
please reset the booktitle Fernando_Torres_1991 20231218092329 44

Fernando_Torres_1991 · Fantasy
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a dream or a vision?

"This bed has never felt this cozy "

"Ugh I forgot to take the medicine "

"I'll take it tomorrow in the morning "


"What where am I " I said confused

"Why can't I see anything"

as I said that something started to materialize out of thin air It with it 2 people and one of them was me

"What why am I there " I said concerned

"And why do I have that armor and those weapons and why is dolion there with armor as well "

And what happened next shocked me

Someone was there and they had thrown something at dolion and I had managed to block it it looked like I had blocked it with thin air but it ended up breaking through and hitting me it looked like I was died after That

"What just happened " i asked scared and panicked

Why did I d-


"What what's happening "


"Everything is crashing down with every ring" I said panicked

I started to run


I work up in cold sweats and I was hyperventilating I looked around the room wildly looking for something anything my hands were grabbing my sheets as if they were my savior

"w-what just happened " I asked still panicking

I closed my eyes repeating the same phrase

"It was just a dream "

"It was just a dream "


After a while I ended up calming down

"God I wreak of sweat I'm going to go shower and brush my teeth

In the showers I tried to use "powers" as you would do when you were a child

"As expected it doesn't work , so it was just a dream as expected "

I got out the showers and brushed my teeth and took my meds

"Oh I got a text from dolion "

"Meet me at the skate park bozo "she said

"haha let's see if I could beat her there "

"Ughh it still hasn't hatched "

So I hurried taking my small dragon egg and my skateboard I ended up putting my egg in my drone and taking it with me

"I'll set it to longboard mode "

And with that I was off the skatepark was a mile away so it shouldn't take to long

'Man I wonder if I should try to get some skate clip with dolion ' I thought

'Hmmmm Ill decide when I get there maybe today's the day I finally do an Ollie and not eat the concrete

Like always ' I thought with a laugh

"Oh am here "I said looking at my phone

"I made excellent time"

"Hey you here yet or are you taking your sweet time coming here " texted dolion

"ha ha am already here where you at " I texted back

"Am at the bowl am about to drop in "

"Ok Am going "

'Before I go to the bowl I'll switch it to street mode '

"alright all done , let's go now "


When I got there dolion was already in the bowl and to say the least she was as cool as always , she was there doing backside drops and she had even managed to do a dark side turns out that was her mistake cause she didn't know how to flip the board back so you can guess what happened next

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