
Play the Game Differently

 What was she like she wonders? She only remembers a bit about her past, and that she was not a good person. Well, if you think a Sociopath is good, then maybe you should get that head of yours checked. One thing's for certain, Hero or Villain, Akane doesn't care about anything that doesn't benefit her, and will do whatever it takes to reach to the top.  [Disclaimer]-This story is fanfiction. The copyright of source materials belongs to their respective owners. Please support the official release! [Warning]-This story is rated M (MA) due to contents such as gores, profanities, violence, smut, and so on. If your age is less than 18-years-old, please consider skipping this story. Be responsible for your choice. You have been warned. Thank you for reading this warning! P.S- posting this for fun and also this affronted fanfic is not mine I'm just posting this here in Webnovel. [Original Fanfic Author]-https://m.fanfiction.net/u/12142283/Mirlnir [Original Site]-https://m.fanfiction.net/s/13542266/1/Play-The-Game-Differently

TheEternalWanderer · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

No One Cares Anyway

Leisurely walking through the city, I check my watch and see that it's 3 in the afternoon, meaning that a few hours and the slime Villain will attack Izuku. I pull out my phone, lazily scrolling through the news and other uninteresting things until I find a headline that makes me grin.

'Gangs are getting bolder! Two banks robbed yesterday!'

Hilarious. I didn't even do anything yesterday, and some lowly gang did the work for me. Too bad for them though, they need to go.

No one takes my money.

Or... I could just start from there. Take out the leader and they'll follow me like lost puppies.

All I need to do is to find them, and it's not exactly hard to do really.

I let out a handful of spiders on the ground, letting do their work as they crawl around everywhere, with some of them going in groups. Cute little things... Even if they're annoying to make.

I'll deal with the gang when the time comes, for now, I need to observe and stand close to Izuku, and when All Might crushes his dreams, then it'll be time to reap what he's sown. It shouldn't be difficult with my current CHA and its new perks.

Now, I believe his school is east of here...

I put my phone back inside my pocket and start jogging, going inside an alley and flap my wings, creating a sonic boom as I fly to my destination. It didn't take that long as I land near the school's gate when I made sure no one was watching, leaning against the wall, and watching the students exit.

After a few minutes, the green-haired 'protagonist' exits himself, frowning sadly as he kept his head low. I take out a spider and let it follow him, jumping inside his pocket after it catches up.

Pulling out my phone, I use the radar function I created and see a red dot indicating where Izuku is. If it starts moving too fast, then that means he's with All Might... or holding onto his leg to be exact.

I guess all I need to do now is wait... I should probably change my clothes soon though.

(Izuku) (After sludge attack...)

He stood in silence, his heart beating rapidly as he awaited his idol's response. The skeletal form of All Might stared at him with a Hollowed look, his eyes a dull blue.

'Can a quirkless person like me be a hero?' The boy had asked, feeling hopeful that the symbol of peace won't reject his dreams... as everyone else did. A hero doesn't need powers, right? Heroes can be heroes if they had the heart for it, right? Right?

"I..." His idol opened his mouth, and with a weary sigh, he replied. "I'm sorry..."

Izuku froze.


"But you can't be a hero without a quirk."

No... Please...

Izuku felt his stomach twist, his heart beat faster, and his blood draining from his face. This can't be... Please...

"This world is a dangerous one, young man." All Might continued. "What you dream will only get you killed..."

Why... "I... I see..." Why does no one believe in me?

He felt his emotions hollow out as unpleasant memories begin to play out in his mind. From the moment he discovered that he was quirkless, to his mom never believing in him... to him losing his friends.

"If you want to help others," The weakened form of All Might stood up and walked to the door. "Then you can be a police officer or a doctor."

Why? What did I do to deserve this?

"But a hero's job is not for you." His hero said, looking over his shoulder as he gave the younger boy one last glance. "Trust me on that."

The door was shut, and Izuku was left alone with his thoughts. With his soul and heart crushed, he simply did not know what to do. A police officer? A doctor? That's not what he wanted to be. He wanted to be a hero who saved everyone with a smile, like All Might!

But... What's the point? Not even his idol believed it was possible.

Tears were suddenly falling as his legs felt like jelly. He shut his eyes and wiped the tears, letting out a shaky sigh as he stopped his sobs.

"Oh, you poor little thing~" A familiar voice spoke up.

