
Pirate Love Festival (Luffy X Hancock FanFic)

The third instalment of the Luffy x Hancock series Trilogy. Set in the Movie Stampede, Hancock is invited to the Pirate Festival along with other famous pirates. She attends for one reason only, to see her beloved. Follow her POV of the events that happened at the Pirate Fes, and see how she and Luffy spent their time together after their confession months before.

KodyakCombs · Anime e quadrinhos
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20 Chs

The Daily Life of Boa Hancock 2

Amazon Lily. Hancock was in her throne room standing some distance away from her throne with Enishida by her side. She used her finger to create a frame and looked at the throne again. 




She snapped her fingers and more attendants entered the room carrying dummies that resembled Luffy and Hancock. They placed the dummies on the throne together, with the Hancock dummy sitting on the Luffy dummy's lap. 


"What do you think, Snake Princess?" 


Enishida asked with a nervous expression. Hancock looked at the throne again and frowned. 


"While I'll love to sit in Luffy's lap all the time, he might find it uncomfortable." 


"So then..." 


Hancock nodded. 


"Have a throne built for Luffy. I want it to be made out of solid gold. If we don't have enough gold, have the Kuja Pirates go steal some." 


"Yes, Ma'am. Are there any deadlines for the throne?" 


"Hm? None as yet. Just keep working on it until I say to stop." 


"As you wish." 


Hancock nodded. 


"Bring in the others." 


More Attendants came in, this time carrying three dummies of children wearing Strawhats. They placed the dummies with the Luffy and Hancock dummies. Hancock once again took a look at the throne. After a while, she nodded. 


"As I thought, having a family photo on the throne would be ideal." 


"What family?" 


Hancock turned around to see Elder Nyon looking at her with confusion. She looked past Hancock and looked at the dummies on the throne. 


".....Have you finally lost your mind?" 


"I'm just preparing for the future." 


"No, you're being borderline psychotic." 


Elder Nyon looked at the throne again. 


"Why do they have Strawhats anyway? Even the infant..." 


"Because they're Luffy's children." 


"Why are you looking at me like I asked a stupid question?!" 


Elder Nyon pointed at the throne. 


"Why are you wasting your time on stuff like this?! You're the leader of our country!" 


"What are you talking about? I'm doing this for our people." 




"I mean, we're planning out how we'll welcome our future emperor." 




Elder Nyon walked up to Hancock and poked her chest. 


"What do you mean New Emperor?! Don't tell me you intend to hand over your throne to Luffy?!" 


"That was the plan, yes." 


Elder Nyon jumped and grabbed Hancock's ear. 


"Ow! Ow! Ow! What the hell are you doing, you senile old fart?!" 


"Are you stupid?! No, don't answer that! You are stupid!" 


Hancock kicked at Elder Nyon, but she dodged it and countered with a kick of her own. Hancock fell on her butt. She looked up at Elder Nyon with shock. 


"Don't think I'll take your abuse forever." 


Elder Nyon did some swift kicks with her stubby legs. 


"I've been retraining my body lately. So, don't look down on-" 


A few minutes later, a group of attendants were seen rushing out of the palace carrying a stretcher. On the stretcher was an unconscious Elder Nyon. 




Hancock silently watched as she was being carried away from the window of the palace's highest floor. 


"Shouldn't have been talking shit, Old woman." 


She turned away and returned to planning her future family life. 


The next day. 




Elder Nyon barged into Hancock's throne room with veins popping in her head and neck. 


"Oh, you recovered already? I guess you still got it, Gloriosa." 


Elder Nyon started gritting her teeth. 




"Elder Nyon!" 


A woman with a strong jawline barged into the throne. 


"My apologies, Snake Princess!" 


She immediately bowed in front of Hancock. 


"You're excused, Belladonna. I take it you're here to collect this thing." 


"This thing?! That's it, you little bitch! Meet me in the coliseum! Let's settle th—Mhm?!" 


Belladonna covered Elder Nyon's mouth. 


