
New chap. So original

I went to the counter to sell some pokecores. I had collected quite a few over the past few months of wondering around the woods. I collected quite a few from the pokemon siege. Me and Delia weren't keeping count of the normal pokecores. We primarily focused on the cores with special attributes as we were waiting for another good pokemon to experiment on. We fed Slimer 4 pokecores with poison attributes to see if we could affect his evolution that was going to happen soon.

I brought out a stack of pokecores and gave them to brock. 26 Smalls of different quality and 15 medium sized pokecores of different qualities as well. Brock had a shocked look on his face as I pulled all of these out. Brock-"How did you get all of these?" B-"Rape, murder and pillaging. Hahaha, I spent the last few months traveling around the woods catching pokemon. How much for all of these?" He took them and scanned each one. When it was all said and done, Brock-"comes out to 12950 pokedollars. We will round it up to 13000 since you are selling so many." B-"Thanks, can you tell me where a good hotel is and anything else that might be important?"

Brock-"Sure, We have quite a few hotels here. The best one is the Pleasant Dream Hotel. It is the most expensive, but they have an amazing staff and a lot of pokemon in the hotel. You will also need to be careful around here at night. Lately there has been another group terrorizing everyone, well mostly young guys like us. They go by the name of Harem Godz. They have a habit of drugging their victims and raping them. They seem to really like young men and boys. So just be careful, the police are still trying to find them. Very few victims come forward as most find it embarrassing and the ones that do, tell the same story. They bought a drink and shortly after blacked out. They would wake up in random spots all over town, having been raped. The only funny fact about this is that one of the rapists is supposedly not very well endowed. Some cases the victims didn't know they were raped till they used the restroom." B-"Wow, What a sicko. Do you have a map of the town and the surrounding area?" Brock-"I don't have anything like that here. You could get one at the pokemart that is right down the main road from here. You can walk out the front door and turn left. It will be a mile on the left-hand side of the road. You can't miss it. You can always just call for a cab on your pokedex. They have a new app out called PokeUber and you can get ride and its cheaper and better than cabs. If you are going to be around for a little while this is a good way of getting around."

B-"Thanks, I think I will do that. I will be on my way then." I downloaded the app and used the pokeuber app to get a ride. A few minutes passed by and a car pulled up. A middle age busty bomb shell was driving the car. I hopped in and asked her to drop me off at the Pleasant Dream Hotel. We made small talk during the drive. She told me about some attractions in the town. There was a pokezoo and a pokemuseum that were very popular. She said she was pretty available if I needed rides around town. She showed me how to save her pokeuber information. She was very flirty, I was starting to wonder about this world and the women in it. They were starting to seem pretty easy. It took about 20 minutes to get to the hotel from the pokecenter. The charge was 10 pokedollars and with a 5 dollar tip she drove off after saying to call her anytime. The receipt had her pokedex number on it. Once I got inside the hotel I arranged to get a room. I got the delux hotel room, a king size bed. After getting into the room, Delia came out of the space. She was loving the room. I filled her in on everything that happened. She found it funny that I got an STD from those ladies. We rinsed off in the shower and what should have taken 10 minutes ended up lasting a hour. After she cleaned me off with her mouth we laid down on the bed and ordered room service. The room cost 50$ a night which was very expensive but considering I had 14600 in my bank account, it didn't faze me on bit. We had a great dinner and talked about future plans and the pokemon in the space.

Slimer had shelled up this morning. He wasn't coming out of his shell, it would shake from time to time. The rest of the pokemon in the space had leveled up a bit and started evolving. I was thinking about starting a small army with these pokemon. We figured we needed to see how many I could call out at once and how well they listened to me. I saw the damage a pokearmy could do to an outpost. I had also sent a message to Barb letting her know that she most likely had an STD. I didn't hear back from her for quite some time. A few hours later right before we went to sleep, my pokedex buzzed and I had finally got a response.

Barb-(poketex)-OMG I am so sorry, Lucy gave it to the both of us. Please don't think it was me. Lucy had been sleeping with everyone at the outpost behind my back. She was the only one I was sleeping with. Please don't be mad at me. I already broke up with her and we are going our separate ways.

B-(poketex)-Don't worry about it, I am staying at the Pleasant dream hotel for a week or so till I head out again. If you need anything just let me know. By the way the pokecenter sells the cure for that for 15$. It's called Kittensnips. Have a good night.

Barb-(poketex) – Thank you so much xoxo

Delia was having a good laugh at me over these texts. B-"I have a question for you Delia." D-"sure, what is it?" B-"Are women very easy going around here? It seems like every woman I meet wants to have sex with me." Delia turned red from the neck up. B-"I'm not calling you easy or anything like that, it just seems like sex is no big deal to everyone." D-"Actually I couldn't believe I was like that with you. I hadn't slept with anyone in years and I had never slept with anyone I just met like you. I honestly get horny when I am around you. I don't know what causes it, but I go from being fine to feeling like I want to rip you clothes off and fuck you brains out when around you. I am not sure what causes it, but I do know that it affects all the women around you. When we first met you it took maybe 10 minutes of being around you and I had the urge to have your kids." B-"Well I guess we will have to keep trying." D-"Don't tease me, I am serious. I am sure that every woman that has come close to you has wanted to have your kids just like me. I'm just glad I met you first." B-"same here, I'm glad you're the first MILF I met. Hahaha, by the way. How is your daughter doing? Do you need to send her any money? We are currently filthy rich and will only get richer." D-"She is doing good, I already transferred money to her for her school and needs. I am excited for you to meet her and dreading it." B-"Why is that?" D-"2 things. First, she is going to learn her mom is sleeping with a guy her age. Second is she will end up sleeping with the same guy I am sleeping with." B-"Why do you say that." D-"Because no woman is safe from you and I would honestly not mind it one bit. You are an amazing man." B-"Fine then. I will make us one big family. Although it is going to be a little bit weird when you guys are both have my kids in the future. I mean she will have a new half/brother or half/sister. Now roll over and stick your ass out."