Before he could react, someone wrapped their arms around his neck, and when he tried to turn to see who it was, he was greeted by a face that made his lifeless eyes spring back to life. Fear, terror, and embarrassment filled his body as one of the dangerous villains as of now pressed her... Uh, assetsagainst his back. He felt an oppressive aura press him as well, making him not able to talk.

He was torn on what to feel, embarrassed that an absolutely beautiful woman was this close to his face, or horrified that one of the dangerous villains in Japan was next to him.

His mind settled on both.

"To have your dream utterly crushed like that... And by the Number 1 Hero no less..." He shivered when her breath hit his neck. "It must hurt you so much..."

When those words left her, he felt his heart clench, tears threatening to spill again. The way she said it... It wasn't sarcastic. She sounded genuinely sympathetic.

"Such a horrible world..." She said sorrowfully, letting go and getting in front of him. "How could anyone do this?"

Izuku's body shook, looking down as he sobbed silently. Then he reminded himself that this was a villain and not just anyone. With that realization, he stepped back still tearing up as he tried to get away from her.

"Don't be afraid." Her Angelic voice assured him as her gentle emerald eyes stared at him. "I do not enjoy hurting the innocent. I promise I won't harm you in any way."

He knew that he shouldn't trust a villain at all. They're all selfish and evil, only wanting to take and never give...

So why does his heart feel so utterly calm when she said that?

"W-w-" He gulped. "W-what d-do you w-want from me?"

She giggled cutely, causing his face to go red. "I don't want anything from you... I simply want to talk."

"...A-about what?"

Her smile disappeared as she frowned sadly. "Tell me; what will you do now?"

He stiffened, not expecting this question at all. "I... I don't know..."

He doesn't know why he's casually talking to a villain like that... but he can't understand why he... trusts her.

"Of course you wouldn't." She said, her eyes closed. "Why do you want to be a hero?"

"I-I've always to save everyone with a smile." He answered easily. "All Might was-"


He stopped. "H-huh?"

She looked at him, her eyes devoid of emotions. "Why would you want to save these people?"

"I-I don't understand?" He took a step back, unsettled by the feeling she gave off.

Her frown deepened. "You say you want to save people... but all I see are people who don't deserve saving."

Izuku stayed silent, not knowing how to respond.

"These people... they're animals in human skin." She scoffed. "They wouldn't care about you anymore they do anyone else. They're all selfish and hypocritical..." She looked at him coldly. "You should know better. You are quirkless after all."

He winced but stood his ground. "Y-you're wrong-"

"Oh really? How many times have you been bullied then?" She cut him off. "How many times have your pleas went unheard? How many people looked at you differently when they realized what you really are?"

He wanted to deny her words... but his voice stopped working.

Maybe you should jump and see if you get a quirk in your next life! instead, His brain betrayed him and reminded him of one of his worst memories.

"Innumerable I'm sure." She continued. "I have no idea why you want to be a hero after all that. Don't you think you've had enough? Have you ever felt that being a hero is not worth it?"

His hand clenched as he felt his blood get hot. Don't listen to her. She's wrong!

Is she? A traitorous part of his mind argued. They never helped you. They just make fun of you and hurt you...

No! Don't think that!

"This 'Society' is a glorified jungle... and you're at the bottom of the food chain." She said. "Do you know what quirkless people really go through?"

The question got him to stop the argument in his mind to look at her.

"If you think being a police officer or a doctor is any easier, then you're adorably naive." She chuckled humorlessly. "In fact, people will judge you even when quirks are not needed."

N-no... "Y-you're lying!"

"Am I?" She walked over to where he was, smiling condescendingly. "You realize this is why the suicide rate is high for you quirkless folk, no? No job, no money... no life."

He couldn't believe it- didn't want to believe it... but it makes sense...

His heart started beating fast as an emotion he once has forgotten began to resurface.

"Look around you." she continued, her smile replaced with cold indifference. "Does this place- do these people deserve to be saved? The same people who are so needlessly cruel to your kind? The same people who would never bat an eye to your suffering?"

His breathing got ragged as he gritted his teeth, finally recognizing his feelings.

"And don't let me get started on the heroes." She mocked. "This society forgot what a hero really is, so they made it a profession." She laughed. "A profession of all things!"


He was angry. Angry at his so-called friends for leaving him so easily, angry at his mom for not believing in him, angry at his idol for crushing his dream, angry at the world for treating him like trash...

And angry at himself for not realizing it sooner.

