
Pokéverse School (Pokémon School x Male Reader)

This is an alternate universe connected to my 'Reserved Trainer' fanfic (a fanfic I wrote on Wattpad) where characters from the anime AND manga go to school before they become trainers. In short, it’s my hero academia but with Pokémon, and characters from the anime and manga (I only own the reader, I make NO claim of ownership over the characters/anime/manga)

Z30_Eyelezz · Ação
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6 Chs

Chapter 4; A Test For Houses

Third Person POV;

"Chandelure! Shadow Ball!" Y/n commanded as Chandelure threw a shadow ball around the square room they were trapped in "Now! Overheat!!" The room began to rapidly rise in heat, burning the Aromatisse alive "Aromatisse! Use Moonlight!" Her trainer named Bridgette yelled, the shadow ball that has rapidly been increasing in speed due to it being bounced around the room, finally slammed into the fairy type smashing it into the ground, due to the heat rapidly rising the Aromatisse senses were thrown off and couldn't see nor hear it coming in time, that and the overheat causing damage over time. The two returned their Pokémon as Bridgette. They both bowed, thanking each other for the battle "I was the last and strongest trainer in this hallway, catch pretty boy" she threw a ball as y/n caught it. He flipped the ball over to see it saying 'Passed' making him smirk. "Now Go through the door, I'm quite excited to see your progress during your time here" She said as y/n walked into the door, waving a hand to her "Thanks girly" he said as the door closed behind him leaving the girl alone "...girly? I have a name dude" she said, particularly to no one in general. Y/n was now in a room with a white hospital like floor and red lines on the walls the seemed to go on towards the end of the hall. "Chandelure, stay on guard" "Chan. De" 

His Pokémon said quietly as he threw out his Pokémon. The two walked to the end of the hallway, Chandelure was ready to blast anyone to a crisp with its fire powers. As they crept closer to the end of the hallway, they saw nothing, nothing but a desk and a sheet of paper. Suddenly a T.V turned on as the intimidating Blade appeared on the screen "Y/n L/n. Congrats you are the 3rd person to finish this part of the test. The 1st was Calem, the 2nd was Platinum" he said in his monotone voice, seeing as their was no danger y/n returned his Chandelure to its pokeball and listened to blade, his hand pointing at the desk "Please take this assessment test, it'll decide your houses. Any further questions?" Blade finished, yawning as y/n spoke up "do I qualify for the master rank?" "In my opinion, yes. But it'll take at least the end of the first school week for the staff and the headmaster to decide, only five will be allowed the rank of master so you'd better hope you performed good" blade said with a sadistic smirk, seemingly finding morbid fun in this. Y/n smirked "I couldn't care anyway. If I get the rank then it'll just prove my strength, if I don't then it'll just be more challenging and fun!" He declared, as blade smiled even more, clearly enjoying this kid's attitude for these obstacles "Your Confidence is admirable, but don't let it blind you. Take the test kid" he said as the tv closed, leaving 

y/n alone in the room, some music did play through the speakers as y/n sat down and picked up a pencil, looking down at the test and reading the speech at the top.

'Welcome, Y/n l/n! Before you begin your journey at the Pokémon school, we'd like to discover the house that best suits your unique traits and values. This exam will help determine your house assignment. Answer each question honestly' The text at the top of the paper read, y/n's heard of the houses before, how the school supersets students in 4 different houses to let them live in a healthy environment, to gain friends like them, and to maximize their potential, also, a home away from home. He then started his test.

Section 1: Traits Assessment

1. When faced with a challenging task, what's your first instinct?

a) Face it head-on with determination.

b) Assess it carefully and plan your approach.

c) Seek help and support from others.

d) Find a clever way to tackle it.


"Well that's obvious, it's D" 


 2. What quality do you admire most in a Pokémon?


a) Courage and fearlessness.

b) Discipline and strength.

c) Kindness and compassion.

d) Cleverness and adaptability.


"D, I wonder who else would be in my house"


 3. In a group project, how do you contribute?

a) Take the lead and motivate the team.

b) Organize tasks and ensure efficiency.

c) Offer emotional support and cooperation.

d) Come up with innovative ideas and strategies.


"B, don't think I'm much of a leader guy"


Section 2: Values Exploration

 4. What's your view on battling?

 a) Battling is a way to prove your strength.

b) Battling requires strategy and discipline.

c) Battling should foster bonds and understanding.

d) Battling is a mental game of wits.

"Isn't b and d technically the same answer...? But the one I think answers this question best... A"

 5. How do you feel about helping others in need?

a) Always ready to lend a hand.

b) Help if it's necessary and efficient.

c) Help with kindness and empathy.

d) Help by finding creative solutions.

"Uh, b" 

 6. What's your favorite Pokémon type?

a) Dragon

b) Steel

c) Fairy

d) Dark

"D, dark types are fuckin cool"

Section 3: Scenario Analysis

 7. You encounter a wild Pokémon in distress. What do you do?

a) Rush to its aid without hesitation.

b) Assess the situation and provide assistance.

c) Approach it gently and try to comfort it.

d) Analyze the situation and devise a solution.

"Well I would ignore it, but that's not an option... I think... D" 

 8. Your team is competing in a Pokémon battle tournament. What's your role?

a) Lead the team with courage and motivation.

b) Strategize and plan battle tactics.

c) Provide emotional support and encouragement.

d) Find unconventional strategies to win.

"Okay this one's a C, no question" 

"Oh, that's the end? Nice and quick, then again it is just an assessment" a door creaked open as y/n stood up and took the paper. Walking to the door he saw a 

Machine with a sign next to it reading 'insert assessment test here' so, he put the paper in as it was sucked into the machine. Y/n then walked out of the room where he met the pretty lady again, Evelyn. She gave y/n a friendly smile along with a wave "hey y/n" "oh, eveylen? Why're you here?" "Why? Well I work here obviously" "What? No, I met-" Evelyn laughed, finding joy in this whilst y/n got slightly annoyed "Ahaha. I'm sorry, it's hard to not mess with you new kids" he rolled his eyes before she continued "you have finished the test y/n. I'm here to lead you to your temporary house while you await for the school or finish everyone's results" she said as y/n nodded with both of them walking into the front exit of the school with eveylen holding onto y/n's hand and leading him to his temporary home.