
Play the Game Differently

 What was she like she wonders? She only remembers a bit about her past, and that she was not a good person. Well, if you think a Sociopath is good, then maybe you should get that head of yours checked. One thing's for certain, Hero or Villain, Akane doesn't care about anything that doesn't benefit her, and will do whatever it takes to reach to the top.  [Disclaimer]-This story is fanfiction. The copyright of source materials belongs to their respective owners. Please support the official release! [Warning]-This story is rated M (MA) due to contents such as gores, profanities, violence, smut, and so on. If your age is less than 18-years-old, please consider skipping this story. Be responsible for your choice. You have been warned. Thank you for reading this warning! P.S- posting this for fun and also this affronted fanfic is not mine I'm just posting this here in Webnovel. [Original Fanfic Author]-https://m.fanfiction.net/u/12142283/Mirlnir [Original Site]-https://m.fanfiction.net/s/13542266/1/Play-The-Game-Differently

TheEternalWanderer · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

Too Easy

Putting the small screwdriver down, I turn my head and smile as I see hundreds of tiny spherical machines with one glass lens on each. The SS-MK2, or Spying Sphere, is the next generation Spying Spiders. Extremely small, silent, and able to fly. They also can turn invisible if I want them to.

It surprisingly took a couple of hours to come up with a design and how to make them work, but my level in engineering and techno proficiency made it easier. Max level in the former and Adept level in the latter.

The machine uses hovering technology that is able to reach to the clouds with it, so spying should be much easier now.

Once I end the Shie Hassaikai, I can work on my death machine, which will no doubt take me months to finish. It will be worth it though, as The Destroyer will make quick work of most heroes. And together with Ice Age and my gang, this country will mine very soon.

And then, the entire world will be mine.

Empress Akane... It has a nice ring to it.

Bzzt! Bzzt!

I glance at my phone at the table and see the caller's name to be my second in command. I pick the device up and accept the call.


"Boss," Ren says with a positive tone. "We found the girl."

I smirk darkly. "Good job. I'll be at the base soon."


With that, he ends the call. I snap a finger and my appearance changes to my villain looks, outfit and all. Getting out of the cave, I cast [Nimble] and fly off towards the city, leaving a sonic boom as I do.

Once I was inside, I notice that the base is emptier than usual, seeing only a few gangsters either cleaning the place or playing poker. Ren grins as he sees me and walks up to me, hands in his pockets.

"So?" I question.

"We saw her in Shibuya walking with the leader. Some other people wearing plague doctor masks were following them, but there weren't many."

I raise a brow. "They weren't hiding?"

He shakes his head. "Nope, walking around like its no one's business."

I put a hand on my chin in thought. "I see... What about Izuku? I've been gone for three days, so I do hope you've been nice to him."

"No worries, he's fine." He chuckles. "Dunno how a kid like him fit right in with criminals though."

"Good." I nod. "Was he any help to you?"

"Hoho, yeah!" He looks at me in surprise. "The kid is as smart as hell! Is it his quirk?"

I smirk. "You can ask him yourself." My blank look then takes over. "And the other gangs?"

"Fuckers refuse to give up." He sneers. "Ironhead and Sharkteeth made an alliance with others. They've been getting real bold the past few days."

"I see," I mutter softly. "Leave them be. I'll deal with them personally."

"Y-you sure? We can do it, boss, we just need a little bit of time-"

"I'm sure you could, but I'd like to finish this as quickly as possible." I cut him off. "We need to finish everything before the heroes realize what we're trying to do. I'll make us a plan to hit three more banks soon, to damage their economy."

"...Got it." He nods. "Do I call the others back? They're watching Overhaul and the other gangs right now."

"Leave the ones following Chisaki, but call back the ones observing the gangs," I order. "Tonight, I'm taking down the aggressive groups. That will teach the underworld to not mess with me..."

He nods in understanding and leaves me alone, pulling his phone to contact the others.

Once you deal with the Yakuza... you can deal with the League of Villains. No one there should be strong enough to threaten me, in fact, they should be much weaker than thee Shie Hassaikai at the moment. And... we're still away from the first arc, so a Nomu shouldn't exist now.

A part of me was a little relieved, but another part was disappointed that I won't be able to get its quirks.