"A world like this..." She spoke tiredly. "Doesn't deserve heroes."

"...You're right." He agreed, making her raise a brow in surprise. He himself couldn't believe what he's saying. "You're absolutely right."

"...Oh?" She smirked. "Really now?"


She giggled sweetly. "What about being a hero? Where did that go?"

"They never helped me." He replied, anger getting rid of his fear and nervousness. "Why should I help them?"

She smirked darkly. "You're right. They don't deserve it... which is why I'd like to propose to you the chance to work for me."

He instantly froze. Work for a villain? Him? But... what would his mom...

His rage got back in his mind, making him scowl. Why should he care? She probably doesn't care about him...

But... he's useless. No quirk, no powers, and he doesn't really know much about criminal activities.

"Why you, I hear you ask?" She giggled as he yelped. "I simply see potential in you is all."

"B-but I-I don't know what to do..."

He couldn't believe that he's debating on whether to join a criminal or not. A single bad day can really mess you up...

Her angelic giggle made him blush. "We'll get to that soon... For now, how about you go home? We can speak more about this later."

"B-bu-" He didn't get to finish as The Marionettist, the hottest villain in all of Japan or even the world, planted a kiss on his cheek.

Izuku felt steam come out of his ears as his face turned beet red. He struggled to stay conscious as the woman in front of him winked then left through the door, leaving him alone to process what happened.

He couldn't do that though since he fell face-first on the ground, his mind unable to comprehend the last five seconds, causing him to lose consciousness almost immediately.


30 Affection with Izuku Midoriya

Well... that wasn't difficult. The illusion spells might've made this easy for me though, so I can't say that it should be.

Now that I cracked his moral compass, it shouldn't be hard to groom him to become a good villain... Its gonna take a while to teach him everything though. I have time thankfully.

Now should be around the time where Katsuki gets abducted by the sludge villain... and Bakugo's quirk is powerful when given to the right hands.

I dispel the disguise illusion, turning me from a green-eyed blonde to my real looks, long black hair and red eyes. I snap my finger and my clothes change into a casual black shirt, red jacket, and short jeans. I use my wings and fly off to the commotion, looking bored as I cross my arms.

I didn't take long to arrive, seeing the heroes uselessly standing around as the ash-blonde suffocated to death. With a smirk, I summon ten ice cannons behind me and shoot them at the villain, making sure I don't hit the kid when doing so. The explosions freeze half of his body while the other half gets completely blown away.

The heroes don't waste a second and rush to the rescue, causing me to let out a few spiders and fly away before I was seen.

Once I was out of sight, I glance at the figure of Katsuki Bakugo with a sinister grin.

I'm gonna enjoy this...

(A few hours later...)

"N-no p-please!" The gang leader pleads, crawling back in fear as his leg was completely erased.

"Mr. Tanaka..." I drawl out with a tired look. "I told you before; I can't let you keep taking what's mine."

"I-I'll stop! I promise!" He pleads again.

"If you had said that earlier, I would've let you go..." A spear of light forms in my hand. "But what was it that you said to me? 'A slut like you should service men before... being a villain?' Ironic considering I stole enough money to buy you off an auction a million times over... and still have enough to buy a mansion."

"I-I'm sorr- GAAAAAAH!" He cries out as I stab his remaining leg with the spear. "I-I'M SORRY! I'M SORRY! PLEASE DON'T KILL MEEEEE!"

"Kill you? Oh no, I'm not doing that!" Yet. "There is something I want to do first you see, but we'll get to you soon. There's something I need to tell your men..."

I leave his office, my annoyance disappearing as I smile politely at cannon fodder of the Tiger Claw gang. Such a dumb name...

"Greetings everyone!" I wave my hand cheerfully, making some of them pale in recognition. It wasn't hard to get inside the place without anyone knowing... "I believe some of you already know how I am, but I'll introduce myself to those who don't.

"I'm the villain recently known as The Marionettist," I reveal with a bow. "And I came here for a simple offer."

I pause for them to digest the knowledge, then continue. "As of now, I'm your new leader since Mr. Tanaka is... out of commission at the moment."

Some of them freeze, realizing what I meant. Yuto Tanaka is a B-class villain, with a quirk to turn himself into whatever material he touches. A good quirk, I'll admit... and I'll take it soon enough.

"And I'd like to personally invite you to the newly formed 'Sanguine Spectacle', the gang that will eventually rule all of Japan's underworld," I say, a confident smile on my face. "Now, you could either agree or simply walk away... but if you do the former..."

