
When Sisters Meet

'The Rising...'

Oleander City...

Shinning Sentinels Guild Base...

Vice-Captain Atalanta Le Fay's room...

"M... My lady..." A very nervous guard said flinching slightly as the blonde woman's eyes slowly turned to look down on him, from up above her throne. "We uhh... We've retrieved your sword." They announced presenting her the golden blade that she had buried in a tree a few days ago.

"Oh my... They were able to remove it?" She asked with the tiniest bit of surprise entering her eyes as she stared at the blade.

"N... No, Ma'am... It was a pair of Wizards members who removed it."

"Someone from 'my' Guild?"

"N... No. I... I believe they weren't in a Guild yet but they seem to want to join one... P... P... Ph..."

"Phoenix Flight." Atalanta said quietly. She let out the smallest of sighs as a certain blue haired boy with rows, and rows of sharp fanged shark like teeth. Davi Hawker...

'Ha! Take that ya stuck up bitch!' His words echoed around her mind for a moment as her eye twitched slightly.

"Ordinarily it is forbidden by my Father's law that an Arcane Knight, may engage another Arcane Knight, unless it is ordered by your Quest. Breaking this law can be punishable by expulsion from the Guilds, and even the Country... Still..." Her teeth gritted slightly as a golden aura seemed to bubble up around her. Part of the room seemed to begin to light up as the stone began to melt. "I promised that when the day came I would do to him what he did to me, a hundredfold, consequences be damned! Even if he does join a Guild..."

All the guards flinched as her aura went out of control for a moment.

She took a deep breath for a moment and calmed down. "Tell me. The particular person who managed to draw my blade... Did he have rows of shark like teeth?" She asked curiously. "It would only be a matter of time before that fish, Davi, broke his curse..."

The guards looked at each other for a moment and one of them nodded. "Yes, Lady Atalanta? His teeth are how you described... And uh... He wanted us to insult you. Said you would know who he was..." The guard trailed off.

Atalanta didn't say anything as she turned away. She waved her hand and the sword flew out of the guard's hand landing in her grasp as she quickly sheathed the blade.

"Is that all?" She asked. "Or is there more to report to me?"

"Umm... N... No, Ma'am..." The Guards said nervously. "Your... Your Sister has come to vi-"


The door to the woman's room exploded off of the hinges as a dark and malicious energy filled the air. Quiet footsteps could be heard as a young woman entered. She looked younger than Atalanta, but had a very similar face. She had long black hair and crimson red eyes that seemed to shine with enjoyment. She wore what appeared to be a red military uniform complete with a hat. Floating next to her was a creature that looked very skull-like. It was a small black skull with crimson red eyes, and red flames coming off of it.

"La... Lady Aka, Le Fay!" One of the guards said startled. "We didn't open the doors yet-"

"I got bored of waiting and decided to come in myself." The girl stabbed her sheathed blade into the ground as the red flames flickered off her and her pet Devil. "Hello. Dear sister." She smiled.

Atalanta let out a small sigh as her eye twitched. "Hello, Aka..." She sighed.

"I heard you've been causing problems for the Royal Guards again," Aka said with a very sweet look on her face. If not for those burning red eyes she would have almost looked cute...

Atalanta sighed once more. "And if I have?"

"Well... That'd be a real shame." Aka said in a low tone. The room seemed to grow colder as all the guards wisely weighed the value of their life, and made a bolt for the door leaving the two girls by themselves. Aka brought her sheathed sword up placing it back on her belt, but her hand never left the handle of it. "You see while you've been playing Arcane Knight, and working in these silly guilds, your two younger sisters, have been so hard at work. I've had to do so much work." Aka said with a smile. "I'm sure our dear youngest sister, Morgana feels the same. After all her big Sissy has been chasing after a guy that doesn't exist-"

"The Chosen one does exist," Atalanta said cutting Aka off. "One who holds the power of a Dragon, but does not use it for selfish reasons. Aided by the biggest Sinner, and the one who will change his own fate, the Chosen one is out there. And we will need him. You will need the power of the Arcane Knights. Those pathetic Royal Guards that protect this City are nothing compared to the Power of an Arcane Knight."

"Really." Aka gave a small smile. "Because Master Venefictus, Master of the Umbra Mortis Guild disagrees." Venefictus was quite famous in Avalon. Umbra Mortis was tied with Shinning Sentinels for the best Guild in the Country of Avalon. As such he was as famous as Master Grimval. "He thinks that in the coming war the Guilds will be useless. They're far too soft."

"I assure you. I am many things but soft is not one of them." Atalanta flicked her hands as the sword in her sheath raised up pulling out. Her hand wrapped around it as she held it up.

The ground explode in a hail of heat as gold flames flee off of Atalanta, and red flames flew off of Aka. Aka brought her sword down on Atalanta's as their flames clashed together burning through the room in an instant and lighting anything flammable ablaze, and anything not flammable, simply began to melt.

Then in an instant, it was gone.

Aka suddenly in a flash stood near one of the holes that were now in the room. She held her body out of the room as she sheathed her sword once more.

"Well, sister." Aka smiled. "Like usual our talks have been nice."

"Get out of my room."