Once I deal with the League, I'll rally all gangs under my banner... then I'll wage war on the hero society. Arming my minions with my technology, then using Ice Age to power them up will easily take care of the weaker heroes. They might have a lot of powerful fighters... but I have The Destroyer, who will take out most mid-tier heroes. None will stand in my way.

I'll crush them all under my boots.

I glance once more at the insides of the base, waving back to some of my minions, then I turn around and leave through the back door.

Using my wings, I fly higher than the clouds, and then to my destination.

Looking at my reflection on my hand mirror, I frown slightly as I lift off a hair-bang off my face. Did I... mess up the disguise? Why do I look a little different? clicking my tongue, I lazily evade a blade aimed at my head then erase the attacker nonchalantly, gaining his quirk of turning his arms into blades and letting his the remains of his body fall backward.

Unique skill plundered: [Quirk: Arm Blades]

Damn, I think I did mess it up a little. My hair was supposed to be a little shorter, and my eyes should be a little darker. I don't think anyone noticed, so that's fortunate.

I glare at another attacker and plunge a spear of ice into his heart before he even gets near me, taking his hovering quirk. As much as I enjoy gaining powers, these worms get really annoying after a while. I already finished the upgrade quest for Plunder and choose improved stat points gain, and the quest told me to steal 500 stats. It shouldn't be hard... hopefully.

Unique skill plundered: [Quirk: Hovering]

No one here gives me stats except for LUK, which to be frank, isn't what I'm aiming for. I'd like to get my Charisma to a thousand... but I guess I could do that once I max out illusionist.

I don't think I'm choosing a class that gives LUK any time soon, so maybe it's for the best.

"remaining leaders of the Star Alliance, I will give you one last chance," I state tonelessly, still looking over at the mirror. "Join me, or be destroyed."

The Star Alliance... An Alliance that consists of seven gangs working together to take me on. They felt threatened that a powerful player came into town, and they're planning to usurp my place as the most dangerous. I have no idea how they plan on doing that with their flimsy quirks, but it's certainly amusing.

Getting inside the office while they're in the middle of there meeting was even more amusing. Their shocked and terrified faces were certainly hilarious.

It was extremely easy as well. Barely anyone was guarding the place... Well, I say barely because currently, most of them are dead.

Two leaders died as soon as they attacked, so that should give them a sense of despair.

No one can beat me.

"F-fine!" The bald one with the white suit complies. "You win! J-just don't kill me."

"I-Ironhead!" The old one looks over at his friend in shock.

"W-we can't win, Thunder-Fang," Ironhead says, sweat trailing down his forehead. "Our best bet... is serving under her."

'Thunder-Fang'? What is this, a poor attempt at being cool?

You don't get to talk, Marionettist

I blush in embarrassment slightly. I wasn't sober when I came up with it.

You were, and immediately regretted it the moment you shouted it out to everyone.

My free hand clenches tightly as my face burns hotter. I get it, it's not a good name, but I'm not very good at naming, okay?

"Fine, Marionettist, we yield." My eye twitches at the name as I feel the Game's amusement. "You win... We will serve under you..."

"Like hell I will!" The one with gills screams. "I'm not gonna be some bitch's manservant! I lead, not this dumb slut!"

As his friends try to stop him, he lunges at me with his sharp teeth, aiming to bite my head off. My eyes narrow, and in a split of a second, I summon a katana and slice his head in half. A beat and blood start to gush out as a part of his head slides off and falls to the ground, his sliced brain visible for all to see.

Unique skill plundered: [Quirk: Shark Teeth]

I glare at his corpse. "Not very smart, are you?" I look at the other leaders' horrified faces as my katana disappears. "This is merely a warning to anyone who plans to betray me. Except, you'll beg for a death as quick as this, so for your sakes, do not try me."

With that, I leave the room, squashing the anger inside with a sigh. I... might need some stress release. I've been feeling on edge for a while now, so letting lose should be healthy for my psyche. Too bad Gamer's Mind doesn't help with these things.

Maybe a day in the orc dungeon would help. It's certainly the most useful way, and leveling White Mage and Illusionist to at least fifty should give me new skills as well, so I might do that.

I can't wait for the day I have this world under my control...

(Three days later...)

Honestly, these gangs don't know when to give up.

I already control half of the underground, yet these morons still attack me. They're genuinely an annoyance to deal with. Their quirks are not even that great!

