
Plundering Across the Cosmos

*Upload speed is unspecified, I will upload whenever I have free time.* *DISCLAIMER* This is NOT my original novel. I found it on an MTL website and found it fun and interesting so I decided to go down the rabbit hole and edit it with proper English (to the best of my abilities) so that others could enjoy it too. I changed the names for a lot of things, rewrote many others, and tried to make this story read as fluently as possible. If I'm being honest, the whole novel may have been exciting in its original language, but it isn't in English. So like I said before, I'm pretty much rewriting this novel to my liking, still following the original plot and story, but adding A LOT to it. So it technically is a fanfic ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. If you guys want to go read the original MTL, its original author was "banana too dog" under the original title of "I Plunder Endlessly In the Interstellar Age" *END OF DISCLAIMER* In the interstellar era, gangs and predators run rampant across the galaxy. Ajax, a skilled artisan crafting energy blocks, finds himself at the bottom of society, subjected to relentless bullying. He plunges into the shadows to ensure his survival, ultimately joining a notorious gang. Ajax stumbles upon a remarkable discovery along his journey – a super warship capable of upgrading limitlessly, given the availability of resources. With this newfound power, he establishes the infamous bandit gang "Reapers." This marks the beginning of an era characterized by endless plundering and ruthless exploits.

Crimson_Reapr · Outros
Classificações insuficientes
75 Chs

Chapter 34

However, it proved quite useful when you are desperate, at least, the core served the purpose Bomen wanted it to serve the day he installed it.

Now that the only mech defending the camp had self-destructed, the defense of the camp was left to the ordinary people and the operators. The enemy began to approach again and now it truly seemed like everything would soon be over for the camp.

Members from the Hell's League quickly recovered and pushed forward, firing their weapons as they screamed their lungs off.

This was the opportunity that Ajax had been waiting for, for them to rush into the camp. This caused the people of the Hell's League to close their formation closely together, making it almost an impossible task to turn around, defend, and return fire without suffering heavy casualties from friendly fire.

To be able to destroy the barrier and break through the defense of the camp's gate, they consumed a large number of their most threatening missiles.

"Everyone! Open Fire! Show no mercy!" Ajax said as he fired his Particle Compression Cannon, immediately eviscerating a Roscoe-type mech that stood 70 meters in front of him. He then switched to his rifle and jumped down, taking the lead in rushing forward. The other Knight-Level mech followed closely behind while holding an energy sword.

The operators also rushed out, forming an offensive echelon formation, firing upon the unsuspecting enemies. The Hell's League's advance collapsed in an instant as they watched their teammates fall one after another, the Hell's League members in the rear panicked and shot back subconsciously.

But their rounds just bounced off the mechs piloted by Ajax and the other pilot mech.

Ajax opened fire with his rifle, the Vulcan cannon on his nape, and the machine guns on his shoulders. The Reaper was living up to its name as enemy soldiers were being mowed down and turned to pink mist.

"Boss! Reinforcements! We got reinforcements! We're saved!" An operator next to Bomen shouted excitedly, holding onto his wounded arm.

Bomen also noticed the commotion coming from behind the enemy, knowing that their men must have returned. He was so happy that he wanted to light up a cigar. Now that their pressure has dropped sharply, they don't need to think about how to repel the enemy anymore; they just need to buy time and keep flanking the enemy.

"What the fuck is going on?!" The commander of the Hell's League's attack group was a little confused and disoriented.

They were the ones who had launched the sneak attack, and they had everything calculated everything, so why were they being shot from behind? Before they had time to process what was going on, another 20 to 30 men fell under Ajax's gunfire, and the commander wanted to send a few mechs back to intercept the new incoming attackers.

But the battlefield jammers were still on, blocking all signals. Orders could only be given by shouting and hoping the one receiving them was able to hear you.

It took a lot of effort, dozens had died by the time that the commander managed to order the five mechs closest to him—three Knight-Level and two Parallax-Level, all of which were Trailblazer-type mechs.

They had only brought two long-range mechs to this attack, one of which had been destroyed by Aajx and the other had already barged into the camp and couldn't receive his orders at the moment.

At the same time, he yelled at his subordinates to continue pressing forward and capturing the camp.

"You deal with one of the Knight-Level mechs, and I'll take care of the rest!" Ajax and the mech next to him split up, and the Particle Compression Cannon began to condense again while running.

He has now discovered that the weapon that comes with the Reaper is lethal against Knight-Level mechs. Within 80 meters, a hit is an instant kill, and it was almost impossible to dodge its attack.

