
7_Heroic Deeds

It was close to noon when Karen and Annie started receiving customers. Jimmy sat at the cash register with Erica. When the kitchen finished a dish, they would ring a bell, and Karen would come to pick it up and deliver it to the table, while Jimmy paid attention to the table numbers and Karen's route on the order slips.

During a lull, Jimmy carefully examined the restaurant's menu. The American menu was completely different from the Chinese one. The dishes were mostly named after the main ingredients and cooking methods, such as Deep-Fried Chicken and Bacon Rolls and Roasted Lemon Marinade Chicken Leg with French Fries. The names were long, making it quite a task just to record them.

There weren't many customers at noon, with only four tables occupied at most. It was quite relaxed. Upon inquiring, most customers came in the evening, mainly local residents, many of whom were regulars.

Approaching 2 p.m., as the restaurant was about to close for the afternoon break, two burly men entered. Despite the heat in September, they were still wearing leather jackets, beards, and various studs and chains on their jackets, giving off a menacing aura.

"Jimmy, don't stare at them," Erica patted Jimmy and whispered softly.

"Do you know them?"

"They are from the Hell's Angels. Did you see the tattoo on the bald man's head? It's a winged skull."

"Ah." Jimmy turned towards the kitchen.

"What would you like to eat?" Karen approached the men and handed them the menu.

"Fillet steak with brown sauce, medium rare, mashed potatoes, and vegetable salad. Two portions."

"One moment." Karen returned to the cash register and passed the order to the kitchen.

With only one table of customers left in the restaurant, Karen and Annie also took a break near the cash register, and Jimmy had nothing to do for the moment, so he headed to the restroom.


"Ah!" A scream was heard outside, and Jimmy quickly washed his hands and came out of the restroom.

Indeed, the same table of customers had an issue. When Karen was serving the food, one of the men patted her on the backside, startling her and causing her to scream.

Upon hearing Karen's scream, everyone came out, especially Jacob and Daniel, who emerged from the kitchen with a knife and a spatula in hand.

Jimmy rushed to Karen's side, pulling her behind him.

"Calm down, it was just a joke. I'm sorry," the man raised his hand in apology.

"Karen, you go rest." Jacob directed her and then turned back to the kitchen as the lunch service was ending, and they needed to tidy up.

The two men from the Hell's Angels finished their meal quietly, paid, and left. Jimmy followed them and watched as they each got on their motorcycles and rode off.


After finishing his tasks, Jacob came out and said to everyone, "I still think there's a problem. Jimmy, go call Jon over."


Jon emerged from the manager's office, and Jacob briefed him on the recent events.

"The issue is they were too quiet. Those were Hell's Angels. They did nothing and left just like that," Jacob expressed his concern.

"I'll call James." Jon went to the manager's office to make the call.

"Jacob, who is James?" Jimmy inquired.

"He's the chief of the county police." "Oh."

"Everyone rest. We'll resume business at 5 p.m."

After Jon made the call, he came out, arranged for everyone to rest, and sat at the door waiting for the police to arrive.

Shortly after, a police car pulled up, and the officers came in to speak with Jon while Jimmy lay down on a bench in the staff room, trying to get some sleep.


In a daze, Jimmy heard the sound of sirens but paid no attention, thinking it wasn't concerning him.

Suddenly, a loud crash made him jump off the bench. He hurried outside to see a police car and a pickup truck had collided not far from the restaurant, with the police car's front end smashed, and the pickup truck overturned on the roadside.

Jimmy rushed over, opened the driver's door of the police car, and found the airbags deployed, pinning the officer to the seat.

"Hey, officer. Are you okay? Do you need help?" Jimmy lightly tapped the officer, watching him open his eyes and urgently ask for assistance.

"Help me out, pull me." The officer pushed the airbag aside and moved towards the door.

Observing the officer, aside from some blood on his face and mouth, there were no visible wounds elsewhere. It seemed his nose bled from hitting the airbag, but potential head injuries couldn't be ruled out.

Jimmy helped the officer out, but the officer struggled to stand, so he sat on the ground against the police car, panting.

"Do you have any injuries? Should I check you over?" Jimmy offered, but the officer ignored him, picking up the radio to call for an ambulance.

"Officer, it's best to do a basic check. Please cooperate with me." Jimmy held his index finger in front of the officer's eyes, moving it slowly from side to side, checking the officer's reactions.

"Please hand me the flashlight, officer." Jimmy took the flashlight, checked the officer's pupils, which were normal, and found no obvious signs of injury.

"I don't see anything alarming, but you should get checked at the hospital for possible mild concussion."

After a brief examination, Jimmy returned the flashlight to the officer.

"Please check the driver of the truck, thank you." The officer leaned against the police car, unable to move.

"Okay." Jimmy approached the pickup truck, glanced at the driver's seat, and immediately gave up.

"I'm sorry, officer, he might be deceased. We should wait for the medics to confirm."

"Thank you, please wait here. Other officers will take your statement."


Jimmy sat nearby, watching the accident in disbelief. He never thought that in this lifetime, his skills from a past life as a firefighter with emergency medical training for fires or traffic accidents would come in handy.

Seeing the accident, he rushed to help without hesitation. Although he was no longer part of the fire brigade, at that moment, he completely forgot that fact.

With over ten years of firefighting experience, some things had become ingrained in him.