My LUK already jumped up to 200, one hundred points. Fifty away from a perk, all because of these dumbasses.

Of course, I'm not dealing with these ants right now, no... I'm currently tracking down Chisaki to get what's my mine. His quirk is powerful, same with one of his followers, who has that confession quirk. The chrono-whatever... not so much. It merely slows time on people, which frankly isn't that powerful. I am still getting it though.

Knocking down on the door of their current base, which is an abandoned warehouse, I wait patiently outside, humming some old Zelda music. Checking on my watch, I see that it's 1:10 AM, so a little past midnight. The door opens and one of his followers greets me through his plague doctor mask.

"You're here..." He whispered.

I smile curtly and bow slightly. "It is. Is your boss inside?"

He nods stoically. "Come in, Overhaul will want to speak with you."

I follow him, my eyes darting around and spotting a lot of Chisaki's men with guns in the shadows. I wouldn't have noticed them without my night vision lenses... Oh who am I kidding, I would have with my magic sensing.

Looking in front of me, I see the young yakuza boss setting on a red couch, staring at me with a dead look. I simply smile back, letting a bit of my aura leak out. Some of the minions visibly shiver under it, but Chisaki merely narrows his eyes.

I sit on the couch the opposite side of him, with only a tea table separating us, and I greet him politely. "It's an honor to finally meet you, young boss."

He leans forward. "An honor to meet you too, Mario-"

"Please, call me Sarah." I cut him off not so politely. "I'd prefer to be called that if you don't mind."

He pauses then nods. "Very well, Sarah. You may call me Overhaul."

"Of course."

I hear him take a breath before asking. "So... I heard that you know of our plans? And you want to help us?"

"I do. How I know is irrelevant, but I do desire for this world of heroes to end." I say truthfully. "A world full of hypocrites like them doesn't deserve to survive."

He looks at me skeptically. "Is that right? Aren't you using your powers to steal? Aren't you a hypocrite as well?"

I smile. "Ah, well, you see, the difference between the heroes and I is that I stay true to my nature... while they try to go against it," I explain. "When you have power, you use it for yourself. And using it for others because its 'the right thing to do' is simply using an excuse to feel morally superior."

He nods in understanding. "And what about us? What do you think of our goal?"

"Well, erasing the quirk of everyone will only make my job easier. Will you erase your quirk once you're done, Mr. Overhaul? Or will you keep it after everything?" I ask. "If heroes are no more, then taking from others will be a breeze. Of course, I'll leave you and your family alone as long as you do the same for me. So in short, I feel quite apathetic towards you."

"...What's in it for me?" He questions. "You don't think I'll do this for free, right?"

"I'll help you with the research. I have enough money for several lifetimes after all." I offer, then pause slightly. "If you don't mind... may I see the girl?"

He stares blankly at me for a few seconds then gestures for one of his minions. He understands and nods, then walks away to bring the Eri. We spend a few minutes in comfortable silence... well, as comfortable as it is to feel someone staring intently at you, so not very much.

I open my eyes and turn my head slightly to the right, and see the little girl with white hair staring fearfully at me. She's younger than she was in the show by... what, a year and a half? Two years? She's much younger than her first appearance, so getting her trust will be much easier.

I beckon for her to come closer, wearing a disarming smile. She blinks and slowly walks towards me, still looking afraid. I pat her head, subtly using the calm spell on her...

Then, in one swift movement, I grab the girl and fly high up in the sky, breaking the ceiling with my speed. Once I'm high enough, I knock the girl out and use a tenth of my mana to charge PoD, creating a big ball of destruction. Immediately after, I throw the ball at the warehouse... then make two more with the same strength and throw them as well.

I laugh as I see the plunder messages from killing them all. They're so fucking dumb!

Unique skills plundered: [Quirk: Overhaul], [Quirk: Confession], [Quirk: Chronostasis]...

I got so many skills from that little stunt!

"Well," I sigh, the laughter finally dying down. "That was a lot easier than I thought. I thought that a fight was gonna break out... Power of Destruction is a blessing."

Now that I got this kid, I think I'll leave her at the base. I should go before the heroes come here to see what happened...

I arrive at the place, entering my office through the window. I put the girl on a nearby couch and bring up my My Hero Academia skill window, giggling slightly at how filled it is. Granted, most of them are useless, but it's so satisfying seeing it so full.

