
Pokemon - A real story

There is a huge gap between the story of anime and the realistic story of Pokemon. This light novel closes that gap and gives the viewers a believable and exciting story with lots of adventure. Follow our protagonist Axel Blaze, a reincarnated person. With his knowledge of the previous Pokemon world, he hopes to dominate the world. But after he realizes how very wrong he was. This novel has a system, just to make things fun, the story is not focused on it though. "Success is like being pregnant, everyone says congratulations but nobody knows how many times you were fucked" So this novel tells the story of Axel blaze but all points of hidden difficulty he has to face to get it to there. -------- If you want to read advanced chapters earlier or just want to support me, you can do that at https://www.patreon.com/TheSilverPrince1 You can also visit my website and read 3 advanced chapters for free at: https://silver-prince.com/ (The story has a similar start as 'Pokemon - a mystical journey' so some people are probably confused. I wanted to say that only the beginning of the story is similar, not the later chapters and this story is not a copy.) Disclaimer: This is a fanfiction novel. So, the basics of the Pokemon world is not created by me. It belongs to "The Pokémon company".

TheSilverPrince · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
707 Chs

Meeting Charizard Again

The crowd was not happy that it was ending so fast. It was already 3 p.m. but they still wanted to see more of it. 

Almost everyone could tell that Venusaur would lose tomorrow's battle but they still wanted to root for the underdog.

The night was filled with counting monies and celebrating with a barbecue. Fighting in a competition also made Axel take notes on the things that his Pokemon lacked. Nidoking needed some fast special attack move cause some of the flying-type Pokemons would be very fast and it may not be able to connect the hits.

Steelix was still trying to train for tomorrow but Axel strictly told it to rest a day before the fight. 


Next day,

Everybody knew that Nidoking was going to win it but some of them still had hope that Venusaur would do some miracle. 

Sadly, no miracle happened and Nidoking won the battle within 5 minutes. It was commendable that Venusaur could last for 7 minutes cause Nidoking didn't hold back like Gogoat. It was also able to last that long due to its healing moves. It had ample of them. 

Venusaur used 'Field control' to its advantage. 'Sunny day' and 'Solar beam' were also used multiple times but this could not help Venusaur take the win. 

Nidoking first used 'Earthquake' and then 'Mud bomb'. It also used poison-type moves like 'Poison ball', 'Poison sting', and 'Sludge bomb'. 

After some time, it was finally poisoned. Venusaur was also a poison-type Pokemon so it had some resistance to poison but Nidoking poison-type attacks had been trained to the limit and even if it could resist poison, it was not immune to it. 

After it became poisoned, Nidoking started to use 'Poison spread' and 'Poison damage transfer'. Venusaur was able to use 'Aromatherapy' to get out of the poison but after some time, it was poisoned again and this time Nidoking specially focused on 'Poison spread'. 

The poison was spread so much that it became impossible for Venusaur to get rid of it. 

Venusaurs were also able to use 'Leech seed' and one of them connected to Nidoking but alas, that was short-lived. Nidoking being so strong was able to get rid of it but Venusaur was able to steal some health. 

It also used 'Restore', and 'Synthesis' to recover some of its health but Nidoking also had a huge amount of stamina. 

After trying everything, it lost the battle. It had given its all and Axel was very proud of it. He also realized that Axel should not focus on its attack-type moves.

If it had some powerful attack moves, the battle would have lasted longer. 


"The winner of pseudo-king rank is Nidoking. Give it a round of applause."

The crowd started to clap and appreciate Nidoking. None of them knew what kind of Pokemon that really was. Nidoking was a new Pokemon for the world. Most of them thought that it was a Pokemon from another region and they may not have known about it.

However, there were some of them that were enthusiastic about Pokemons and they knew that such a Pokemon didn't exist. So some of them took pictures of Nidoking. 

This world didn't have Facebook or Instagram but they did have internet. Some of them who took the pictures were journalists and they would tell the story about this unknown Pokemon in the future. 

Nidoking didn't know but it was going to be famous in the future. 


