
Pokémon: The Ultimate Adventure of Ash (Remake)

Our protagonist has failed in life, his wife denounced him, he spent years in prison and when he got out, he discovered that his ex-wife had been having sex with his best friend. Alone, without family and friends, our protagonist decides to commit suicide, when suddenly he meets a strange man with whom he exchanges words. This man gives him a strange ring and then he’s gone. After his departure, our protagonist commits suicide and reincarnates in the Pokémon world as Ash Ketchum before starting his journey, what adventures will our protagonist have? How many Pokémon will he catch? How many women will be in his harem? Discover it in this exciting new adventure full of action, romance and lots of sex! *Note: This is a remake of my previous Pokémon fic. This fic is rewritten from 0, it is much better written, the conversations are much more fluid and with more sense and the relationships are much more elaborate, in addition, each girl will have a background. Important things to know about this fic: - Sex will start from chapter 15 more or less since I do not want to rush into relationships. - The girls will quickly fall in love with the protagonist but it will not be instantly. - The protagonist has a very original system never before seen, if you want to know its functions, you will have to read the fic. -The protagonist will catch all Mythical Pokémon and maybe some legendary. - All characters from my previous fic will appear in this without exception. - I’ll do two or four films. - Only certain events will be the same as the canon, but 90% of the entire fic will be made by me. - All the most important pokegirls will be in the harem of the protagonist, if you want some other girl either invented or belonging to the anime or video games, you can suggest it, because probably I will not reject any proposal. - There will be no Pokephilia. - There will be no Netorare. - There will be a little yuri, but only during sex with the protagonist, the girls will not have sex with each other without the protagonist, in addition, there will be little yuri, so it will be fun to read it and not frustrating, believe me. - There will be chapters every two or three days due to lack of time, I would like to upload one daily, but unfortunately the translation takes a long time, also, I have another fic to upload. My patreon: patreon.com/Bloodnight79 There, for a small price of 1$, 2$ and 3$, you can enjoy 5, 10 and 15 chapters of this fic and another one and in the future even more things will be added.

Bloodnight · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
48 Chs


*Note: please, leave me a 5 star review and a comment, thanks to everyone for your support :)


Seeing Celeste nod, I didn't hesitate for a second and went through her hymen making Celeste scream in pain when she felt her hymen torn.

While it is true that it was painful, it was also at the same time comforting, because they both knew that they had just become patners, a partners that, in the future, when they both fulfilled their dreams, would marry and have a happy life, obviously they would not be the only ones because Ash was destined to have many wives, but both were sure that they would have a happy life all together, it was a feeling that clouded the pain she felt, because just imagining such a future was enough for both of them.

After tearing her hymen, I could see how Celeste writhed in pain and gripped the sheets tightly while trying to contain the scream, however, on her face I could not only see pain, but also a sign of happiness, because despite being in pain, Celeste had a smile on her face, she was happy.

"Are you happy?" – I asked curiously.

"Yes, because now we are both connected and we will be together forever" – Celeste nodded.

Celeste's feelings overwhelmed me, no one had ever felt this for me, not even my ex-wife in my previous life, for the first time in my two lives I feel loved, I feel that someone loves everything about me.

"Yes, we will be together forever" – I nodded.

Then, I started to move slowly, I didn't want to hurt Celeste because I knew that she still felt some pain and I didn't want her to think that sex doesn't feel good, sex has to be pleasurable for both, women and men, that's why I move slowly, so that her body gets used to having my cock inside her and she starts to feel pleasure.

"Does it still hurts?" – I asked curiously after a few minutes.

"I hardly feel pain anymore, if you want you can go faster" – Celeste said.

"There is no hurry, let's go at our own pace" – I said.

You don't have to hurry, being her first time, the best thing is to teach her about the pleasures of sex, so that, in the future, when we have sex again, we can enjoy it from the beginning, both of us.

After a while of moving my hips slowly, I heard Celeste's moan.

"Nnn" – Celeste said.

At first, she felt pain, but soon the pain began to diminish and she began to feel something else, she knew that what she was beginning to feel was pleasure, but she still could not fully feel it because she still felt the pain of losing her virginity.

However, that pain gradually went away until, in the end, it disappeared completely, leaving only the pleasure to reside in her body, a pleasure that she had never felt before, a pleasure that she would never forget, her first time with her future husband, the first time she felt true pleasure, she would never forget that, not even in the future, when they were married and living happily in their home in... region. Oops, I almost made a spoiler, that will be seen in the very distant future, for now, let's continue with the story of how our protagonist became the best Pokémon trainer in the world.