I sit on my chair, reading my stats over and over...

Maybe I should go for that level up spree I once talked about. I want Illusionist and White Mage to hit 50 before I take over this world, so doing it now shouldn't be too hard.

With a sigh, I snap my finger and a huge grass field greets me. I change into more comfortable clothes, a tracker suit and pants, and disable my disguise. I take Frostbrand and stretch my muscles as the army of Orcs charge at me.

It's been quite a while since I did something like this...

Hope I didn't get rusty~

(Many, many dead orcs later...)

chopping the Orc Prince in half, I ignore his corpse as I immediately head for the chest that appeared, opening it with a kick.

Mostly trash... Except for the Gacha Token! Been so long since I had one of those.

Wonder what will it be...

Health Boost!

Your HP has Doubled!

Oh... Well, I won't say no to that. It's definitely useful in the long run, especially with war I'm planning to wage.

Now let's see my overall stats...

Cryo-Master Akane Amamiya

Level - 350

Class - White Mage - LVL 57/100 [24%]

Secondary Class - Illusionist - LV 51/100 [75%]

Race - Human

Rank - Mortal

Alignment - Neutral Evil

HP - 17,400 [2900 per minute]

MP - 40,033[27,750 per minute]

SP - 7520 [2392 per minute]

STR - 1024

END - 725

DEX - 962

INT - 2053

WIS - 1850

CHA - 844

LUK - 213

Skills gained

[Light Cannon]

Shoot a powerful projectile that deals 1000 AoE Light Damage

Costs 500 MP

[Healing Ray]

Heal far away allies by 500 HP per second. This spell reaches up to 1 Kilometer

Costs 300 MP per second

[Light Spirit]

Summon a light spirit that will continuously heal you by 5000 HP in bursts. The spirit will remain indefinitely, but it only has one HP

Costs 5000 MP


Make yourself invisible for 5 minutes

Costs 1000 MP

[Memory Wipe]

Wipe the memories of weaker targets

Costs 2500 MP

[Empathic Agony]

The target will feel 3x the sense of pain the caster feels for 10 minutes

Costs 2000 MP

[Fake Clones]

You make illusionary clones for every 10 INT you have, however, the clones will not be able to damage the enemy.

Costs 5000 MP

No perks this time... Eh, my DEX is extremely close to a thousand, so I'll get it there by tomorrow maybe.

How long have I spent here anyway? An hour? I think so, but then again, my sense of time turns upside down inside dungeons. The Orc Dungeon is always midday, so you can't really count how long you've been in here.

I yawn slightly and change back into my villain outfit, then exit the dungeon and sink into my comfy chair with a long sigh. That definitely helped take somestress off... but not much. Guess doing the same thing over and over will get boring after some time.

...Maybe I should turn to the original way of stress relief.

Who should be my first in this life though?

As someone knocks on the door, I reply. "Enter."

My second in command opens the door, looking concerned.

I tilt my head at him. "What's wrong?"

"Boss... Someone's here to see you." He answers.

I get off the chair, noticing that Eri is still asleep on the couch. I follow Ren outside the office and spot Kurogiri downstairs, waiting for me.

As much as I wanted to finish The Destroyer before meeting All For One... This is a good development.

I didn't have to look for him... as he found me first.

This should be fun~

Canon Omake: The Sanguine Twins' Unique Escapades Part 1.

Warning: contains spoilers for future events.

It was at the dead of night, with the moon shining brightly behind her and her brother. Looking over the quaint village from a distance, she took one more glance at the list she was given, with each face having a name and a little description. She heard her brother click his tongue in annoyance, signifying his impatience.

Carmine, a girl with short raven-hair and deep red eyes sighed. "Brother, I promise, you'll get what you want soon, but we mustn't be so careless."

Her brother, Crimson, who looks identical to her, rolled his eyes. "Come on, sis, these dumbass plebians can't put up a fight against us, so why the fuck should we be careful? I alone can finish the mission, two minutes tops."

Carmine once again sighed, this time at his vulgarity. "We need to be careful so you don't accidentally kill them. Mother ordered us to bring them alive, not dead."

