
Pokéverse School (Pokémon School x Male Reader)

This is an alternate universe connected to my 'Reserved Trainer' fanfic (a fanfic I wrote on Wattpad) where characters from the anime AND manga go to school before they become trainers. In short, it’s my hero academia but with Pokémon, and characters from the anime and manga (I only own the reader, I make NO claim of ownership over the characters/anime/manga)

Z30_Eyelezz · Action
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6 Chs

Chapter 5; New Neighborhood

Third Person POV;

Eveylen and y/n we're currently walking down a rather crowded... school neighborhood? Y/n didn't know what too call it, it was a neighborhood that is also apart of the school, so dorms would be the most logical right? But if it's just dorms then their'd be no reason for shops, and restaurants to surround the school... so maybe he'll just call it... District SN. "And there is the local Pokémon battlefield, for friendly battles or training with others. Of course we have private training rooms if that suits your fancy" Eveylen explained as they looked to the left, seeing a rather large field. A crowd was watching a battle between two trainers as eveylen sighed "Oh those two again hmm" "Those two?" Eveylen still not facing y/n continued to speak "yes those two. The boy is Clyde, the girl is Charlotte. It's their last year here in the school, both such strong trainers now going out into the world to become a master of Pokémon" "Isn't that a good thing?" "Well yeah, but it's still sad to see someone you admired leave" Y/n was now confused, why would a staff member of such a prestigious institution admire its students? Wouldn't she rather feel pride? "Admire? How old are you?" Eveylen giggled, finding humor in this as she continued to walk with y/n following after "Don't you know it's rude to ask a lady her age?" "No, why is it even rude? It's something that happens to everyone and thing" "You really have no knowledge about women do you? Never the less, I am 15"

y/n, felt his jaw drop into the pavement. This.. this, BEAUTY, was 3 years older then him?! And she was a staff at the school!?! Eveylen didn't have to turn around to see y/n's shocked face, already laughing her ass off "ahahahahah, what? Did you think I was 30?" "YES! HOW THE HELL ARE YOU STAFF MEMBER!!" Her laughing slowly de-evolved into giggles, as it then became silent with her catching her breath, still letting out a few giggles "quite simple y/n. I graduated early, due to my grades and hard work of course" y/n became bored as eveylen kept going on, the whole walk now just became a eveylen self ego praise, or whatever the word was. As eveylen continued to pradle on, y/n stopped her with a yawn "I'm sorry, can you show me my temporary room?" "Oh! Yes of course how could I have forgotten" she laughed sheepishly, scratching her nape as y/n rolled his eyes. A small two minute walk and a quick recap of every important thing as they arrived at a small house with a yellow color in the outside "Okay kid, here it is" "Finally" he said walking in as eveylen yelled "Oh and you have a roomy for the time being~!!" "WHAT!?" He yelled as eveylen, cackling like a mad man... or rather woman, ran away. "That... fucking... woman!" He said clenching the railing before releasing them and taking some deep breathes "Whatever, imma just hope this person isn't a massive asshole" he heaved, feeling butterflies fly around in his stomach. Yes y/n wasn't completely socially distant, but it's not like he wasn't nervous. This is a person that he has to live with for three days until the school is done with the grading process. 

taking in one final breath, he opened the door and closed it. He was greeted with a living room, the walls were white and their was two couches with a large tv on the wall "huh, flat screen tv.." he said now walking out of the living room, he went into the kitchen which looked like a everyday kitchen except much more 'Rich' like due to the school. Same with the bathroom and even the air, the basement seemed to have a room for washing and drying machines along with another bedroom and bathroom "This house is so fucking massive, all this for two people?" He said out loud, wondering if this was just the norm for the school, orrr if he was roommates with a important person. He then walked up the stairs into the living room and headed up another stairs that lead to two separate bedrooms. Walking up the stairs he bumped into his roommate, both of them fell on their asses, letting out a small 'Ow' as they faced each other. They both knew each other as their eyes widened with surprise, now getting on their feet they observed each other. Y/n saw a beautiful and elegant young girl with dark-indigo or black hair and golden eyes, wearing rather comfortable pajamas. The girl saw a tall slender boy with (Hair color) and dull eyes, but she was familiar with the boy "your.." they both said, stopping as they spoke in the same time, wanting the other person to finish their thought. After a few seconds of them waiting for the other to speak first, spoke up "Platinum Berlitz / y/n l/n" they said at the same time.

y/n knew of platinum due to her last name, Berlitz. It's a name known all across Sinnoh, a rich family of scholars and intellectuals. Platinum knew y/n due to that 'joke' Junior Pokémon league, she watched the league through her television and saw just how cool, adaptive, and smart y/n was. Her eyes couldn't stop sparkling when she saw him battle, he was just so, so COOL and DIFFERENT! Him and his Pokémon dominated the league, only losing two Pokémon throughout the entire league. Y/n, didn't think anything of platinum as one thought passed through his mind "great, my 3 day roommate is a rich spoiled brat. Just my luck" the silence became awkward for platinum who cleared her throat gaining y/n's attention. She gave him a half hearted smile "Hello, it's nice to meet the champion of the junior league" y/n was surprised at this greeting, platinum... didn't attack his financial life? Isn't that what rich fucks usually like to say first when they open their mouths? "Oh.. you know me huh" she nodded "Oh yes, your quite famous in Sinnoh-" y/n stopped her by sighing loudly, catching her attention "I'm too tired for this, excuse me 'princess' but I need to rest" he said entering his room, leaving platinum in the hallway in silence "uh oh. Did I say something wrong? What's up with that guy?"

-The End-