"Are you feeling good yet?" – I asked.

By now the pain should be gone, I think it's been long enough for me to just feel pleasure now.

"Ahn, yes, you can move as you want now!" - Celeste nodded.

Hearing this, I didn't hold back anymore and started moving the way I wanted to do from the beginning.

Her body, which lay underneath me, was simply perfect, from her tits to her nipples, her body was perfect, her skin whitish and soft, her beautiful face, right now, Celeste seemed to me the most beautiful woman on the entire planet.

I kept putting my cock in and out of Celeste's pussy while we both focused on the pleasure we felt, a pleasure that can only be achieved when you have sex with the person you love and want to share the rest of your life with, this pleasure could only be achieved with those conditions.

Celeste's pussy was extremely tight, just as I expected from a virgin, the problem is that I had had sex very few times and I almost cummed just having my cock inside her, but I didn't want to look like a premature ejaculator, this never will happen! So I gathered all my strength and held back my orgasm while continuing to move my hips to please me and my beautiful wife.

We both kept fucking for only Arceus knows how long, but since it was Celeste's first time, she soon reached her limit.

"I'm going to cum, Ash!" – Celeste said.

Since it was her first time having sex, she couldn't hold back her orgasm much and had already reached her limit.

"I'm going to cum too!" – I exclaimed.

Now that Celeste was going to cum, there was no need to hold me back any longer.

"I'm cummingggg!" – Celeste said.

Then, Celeste had a huge orgasm while I cummed inside her pussy dyeing it with my cum and marking this pussy as mine.

After cumming, I could hear Celeste's breathing, apparently, that orgasm had been too much for her and she had fallen asleep, so I just lay down next to her.

[Congratulations to the host on having sex for the first time! For that, you've earned the following rewards... now you can control how much cum you can expell, now you can control the size of your cock, now you will have much more stamina so you can last many rounds without getting tired, you have also obtained a "Miracle Seed" and a "Twisted Spoon"!]

Quickly and after thanking for the amazing abilities that the system gave me, I equipped the Miracle Seed to Bulbasaur and the Twisted Spoon to Butterfree, thus strengthening their attacks and right after, I fell completely asleep.

Elsewhere, on Cinnabar Island, three important people were gathered in what appeared to be a conference room.

"Are you sure it's going to work?" – asked one of those people.

This was Giovanni, leader of Team Rocket.

"I'm completely sure, do you think I'd tell you if it wasn't the case?" – said the other person.

For the time being, we will leave the identity of these two people anonymous.

"No idea, I'm not a scientist, I'm just the one who is paying for all your experiments" – Giovanni said with a frown.

Apparently Giovanni was not very happy with those two men.

"Mr. Giovanni, we have explored the ruins and found the DNA of the Mythical Pokémon, Mew and we are sure that we will be able to clone it" – the other nodded.

"I don't want a measly clone, I need something more powerful" – Giovanni denied.

"Do you want us to enhance his power from his DNA?" – asked the first person.

"That's right and I don't want you to take too long, I want results in three weeks at most... no, I've changed my mind, I want the clone to be ready in two weeks at most" – said Giovanni.

"But sir, that's it..." – said the other man.

Giovanni frowned, but before he could say anything, the other man intervened

"Don't worry, sir! We will work 24 hours per day if it's necessary, but in less than two weeks you will have what you want!" – said the man.

Giovanni got up from his chair.

"I hope so, otherwise, say goodbye to the funds I have been giving you" – said Giovanni.

And then he left, leaving both men alone.

"Are you crazy?! You know perfectly well that we can't finish that experiment in just two weeks!" – the man exclaimed.

"We already have the necessary means and even our scientists say it's possible, what's the problem?" – said the man.

"If he's so powerful and gets out of control, what would you do in that case?" – the man asked.

"It's a Pokémon, we'll just subdue him with a Pokéball" – said the other man.

"But..." – the other tried to say.

"The conversation is over, if Giovanni withdraws his funds, I won't be able to see my daughter ever again, if he wants a Pokémon even stronger than Mew, so be it!" – said the other man.

The other man was silent without saying a word and then they both went to his laboratory to work.

I hope you liked this chapter.

Thank you very much for reading it and I’ll see you on Thursday with the next chapter.

Have a good day :)

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