"Yeah, yeah..." He huffed. "So what're their names again? Uhch- Ucha-"

"Your goal is the capture of every member of the Uchiha and the Hyuga clans." She recited, the memory is still fresh in her mind. "While I get all of the Jinchuuriki, starting with the one named Naruto Uzumaki."

"Wait, wait." Her brother smirked. "Naruto... as in fishcake?"

Even as she sighed, she couldn't get rid of the smile in her face. "No, as in Maelstorm."

Crimson burst out laughing. "Ahahahaha! Imagine naming your kid 'Fishcake'! Fuck, that's hilarious!"

"I think it's a cute name." The girl admitted.

"Of course you do, you big softie." He wiped a tear from his eye. "Anyway, we should get this over with. I have a score to settle with mom."

"Agreed. The sooner we're done with this, the better." Carmine nodded. "Remember, we need them alive, so please hold back."

"Got it." He smirked smugly as he cracked his knuckles. "Let's see who finishes first. See ya later, sis."

She simply smiled fondly as she saw him fly over to the Uchiha compound, a bit of his destruction magic releasing in excitement. She then took off herself, casting an invisibility spell as she searched for a life signature different to others. With her skill in magic, it didn't take long as she saw two energy signatures in one body inside a building.

She teleported inside, making a little blonde toddler yelp in surprise. She took a look at him and nodded to herself when she saw the whiskers. The toddler was simply staring at her, not knowing how to react at all.

Carmine smiled gently as she kneeled to his level. "Sorry I startled you, but might you be Naruto Uzumaki?"

The boy nodded hesitantly but refused to answer vocally. Carmine understood his fear, and she cast a calming spell while activating her Trustful Aura.

"Are you okay?" She asked him, frowning in concern as she saw the scratches and bruises on his face. "Who did this to you? Did someone hurt you?"

Naruto looked away and answered with a stutter. "I-it was the other kids in the park. T-they called me a monster and hit me."

Carmine frowned sadly, and she brought her hand closer to his face, then a golden light appeared, healing the small wounds on the boys face. Carmine giggled as she saw the boy's awed look, patting his head affectionately.

"Tell me, Naruto, would you like to see a nice place? A place where you won't be hurt anymore?" She asked him. "A place where people won't call you a demon?"

He stared at her. "R-really? D-does a place like that exist?"

Carmine nodded with a smile. "It does."

He looked troubled, debating silently with himself. "W-what about the old man? The- I mean, the Third Hokage?"

She smiled sadly. "I'm sorry, but I'm afraid he can't come with us." She told the truth. "I can only bring you and a few other kids like you, who are also called demons."

"T-there are kids like me?" He questioned in surprise, a hopeful tone in his voice. "D-do you know why I'm called a demon? Why people hate me?"

"I do." She nodded. "But I need you to come with me if you want me to explain."

Surprisingly enough, he didn't ask any other questions. "...O-okay. I'll go with you. But c-can I see the old man? I wanna tell him."

She frowned sadly as she whispered. "I'm sorry..."

The boy didn't react as he was sent to sleep by Carmine's spell. She gently held the boy and teleported away, her enhanced hearing catching the sounds of destruction.

It seems brother started his work. She mused. I managed to snatch Naruto before that happened, thankfully, and my next destination should be Sunagakure.

With a snap of her finger, Naruto was teleported to her home. She flapped her dragon wings and quickened her flight to her destination, reaching it in a nano-second.

I hope you didn't get too ahead of yourself and kill anyone. She prayed in her mind. Mother is stressed enough as it is.


He yawned as he tilted his head to avoid a kunai, completely and utterly bored with these Uchiha weaklings. Another activated their weird eyes and tried to put him in an illusion, failing as Crimson turned it back against them. He didn't know why his mother was so insistent on getting these fools, but he won't judge. She probably has some grand (Read: mad) plans for them, and he couldn't be bothered to learn them.

Man, I want some ice cream. He thought, slapping a flimsy fireball away. Maybe we should stop at a place before going home.

"Y-you...!" One of them uttered. "What are you?!"

Crimson smirked, menacingly showing a sharp fang. "Me? I'm Crimson Amamiya, The Sanguine Prince."

He didn't wait for a response as he knocked out the one who asked with his aura, then knocked another with a chop to the neck. Granted, he enjoys a close fight more than this... but being this dominating has its own kind of fun.

