
please reset the booktitle Red_Shadow_0727 20231218092329 10

A man born into the cruel unforgiving world is dealt a cruel hand by fate. Having being forced to provide with his fists he made a name for himself in the underworld until tragedy struck leaving him broken and a shell of his former self. Now he leaves his old world behind to find a place where he can become an ordinary person.

Red_Shadow_0727 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

A Fresh Start

The flight was uneventful save for the occasional small talk between the both of you. The plane lands at the airport named Incheon and was directed into a hangar designed primarily for just it. At the entrance of the hangar was a sleek black car with two men dressed in suits. It reminded you of the escorts of that one politician who came to see you a long time ago.

" Good morning Miss Gyeong-Hui. " The larger of the two stepped forward, arms at the side.

She returns the greeting and gestures to you. You simply give the peace sign in response. This catches both men off guard but they quickly regain composure and shortly thereafter you're on your way to your new home.

The car passes through a busy metropolitan area with both sides of the street packed with people going about their business. Many stores had bright signs atop them to attract those who looked at it. Gyeong-Hui had suggested that you stop by a mall and get new clothes but you rejected the offer as you already had more than enough.

At a T junction the car turns left and heads into what you assumed to be an estate as many of the buildings looked similar in both structure and color with the occasional custom design here and there.

You come to a stop in front of one these houses and a group of people stand at the front, two men and three females. Two of said females seem completely disinterested while the remaining stare with interest.

You step out of the car and immediately head to the trunk, putting as much distance as you can between you and them. However it seems one of the males anticipated this and is already walking towards you. You give him a once over, might be in his early thirties or late twenties. As the top of the trunk shoots open he grabs it midway, eyes trained on you as he does so.

You look to Gyeong-Hui for an explanation at least. She sighs and walks over to the man and whispers something in his ear. He lets go of the trunk and stands to the side, eyes still trained on you. You pay him no mind and retrieve your belongs.

" I'm Min-Hyuk. " The man says with pride in his voice and gestures to the people behind him, " That's Suu-jun, Ha-rin, Min-Jun and Soo-Yun. "

They respond in their own ways and you nod in response.

" And you are? " Min-Hyuk gets even closer, much to your displeasure.

You fish out a piece of paper and hand it over to him and walk towards the house. As you step in you hear the distinct voice of Gyeong-Hui explaining something to him.

The house in itself is quite lavish in its own right. A staircase on the right has a velvet carpet running down the center. To the right is a hallway with multiple doors. You walk up the stairs, taking in the sight of your new home. Compared to what you had back home this place would put it to shame ten times over.

Min-Hyuk and the others help you settle in. As they leave you catch one of the women sneak a look at you. She immediately averts her gaze the moment she realizes she's been made out.

" It seems Ha-rin finds you interesting, " Min-Hyuk says as they leave.

You see them at the door but just before you can close the door Min-Hyuk thrusts out an arm, stopping the wooden frame from reaching its intended destination.

" Have this. " He thrusts a leaflet through the space.

You look through the window to see the group leave. Once they're out of view you take a look at the leaflet.

' You are hereby cordially invited to the birthday of Seoyun. '

It states the date and venue and even gives a link to website. You contemplate on it before deciding to go. A few moments after deciding this your phone begins to ring, the caller id reading Gyeong-Hui.

You pick up and she immediately tells you to go to that party as it will be a great way to meet new people and make connections. You tell her that you were already planning to go. The line goes quiet for a moment before she simply says to be ready to leave by 6. She'll bring something for you to wear then hangs up.

You take a guess to how she might be able to find a right size but decide not to dwell on it for long. You decide to do a little bit of training before taking a refreshing shower and wait for your ride.

A few minutes to 6 and two beams of light cut through the twilight air, illuminating your driveway. You pack what you deemed necessary in a backpack and leave the house, ensuring it is locked.

The car itself is a simple yet exudes an air of elegance. Its jet black coat of paint further emphasizes that. Gyeong-Hui sits in the driver seat wearing an elegant dress which highlighted her figure. She nonchalantly points to the backseat and you comply.

The outfit she got consisted of a three piece navy blue suit which fitted you perfectly. You express your gratitude although Gyeong-Hui simply hums in response.

" May I inquire as to what is in that bag? " She inquires.

You say nothing, ending the conversation in its entirety.

A grandiose villa sets nestled in a sea of trees. Bright lights and loud music adds to the splendor. Arriving at a check point she greets a guard before handing him the proof of invitation. The guard sneaks a suspicious look at you but you ignore it. A few seconds later the barricade swings open and you're through.

Across the courtyard are signs of the rich and wealthy. Expensive colognes fill the air. Servants move to and fro, serving the various guests an assortment of drinks and appetizers. This place is a place still foreign to you. Hopefully you can makes heads and tails of this.