
please reset the booktitle Fernando_Torres_1991 20231218092329 44

Fernando_Torres_1991 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

The skatepark incident

She ended up falling backwards back into the bowl thankfully she had a helmet so everyone wasn't to worried


"God damn it I broke my helmet " Doilion said angrily

"This is the 3rd one this month ughhh" she said while throwing it off and getting out of the bowl

"wait for real ?" I asked as she was coming up

"Oh hey and yea it is "

"How do you keep breaking them " I asked laughing

"It's not funny " she said

"yea your right that's a achievement "I said laughing still

"what ever " she said sarcastically

"So what skill you working on ?" I asked

"Am tryin to get the backside to work but I just can't flip it back after I start running out of speed "

"Oh well why don't you YouTube it "

Finger quotes "why don't you just YouTube it , of course I did " she said sarcastically

"Sorry I was trying to be helpful "I said

"It's fine anyways have you learned how to Ollie yet ? "

"I think I made progress but I still fall of the board "

"Oh well try right now so I can see what your doing wrong and give you advise "

"Oh ok"

'Ok just pop the tail and flick '


dolion burst out laughing "bahahhahahaha how did you fall like that " she said through her laughter

"Shut up" i said in pain

"Haha anyways I think that you should not flick so hard"

"ok I'll try that right now "

'just pop and flick with not so much power'

"Wow I g-AHHHHH"

I closed my eyes waiting for the impact but it never came so I opened my eyes to see what was going on and see that it had happened again I was being held by nothing once again like last time but this time was different dolion is here and saw everything

'NO NO NO WHY NOW ' I thought while trying to stand up

Suddenly I fell again like last time

"Hey Phoenix what was that " dolion said scared

"Sorry dolion I have to go " I said while packing and turning off the drones recording

"Hey Phoenix wait up " she screamed

I ran leaving behind my skateboard , I ran for what felt like 3 miles , I ended up going into a alleyway with a gate blocking me from going tot he other side

"Damn it a dead end " I said huffing and puffing

'I guess I could jump the fence or should I go around '

"Finally I caught up to you " dolion said

In that moment I froze not wanting to look her in the eyes

"Look I can help you we can find out why that happened at the park but I need you to honest with me so we can figure out what's happening and why " dolion said with a face full of tears