"Now, for the moment we have all been waiting for. The king rank battles!!!", shouted Agnes.

The crowd got wild. Most of them had not even seen a king-rank Pokemon before and now they were going to see 2 of them fight. This was the most hyped battle of the competition. 

"Most of you may not have seen a king-rank battle but they are very powerful. So, I would request all of you to step back. We will draw a line and you should not cross it cause if you do you might be risking your life. You have been warned."

Agnes was talking with such confidence that people believed it. Even though she had not seen a king-rank battle before no body knew about it in the crowd so she acted as if she was very experienced. 

"The first Pokemon would be Steelix. It has a ground type core mastery and it had recently ranked up to king rank.

Its opponent is Gengar. It is unconfirmed when it ranked up but it is an experienced and powerful Pokemon. 

Let's welcome them to the stage!!!"

Steelix came to the stadium, ready to fight. Gengar also came to the stadium but it was moving as if it was dancing.

"What do we have here? A kid trying to prove himself. HAHAHAHA", shouted Gengar. 

The crowd got silent and then then erupted with surprise and applause. These people didn't know that Pokemon could talk when they reached king rank. Those who knew may have forgotten about it. 

"You will know after I win this battle.", replied Steelix.

Everyone was excited to see the battle. Steelix started with 'Sandstorm' combined with 'sand hardening'.

For a minute or 2, Gengar just dodged the attacks or defended it but after doing so for 2 minutes, it got bored.

"You are still weak. Sleep right now and train harder again.", said Gengar and swiped its hand. 

The whole area was now covered in blackness including Steelix. 

Axel could hear a loud and painful roar from Steelix but he could not tell what it was as it was covered in some black substance. This was very different from Shedinja's pre-domain move but after 30 seconds the blackness disappeared and everyone could see that Steelix was down. 

It had fainted and there was not even a scratch in Gengar's body. The storm died down and the environment returned to normal.

There a silence for some time but the crowd was not disappointed. They could see that Steelix was very powerful but seeing that Gengar had defeated it so easily, anyone could guess that Gengar was massively powerful than Steelix. 

Axel could understand why Steelix lost but why did it lose so fast? 

"Let me answer your question before your head explodes from thinking.", said Red.

"As I have told you before after a human or a Pokemon reaches King rank, the difference of powers between them in the same rank would be very huge. That is why we humans have tiers from king rank. Pokemon also have tiers but such a concept is not very popular due to 2 reasons.

First, there are not many trainers in this world who have a king-rank Pokemon, and those who do are very secretive about it.

And second, just like any fad the concept of tiers disappeared. 

If you were to put tiers in Gengar and Steelix. Steelix would be tier 1 and Gengar would be tier 3. That was why your Steelix lost. Your Steelix is still very powerful for a Pokemon who had just ranked up."


It was already night. They were doing the garden barbecue at night and Red had decided to go to his home for a few days from tomorrow. He had been doing the same for all these months. He didn't want to speak out loud but he did miss his son and wife.

"Axel, a bit of advice, next time, you should have a proper stadium for people to watch the battle and you should also charge a high price for it. 

I don't recommend you broadcast it on the internet as your rivals would be able to analyze your Pokemons but these people were very lucky. They were able to see the fights between king-rank Pokemons for free.", said Red.

"Yes, I guess you are right. I am planning something big and do you also want to participate in later competitions?", asked Axel.

"I would do you one better. I would ask Oak and Blue to participate too.", said Red.

"Will they really agree to such things? I mean they may want to hide their powers and their Pokemon's ability."

"Oh, you don't know them very well. They are big show-offs. They just can't go to other places to participate in this kind of competition cause where would they go?

Oak is already a Pokemon master and Blue is busy with his exploration drama. 

This competition would be a battle of Pokemons between your family, my family, and Oak's family. Wouldn't that be great? Our sons and daughters would also compete in the future."

Axel immediately agreed to the proposal. He was only 15 years old now but he had lived for 28 years in his previous life. So, if one were to combine the years, he was technically 43 years old. 