The Parallax-Level mech can also be killed instantly, but for that, a vital point has to be hit, otherwise, it can only be disabled if it hit anywhere else.

He hadn't tried it on a Rakshasa-Level mech since he hadn't come across one, but as long as he could hit its vital point, it was impossible to run away without receiving some heavy damage.

Two seconds later, a Knight-Level mech came into range, and Ajax locked on to him in an instant. He opened fire and the Knight-Level mech was immediately hit in the center of the cockpit, leaving a giant half-meter hole. One could see inside the mech and only the pilot's legs remained. The mech's momentum caused it to topple forward, sending all kinds of parts flying.

This attack that sliced through the mech's armor as if it were butter scared the other four pilots shitless. No matter how weak a Knight-Class mech was, it was still a mech. How can it be destroyed so easily?

Ajax redied up to fire another shot, so the blue light on his chest continued to condense again.

Fearing that they would follow in the footsteps of their teammates, the Hell's League pilots turned around and ran away, deciding to keep their distance.

Seeing their reaction, Ajax chuckled, turned off the Particle Compression Cannon, closed the breastplate, and continued to unleash hell on the foot soldiers of the Hell's League.

"What are you doing? Go fight him!" The commander of the Hell's League was stunned. The mechs he had ordered to defend their rear and attack this new threat were actually retreating? This was absurd.

Hearing their commander's words, the pilots had no choice but to return to the rear and defend.

"Let's all rush him at the same time, don't you see that he's by his lonesome?!" The pilot in one of the Parallax-Level mechs discussed with his teammates.

As melee mechs, they needed to get close to Ajax to be able to do anything to him. While they did have some long-range weapons, they had all been used up as they had fired all of their missiles during the initial attack on the camp.

"You're right, from what I was able to observe, his attack needs time to accumulate charge up. As long as one of us can withstand the first shot, it should be enough for the rest of us to rush him." The other Parallax-Level pilot thought the same thing.

After the discussion, the two Knight-Class Trailblazer-type mechs raised their shields and rushed towards Ajax's position, covering and lowered their cockpits to be behind cover. They were followed by the two Parallax-Level mechs.

(TN: I may have forgotten to specify this earlier on, but the cockpit basically spans from the head of the mech to its upper torso. So if it says that a mech was shot in the head, then it means that they were shot in the cockpit and vice versa.)

Their intention was clear—use the Knight-Level mechs to absorb the first attack and buy time for the Parallax-Class mechs to approach Ajax for melee combat.

Ajax knew what they were going for, but he wasn't about to refuse a free kill. The Particle Compression Cannon quickly condensed and fired. The shot melted through the shield and the first Knight-Level mech with ease, only being able to melt and do some damage to the other Knight-Level mech behind it.

However, this bought them enough time as Ajax wasn't able to condense a second shot before the enemy had reached him. The pilot that was next to him pushed up in time and blocked the Knight-Level mech, hitting it with a sword from the top and then pummeling it with a hammer from the side.

The remaining two Parallax-Class mechs even attempt to help their struggling comrade as they feared that Ajax would take advantage and shoot one of them. So they continued to rush forward as they changed the weapons in their hands.

However, Ajax wasn't afraid at all. His specialty was using the Bezerker-type mech to counter Traiblazer-type mechs.

Just like when he toyed with Charles in the arena before, the only difference was that the number of targets changed from one to two and there was now a bigger field. He quickly started running backward, activating his back thrusters to keep a safe distance between himself and the two Parallax-Level mechs.

At the same time, he raised his rifle, activated the Vulcan cannon on his neck, activated the shoulder cannons using full output, and began to grind the two Parallax-Level mechs.

In the beginning, the two mechs were still chasing him fiercely, but after 20 seconds of constant fire to their knees, they gradually lost the ability to run, exactly the same as Charles's situation.

They tried to struggle for another 20 seconds but there was nothing they could do as they were immobilized. Ajax aimed his rifle at the center of their cockpit and fired multiple times at each before boring a 12-inch hole through them, killing both.

Ajax quickly returned to the original battlefield position where the Hell's League pilot was still putting up a fight against the only remaining mech of the rescue team. When he saw Ajax coming back, he was startled and only managed to say "fuc-" before being interrupted by a "BOOM" from Ajax's rifle. A 12-inch hole was made, from the top left of the cockpit to its bottom right, splitting the pilot from his left shoulder to his right hip.

TN: The higher the Level of the mech, the taller it is. So, a shot from a higher-ranked mech would come down at an angle.