I subtly take a deep breath as I throw away millions worth of yen at them. I felt something in my mind screaming at me for doing a stunt like this... but I remind myself that it's for the best.

You'll get treasures and treasures worth of wealth one day... just play the generous one this time.

After some time with no reaction whatsoever, they finally realize what happened and they roar in joy, hoarding as much money as they can. I sigh slightly as I see some of them cry profusely, shouting their loyalties to me.





As silly as this is... It feels good to be looked up to like this. Maybe I should do this more often...

I check on my phone and grin slightly, seeing a bird finally leaving its nest.

"Alright, everyone. I appreciate your kind words," I bow in gratitude. "But there's something I'd like to do before we all get to know each other. If possible, I'd like to see the place cleaned and maintained once I come back, and the former leader to be left with a few guards. You'd do that for me... wouldn't you?"



I smile gently at them. "Thank you. I'm sure I can count on you all to make me proud."

They cheer for me, throwing compliments and praise my way as I leave the place through the office's window. I glance at the broken and wounded form of the former boss, making him yelp as he tries to escape.

With a sinister smirk, I exit the place, using my wings to get on top of a building, then dismiss them and run towards my target.

First quirk, here I come~


With his hands in his pockets, he glares at the ground as he walked through the neighborhood, the full moon shining from above. He gritted his teeth in anger as he remembered what happened today.

The feeling of hopelessness and fear froze him as he suffocated. He couldn't use his quirk at all... and that pissed him off to no end. For him to be so utterly defenseless against some no-name villain like that shitty sludge guy...

"Fuck!" He screamed, blasting the air in anger.

What the hell?! He snarled, feeling absolutely livid at himself. I'm supposed to be the future number one hero! How did I let that moron get me?!

He tried to calm himself, sighing deeply as he kept on walking. Where's that useless Izuku when you need him? He needs a punching bag to release some pent up stress.

"Well..." Katsuki froze. "You seem quite angry."

"Huuh?" The ash-blonde boy turned his head, looking annoyed that someone else was here... only for him to freeze.

A golden-haired, green-eyed beautiful woman stared at him, a smirk on her face. Katsuki jumped back when he realized who it was, his hands sparking with tiny explosions.

The Marionettist giggled sweetly. "How adorable. You think you can threaten me with something so pathetic? Please..." Red and black sparks started to envelop her body.

Katsuki gritted his teeth, feeling insulted that some extra can say that to him, then he grinned manically. "I'm warning you bitch, you don't want to mess with me."

"Oh? Really now?" She smiled... then appeared in front of him and delivered a powerful punch to his gut.

The wind was knocked out of him, making him double over in pain as he tried to keep his dinner where it belonged.

He hacked and coughed, noticing that the punch was enough for him to spit blood. He tried to get up using his shaky legs, but couldn't as the villain slammed her foot on his head, the force breaking the concrete street.

"You have no idea how much I wanted to do this..." She growled. "I've always hated your gut the moment you made your first appearance in the anime..."

He couldn't understand what she's saying. Anime? What does anime have to do with this?

"I have no idea why the fandom was all over you. Deep character? Don't make me laugh." Her voice was getting louder and louder. "All you did was whine and complain when Izuku surpassed you. Throwing your obnoxious temper tantrums around every episode... You piss me off!"

He aimed his hand to blow up her face... but it was cut off before he could use his quirk.

He screamed in agony as blood splattered everywhere, painting the ground crimson.

"Your attempts at defending yourself are sad... but amusing." She chuckled darkly. "Don't worry though, I've heard the next world is quite welcoming..."

He needs to run away, but how? She got him cornered and no hero was near them at all.

Is this... Is this it?

"Oh, who am I kidding. You're probably going to hell." She laughed.

Is this how he's gonna die?

But... he's the next number one hero... right?

He doesn't deserve this...

He was-

Suddenly, his chest felt so hot yet so cold. He tried to see what happened as he felt her foot left off his head. He turned and saw a spear of ice plunged into his heart, and that made him realize that there's no escape from this nightmare.

Tears of despair began to spill as he felt his vision darken. He tried to scream for help- scream for mercy... but nothing came out...

His impaled heart knew that even if he could... nobody would come.

I was supposed to be a hero... why is this happening to me...?

Then, he remembered.

Izuku... Is this because of you? Is this my punishment?