So, he knew the importance of the proposal. He may not be in this world for a long time but his family and his defendants would. This competition proposal would join his family, Oak's family, and Red's family which would give them a lot of security and also a lot of opportunities in the future. That was why he immediately agreed.

Suddenly Axel felt that Gengar was calling him. Due to his psychic abilities, it was now easy for him to communicate with Gengar. He was a little worried cause Gengar never called him this late at night.

"Gengar, what happened? Is Marcus okay?"

"Oh, he is better than okay. I think you should come here as fast as you can."


"I believe that he is ranking up to King rank."


After 3 days,

Axel and Red returned to his home. They visited Gengar and Shedinja and Shedinja had finally ranked up to king rank. Now, Axel had 3 Pokemons who were king rank.

Alakazam and Nidoking were also not very far from ranking up to king rank. 

When they went to see Shedinja, his Pokemons started to work extra hard and Beedrill had a rank-up condition.

Axel just focused on its stats upgrade saying that all of its stats should be SS rank. 

This was done for a single purpose. It was to force it to focus on Resolve. If Resolve upgrades to the next stage, all of its stats will reach SS rank. Axel wanted that to happen. 

Axel also told Steelix to focus on its passive move cause it had not been focusing on it too well. 

Nidoking was also preparing for its ground-type pre-domain. He wanted it to combine both of them and he knew that Nidoking could do it but he also knew that it would be too hard. 

So, he had a brilliant idea. It would not be as hard for Nidoking to do it as it was for Charizard. Charizard didn't have dragon-type core mastery but Nidoking had both of them. So, he told it to first focus on the ground type pre-domain and when it would be created, Nidoking would have 2 pre-domain moves which would be insane.

It could then focus on combining both of these pre-domains and make it even stronger. This helps him think about Charizard's situation too. What if Charizard could also separate and create a fire pre-domain and a dragon pre-domain? Both of them would be a lot weaker than 'Dragon king' but it would be helpful in a lot of situations.

His made him compelled to go to Charicific Valley and teach Charizard this new concept. Red wanted to meet his family but he also wanted to see how powerful Charizard had become. 

He and Axel went there and met Elizabeth. Elizabeth showed him the plans and the places she had selected for the new training ground. Red also checked it and recommended some unique places that Axel had never heard of.

They finally met Axel's Charizard.


It was happy to see its trainer and it could also see that Axel had grown stronger. This made it even more motivated to train even harder. Axel could see that Charizard was not leaking out even an ounce of power from its body. It looked like it was just an uncommon-rank Pokemon.

There was no pressure or might from its aura.

"So, you have finally mastered it huh?", asked Axel patting its shoulders.


Before Axel left, Red had told and taught Charizard how to hide its aura to such a level that others could not tell whether it was a king-rank Pokemon. He also told it that it would take some time to achieve but it seemed like Charizard was already able to do it. 

"Now, I came here to see how you were doing. I also came here to teach you a new pre-domain concept."

It was not hard for Charizard to learn it. Axel believed that it would learn it in a couple of days but he didn't have time to wait to see cause he got the notification that Gogoat was also going to rank up. 

Since he could see it in real-time and also set up a rank-up condition in real-time, it was no trouble. The conditions were not so hard. 

Gogoat had upgraded its special attack stats to SS rank. He wanted its defense, attack, and agility to be SS rank. This may take some time but he wanted it to have a good foundation. 

He and Red went to his home the very next day. Red also wanted to meet its family, so they didn't stay there for very long. All of this showed how powerful 'Teleport' could be.

They could be on the other side of the planet in an hour with 'Teleport'. He also wanted Alakazam to be able to do long-distance teleportation but he knew that it was impossible at this stage. 

Now, only Mamoswine was left to have a rank-up condition among the 8 pseudo-king rank Pokemons except for Venusaur.

Only 2 and a half months were left before the start of the league battle. Axel wanted at least 2 of his Pokemons to rank to king rank at that time and he also wanted to rank up to elemental rank by that time. 

This was too optimistic but he had to hope.


The start of the Johto journey is going to start in the pa-treon channel. Subscribe to read advance chapters

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