusual happened at least until tonight where I again received a curious call...


That same night.

There was me with the girls and Molly quietly playing a video game when suddenly I got a call from Roxy.

"Take it, surely it is to tell you some of his adventures, most likely he already has his 8 badge and wants to tell you" – said Nancy.

I nodded and picked up the phone.

"Good night Ash..." – said Roxy.

"Good night Roxy, is something wrong with you?" – I asked.

"No, it's just that I wanted to introduce you to someone and tell you one thing" - Roxy denied.

Introduce me to someone, who could it be?

But soon my question answered itself when a figure peeked into our video call, it was clearly Gloria, the female protagonist of Pokémon Sword and Shield.

"Hi my name is Gloria and I'm Roxy's best friend!" – Gloria said cheerfully.

"It's a pleasure my name is Ash and this is my best friend Pikachu" – I introduced myself.

"Wow Roxy is as handsome as you told me, no wonder you have him like your wallpap...!" – said Gloria.

"No Gloria, I'm embarrassed!" – said Roxy.

"Hahaha, don't be so embarrassing, so you won't be able to catch him!" – said Gloria with a smile.

"Glory!" - said Roxy, somewhat angrily.

"Just kidding, anyway, we called you to invite you to a Max Raid battle that will happen in a couple of days in the Wild Area, they say that a very strong Pokémon will appear and we want you to be part of your raid, you and your girlfriends if you want!" – said Gloria.

This girl... She seems to be very informed.

"A Max Raid Battle? It seems interesting, we should go Ash" – Nancy said excitedly.

"Yes, I watched one on TV but I never had the opportunity to attend one in person!" – Verity nodded.

"Hey, seriously, why does all the fun happen when I can't go?" - asked Koharu somewhat angrily.

"I will go too, I will not be separated from my brother!" – Molly added.

"It seems like everyone is excited to go, by the way, I'll give you my phone number, you look strong and I like strong guys, maybe we can be more than just friends!" – Gloria said.

This girl has no filter? We were all astonished at this and couldn't even respond, we didn't know how to do it.

"Glory!" – Roxy said angrily.

"Don't be like that Roxy, it's good to know how to share, don't be selfish!" – protested Gloria.

Roxy sighed and looked at me again.

"Anyway Ash I wait for you and the girls in Motostoke City, although it is not the capital of Galar, there is an airport and you can go directly without taking any taxi or any other means of transport"- said Roxy.

"Ok" – I nodded.

"One more thing, sorry about Gloria, she's a good girl but a little impulsive" - Roxy said.

"Don't worry, she looks like a good girl" - I said.

"Wait, before you hang up write down my phone number, i was serious about that!" – added Gloria.

I was embarrassed to reject her so I wrote down her number and she wrote mine and then we hung up.

"Hey Ash that girl is a peculiar girl..." – Verity said as she hung up.

"Yes, you have to be careful" - Nancy nodded.

"Keep a close eye on it, I can't go but be careful" - Koharu nodded.

"I'll keep a close eye on my brother" - Molly nodded.

"Hey..." – I tried to say.

But they all looked at me with angry expressions so I shut up, what fault do I have that Gloria is so direct? Although I must admit that I like it, I will try something with her but it must be little by little, although my first relationships happened in a short time, I want that the following ones to be built little by little, do not misunderstand me, I love my girls but it is true that we fall in love too quickly, normally relationships are slower but there are sometimes that you can fall in love at first sight.


Two days later.

The day came when we had to leave for Galar, I must admit that I was excited, it was my first time doing a Max Raid Battle in person, all the times I did it was in my previous world, playing video games, it will be exciting to see it in real life.

Those of us who went to Galar were the same as the other time, me, Molly, Latias, Pikachu, Nancy and Verity, and yes, my parents again accepted that Molly came with me to Galar, I'm starting to think they do it on purpose.

Anyway, we left early, not that it was a very good day, there were numerous clouds that covered the sky, but it did not seem that it was going to rain, the only thing is that it was a lot of wind and not many Flying Pokémon were seen.

The trip lasted about 4 hours and being honest I do not feel like traveling more by plane so I will make this trip and a trip to Alto Mare too because I already promised to my girlfriend.

Back to the topic, we arrived safely to Motostoke City and I must say that the style of the City was the same as the video games only that this was real and also that it was dozens of times bigger.

It was a sunny day devoid of clouds, but it was not hot at all because the wind prevented it, the only bad thing is that we could not enjoy the landscape much because we had to go straight to the Pokémon Center.

As for the design of the Pokémon Center was finally different and matched the design of the same City, thank goodness, at last there is a site apart from Alto Mare that has a Pokémon Center with another aspect.

Although on the outside it was different, inside there was no difference, if I have to highlight any difference I could mention the coffe shop there was or even a small grocery store.

"A coffee shop in the Pokémon Center itself!" - said Nancy as soon as she saw her.

"I wish we had one in Kanto, I wonder why Kanto'd Pokémon Center didn't have one" - Verity nodded.

"Either way let's go to the coffe shop, I can already see Roxy and Gloria there" - I said as I pointed in one direction.

There, sitting in the cafeteria having a snack were Roxy and Gloria chatting happily, so we approached.

"You are finally here, I was already wondering if you were lost!" – said Gloria cheerfully.

"No, in fact we came straight here" – I denied.

"Anyway it's good to see you in person finally, on the phone it's fine but I'm one of those who think that it's better to meet in person but don't just sit there and we'll explain everything you need to know before starting the raid" - said Gloria.

We listened to her and sat down, but before talking about anything we asked for a soda, today it was hot and a refreshing drink was what we wanted.

"Perfect, now that we are all served, it is time to explain what the Max Raid Battle consists of" - said Gloria.

"I read on internet that it was 5 trainers against a Dynamax Pokémon" - Verity said.

"That makes things easier for me, that's right, it's 5 trainers against a Dynamax Pokémon, however, only one of the trainers will be able to do the Dynamax with their Pokémon before the others' Dynamax's energy runs out" – Gloria explained.

"We don't know why no one else can use the Dynamax after doing it once but that's the way it is" - Roxy agreed.

"I understand, then I guess we should decide who is going to make the Dynamax" - I nodded.

"Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you but for now it's better not to decide that" - Gloria denied.

"Any specific reason?" - asked Nancy.

"Yes, we don't know which Pokémon will appear in the raid so it all depends on what kind of Pokémon appears, the one that will make the Dynamax will be the one that has the advantage against the Pokémon" – replied Gloria.

"I understand but I have several questions" - Verity said.

"Of course, if I can I won't mind answering all your questions" - said Gloria.

"They're not very difficult, I'd just like to know because you know it's going to be a Max Raid Battle" - Verity said.

"It's easy, maybe you didn't notice because you were in a hurry but a Dynamax cloud is slowly forming in the sky, this event happens from time to time and is an indicator that a Pokémon is going to appear" – Gloria replied.

"Ok, my next question is that since only 5 trainers are going to participate... doesn't that mean more trainers will come to the raid? If that's the case, we won't be able to challenge the Pokémon" - Verity said.

"The Max Raid Battle is scheduled for this afternoon... but that is misinformation, I have seen many raids and I can assure you that the Max Raid Battle will be in an hour or so" – said Gloria.