His mind began to replay memories from the elementary and kindergarten times. When Izuku and he were inseparable. They were always together, whether playing or studying, they stuck with each other... but when Izuku's quirk never manifested... he abandoned him.

How could he do this? How could he turn on someone like this? A hero protects others... not bully them.

"Iz...uku... I'm... sor...ry"

As he spilled his apology... Life left the eyes of Katsuki Bakugo.


"Iz...uku... I'm... sor...ry" He chokes out... before dying.

Unique skill plundered: [Quirk: Explosion]

...Huh, I didn't expect that to be his last words. Death makes people act differently, doesn't it? Oh well, not like I really care.

And finally, my first ever quirk plundered. There are definitely more powerful quirks out there, like Shoto's ice and fire... but I just really really dislike Katsuki. So obnoxiously loud and annoying... I feel like I made the world a better place by getting rid of him.

His explosion quirk is incredibly powerful in the right hand as well... Like Issei's. The quirk isn't really useful to me personally, but imagine an explosion that's boosted ten times or so? Issei will be throwing nukes left and right given enough time.

Especially with the fact that his magic potential is rock-bottom. Explosions will make a fine replacement.

I glare at Katsuki's corpse in distaste... then disintegrate it with PoD. An annoying piece of shit like him doesn't even deserve a space in my inventory.

Seeing nothing left of him, I nod in approval. Now I feel much better.

I think I'll go and celebrate with my new gang now... I deserve a well-earned rest.

(Two days later...)

With a smile, I walk towards the door of my gang's base with Izuku in tow. A glance at him told me everything I needed to know.

"Are you nervous?" I say, causing him to yelp.

"Y-yes..." He nods. "I-I'm sorry, I-I just never thought I'd do something like this..."

"You worry too much, Izuku," I assure him. "Trust me; this is where you've always belonged..."

"I... y-yeah, you're right..."

I smile gently at him, making him turn red and look away. I subtly roll my eyes and turn back to the door, opening it and revealing a well-organized place with a few people in.

The ones inside freeze as they see me... then they start cheering for me almost immediately. I smile slightly and gesture for Izuku to follow me, which he does so obediently.

"Everyone, I have an important announcement," I tell them, making them quiet down. I gesture for the green-haired nerve-wreck and continue. "Meet our new member, Izuku Midoriya. Treat him as you'd do each other, okay?"

They all voice their compliance, their eyes studying him intently. Izuku shuffles nervously, not used to be the center of attention.

"I'd also like to add that Izuku here can help you all in your use of quirks," I reveal. "He has written hundreds of notes about heroes and their quirks, including strengths and weaknesses."

He blushes as the other members let out a collective 'wow's and 'Ooh's, making me chuckle slightly.

"Let him study your quirk for a little while and I'm 100% sure he'll find ten new ways for you to use them." I lightly slap his back, causing him to take a step forward.

"I-I'll be in your c-care!" He bows a full 90 degrees, making some of the members laugh.

"Welcome aboard kid!"

"You'll like it here, Izuku!"

"Someone get the guy a drink!"

Izuku yelps. "I-I'm not old enough to drink!"

"Who cares?! We're criminals, Midoryia!"

"For the Sanguine Spectacle! For Izuku Midoryia!"

The others start chanting as they drag the boy with them, singing praise for me and his skill in analyzing quirks. Did they take my words seriously that fast? Charisma is such a powerful stat...

"Ren," I call my second in command, a tall man with swept-back dark red hair wearing ripped jeans and an open black vest. "Have you found anything about the Shie Hassaikai?"

They're good at hiding, I'll admit. I sent a lot of spiders but I couldn't pinpoint where they are. I think they're continuously moving around...

"Sorry boss, nothing." He shook his head. "You were right, though, the old Yakuza base was abandoned."

"...I see. Keep looking around for them."

He nods. "Got it."

Talk about a pain in the ass. I might disappear for a few days and upgrade my tech proficiency, I need better spy machines than the spiders...

"Ren, I'll be busy for a few days. Take care of the place, and make sure Izuku gets treated right. Do not get the attention of heroes while I'm gone, got it?"

He grins widely and gives a thumbs-up. "You can count on me, boss."

I leave the place, and once I close the door behind me, I dispel the illusion and summon my wings. Without wasting any time, I fly off to my secret base, calculating my next movement in this world.

Take care of Overhaul, get Eri... then kill All For One. And once I get enough followers... I'll take over Japan.

Seems good enough...