"My deepest apologies, Snake Princess! I'll take her back to the hospital immediately." 


"Please do, Belladonna. Also, could you give her something for her deranged behaviour? She's getting cruder by the day." 


Elder Nyon started thrashing around but Belladonna and some other girls held onto her. 


"I will try, Snake Princess. Now, if you will excuse me." 


Belladonna and the other girls took Elder Nyon and left. Hancock sighed as she sat on the throne. 


"Aging is a terrifying thing." 


She took out a picture of Luffy. 


"But I'm sure you'll love me even if I go senile, right?" 


She hugged the picture tightly and was grinning from ear to ear. 




The next day, Elder Nyon stood in front of Hancock's throne again. This time she was completely calm. 


"My, so you can be civil? I guess the cruelty of old age hasn't taken over as of yet." 


Hancock spoke with a condescending tone. 




Elder Nyon didn't answer. 


"Hm? Did you perhaps not hear me? Was your hearing the first to go?" 


"No matter what you say, I won't get worked up." 


Hancock frowned. 


"What do you mean?" 


"I mean, I won't satisfy you by engaging in your banter." 


"Satisfy me? Please." 


"Say what you want, but you know I'm one of the few who will criticize you and talk to you harshly. I also know it entertains you, so I'm done." 


Hancock became quiet. 


"What are you plotting, Old Woman?" 


"I'm not plotting anything." 


Elder Nyon showed Hancock a smile that contradicted her words. 


(The time I get you back is approaching faster than I expected.) 


A quiet sinister laugh escaped her mouth which caused Hancock to frown even more. 


"More importantly...." 


Elder Nyon took out a newspaper. 


"Do you want to hear about what new and exciting things Luffy has been up to?" 


She showed the front of the newspaper that had the title "A Fifth Emperor Emerges?!" 




Hancock happily sprung from her throne and grabbed the paper. All the doubts she had about Elder Nyon vanished in an instant. 


"Luffy has been quite busy lately and has grown in status as well." 


She said as Hancock stared at the front page with heart eyes. 


"Monkey D Luffy infiltrated into Yonko Big Mom's territory to rescue one of his crew members, Black Leg Sanji who turned out to be the 4th Prince of the Notorious Germa Kingdom." 


Hancock squealed while holding the paper tightly. 


"I can just imagine how heroic Luffy looked challenging an Emperor for his friend!" 


She started fanning herself with the paper while looking hot and bothered. 


"I wish I was there to see it." 


She started reading the paper again and a frown appeared on her face. Soon, that frown turned into disgust. 


"Monkey D Luffy once again partnered with a member of the Worst Generation when taking on a powerful enemy, this time it was Capone "Gang" Bege." 


She crushed the paper. 


"Trafalgar Law I could overlook, but who is this crude man teaming up with my Luffy?" 


Flames started burning in her eyes. 


"The only one who should stand by Luffy's side is me! Not this random character!" 


She shouted at the top of her lungs. She breathed heavily for a bit before calming down. 


"But I'm glad Luffy was able to save his crewmate." 


Her voice became mellow. She remembered the state Luffy was in when he lost Ace. 



"I don't want him to go through another loss." 


She slowly straightened out the paper. 


"He saved his crewmate and recently reunited with his brother who he thought was dead...." 


A smile crawled onto her face. 


"Luffy must feel like he's on top of the world." 


She leaned back in her throne. 


"That's enough for me really." 


Elder Nyon looked at Hancock in silence for a bit. 


"You really are only like this when it comes to Luffy and your sisters. Oh, you did get close to that Caria girl too on Bounty Island." 


"What are you getting at, Granny?" 


"Nothing. I just find it amazing how complex you can be sometimes." 


(You're still a brat though.) 


Elder Nyon thought. She approached Hancock's throne. 


"Snake Princess." 


"What is it?" 


Elder Nyon smiled as she took something out of her clothes. It was a poster that said Pirate Festival. She showed it to Hancock who put on a confused expression. 


"If you had a chance to meet Luffy soon, would you take it?"