He lazily looked behind him as one of the clan members shot another fireball. Crimson rolled his eyes and used his Power of Destruction to erase the coming attack. He blurred and grabbed the attacker by his face and slammed him to the ground. Crimson then raised a brow as he recognized the face of this weakling.

"Ah, you're one of the named ones." He mused. "What was it again? Ati- Iti-... Oh! Itachi! Right? Your name is Itachi?"

The guy didn't answer, opting to use his illusion Jutsu or whatever. Crimson easily shrugged it off, as he himself is a Master Illusionist trained by an unmatched one. He did find the attempt amusing though.

"Well, it doesn't really matter. Be thankful that mother wants you alive." He said, before knocking him out with a powerful illusion spell.

Once he was out, Crimson looked around him, seeing many unconscious bodies around the destroyed compound. He wouldn't have made the barrier surrounding the compound if he knew it would be this easy.

"Huh... I did it... I actually didn't kill anyone." He chuckled. "Well, would you look at that. And Carmine says I need more self-control."

He stretched, popping his shoulders. "Welp, gotta take care of these fuckers and send them home. Might as well finish this mission before dinner..."

And with that, he stopped messing around as he did his job.


Looking over my children in pride, I smile at them. I get off my throne and slowly walk towards them, seeing them tense slightly at my approach. Once I was in front of them, I bring them into a hug, surprising them both.

"You both exceeded my expectations," I say, pulling out as I look at them. "Not only you finished quickly, but you, my son, followed my word to the letter, and brought them all in pristine condition. I'm proud of you two."

Crimson blushes and looks away with a grunt, while Carmine beams at the praise. I pat their heads, with both enjoying the affection I'm giving... Of course, Crimson is hiding his enjoyment horribly.

What a tsundere~

"Y-yeah, whatever." He huffs. "You owe me that fight you promised, though, don't think I forget."

I resist a sigh and smile instead. "Of course."

Poor boy. He virtually has no chance of beating me... but I don't want to crush his dreams like that. I'm not a bad mother.

"M-mother," Carmine says shyly. "Umm... if you don't mind me asking... what will you do with the small children?"

Oh, Carmine... Such a pure-hearted maiden, thinking of others before herself. What a noble girl...

"I'm simply extracting the beasts within them to turn into energy," I tell her. "The children are safe if that's what you're concerned about."

She held in a sigh of relief, not wanting to be rude in front of me.

What a cute girl~

"Well, you may use the rest of the week as you please. I will have a mission for you on Sunday, understand?" They nod. "This one will be harder, but I'm sure you'll easily complete it like the past ones."

They both bow politely then leave the throne room, leaving me alone once again. Before they're gone, I use a spell on them.

Carmine Amamiya

The Sanguine Princess

HP - 12,500,000

MP - 24,750,000

SP - 10,000,000

Race - Draconic Pure-Vampire

Tier - Champion

Level - 1450

Alignment - True Neutral

STR - 1245

END - 1300

DEX - 1605

INT - 2540

WIS - 2450

CHA - 600

LUK - 300

Affection - 100

Loyalty - 100

Thoughts about you - Unconditional love, Nervousness, Pride

Crimson Amamiya

The Sanguine Prince

HP - 15,700,000

MP - 21,550,000

SP - 13,000,000

Race - Draconic Pure-Vampire

Tier - Champion

Level - 1470

Alignment - Chaotic Neutral

STR - 1350

END - 1400

DEX - 1650

INT - 2200

WIS - 2150

CHA - 600

LUK - 300

Affection - 100

Loyalty - 100

Thoughts about you - Unconditional love, Nervousness, Pride, Final goal.

They've grown so much... and they're still 16 years old!

I can't believe I've been blessed with such cute children... even after everything I've done...

Eh, who gives a shit about other people? As long as I'm happy and my kids are happy, I'll do whatever it takes. I've already conquered many worlds... but I'm still not done. By the time I'm done, the entire omniverse will be under my rule... then I can rest.

I sigh, walking towards the lab. I'll kill a few Uchihas to get their eyes, then give it to my strongest troops. With my magic, no one will have to deal with annoying blindness in the Mangekyou stage. Everyone will instantly jump to the eternal stage... and my children and I will get the Rinne-Sharingan. Only we get the best.

Hope the Uchiha don't scream as loud as those dragon slayer mages...