Aka let out a giggle as she fully leaned out of the hole falling out of the room fully.


"Oh yeah!" Davi announced fist-bumping. "We're almost there."

"We are?" Oliver asked.

"Yep." Athena nodded. "The map the kid gave us says the treasure should be somewhere around here?"

"It is?" Oliver asked again. He didn't think the treasure was real... The three of them were currently in an old dark forest walking around as they looked for a treasure chest Ash assured them was out here. Apparently an old dark aura came from some box scaring everyone. Davi wanted to check it out saying it might be a Devil Stone which would give him a new weapon.

"Yeah. We'll also be going to a nearby city to before we head to the Guild hall. I'd like to get Davi checked out." Athena nodded.

"Ahh, I'm fine." Davi shrugged.

"I don't know about that..." Athena muttered. "You've been hit by a fireball, dropped off a cliff, blown up, and smited all within a few days of each other. And you've used quite a bit of mana with those attacks, and have been fueling my Relic's Travel mode with your mana getting us this far. Don't tell me you aren't at least a little tired..."

It had only been a couple of days since they left the village which had the sword in the tree. After freeing it they had thought it would be best to leave.

"Oh, I'm fine." Davi rolled his eyes.

"Really?" Athena folded her arms as she stared at the teen.

"Mr. Davi it's okay to admit you need a break," Oliver commented.

"I don't need a break!" Davi cut him off. Davi turned to both the two pulling his burnt hand out of his pocket. He pointed his thumb as himself and smirked. "Maybe you scrubs would need a break, after all, that but I'm a Hawker! I could keep going even after a thousand more battles! And if I'm lying then may God strike me down-"

From above a bolt of blue light slammed into Davi from above shocking Athena, and Oliver as Davi fell back with a blank look on his face.

"Well screw you, God," Davi muttered as blood trickled down his forehead.

"Cheating bastards!" A loud voice cried out. From up above Alion crashed down covered in a blue aura. He was breathing heavily and seemed pretty tired. How long had he been chasing them? In his hands, he held a short iron sword which he pointed at the downed Davi. "No more running you bastard! It's time to-"

"Are you an idiot!" Davi yelled punching the guy upside the head. "Don't go blasting people out of the blue with magic jackass! You could have blown my freaking head off!"

Alion let out a yelp as he rubbed his head. "Oww! Cheater we haven't even begun to fight! That's it! I'm taking you down for sure! In the name of the Silver Ravens, I demand we fight!" He announced pointing his sword at Davi.

Davi went silent for a moment seeming to consider it. "...one two three go!"


Davi kicked up slamming his foot in-between the guy's crotch making Oliver wince and groan. As soon as Alion dropped Davi grabbed his guitar. It glowed and changed back into its first form, the ever lengthening blade.

"Take this!" Davi announced. Slamming it into the guy's head using the blunt side of the blade and shattering his teeth and nose. Alion fell back grasping at his broken nose but didn't have time to process it as Davi began to smack him upside the head with the blunt blade again and again.

"You cheater!" Alion said as blood gushed down his busted nose, and his crotch ached. He pointed his sword at Davi one more as it glowed. "Mana Blast!"

A blue beam fired out heading towards Davi but he simply flipped his sword towards the man blocking the attack with it.

"Redirection!" Davi yelled bouncing the attack back.

The blast bounced back nearly hitting the man who just barely ducked down.

"You really love cheating don't you!" He screamed shooting forward.

"Yep, now I got to kill you." Davi said without a reaction. He swung his sword down but Alion blocked it with the blunt of his blade. He slashed his sword along the fan cutting into Davi's shoulder and splitting it open as blood rained down Davi's head, as he slashed his blade he used the handle to smack Davi upside the head once more.

"Mana Slash!"

The blue aura ate away at Davi's shoulder who was unable to swing his sword due to how close Alion was to him.

"Ahh! N... Now!" Davi yelled.

"What are you babbling on about now-"

"Time Magic! Time Eclipse!" A grey bubble fired out of Oliver's staff hitting the man's sword. Everyone stared as the blade rapidly aged and broke away into dust. As soon as the sword broke away Athena fired forward lighting covering her body.

"Lightning Magic Beast King Kick!" She yelled jumping as she shot forward and turned her body slamming her feet into the guys jaw as a massive explosion of lightning fired off.

Alion spun through the air as Davi switched his blade to its second form and slashed it out sending out a wave of explosions which slammed into the man exploding him up even higher.

"All three of you are cheaters!"

"Ahh!" Oliver yelled dropping his staff and grabbing his head. "I just attacked a fellow Arcane Knight! What have I done?"

"Ahh relax." Athena laughed. "Alion isn't gonna tell anyone he lost to us. He's an idiot anyways. Honestly, you'd probably get a pat on the back for helping shut him up. God, I hate that guy. Right, Davi. Davi?"

Oliver looked up seeing Davi who had a strange look on his face. "Davi?"

"Hey you know I don't feel so good-" Davi spat out a small glob of blood as he rubbed his shoulder wound. "Oh... I'm dying." He said calmly as his eyes rolled into the back of his head and he collapsed face first into the ground.


Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

RainyLiquid2020creators' thoughts